12 research outputs found

    Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang cepat banyak menyebabkan gangguan, dimana gangguan ini tidak hanya muncul pada sektor swasta atau sektor private saja, tetapi juga telah merambah sampai kepada sektor pemerintah. Dengan demikian banyak hal yang harus dilakukan guna mengantisipasi perkembangan teknologi yang telah memasuki alaf baru yaitu alaf Revolusi Industri 4.0. Tahun 2018, Presiden Republik Indonesia, Joko Widodo telah meluncurkan road map “Making Indonesia 4.0â€. Road Map ini merupakan strategi nasional Indonesia dalam rangka menghadapi era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Dengan adanya Road Map ini secara tidak langsung membuat seluruh daerah-daerah di Indonesia harus mempersiapkan dirinya untuk menyelenggarakan pelayanan publik yang terbaik di era serba digital ini, demikian pula halnya dengan Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Provinsi Kepulauan Riau yang merupakan salah satu wilayah perbatasan terutama dengan Singapura dan Malaysia tentunya akan merasakan betul Revolusi Industri 4.0 ini sehingga harus memberikan pelayanan publik yang maksimal. Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau telah meluncurkan produk-produk inovatif dalam memberikan pelayanan publik. Tulisan ini akan menjelaskan tentang produk-produk inovasi pelayanan publik di Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau dalam menghadapi era Revolusi Industri 4.0.   &nbsp

    Membangun Wilayah Perbatasan di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (Mencari Solusi Untuk Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Di Pulau-Pulau Terdepan)

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    In the Riau Islands Province which is a problem in the border region, among others, is the very wide stretch of border areas, still lack of management of potential and natural resources both state and private, handling border areas that have not been maximized and are still partial or sectoral, education and welfare levels which is still low compared to people in neighboring countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, the lack of security and defense facilities and infrastructure which can lead to weak supervision of violations of state borders, and the lack of integration of programs and activities in border area development.The formulation of the problem in this study is: How are the efforts to Build a Border Area in the Riau Islands Province in order to find a solution to improve community welfare on the front islands. The aim of the study was to find out how the government's efforts in Building Border Areas in the Riau Islands Province in order to improve Community Welfare on the Leading Islands. This study uses library research methods, namely by using secondary data from sources that are used as objects of research, both books or literature, electronic media (internet sites), online media, which have to do with the problem of this research. Data collection in this study was conducted using library studies. The efforts made by the Riau Islands Provincial Government to find solutions to improve the welfare of the people on the leading islands are the Launching of the Integrated Border Area Movement Development Program (Gerbangdutas) in Natuna Regency, Accelerating rehabilitation of habitable homes, markets, schools, health centers, Village and Village Development Acceleration Program (P3DK), efforts to resolve national borders, and increase electrification, especially in small islands and remote areas through the construction of solar power plants, micro hydro power plants and power plant technology development Electric Power and construction of ports / piers in the border area. On the other hand, because of the strategic nature of the Riau Islands Province, it needs to be supported by good connectivity, especially sea connectivity. Therefore, a number of ports and ferry boats are built which are a priority so as to reduce intra-regional and inter-regional disparities. Batam as a city that also borders directly with neighboring Singapore is used as an industrial, tourism, shipping and service area. Another form carried out in the context of building border areas is by implementing the Sea Toll Program. It is expected that with the relationship between sea ports, there will be smooth delivery of goods to border areas. The Sea Toll Program is carried out, especially for the Riau Islands Province because the Riau Islands region has many seas. Whereas in the field of infrastructure, especially related to infrastructure, the Provincial Government of Riau Islands and PT. PLN in Riau Region and Riau Islands faces many obstacles, especially for border areas with many disruptions and constraints, especially because the condition of the Riau Islands is the sea, in addition to weather and climate factors which are often uncertain and the absence of port loading and unloading facilities


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    This is because Riau Islands Province has a very wide border area, there is still a lack of management of natural resources and potential both by the government and the private sector, the handling of the border that is not maximal and sectoral, the level of education and welfare is still low, the lack of security facilities and infrastructure and defense, resulting in weak supervision of various violations of state borders, the lack of integration of programs and activities for the development of border areas.Kepulauan Riau. Ini karena Provinsi Kepulauan Riau memiliki wilayah perbatasan yang sangat luas, masih ada kekurangan pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan potensi baik oleh pemerintah maupun sektor swasta, penanganan perbatasan yang tidak maksimal dan sektoral, tingkat pendidikan dan kesejahteraan masih rendah, kurangnya fasilitas keamanan dan infrastruktur dan pertahanan, mengakibatkan lemahnya pengawasan berbagai pelanggaran batas negara, kurangnya integrasi program dan kegiatan untuk pengembangan daerah perbatasan

    Membangun Branding Image Kepulauan Riau sebagai Destinasi Wisata Nasional

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    Branding Image bukan hanya sekadar merk dan bukan sekedar logo, brand adalah segalanya bagi sebuah produk. Bagi dunia pariwisata, brand juga sama maknanya, namun brand destinasi harus lahir dari filosofi dan nilai-nilai sebuah destinasi serta keunggulan yang unik. Branding Image akan memberi kekuatan kepada destinasi yang direpresentasi bila brand mendapat proses branding yang baik dan konsisten. Akhir-akhir ini eforia pariwisata Indonesia kadang irrasional dan hanya mengandalkan data sesaat, padahal posisi-posisi Indonesia masih jauh dari yang diharapkan. Sebagai brand destinasi, maka brand harus dibangun berdasarkan realitas sosial yang benar di dalam tergambarkan realitas sosial, yaitu culture, personality, name, logo dan symbol Penelitian ini mencoba mengangkat kajian realitas sosial brand destinasi dengan metode narasi, mencoba membandingkannya dengan kondisi Wonderful Kepri, Wonderful Riau Island sampai Welcome to Batam.. Kepulauan Riau memilik banyak potensi sebagai destinasi wisata nasional maupun internasional, hanya saja belum memiliki daya tarik tersendiri untuk dijual. Untuk menunjang dan memiliki daya saing Kepulauan Riau sebagai destinasi wisata perlu ada sebuah brand yang menjadi Citra sebagai destinasi pariwisata. Suatu Branding yang dikombinasikan dari unsur dan budaya daerah di Kepulauan Riau. Kesimpulan bahwa Kepulauan Riau memerlukan suatu brand atau citra sebagai destinasi wisata nsional agar dapat memberikan pesan bagi wisatawan agar tertarik untuk mengunjungi Kepulauan Riau sebagai salah satu alternatif dari 10 besar sebagai destinasi wisata nasionalBranding Image is not about a brand and logo, but everything aboutr a product. For the tourism world, branding is the same, but a destination brand should be created from the viewpoint of philosophy, destination values and unique advantages. Branding Image will give power to the represented destination if the brand gets a good and consistent branding process. Lately, Indonesia's tourism euphoria is sometimes irrational and only relies  on  momentary  data,  even though  the  present  situation  is  a  far  cry  from  the  anticipated.  Therefore,  a destination  brand,  should  be  dependent  on  true  social  reality,  such  as  culture,  personality,  name,  logo  and symbol.  This  study  examines  the  social reality  of  destination  brands  using narrative  methods  vis-a-vis    the conditions of Wonderful Kepri, Riau Island and Welcome to Batam Monument. Riau Islands has a lot of potential as  national  and  international  tourist  destinations,  but  does  not  yet  have  its own  attractiveness  for  sale.  To support and have competitiveness, Riau Islands needs to have a brand image of tourist destination; which is a combination  of  regional  elements  and  culture  in  Riau  Islands.  Therefore,  it  can  be concluded  that  the  Riau Islands as a national tourism destination needs a brand image that projects a message which arouses the interest of tourists to visit the Riau Islands as an alternative to the top 10 national tourist destinations

    Evaluasi Penerapan Program Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Di Kota Tanjungpinang

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    This study aims to evaluate the performance of the implementation of the Tanjungpinang City Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) program. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach and type of descriptive research by presenting scientifically from the results obtained from the field through observation, interview and documentation techniques. There were 8 informants in the study. The location of this research is in Tanjungpinang City which is the operational area of BRT. Data analysis techniques in this study are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study, namely the BRT program which has been running for approximately 7 months, has been running quite well and the program objectives have been achieved gradually, but there are some problems that have to be addressed, namely the lack of passengers from the community. know that BRT is public transportation and also due to the lack of socialization carried out only through the media, for the addition of BRT route routes that do not pass through the city route due to collision with the existing City transportation, the community is more crowded in the city area, and the last problem is delays in the disbursement of BRT's operational funds that become a barrier to the operation of the BRT, which requires costs for fuel and service per day

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Potensi Destinasi Wisata Sebagai Desa Wisata di Kabupaten Bintan

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    Tourism in Bintan Regency, Riau Islands is designated as one of the economic sectors as the largest foreign exchange earner for the region. Bintan Regency has tourism potential that can be developed into a tourist village that aims to improve the welfare of the people of Bintan Regency. Community Empowerment was carried out by Dagong 3, Malang Village, Meeting, Gunung Kijang District, Bintan Regency. The Dagong 3 tourist destination was chosen as a community empowerment activity because Dagong 3 is a tourist destination built by the Bintan Regency Government. Community Empowerment is expected to be able to contribute to the economic progress of the surrounding community, by carrying out activities to provide insight and assistance to the community about tourist destinations. The problem is that the Dagong 3 tourist destination has not functioned as expected, in addition to the potential of underwater natural resources, as well as beaches and tourism with culinary. The results of community empowerment carried out in the Malang Tourism Village Meeting, Gunung Kijang District, Bintan Regency so far have not been able to contribute to the economy of the village community. For that we need human resources who have skills and competencies, it is necessary to hold training for the surrounding or local community to increase knowledge in the field of tourism industry.Pariwisata Kabupaten Bintan Kepulauan Riau ditetapkan sebagai salah satu sektor ekonomi sebagai penghasil devisa terbesar bagi daerah. Kabupaten Bintan memiliki potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi desa wisata yang bertujuan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Kabupaten Bintan. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dilakukan Dagong 3 Desa Malang Rapat Kecamatan Gunung Kijang Kabupaten Bintan. Dipilihnya destinasi wisata Dagong 3 sebagai kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat karena Dagong 3 merupakan destinasi wisata yang dibangun oleh Pemerintahan Kebupaten Bintan.  Pemberdayaan Masyarakat diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan terhadap kemajuan perekonomian masyarakat sekitarnya, dengan melakukan kegiatan memberikan wawasan dan pendampingan bagi masyarakat tentang destinasi wisata.  Permasalahan destinasi wisata Dagong 3 belum berfungsi sebagaimana yang diharapkan, disamping potensi sumber daya alam bawah laut, maupun pantai serta wisata dengaan kulinernya. Hasil pemberadayaan masyarakat dilaksanakan pada Desa Wisata Malang Rapat Kecamatan Gunung Kijang Kabupaten Bintan selama ini belum dapat memberikan kontribusi perekonomian masyarakat desa tersebut. Untuk itu diperlukan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki skill dan kompetensi, perlu diadakan pelatihan bagi masyarakat sekitar atau tempatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dibidang indsutri pariwsata


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    Sistematika buku “Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi” ini mengacu pada pendekatan konsep teoritis dan contoh penerapan. Buku ini terdiri atas 14 Bab yang dibahas secara rinci dalam pembahasan, diantaranya: Mengenal Komunikasi; Sejarah Komunikasi Manusia Dan Sejarah Perkembangan Ilmu Komunikasi; Tujuan Dan Akibat Komunikasi; Prinsip Dasar Dan Tingkatan Proses Komunikasi; Pengertian Dan Model Dasar Komunikasi; Fungsi Dan Pengaruh Model Komunikasi; Batasan, Fungsi Dan Jenis Komunikasi Nonverbal; Definisi, Tujuan Dan Efektivitas Komunikasi Pribadi; Pengertian, Karakteristik Dan Fungsi Komunikasi Massa; Proses Dan Dampak Komunikasi Massa; Peran Kebudayaan Dalam Kehidupan Manusia, Serta Pengaruh Kebudayaan Terhadap Komunikasi; Komunikasi Antar Budaya Serta Pemakaiannya; Karateristik Saluran Komunikasi Dan Khalayak Dalam Komunikasi Yang Efektif; serta Karakteristik, Bentuk Dan Teknik Penyajian Pesan Dalam Komunikasi Yang Efektif


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    Sebuah ilmu tidak dari sebab keasal usulan yang ada darmawisata yang jauh. semacam itu serta dengan administrasi negeri saat ini ini adalah hasil dari susunan darmawisata asal usul yang jauh dari administrasi negeri selaku sesuatu isyarat sosial yang terdapat dalam rakyat. Administrasi selaku sesuatu isyarat sosial yang bertabiat internasional, administrasi negeri terlihat dalam rakyat bersamaan dengan kelanjutan perterdapatban orang itu sendiri. Mendalami asal usul kita bakal mampu melacak seluruh insiden maupun kasus yang pernah terjalin pada waktu . Dengan bukti-bukti yang dijumpai bakal ditahun apa serta bagaimana sebuah itu sempat terjalin maupun terjadi ditengah-tengah kehidupan rakyat, dalam tentang ini lebih-lebih yang bersangkutan dengan administrasi negeri (Suardita, 2016). Pertumbuhan administrasi terdapat permulaan asal usul dilukiskan dengan metode yang menarik dalam komik V. Gordon Childe, What Happened in History (New York, Penguin Books Inc.: 1946) dalam bidang The Urban Revolution in Mesopotamia (Revolusi Kota di Mesopotamia)

    Kepuasan Pegawai Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Maritim Raja Ali haji

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    Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Dosen Tetap Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tahun 2014

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    Herayni Darosa Agus Hendrayady Wahjoe Pangestoeti([email protected]) (Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Negara FISIP UMRAH) Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze either simultaneously and partially influence organizational commitment and job stress on the tenured lecturer’s performance in Faculty of Social and Political University Maritim Raja Ali Haji. And this study is a survey to address the three main hypotheses, which alleged that: (1) suggested that organizational commitment and job stress together have a significant impact on the performance of tenured lecturers; (2) suggested that organizational commitment has a significant influence performance of tenured lecturers; (3)suggested that job stress has a significant effect on the performance of tenured lecturers. The subjects on this study is lectures in Faculty of Social and Political University Maritim Raja Ali Haji. The tenured lecturers in question is the duty as lecturing and have a minimum term of one point five year. The method of analysis used in this study is a multiple linear regression. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data obtained through literature studies, and distributing questionnaires to 26 respondents. The results of this study state that organizational commitment and job stress also simultaneously have a significant impact on lecturer’s performance by 50,7 %. And organizational commitment is partially significant influence on lecturer’s performance by 39,6 % and partially job stress had no significant effect on lecturer’s performance by 11,1 %. In conclusion, this study proves that organizational commitment and job stress jointly affect the performance of lecturers in Faculty of Social and Political University Maritim Raja Ali Haji.Herayni Darosa Agus Hendrayady Wahjoe Pangestoeti([email protected]) (Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Negara FISIP UMRAH) Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze either simultaneously and partially influence organizational commitment and job stress on the tenured lecturer’s performance in Faculty of Social and Political University Maritim Raja Ali Haji. And this study is a survey to address the three main hypotheses, which alleged that: (1) suggested that organizational commitment and job stress together have a significant impact on the performance of tenured lecturers; (2) suggested that organizational commitment has a significant influence performance of tenured lecturers; (3)suggested that job stress has a significant effect on the performance of tenured lecturers. The subjects on this study is lectures in Faculty of Social and Political University Maritim Raja Ali Haji. The tenured lecturers in question is the duty as lecturing and have a minimum term of one point five year. The method of analysis used in this study is a multiple linear regression. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data obtained through literature studies, and distributing questionnaires to 26 respondents. The results of this study state that organizational commitment and job stress also simultaneously have a significant impact on lecturer’s performance by 50,7 %. And organizational commitment is partially significant influence on lecturer’s performance by 39,6 % and partially job stress had no significant effect on lecturer’s performance by 11,1 %. In conclusion, this study proves that organizational commitment and job stress jointly affect the performance of lecturers in Faculty of Social and Political University Maritim Raja Ali Haji