16 research outputs found

    Evolution of the 'Homo' genus : new mysteries and perspectives

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    This work reviews the main questions surrounding the evolution of the genus Homo, such as its origin, the problem of variability in Homo erectus and the impact of palaeogenomics. A consensus has not yet been reached regarding which Australopithecus candidate gave rise to the first representatives assignable to Homo and this discussion even affects the recognition of the H. habilis and H. rudolfensis species. Regarding the variability of the first palaeodemes assigned to Homo, the discovery of the Dmanisi site in Georgia called into question some of the criteria used until now to distinguish between species like H. erectus or H. ergaster. Finally, the emergence of palaeogenomics has provided evidence that the flow of genetic material between old hominin populations was wider than expected

    Estructura y relleno sedimentario de la semifosa neógena de Vilanova (Garraf, Barcelona)

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    A joint study involving geological mapping, well subsurface data and gravity modelling has been carried out in the Vilanova half graben in order to define the substralum structure and the character of the sedimentary in fill.The half graben is oriented following a regional ENE-WSW fault direction. Its structure is controlled by normal faults along the NW boundary and by an unconformity in the SE basin boundary. A perpendicular to the main direction fault system, configurate a block shaped hasement. From the residual gravity map a 3D density model, constrained with the depths infered kom bore oles, has been obtained. The sedimentary infill has been divided in four litostratigraphic units. One of them constitutes a marginal complex associated and genetically related with the main faults that bound the basin. The otber three units show a vertical evolution from continental alluvial environrnent at the bottom to marine (littoral and restricted shelf-bay) at tbe top.The paleomastological data allow ps to attribute to the autcropping sedimentary infill a Serravallian age. Nevertheless, an Aquitanian-Early Burdigalian age to the basal conglomeratic unit can't be definitively rejected

    Contribución al conocimiento del primer poblamiento humano de Europa

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    En los últimos años numerosas investigaciones han contribuido a un mejor conocimiento de los primeros habitantes de Europa. Si en los años ochenta, Francia parecía situarse en el centro del debate con yacimientos como Chilhac, Soleilhac oVallonet; los hallazgos en la región del Caúcaso yOrienteMedio (Dmanisi yUbeidiya), la Península Itálica (Ceprano) y la Península Ibérica (Orce) en los años noventa, han desplazado el debate a las puertas deEuropa.La cuestión sobre las rutas alternativas de Gibraltar o Sicilia permanece abierta. Las industrias líticas descubiertas en los yacimientos del Pleistoceno Inferior de Barranco León y Fuente Nueva 3 de Orce (Granada) se sitúan actualmente en el corazón de este debate.An important number of researches about the first inhabitants ofEurope have been developed. If France was the centre of the debate during eighties through the sites of Chilhac, Soleilhac or Vallonet, during nineties the debate was displaced at the gates of Europe: The founds of the Caucasian region and theMiddleEast (Dmanisi andUbeidiya), the ItalianPeninsula (Ceprano) and the Iberian Peninsula (Orce). The questions about alternative routes, Gibraltar or Sicily, remains open. The lithic artefacts found at the Lower Pleistocene sites of Barranco León and Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, Granada) are now in the core of this debate

    La fauna de vertebrados neógeno-cuaternaria de Eivissa (Pitiuses). Nota preliminar

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    Information about three fossiliferous fisure fillings fíom the island of Eivissa is presented in this paper. Only two of them have fournished remains o£ Mammals. Both present evidence for insularity. The oldest one (Ses Fontanelles) is considered to be o£ Messinian age (Upper Miocene) on the base o£ the presence o£ a Gerbillinae

    La fauna de mamíferos de los yacimientos menorquines con Geochelone gymnesica (Bate,1914). Nota Preliminar

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    Se presentan los primeros datos sobre la fauna de mamíferos que acompaña a Geochelone gymnesica (Bate, 1914) en los yacimientos cársticos de la isla de Menorca. Se ha detectado la presencia de un glirido, Muscardinus nov. sp., de talla  extraordinariamente grande; un leporido, cf. Alilepus nov. sp. y de un quiroptero, Rhinolophus cf. grivensis. Las caracteristicas de los dos primeros permiten considerarlos como formas endemicas insulares, así como suponer a los yacimientos con G. gymnesica como pertenecientes al Mioceno superior

    La Formación de Bellmunt (Unidad del Cadí, Pirineo oriental): aportaciones bioestratigráficas de los sistemas lacustres y palustres asociados

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    The Bellmunt Fm is an alluvial synorogenic unit which was deposited under the influence of the southward displacement of succesive pyrenean nappes. This unit includes, in the boundary between its lower and middle part, many lacustrine and palustrine beds with an abundant fossil fauna and flora. This fossil record allows to recognize thepaleoenviromental andpaleoclimatic scenary. Charophytes and fossil mammals indicate a Middle and Lower Bartonian age for this Formation

    El barranc de la Boella de la Canonja (Tarragonès) revisitat en la intervenció arqueològica preventiva de l'any 2007

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    El barranc de la Boella de la Canonja és un jaciment descobert en el primer terç del segle XX. Cinquanta anys després de la seva descoberta, la publicació d'aquest jaciment pels senyors R. Capdevila i S. Vilaseca va permetre actualitzar l'escàs coneixement de la bioestratigrafia del quaternari del Camp de Tarragona (Vilaseca, 1973). Tal com assenyala el mateix S. Vilaseca, la presència de fòssils de mamífers en el barranc va ser donada a conèixer per J. R. Bataller en la memòria explicativa del segon mapa geològic del full 473 de l'IGME corresponent a Tarragona (Bataller, 1935). El mateix S. Vilaseca apunta altres descobertes de mamífers ressenyades en el Camp de Tarragona, com la nota de Faura i Sans sobre un fragment de molar de proboscidi que Harlé determinaria com Elephas meridionalis el mateix any (Faura i Sans, 1920; Harlé, 1920). Aquesta resta va ser enviada per A. Romaní, aleshores director del Museu Balaguer de Vilanova i la Geltrú, a qui li van fer arribar des d'unes pedreres del Port de Tarragona. Els treballs geològics de M. Faura i Sans, J.R. Bataller i S. Vilaseca durant el primer quart del segle XX protagonitzaren el desenvolupament de la geologia, la paleontologia i la prehistòria en el marc del Servei del Mapa de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya