677 research outputs found
Pengembangan Modul Inkuiri Berorientasi Life Skills pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan untuk Siswa Kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)
The purpose of this research is to produce inquiry-oriented life skills modules on environmental pollution materials for high school students of class X and test their effectiveness in teaching Biology. This research is the development that follows the Borg and Gall development procedure includes several steps: (1) research and information gathering; (2) planning; (3) the initial product development; (4) limited trial; (5) revision of the product; (6) The main trial; and (7) the major product revision. The results of the validation and assessment by experts material, teaching material development experts, and practitioners implementing learning indicates that the module in the excellent category with an average percentage of achievement (p) more than 85%. This indicates that the module has been implemented in the learning feasible. Readability test showed performance of 84.90 ataubaik. In the main test phase gain values obtained scores of 0.64 (medium), which means the module has been quite effectively applied in learning
Upaya Pemerintah Kampung Adat Kuala Gasib Kecamatan Koto Gasib Kabupaten Siak dalam Melestarikan Adat Istiadat Tahun 2015-2016
This research based on changes in the status of the Kampung into Kampung Adat in Siak Regency stated in Regional Regulationnumber 2th, 2016 about change of name Kampung into Kampung Adat. One of the Kampung who changed his status is Kampung Kuala Gasib in Koto Gasib. Kampung Kuala Gasib located on the outskirts of the cross street of Sumatra which makes many migrants from other regions who began to settle in that kampung. That thing makes the tradition and the culture of native range is abandonedandunknown by the younger generation.The purposes of Research is: first, to know the Government's efforts of Kampung Adat Kuala Gasib Sub Koto Gasib Siak Regency in preserving the customs in 2015-2016. Second, to find out the factors who impede the efforts preservation of customs. The type of research is descriptive with qualitative research methods. The location of the research carried out at Kampung Adat Kuala Gasib Sub Koto Gasib Siak Regency. The Technique of data collection byconducting interviews, observation and documentation. And data analysis is using by qualitative data analysis techniques.The results of this research are the Government of Kampung Adat Kuala Gasib not yet afford maximum preservation. As for the main impede of factor is yet to discharge theregister numbering or code of Kampung Adat from the Central Government and not yet existence of the local regulations more aboutKampung Adat
The role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in national development is prividing employement, being an important player in development of local economy, and has a role as a creator of new markets and sources of innovation. The limited access of MSMEs to source of conventional financing is a classic problem that has not been solved. The lack of optimal utilization of funding sources in order to increase capital has an impact on business stagnation and the difficulty of MSMEs to develop their businesses. This study aims to analyze the relationship between preferences and financing sources use by MSMEs in Magelang City. This research used proportional cluster random sampling method. Data obtained by survey techniques and filling out questionnaires that have been distributed to 121 MSMEs in Magelang City. The results showed that the most preferred source of financing by MSMEs in Magelang City was financing from internal/own capital, while the funding sources from other informal loans is the most undesirable to be chosen by MSMEs. The results also showed that the level of MSME preference towards financing sources from banks loan, government aid, and loans from cooperatives have influenced the selection and use of these funding sources. On the other hand, the level of preference towards internal financing sources, shared capital, loans from family/friends, and other informal loans do not support the selection and use of these funding sources in order to develop their business
Profil Kinerja Siswa Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Predict–observe–explain (Poe) Pada Materi Hidrolisis Garam
. The purpose of this research is to describe the student performance from class XI SMAN 1 Sungai Raya through the implementation of model predict-observe-explain on hydrolysis salt. Determine of research samples using purposive sampling. Pre-experiment method was used in this research and one shot case study framework. The technique of collecting data used direct observation and communication. Student performance action used individual assessment and performance product used group assessment. The results of data analysis showed that the performance actions of students at the stage of discussion, presentation and observation are in the category of competent. The performance product of students to making practical reports and prediction are in the category of incompetent. Based on data analysis, POE model can describe student performance action in competent category and performance product in incompetent category
Background Noise: Lessons About Media Influence, Mitigation Measures, and Mens Rea from Argentine and US Criminal Cases
This Article reflects on the influence that intense media coverage can have on high-profile criminal cases and considers ways to reconcile defendants’ right to a fair trial with press freedom, comparing approaches and cases from Argentina and the US. The Article begins by discussing the tension between journalists’ and defendants’ rights (Part I). It then surveys how the US seeks to mitigate media influence (Part II). After this, it notes two recent Argentine mitigation measures (Part III). Next, it conducts a legal analysis of the Fernando Báez Sosa case, blaming media pressure for errors in the judgment and then proposing a different resolution based on recent developments in the doctrine of extreme recklessness (Part IV). Finally, the Article identifies how US criminal proceedings are (similarly and dissimilarly) susceptible to media pressure, considering the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution and the campaign to pardon Daniel Perry (Part V)
Exploring Plagiarism Into Perspectives of Indonesian Academics and Students
Plagiarism has been done by students from around the globes. There has been a heated discussion of finding reasons why plagiarism occurred in academic world and Eastern students in particular. This research wants to explore how actually students perceive plagiarism in their academic writing as well as how lecturers coped with plagiarism in the students\u27 assignments. The research participants were taken from 2 different majors, 32 English Education students and 10 Psychology students as well as 5 lecturers from English Education Department and 3 lecturers from Psychology Faculty in one of private universities in Central Java Province, Indonesia. Questionnaires were distributed to those respondents and also interviews were conducted to several lecturers and students. The results of questionnaire and interview showed that both students and lecturers knew and understand the essence of plagiarism, however, students admitted that they still plagiarised in their assignment. Lecturers, on the other hand, revealed that they could figure out when students plagiarised others\u27 works. However, it was limited to crossing over assignments between students. In other words, detecting plagiarism was done manually and restricted to students\u27 written works only. In conclusion, despite comprehending the meaning of plagiarism, student still plagiarised since there was not any real action from lecturers to encounter it
Analisis Efisiensi Bank Bumd Regional Sumatera Berdasarkan Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) Studi Kasus: Bank Aceh, Bank Nagari dan Bank Sumut
Purpose of this study is to measure and to analyze the efficiency ratio of Bank Aceh, Bank Nagari, and Bank Sumut during 2011-2013. This study uses secondary data from financial statements that issued by each Bank and Bank Indonesia. Sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling with 3 regional enterprises from North Sumatera, Bank Aceh, Bank Nagari, and Bank Sumut. Measurement of efficiency in this study is using DEA method and intermediation approach. The input variables used in this study are deposits, assets, and labor costs, and output variables are total credit and income.The result of this study indicate that Bank Aceh and Bank Nagari has achieved an efficiency of 100% during 2011-2013. Bank Sumut efficiency is 100% in 2011 and 2013, in 2012 Bank Sumut efficiency achieuement 99.7%
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