21 research outputs found


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    The issue of motor learning and underlying factors are widely debated. This work has a double aim, to bring out the profile of mental skills and to evaluate their correlation with performance in sport and physical education in Moroccan secondary school students. The study was based on a sample of 202 Moroccan students. We used the test Mental Skills Assessment Tool (OMSAT-3) to assess mental skills.According to the results, the OMSAT-3 displayed a very satisfactory internal consistency, which confirms the reliability of the measurement tool. Moreover, students displayed low to moderate levels of mental skills. The statistical analysis showed that the profile of mental skills is significantly different between males and females. Also, the students of more than 17 years old had profiles different from those of 17 years old and less. Furthermore, the sport performance was positively associated with goal setting, commitment, relaxation, activation, mental imagery, mental practice and planning.In conclusion, this work showed that mental skills influence significantly the performance of students and consequently their learning. Hard work should be done to improve these skills in high school students.  Article visualizations

    The commitment: A determinant basic mental skill in student’s performance in Physical Education and Sport

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    Background and Study Aim: Mental skills and motivation are key factors in learning and performance. This study aims to model their influence on performance in physical education and sport among Moroccan high school students. Material and Methods: A sample of 202 high school students including 100 boys and 102 girls participated in this study. In order to assess mental skills, we used the Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool (OMSAT-3) test and to assess different forms of motivation, we used the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-28). To evaluate the performance in physical education and sport, we chose an individual sport that is the high jump. Results : The multiple linear regression has as a dependent variable performance in physical education and sport and as explanatory variables mental skills and motivational forms retained only commitment. Conclusion : The commitment, as basic mental skill, is determinant in student’s performance in physical education and sport

    Stimulation de l'activité K+ -pNPPasique nerveuse par les faibles doses d'amphétamine et de phényléthylamine : Évidence d'une activation apparente

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    L'amphétamine (AMPH) et la phényléthylamine (PEA) ont été testées in vitro sur les activités Mg ++ -et K+ -pNPP asiques du bulbe olfactif du rat. Au niveau de l'homogénat total, ces drogues ont induit un effet biphasique sur l'activité K+ -pNPPasique: le maximum de stimulation (20 % AMPH et 38,5 % PEA) a été obtenu à 3x 10 -5 M; alors qu'une inhibition significatifVe (46% AMPH et 21,5 % PEA) n'a été observée qu'à 10 -2 M. Nos résultats montrent que l'effet stimulateur disparaît lorsque les préparations membranaires de l'homogénat total sont traitées par un détergent (le triton X 100). Au niveau d'une fraction microsomale, cette activité K +-pNPPasique n'a pas présenté de réponse biphasique: une inhibition dose -dépendante est obtenue à partir de 10 -5 M. D'autre part, ces deux drogues n'ont pas eu d'effet significatif sur l'activité Mg ++-pNPP asique des differentes préparations membranaires . L'analyse de ces données laisse supposer que dé 10 -5 à 10-4 M, l'effet stimulateur sur la K + -pNPP ase n'est qu'apparent. En effet, ces drogues réduisent l'effet inhibiteur induit physiologiquement par l'environnement membranaire sur la molécule enzymatique (K + -pNPPase) et/ou déplacent un composé endogène " ouabain- like" de son site d'action

    Évaluation des dégâts sur les cultures céréalières via l'étude du régime alimentaire du moineau domestique Passer domesticus L. dans la plaine du Gharb (Maroc)

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    Dans le but de quantifier les dégâts causés par les populations du moineau domestique Passer domesticus L. sur les cultures céréalières, on s'est proposés de décrire le régime et le comportement trophique de cette espèce au niveau de la plaine du Gharb. En effet, une population de ce moineau domestique cantonnée dans la Ferme expérimentale du Gharb de l'Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, a permis d'aborder l'écologie alimentaire de cette espèce. Un suivi régulier de cette population, à l'aide des "filets japonais", a montré que les adultes sont essentiellement granivores (Triticum sativum 29.65 %, Hordeum vulgare 74.53 %). Les oisillons au nid sont insectivores, à base de Coléoptères. Les jeunes à l'envol se nourissent essentielement des graines de céréales

    Détermination de l'âge par analyse d'images assistée par ordinateur des otolithes des poissons plats Citharus linguatula et Dicologoglossa cuneata de la côte atlantique du Maroc

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    Deux poissons appartenant au groupe des Pleuronectiformes (Heterosomata), CitharuB linguatula Linné 1758 (Citharidae) etDicologoglossa cuneata Moreau 1881 (Soleidae) étaient échantillonnées de février 1988 à mai 1989 sur le littoral atlantique marocain (Casablanca). L'âge des deux espèces était détenniné par la méthode d'analyse d'images des otolithes sagittae sur ordinateur. Utilisant ces données sur l'âge, les relations entre âgelongueur et âge-poids étaient détenninées. Enfin, l'étude des anneaux des otolithes nous a pennis d'établir les modèles de la croissance pour chaque espèce.Age determination by computer-image analysis of otolith for the tlat fishes Citharus linguatula and Dicologoglossa cuneata from the atlantic coast of MoroccoTwo fishes belonging to the group Pleuronectiform (Heterosomata), namely the spotted flounder (Citharus linguatula Linnaeus 1758, Citharidae) and the wedge sole (Dicologoglossa cuneata Moreau 1881, Soleidae) were sampled from February 1988 to May 1989 off the atlantic coast of morocco (Casablanca), Age of the two species was detenninated by image analysis of otolith sagittae on computer. Using these data on age, the relationships between a age-length and age-weigth were detenninated. Finaly, studies of otolith's rings, enabled us to establish a growht model for each species

    Dietary determination of stunting and anaemia among pre-adolescents in Morocco

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    Morocco is undergoing nutrition transition with more than one third of women and children presenting anaemia while about 20% of children under the age of 15 years have stunted growth. Meanwhile the prevalence of obesity is increasing yearly by 0.5 to 1 point among women. Many nutritional strategies have been proposed but none has been implemented. Nutrition education and food based strategies are by far the most sustainable. Dietary diversity is used for the assessment of diet quality and food security. Morocco is still suffering from a heavy burden of many micronutrient deficiencies and child stunting. The purpose of the study was to assess dietary diversity by comparing a dietary diversity score (DDS) and a weekly food frequency score (WFFS) and study their relationship to anaemia and stunting in school-age children in the province of Kenitra (Morocco). A stratified random sample of 263 pupils with average age of 12.9 ± 0.9 years including one-third from rural schools were administered a weekly food frequency questionnaire. A health team assessed the anthropometric status and blood haemoglobin levels. Dietary diversity was appraised with two types of indices: a dietary diversity score (DDS) based on the number of food categories consumed over a week, and a weekly food frequency score (WFFS) which also takes into account the frequency of food intake. The DDS was significantly higher in rural than in urban children, whereas the WFFS was lower, in rural children owing primarily to less frequent intake of fruits and vegetables than in the urban children. Maternal level of instruction was also positively associated with a higher consumption of fruits and vegetables and milk, and with a higher WFFS. Both indices were significantly associated with stunting but not with anaemia. In conclusion, these results suggest that diet quality is associated with height status and food diversity indices that take food frequency into account may provide a better reflection of diet quality. Keywords: Dietary diversity, anaemia, stunting, Morocco African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development Vol. 9 (2) 2009: pp. 728-74

    Dietary Determinants Of Stunting And Anaemia Among Pre-Adolescents In Morocco

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    Morocco is undergoing nutrition transition with more than one third of women and children presenting anaemia while about 20% of children under the age of 15 years have stunted growth. Meanwhile the prevalence of obesity is increasing yearly by 0.5 to 1 point among women. Many nutritional strategies have been proposed but none has been implemented. Nutrition education and food based strategies are by far the most sustainable. Dietary diversity is used for the assessment of diet quality and food security. Morocco is still suffering from a heavy burden of many micronutrient deficiencies and child stunting. The purpose of the study was to assess dietary diversity by comparing a dietary diversity score (DDS) and a weekly food frequency score (WFFS) and study their relationship to anaemia and stunting in school-age children in the province of Kenitra (Morocco). A stratified random sample of 263 pupils with average age of 12.9 ± 0.9 years including one-third from rural schools were administered a weekly food frequency questionnaire. A health team assessed the anthropometric status and blood haemoglobin levels. Dietary diversity was appraised with two types of indices: a dietary diversity score (DDS) based on the number of food categories consumed over a week, and a weekly food frequency score (WFFS) which also takes into account the frequency of food intake. The DDS was significantly higher in rural than in urban children, whereas the WFFS was lower, in rural children owing primarily to less frequent intake of fruits and vegetables than in the urban children. Maternal level of instruction was also positively associated with a higher consumption of fruits and vegetables and milk, and with a higher WFFS. Both indices were significantly associated with stunting but not with anaemia. In conclusion, these results suggest that diet quality is associated with height status and food diversity indices that take food frequency into account may provide a better reflection of diet quality

    Comparaison des mesures anthropométriques des enfants scolaires selon leur milieu de résidenc: Etude dans la province de Kenitra au Nord Ouest du Maroc

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    Stunting and wasting are still very important in Moroccan children. School age children are scarcely studied. Environment of residency may have an impact on children growth. The aim of this study is to determine prevalence of stunting and wasting in a sample of 263 school children enrolled in the sixth grade. Anthropometric measurements are done by a medical team, whereas socioeconomic data were collected by a survey team. Globally stunting and wasting are still high. Rural children are more stunted but less wasted. Parent education and especially the mother one is greater in urban area as so is the household income. Rural families are still large though Morocco is undergoing a demographic transition.Le retard de croissance et l¿émaciation sont encore importants au Maroc en terme de prévalence. Les études sur les enfants scolaires sont quasi-inexistantes. Le milieu de résidence avec son système socio- économique peut influencer la croissance des enfants. Objectifs: Cette étude a pour objectif de déterminer la prévalence du retard de croissance et du déficit pondéral chez un échantillon de 263 enfants scolarisés en 6eme fondamental. Méthodes: Les mesures anthropométriques sont effectuées par une équipe médicale et les renseignements socio-économiques sont recueillis par des enquêteurs. Résultats: Les enfants ruraux présentent plus de déficit de taille alors qu¿ils pèsent plus sans friser la limite de surcharge pondérale. Les niveaux d¿éducation sont plus élevés chez les parents urbains, de même que le revenu du ménage. Alors que les tailles des ménages sont plus grandes en rural malgré l¿effort de planification familiale

    L'obésité chez les adultes albanais de l'ex Yougoslavie et facteurs associés

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    L´obésité existe désormais dans tous les pays du monde. Sa prévalence, particulièrement élevée dans certains pays industrialisés, augmente également dans les pays en voie de développement. Durant notre séjour en mission à Kossovo, nous avons étudié la prévalence de l¿obésité et de l´hypertension dans un échantillon aléatoire de 672 adultes albanais recrutés parmi les personnes consultantes dans un hôpital. L´indice de masse corporelle est calculé. Il en ressort que la prévalence de l´obésité est de 32,7±3,4% (au risque =0,05) chez les adultes âgés de 30 à 83 ans. Elle est de 17,8% chez les hommes et 37,9% chez les femmes. Notons cependant que le sexe ratio est déséquilibré avec trois quarts de femmes dans l´échantillon. Le poids moyen des obèses est de 90,1±3,8 Kg pour une taille moyenne de 168,2 ±1,9 cm. Les obèses sont plus hypertendus que les sujets non obèses. Selon la fréquence alimentaire, La majorité des obèses consomment au moins 2 fois par semaine de la viande, de la volaille et des gâteaux riches en sucres.. Cette augmentation de la prévalence de l¿obésité peut être aussi liée en partie avec l´environnement psychosocial engendré par la guerre ethnique. Les handicaps psychologiques devraient être ainsi pris en considération dans des programmes de prise en charge et de prévention de l´obésité dans cette régio

    Burnout among call center staff in the Rabat Sale Kenitra Region

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    In Morocco, burnout remains a syndrome that is very little managed, but which nevertheless remains present and significantly affects the aids professions such as call center’s teleadvisors. The aim is to study burnout among call center staff in the Rabat, Sale and Kenitra Region using Maslash's three-dimensional model by detecting the socioeconomic factors that influence it. This study involved 121 individuals (59 men and 62 women) who responded to the MBI and to an informative questionary developed by us. The subjects have a minimum age of 22 years and a maximum age of 60 years and an average age of 31.74± 7.93.On the one hand, 13 subjects (10.74%) have a high risk of burnout, high scores of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and low personal achievement. The results of the gender impact were not significant. On the other hand, burnout is rarer in older age groups, which suggests that the experience of age would have a protective effect. Spirituality and sport could also have a protective effect. Burnout, very common in the aid professions, must be prevented in companies screened and taken care of by mental health professionals