1,074 research outputs found

    A prospective comparative study in the management of NeerтАЩs type II and type III proximal humerus fracture with proximal humerus nail versus proximal humerus internal locking system

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    Background: Proximal humerus fractures account for approximately 4-5 % of all the fractures and are next in occurrence to hip fractures and distal radius fractures in elderly population.Methods: A prospective study of 40 patients with NeerтАЩs type II and type III proximal humerus fracture, among which 20 were treated with proximal humerus nail and 20 with proximal humerus internal locking system at two Hospitals attached to J.J.M Medical College Davangere, Karnataka, India between September 2015 to December 2016. At final follow up results were assessed with constant shoulder scoring system.Results: In the PHN group, 8 patients (40%) showed excellent outcome, 8 patients (40%) showed good outcome and 4 patients (20%) showed fair outcome. Among the PHILOS group, 12 patients (60%) showed good outcome, 6 patients (30%) showed fair outcome and 02 patients (10%) with poor outcome.Conclusions: Proximal humerus nail for NeerтАЩs type II and type III proximal humerus fracture has better results compared to proximal humerus locking plate system with increased range of movements and restoring better shoulder biomechanics

    Determination of growth inhibitors and toxins

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    Certain feedstuffs contain natural toxins that; at high enough levels, are growth inhibitors and sometimes fatal to the animal consuming them. Principal among these are: (a) Urease-an enzyme found in raw soybean which produces toxicity through the hydrolysis of urea to ammonia; (b) gosaypol-an endogenous toxin present in the gland of cottonseed which persists during production of the meal unless removed by a special process, or, unless, the cotton seed is a glandless variety; (c) Isothiocyanatescyanogenic glycosides are found in linseed and cassava; (d) aflatoxin is a class of extremely potent toxins produced by the mould Aspergillus flavus. Aflatoxin may be present in any materials produced and stored under hot and humid conditions and is usually found in groundnut cake, palm cake, copra cake and maize

    Proximate composition analysis of feeds

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    The chemical composition of the feed gives its potential nutritive value and hence, in the assessment of quality of a feed the proximate principles are first determined. The Weende proximate analysis system for analyzing animal feed includes the determination of moisture (dry matter) ether extract (crude fat) crude protein, ash, crude fibre and nitrogen free extract (NFE)

    Determination of minerals

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    Mineral elements have a great diversity of uses within the animal body. The prominence of each mineral element in body tissues is closely related to its functional role. Calcium and phosphorus are too major mineral elements that must be present in adequate amounts in the feeds supplied. The amount of sodium chloride and potassium in certain feeds should also be ascertained to screen out feeds for feeding fish and shellfish

    The Marquette Palliative Care System

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    Worldwide, major clinical barriers to effective palliative care are the absence of a. current data on symptom type and intensity; b. immediately accessible information on practical, affordable, and effective interventions; and c. self-sustaining systems to facilitate physician engagement in continuing palliative care. Our adaptable system, developed for Bangladesh and Nepal, addresses these barriers. A tele-home palliative care program facilitates home care, minimizes expense, and encourages efficient professional practitioner involvement employing two information technology tools: a patient cell-phone тАЬappтАЭ on the Android platform with a 15-item symptom questionnaire and an Internet website with health information sections for patients/families and for clinicians. The physician section contains a guide for patient symptom review, clinical practice palliative care guidelines, secured patient demographics, medical summaries, and current and past symptom reports along with prescription-writing capability. The system is managed by a local organization that registers patients and their physicians, instructs patients on the free downloadable application and completes their demographic and medical summaries, and arranges collection of a modest fee. The organization also ensures regular physician/clinic visits by the patient or by a family member with a patient phone check-in, at least every 2┬аweeks

    Preparation of artificial diets for nutritional studies

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    The H 440 standard reference diet of Halver (1969) has* proven satisfactory for use with a variety of species of fishes. If this exact formula does not prove satisfactory for growth and survival of the test fish, slight modifications of clearly explained ingredient changes still permit meaningful comparisons of the test fish results with other species

    Determination of vitamins in feeds

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    The vitamins, though required in small amounts in the diet, play major roles in growth, physiology and metabolism of the animal. Their absence in the diet causes major deficiency syndromes. Also, the vitamins should be present in optimum levels in the diet; any excess in certain vitamins in the diet causes pathological symptoms and inhibit growth. Therefore, the determination of the amount of different vitamins present in the diet is very important

    Experimental Development of a Bat Inspired Obstacle Mapping System

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    This paper presents the development of an experimental method for obstacle detection using modified bat inspired navigation. Effective obstacle detection is vital to the efficient operation of many autonomous vehicles, mobile robotics and navigation systems. Varieties of sensors and sensor array combinations have been purposely developed to effectively detect and map obstacles and barriers during navigation [1][2]. Among these, ultrasonic sensors provide an inexpensive solution to distance and obstacle sensing. This is vital for industries such as automotive and transportation in which cost is a significant factor [3]. This work enhances the abilities of testing object classification capabilities of ultrasonic sensors through verification and proof of concept for bat-inspired, time of flight (TOF) based algorithms. Just as bats utilize acoustic echo to detect objects while navigating, this bat inspired system utilizes two static ultrasonic receivers and one central dynamic emitter. In our system, the electronic setup implemented was designed to activate a 40kHz emitter, capture the echo milliseconds later and incrementally move the emitter via the stepper motor. Upon activation of the emitter, the measurement device was triggered and the two distinct receiver signals were acquired. Receiver signals were then passed through a virtual low-pass filter and curve fitting algorithm in order to effectively and consistently determine the TOF values. Internal circuitry delays between trigger time and time of emission was accounted for through a test case with known orientation and speed of sound. Lastly the inherent nature of a diffuse detection surface permitted the detection of reflected signals from all emitter orientations. The experimental methodology developed in this research was successfully tested for detecting walls with a low cost ultrasonic emitter and receiver, setting a basis for analysis of future TOF based detection algorithms. The outcome of this research has the potential to provide effective barrier detection systems for autonomous navigation systems

    Incidence of neurosensory deficits following surgical removal of mandibular third molars: a prospective clinical study

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    Background: The aim of this prospective study was to determine the incidences of inferior alveolar nerve and lingual nerve deficit following surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars and to evaluate the risk factors responsible for these postoperative neurosensory deficits.Methods: A total of 80 patients who reported to department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India requiring surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar were included in this cross-sectional study. Standard surgical procedure was performed. All patients were reassessed one week post-surgery. Subjectively reported altered sensations were recorded and objective assessments were performed with light touch test, two-point discrimination threshold and pin-pick pain threshold. The collected data was analyzed using the chi square test to find out any clinical relevance.Results: There was no inferior alveolar nerve related neurosensory deficits and 6 (7.5%) resulted in lingual nerve related neurosensory deficits. The incidence of LN deficit for mesioangular, horizontal, distoangular was 1.3%, 3.8% and 2.5% respectively. Type of impaction assumed a mild statistical significance (p = 0.050).Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of careful preoperative clinical and radiographic assessment of patients where third molar surgery is planned. The surgical technique of third molar removal is also likely to have great impact on the outcome

    The Preparation of some New Mannich and Shiff bases derived from 2-Mercaptobenzimidazole

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    The present work involved two steps: the first step include Mannich reaction was carried out on 2- mercaptobenzimidazole using formaldehyde and different secondary amine or amide to gives the compounds(2-16). The secnd step include preparation of (Ethylbenzimidazoly-2-mercaptoacetate)(17) from the reaction of 2- mercaptobenzimidazole with ethylchloroacetate than prepared hydrazide derivative[18]from reaction of compound(17) with hydrazinehydrate. Followed Preparation of shiff bases(19-24) and there reaction with mercaptoacetic acid to give a new compounds containing thiazolidinderivetives(25-30).Structure confirmation of all prepared compound were proved using FTIR and element analysis (C.H.N.S) and mesurmentedmelting point
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