3 research outputs found

    Analisis Implementasi Arsitektur IMS Menggunakan Open IMS pada Layanan Video Conference

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    ABSTRAKSI: IMS merupakan suatu teknologi yang muncul untuk melengkapi teknologi NGN yang berbasiskan teknologi softswitch. IMS mampu mengintegrasikan berbagai layanan dan jaringan. IMS mampu mengirimkan layanan lebih berstandarisasi, dan terstruktur yang merupakan ciri khas kebanyakan arsitektur berlapis. Pada saat yang sama, IMS menyediakan arsitektur yang mampu menyederhanakan dan mempercepat penciptaan layanan dan proses aktivasi dan administrasi layanan (provisioning), sekaligus tetap mendukung layanan dari jaringan eksisting. Saat ini masih direalisasikan berupa server-server yang merupakan produk suatu vendor yang masih banyak terdapat muatan propietary-nya. Hal ini akan menyulitkan dalam kebebasan pengembangan teknologi yang perkembangannya masih bersifat ketergantungan.Open IMS merupakan software yang dibuat oleh FOKUS (sebuah institut di Jerman) pada December 2006. FOKUS mengimplementasikan komponen IMS seperti CSCFs, HSS, Application Servers dan lainnya yang terintegrasi dalam suatu sistem tunggal.Pada implementasinya, komponen IMS yang direalisasikan dibatasi hanya pada fixed network dengan menggunakan 5 server, yaitu DNS server, HSS server, dan 3 server CSCFs (proxy, serving, interrogating). Pada tugas akhir ini menitikberatkan pada pembangunan arsitektur IMS dengan menghitung delay proses di masing-masing server.Dari pengujian diperoleh delay proses di server DNS adalah sebesar 0,15 milidetik pada sinyal DNS. Sedangkan pada P-CSCF memakan waktu selama 0,967 milidetik pada sinyal notify. Pada I-CSCF mempunyai proses waktu terlama sebesar 0,75 milidetik pada saat memproses sinyal yang diterima dari HSS. S-CSCF mempunyai proses waktu terlama sebesar 1,533 milidetik pada saat mengakses HSS. Sedangkan untuk HSS sendiri memiliki waktu terlama pada saat diakses oleh S-CSCF sebesar 16,85 milidetik.Kata Kunci : SIP, Open IMS, IMS, DIAMETER, HSS, CSCFABSTRACT: IMS is a technology that appears to complement the technology-based NGN softswitch technology. IMS able to integrate the various services and networks. IMS capable of delivering more standardized services, and structured, which is characteristic of most layered architecture. At the same time, IMS provides architecture capable of simplifying and accelerating service creation and activation process and administrative services (provisioning), while still supporting the existing services from the network.Currently realized in the form of servers that are the product of a vendor that there are still many of his proprietary content. This will complicate the development of freedom of development of technology is dependent.Open IMS is software made by FOKUS (an institute in Germany) in December 2006. FOKUS implements IMS components such as CSCFs, HSS, Application Servers and other integrated in a single system. In implementation, realized IMS component is limited to a fixed network by using the 5 server, DNS server, HSS server, and CSCFs (proxy, serving, interrogating). At the end of this task focuses on the development of the IMS architecture by calculating the delay in the process of each server.Delay obtained from the testing process in the server control is 0.15 milliseconds for the signal control. While the P-CSCF takes 0.967 milliseconds for the notify signal. On ICSCF has the longest time of 0.75 milliseconds when processing received signals from the HSS. S-CSCF has the longest time of 1.533 milliseconds when accessing the HSS. As for HSS alone has the longest time when accessed by the S-CSCFs for 16.85 milliseconds.Keyword: SIP, Open IMS, IMS, DIAMETER, HSS, CSC

    Precopy Live Migration on Core Network Virtualization Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem

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    Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) merupakan suatu arsitektur topologi framework untuk mengirimkan layanan Multimedia berbasiskan IP (Internet Protocol), yang telah menjadi arsitektur framework terkemuka yang sebagai enabler dari operator untuk menawarkan layanan VoIP dan layanan multimedia. Precopy Live Migration merupakan proses migrasi yang diterapkan pada IMS dengan cara page memory pada VM ditransmisikan pada fase iterasi ketika VM sedang dalam state running pada host sumber. Kemudian VM pada sumber di suspend menggunakan fase stop-and-copy dan sisa page memory ditransmisikan menuju host tujuan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana IMS tetap dapat melayani pada saat terjadinya migrasi. Downtime yang terlalu lama akan berakibat pada pelayanan dari servis IMS tidak maksimal. Parameter yang akan diuji adalah Downtime, Waktu Migrasi, dan Jumlah data yang di transfer. Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a framework architect topology to delivery multimedia services (Internet Protocol) based which has become the latest architect framework as operator services enabler that provide VoIP and Multimedia services. Precopy Live Migration implemented to IMS with VM’s memory pages are transmitted in the iteration phase, while the VM is still running at the source. After that, the VM is suspended in the stop- and-copy phase, and the remaining pages are transmitted to the destination. This research focused on how IMS can provide user during migration process. Longest downtime process will impact on service level to user. During migration process, Downtime, Migration Time, and Amount transferred data were evaluated. Keywords: downtime, migration, IMS, Virtual, precopy live migration

    The effectiveness of using Jeopardy game in teaching vocabulary (an experimental research at XI grade of MA Mathalibul Huda Mlonggo Jepara in the academic year of 2013/2014)

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    The background of the study in this research is based on the phenomena that students prefer gaming and interesting teaching process. Besides that, students still have difficulties in remembering new vocabulary and confused to understand the vocabulary. The teacher still uses conventional method, the teacher only translates the word and monotone, so the students are easy to get bored. Teachers should use media to make teaching process more interesting. Jeopardy Game is suitable to make teaching process more interesting. The problems of this research can be stated as follows: 1. Is using Jeopardy game effective to teach vocabulary? 2. How is the improvement of using Jeopardy game in teaching vocabulary? Its purposes are: 1. To find out the effectiveness of using Jeopardy game to teach vocabulary. 2. To identify the improvement of students’ vocabulary before and after using Jeopardy game. The study was conducted at MA Mathalibul Huda Mlonggo Jepara in the Academic Year 2013/2014. The subject of this study was the second grade students. The numbers of the subjects are 74 students from two classes. The design research that used was Experimental so the researcher can know the effectiveness of using Jeopardy Game The techniques which were used to collect the data are student Mid test result and achievement test. In this study, the writer takes vocabulary test for achievement test to conduct this research. In this research, the writer can get result of taking pre-test and post-test. The average score for the experimental class (the students who were taught by using Jeopardy Game) was 5.2 for the pre test and 7.62 for the post test. The average score for the control class (the students who were not taught by using Jeopardy Game) was 5.05 for the pre test and 6.08 for the post test. It is showed from the mean of experimental class is higher than control class (7.62 > 6.08). On the other hand, the test of hypothesis the t-table is 1.67 by 5% alpha level of significance and dk = 37 + 37 - 2= 62. T-value was 6.845. So, the t-value was higher than the critical value on the table (6.845 > 1.67). The hypothesis is accepted. There is a significant difference in students’ achievement score of Vocabulary between they were taught by using Jeopardy Game and they were not taught by using Jeopardy Game at eleven grade of MA Mathalibul Huda Mlonggo Jepara in the academic year of 2013/2014