16 research outputs found

    Assessing the process of designing and implementing electronic health records in a statewide public health system: the case of Colima, Mexico

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    The findings of a case study assessing the design and implementation of an electronic health record (EHR) in the public health system of Colima, Mexico, its perceived benefits and limitations, and recommendations for improving the implementation process are presented. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to examine the experience of the actors and stakeholders participating in the design and implementation of EHRs. Results indicate that the main driving force behind the use of EHRs was to improve reporting to the two of the main government health and social development programs. Significant challenges to the success of the EHR include resistance by physicians to use the ICD-10 to code diagnoses, insufficient attention to recurrent resources needed to maintain the system, and pressure from federal programs to establish parallel information systems. Operating funds and more importantly political commitment are required to ensure sustainability of the EHRs in Colimaima

    Anti‑inflammatory drugs and uterine cervical cancer cells: Antineoplastic effect of meclofenamic acid

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    Uterine cervical cancer (UCC) is one of the main causes of cancer-associated mortality in women. Inflammation has been identified as an important component of this neoplasia; in this context, anti-inflammatory drugs represent possible prophylactic and/or therapeutic alternatives that require further investigation. Anti-inflammatory drugs are common and each one may exhibit a different antineoplastic effect. As a result, the present study investigated different anti-inflammatory models of UCC in vitro and in vivo. Celecoxib, sulindac, nimesulide, dexamethasone, meclofenamic acid, flufenamic acid and mefenamic acid were tested in UCC HeLa, VIPA, INBL and SiHa cell lines. The cytotoxicity of the drugs was evaluated in vitro. Celecoxib, sulindac, nimesulide, mefenamic acid and flufenamic acid presented with slight to moderate toxicity (10–40% of cell death corresponding to 100 µM) in certain cell lines, while meclofenamic acid exhibited significant cytotoxicity in all essayed cell lines (50–90% of cell death corresponding to 100 µM). The meclofenamic acid was tested in murine models (immunodeficient and immunocompetent) of UCC, which manifested a significant reduction in tumor growth and increased mouse survival. It was demonstrated that of the evaluated anti-inflammatory drugs, meclofenamic acid was the most cytotoxic, with a significant antitumor effect in murine models. Subsequent studies are necessary to evaluate the clinical utility of this drug

    Anthropometric cutoff points for predicting chronic diseases

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    Abstract ) years] were assessed for values of body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) for predicting DM or HT by receiver operating characteristic curve analyses. Likelihood ratios for DM and HT were calculated, and BMIs or WCs for public-health screening were developed. Subanalyses included regional data. Results: Likelihood ratios of DM and HT increased from BMI values of 22 to 24 kg/m 2 in both sexes and with WC values of 75 to 80 cm in men and 70 to 80 cm in women. The best BMI cutoffs for predicting DM were 26.3 to 27.4 kg/m 2 in men and 27.7 to 28.9 kg/m 2 in women, with similar values for HT, i.e., 26.2 to 27.0 kg/m 2 and 27.7 to 28.5 kg/m 2 , for men and women, respectively; WC cutoffs for DM were 93 to 98 cm in men and 94 to 99 cm in women, and cutoffs for HT were 92 to 96 cm and 93 to 96 cm for men and women, respectively. The WC cutoffs had higher sensitivity and specificity than those of BMI. Discussion: The risk for DM and HT starts at lower levels of BMI and WC than those suggested by WHO. WC is a better discriminator than BMI measures for use in public health

    Diabetes and hypertension increases in a society with abdominal obesity: results of the Mexican National Health Survey 2000

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    Abstract Objectives: To determine the prevalences of overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HT) in the Mexican population and compare them with those of a previous Mexican urban survey and an American survey. Design: A structured, randomised, nationally representative Mexican sample was compared with a 1993 Mexican urban survey and the US Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) of non-Hispanic Whites. Setting: The Mexican National Health Survey 2000. Subjects: Subjects were 12 856 men and 28 332 women, aged 20 -69 years, who had their body weight, height, waist circumference (WC), blood pressure and fasting capillary blood glucose measured. Results: Mexican adult men and women had a high prevalence of overweight (41.3 and 36.3%, respectively) and obesity (19.4 and 29.0%, respectively), similar to those in the USA in 1988-1992 and exceeding those of the 1993 Mexican survey. The prevalence of HT was 33.3% in men and 25.6% in women, with inferred DM rates of 5.6 and 9.7%, respectively. Abdominal obesity affected 46.3% of men (WC 94cm)and81.4 94 cm) and 81.4% of women (WC 80 cm). There was a high prevalence of abdominal obesity in normal-weight women, with co-morbidities relating better to WC than to body mass index (BMI) in both sexes. Rates of DM and HT exceeded US rates on a comparable BMI or WC basis in adults aged , 50 years. Conclusion: The high prevalence of obesity and abdominal obesity in Mexicans is associated with markedly increased prevalences of DM and HT to levels comparable with, or even higher than, those in NHANES III of non-Hispanic Whites

    Assessing the process of designing and implementing electronic health records in a statewide public health system: the case of Colima, Mexico

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    The findings of a case study assessing the design and implementation of an electronic health record (EHR) in the public health system of Colima, Mexico, its perceived benefits and limitations, and recommendations for improving the implementation process are presented. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to examine the experience of the actors and stakeholders participating in the design and implementation of EHRs. Results indicate that the main driving force behind the use of EHRs was to improve reporting to the two of the main government health and social development programs. Significant challenges to the success of the EHR include resistance by physicians to use the ICD-10 to code diagnoses, insufficient attention to recurrent resources needed to maintain the system, and pressure from federal programs to establish parallel information systems. Operating funds and more importantly political commitment are required to ensure sustainability of the EHRs in Colimaima

    Morbilidad y mortalidad de la enfermedad isquémica del corazón y cerebrovascular en México. 2005

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    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares representan la principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad. El 25% de los fallecimientos por debajo de los 60 años de edad está relacionado con las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Estos padecimientos son más frecuentes en países en vías de desarrollo; los cambios en los hábitos alimenticios con altos contenidos en grasas saturadas y grasas trans, así como el incremento del consumo de sodio, tabaco, alcohol y sedentarismo; incrementan el riesgo cardiovascular no sólo en la población adulta, sino también en los adolescentes y niños. El análisis realizado por la Dirección General de Epidemiología de la Secretaría de Salud en el período comprendido de 1998 al año 2000 revela que el porcentaje de defunciones por enfermedad coronaria fue de 55% para los hombres y de 45% de las mujeres; el síndrome coronario agudo fue el responsable del 83.5 y 76.8% de las defunciones en hombres y mujeres, respectivamente. Por lo que las estrategias de prevención primaria destinadas a la población en general y de manera especial en el adulto joven son un elemento indispensable para la disminución de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y su impacto en la salud pública

    Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en México: sinopsis epidemiológica y prevención integral Chronic non-communicable diseases in Mexico: epidemiologic synopsis and integral prevention

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    El gobierno federal desarrolla acciones para reducir la mortalidad por las "enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles" (ECNT). Una de ellas es la creación de unidades médicas de especialidad (Uneme) diseñadas para el tratamiento especializado de las ECNT (sobrepeso, obesidad, riesgo cardiovascular y diabetes). La intervención se basa en la participación de un grupo multidisciplinario entrenado ex profeso, la educación del paciente sobre su salud, la incorporación de la familia al tratamiento y la resolución de las condiciones que limitan la observancia de las recomendaciones. El tratamiento está indicado con base en protocolos estandarizados. La eficacia de la intervención se evalúa en forma sistemática mediante indicadores cuantitativos predefinidos. Se espera que las Uneme resulten en ahorros para el sistema de salud. En suma, este último desarrolla mejores medidas de control para las ECNT. La evaluación del desempeño de las Uneme generará información para planear acciones preventivas futuras.<br>The federal government has implemented several strategies to reduce mortality caused by chronic non-communicable diseases (CNTD). One example is the development of medical units specialized in the care of CNTD (i.e. overweight, obesity, cardiovascular risk and diabetes), named UNEMES (from its Spanish initials). These units -consisting of an ad-hoc, trained, multi-disciplinary team- will provide patient education, help in the resolution of obstacles limiting treatment adherence, and involve the family in patient care. Treatment will be provided using standardized protocols. The efficacy of the intervention will be regularly measured using pre-specified outcomes. We expect that these UNEMES will result in significant savings. In summary, our health care system is developing better treatment strategies for CNTD. Evaluating the performance of the UNEMES will generate valuable information for the design of future preventive actions

    Re-encuesta Nacional de Hipertensión Arterial (RENAHTA): Consolidación Mexicana de los Factores de Riesgo Cardiovascular. Cohorte Nacional de Seguimiento

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    Propósito: A través de una Re-encuesta Nacional sobre Hipertensión Arterial Sistémica (HTAS) y Factores de Riesgo Cardiovascular, en población adulta con HTAS identificada en encuestas nacionales de salud del año 2000; Determinar: 1) Las tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad. 2) La incidencia e interrelación en el tiempo con otros factores de riesgo, tales como Obesidad, Dislipidemia, Diabetes y Tabaquismo. 3) Los principales factores de riesgo asociados a HTAS que influencian la aparición de complicaciones, necesidad y numero de días de hospitalización. 4) El grado de adherencia y tipo de medicación usada por el paciente hipertenso. Métodos: La Re-encuesta Nacional de Hipertensión (RENAHTA) fue realizada en el periodo 2003-2004. La encuesta es tipo III del método paso a paso descrito por la OMS. La población estudiada correspondió en su mayoría (73%) a individuos detectados en encuestas nacionales previas. El muestreo fue ponderado a priori tomando en cuenta una prevalencia nacional promedio de HTAS de 30.05% y su correspondiente para cada estado de la República. Error máximo permisible en la estimación = 0.28, Efecto de diseño = 4.5; y, Tasa de respuesta esperada (0.70). Resultados: De 14 567 como muestra inicial, 1165 (8%) sujetos fueron considerados como no hipertensos o falsos positivos en el año 2000. De los 13,402 pacientes restantes se informaron 335 muertes ocurridas en los primeros 2 años de seguimiento (2000-2002), lo que implicó una mortalidad anual de &tilde;1.15% en la población hipertensa. Así, 13,067 sobrevivientes, fueron sujetos a análisis. La edad al momento de la re-encuesta fue 45.6 ± 12.6. El (40.5%) fueron hombres (n=5,295), hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la talla, pero no en el peso entre ambos géneros. El control de la HTAS subió de 14.6% en el 2000 a 19.2% en el 2004. Se duplicó la cifra de diabéticos de 16% a 30% (p < .001). El 54% de la población estudiada requirió de hospitalización al menos una vez durante el periodo estudiado. Las tasas de sobrepeso, obesidad y dislipidemia se elevaron de forma significativa (p < .05) independientemente de la edad, estado de la república y genero. Conclusión: RENAHTA permitió documentar de manera objetiva el impacto de HTAS en la morbi-mortalidad a 3.1 ± 1.5 años de seguimiento en México. Nos alerta sobre la necesidad de reforzar las estrategias de atención y prevención de éste factor de riesgo y nos muestra la forma dinámica de interacción no lineal entre los principales factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Se plantean además nuevas hipótesis para el síndrome metabólic