48 research outputs found

    Kualitas Produk, Strategi Promosi dan Harga Pengaruhnya terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kartu Simpati Telkomsel di Kota Manado

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    Sarana komunikasi yang tersedia saat ini sangat memudahkan bagi masyarakat dalam berkomunikasi, sehingga menjadikan dunia ini seakan sangat sempit dengan diiringi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan sarana teknologi yang canggih yang berakibat pada perkembangan disegala bidang. Salah satunya di bidang telekomunikasi dalam hal persaingan antar Perusahaan telekomunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas produk, strategi promosi dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian kartu Simpati di kota Manado. Metode penelitian yang digunakan asosiatif, yang bertujuan untuk melihat keterhubungan antar variabel. Teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling, dan jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 100 responden. Teknik analisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara variabel kualitas produk, strategi promosi, dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian Kartu Simpati Telkomsel di kota Manado. Harga merupakan variabel yang dominan pengaruhya terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen terhadap produk kartu Simpati

    Integrative Leadership Style of Libraries at Islamic Universities in Indonesia

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    This article was aimed at describing the integrative leadership styles concerning library performance. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method with a constructivist and critical interpretive paradigm on the phenomena of library leadership in the current Covid-19 pandemic era. Data were collected through observation and interview techniques with 9 informants, including the head of the library and librarians at Muhammadiyah University library of North Sumatera. Both observation and interview were conducted online because of health crisis conditions making it not possible to do them offline. The results showed that the role of the integrative leadership style, which employed democratic and transformative patterns, has provided a solution for the head of the library and librarians in dealing with service turbulence due to the covid-19. The integration of the two types of leadership styles helps the library encountering difficult times because the policies implemented can be accepted by all parties, without resistance. Improvements in the performance of librarians and library staff during the pandemic so far this study found that pandemic conditions did not stop the goals of achieving satisfaction, effective and affective works, and loyalty to institutions. This achievement showed the success of the lead engaging all elements of the library to work together in providing services to users. To maintain and improve the professionalism of the librarians\u27 performance, professional patterns, accountability, commitment, motivation, innovation, creativity, and communication are carried out within the framework of leadership integration, which ultimately results in more effective and affective job satisfaction

    Towards a New Service of University Libraries within COVID-19 Pandemic Time in Indonesia

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    This research aims to understand new virtual services developed by Islamic university libraries viewed from the perceptions of library and information science students. The concepts of services and functions of libraries, social media, and virtual technology, are used to understand this objective. This research employs a qualitative method with data collection techniques covering online observation and interviews. Before determining the object of research, observations were made daily on local and national online newspapers, to get an overview of the phenomena of library services during the COVID-19 time. Online interviews employed Google forms reinforced by direct communication via WhatsApp and Phone Calls with several informants, to obtain and validate data through triangulation techniques. The data analysis employed Miles and Huberman analysis techniques, including data reduction, data display, and verification or conclusions. The results of this study show three main issues: firstly, general phenomena around educational issues of students, indicating various social practices from internal to the external environment. Secondly, library usage becomes based on access development to information resources, service innovation, library response, and intensity of library use. Finally, newly identified service developments cover innovations in social media, librarians before virtual cameras, virtual recreation functions, and library collaboration

    Developing Android Based Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Integrated Program for Primary School Teachers

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    Teachers have a duty to continue to learn in developing their profession as educators. This study aimed to develop an Android-based application for the Integrated Teacher Continuous Professional Development Program (PT PKB Guru) to provide motivation and convenience for teachers in carrying out Continuous Professional Development activities: Self-Development, Scientific Publications, and Innovative Work. This study used the Research and Development method to develop a valid PT PKB Guru application and described the results of using the PT PKB Guru application. The results of this study indicated that the PT PKB Guru application was valid and could be used as an integrated application that guided teachers' PKB activities. With the PT PKB Guru application, teachers were greatly helped in scheduled and coordinated training so that they can improve their scientific writing skills