11 research outputs found

    Enhancing Students’ Creativity through STEM Project-Based Learning

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    In some school, teacher-centered is commonly found in the learning process. The learning process itself is still in the form of direct transfer of knowledge from teacher to students. Actually, students will learn better if they are engaged in meaningful learning activity.  STEM project-based learning is one of alternative teaching strategies that engaged students in meaningful learning. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of STEM project-based learning on students' creativity in the topics of light and optics.  The study used qualitative research with narrative design. Data collection technique that used is observation. The population is eight grade students in one of Junior Secondary School that is located in Bandung, Indonesia. The sample consist of 25 students that chosen based on purposive sampling technique. The data is obtained through Creativity Product Analysis Matrix (CPAM). There are three creativity dimension that used in this study which are resolution, elaboration and novelty dimension. Students’ creativity is obtained as much 76% which categorized as good. Based on the result, STEM project-based learning give the good impact on students' creativity. STEM project-based learning can be used as alternative teaching strategies in Junior Secondary School

    Application Of Problem Based Learning Model Using Education For Sustainable Development Context In Improving Critical Thingking Ability For Junior High School Students At Heat Theory

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    Indonesia ranks 6th from the bottom based on four annual studies Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2015. Based on the results of the TIMSS and PISA, it was said that Indonesian students only mastered low-level questions and lacked high-level questions (HOTS) which included requiring students to think analytically, creatively and critically. Therefore, this study aims to improve students critical thinking skills with the Problem Based Learning model using the education of sustainable development (ESD) context on the heat theory. This study used a one group pretest-posttest design with a sample of 31 students from one of junior high schools in Bandung city. The instrument used was a critical thinking ability test and sustainability awareness profile questionnaire. The acquisition of shows the ability to think critically: Provide a basic explanation of 0.72; build basic skills 0.69; concluded 0.69; make further explanation 0.47; and set the strategy and tactics 0.38. Obtaining sustainability awareness questionnaire 63.33% with the category “practice that are done” based on this, it can be concluded that the problem based learning model using ESD context can be used to improve students' critical thinking skills.

    Enhancing Students’ Critical Thinking through NASA Science as Interactive Multimedia in Learning Solar System

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    Science and technology advancement in the 21st Century requires several life skills that everyone must learn; critical thinking is one of them. Critical thinking is often defined as a process of metacognition that increases the chances of solving a problem. This research attempted to implement NASA Science as Interactive Multimedia to enhance students' critical thinking in learning Solar System. Interactive Multimedia is student-centered, allowing students to play an active role in learning to promote students' critical thinking skills. This study used a pre-experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling used was convenience sampling, which participated in 42 7th grade students of a private school in Bandung. The Objective Test was used as a research instrument for both pretest and posttest. These test items were designed according to Facione's indicators of Critical Thinking Skills. Based on the analysis result, the value of g is 0.48. According to the Wilcoxon test, the hypothesis in this research is accepted. The value of Asymp. sig. (2-tailed) is 0.00, with a sig. α = 0.05. Thus, this research shows that: There is an enhancement of students' critical thinking after using NASA Science in learning Solar System

    Edmodo as Web-Based Learning to Improve Student’s Cognitive and Motivation in Learning Thermal Physics

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    This research aims to investigate the use of Edmodo as web-based learning in learning thermal physics in junior high school. The analysis of this research focused on students’ cognitive and motivation in the classroom. The method used in this research was quasi-experiment with the pretest-posttest design. One class taken as a sample in this research comes from one of an international school in Padalarang. The quantitative data of this research was gained through the objective test (pretest-posttest) based on Bloom's Taxonomy and questioner of motivation based on ARCS Motivational Design. Data processing was done by SPSS 20.0. The result of this research shows that there is an improvement of student cognitive C2 until C5 after learning using Edmodo. The average score in pretest was 45.89 and improve to 72.63. The result of normalized gain was 0.49, it included as a medium improvement. Edmodo also increases student motivation in learning thermal physics

    Improving Students’ Sustainability Awareness through Argument-driven Inquiry

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    Sustainability awareness is one of the things that the student should have to help in a caring environment. Sustainability awareness of the student can be built by knowledge and awareness of what should be done or not. The student will be more aware of the students involved and explore more in building a concept about the environmental issue itself. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of Argument-Driven Inquiry toward students' sustainability awareness in learning global warming. The method used in this research was experimental research. This study used two different groups of student. The first group learned using Argument-Driven Inquiry and the second group learned using Inquiry-based Learning. The population was seventh-grade students in one of Junior Secondary School in Bandung, Indonesia. The purposive sampling technique was used to choose the sample. The participants consist of 52 students from both groups. Each group consists of 26 students. The data were collected by giving the questionnaire of sustainability awareness. The questionnaire consists of 15 items. The result of this study shows the different percentage in the level of students' sustainability awareness between the two groups. The most different percentage is on the sustainability practice awareness aspect. The group that used Argument-Driven Inquiry has percentage 40.7% which means as medium and the group that used Inquiry-based Learning has percentage 37.6% which means as low. Based on the result, Argument-Driven Inquiry gives a better impact on students’ sustainability awareness. Argument-Driven Inquiry can be considered as one of the alternative teaching models that can give a better understanding in building the awareness of Junior Secondary School student

    Pengembangan Alat Praktikum Fisika Pada Pokok Bahasan Hukum II Newton Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Tunanetra

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    Alat peraga merupakan komponen penting dalam proses pembelajaran yang mampu membantu penyampaian informasi berupa konsep dari pendidik kepada peserta didik, terutama peserta didik dengan kebutuhan khusus. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan media pembelajaran alat praktikum bagi anak tunanetra pada bahasan hukum II Newton. Metode penelitian Research and Development (R&D) model 3-D (Define, Design, dan Develop) yang direduksi dari model 4-D Thiagajaran digunakan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar angket penilaian kualitas isi dan tujuan, kualitas intruksional dan kualitas teknis digunakan pada uji coba terbatas pada dua tahap, yaitu uji ahli dan uji pengguna. Uji ahli pada penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 3 orang ahli media dan materi. Uji pengguna dilakukan kepada 3 orang pendidik dan 10 orang peserta didik kelas X SMA LB-A Kota Bandung. Hasil uji terbatas secara keseluruhan menunjukan kualitas media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan masuk kedalam kualifikasi baik sehingga dapat digunakan yang ditinjau dari ketiga kualitas yang disebutkan

    The Effect of STEAM-based Learning on Students’ Concept Mastery and Creativity in Learning Light And Optics

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    The integrated knowledge should be implemented to face the 21st-century era. Beside the integrated knowledge, mastery the concept and creativity also must be involved in order to enhance the quality of education. Thus, this research was aimed to investigate the effect of STEAM-Based Learning on Students’ Concept Mastery and Creativity in learning Light and Optics. The method that used was a mixed method with convergent parallel design. The population in this research was 8th-grade students in private junior high school in West Bandung and the sample was one class of 8th grade. The school implemented Indonesian Curriculum 2013 in the teaching-learning process. The sampling techniques were convenience sampling. The number of participants in this research was 27 students. The quantitative data in this research was obtained through an objective test. The objective test was made based on Bloom’s Taxonomy revision by Anderson. The qualitative data was obtained through the creativity rubric adopted from Creative Product Semantic Scale (CPSS) developed by O’Quinn and Bessemer. The dimension that was in creativity is novelty, resolution, and elaboration and synthesis. According to the research, students’ concept mastery improved as much as 0.78 with category high improvement after the implementation of STEAM-Based Learning. For students’ creativity achievement, in every dimension gained different result: 1) Novelty is categorized into good with 75.6%, 2) Resolution is categorized into good with 77.8%, and 3) Elaboration and synthesis are categorized into enough with 65.3 %. Overall, students’ concept mastery and creativity in the implementation of STEAM-Based Learning in learning light and optic is categorized as good


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    Ilmu pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa (IPBA) sebagai bagian konten kurikulum di sekolah menengah telah mengalami pergeseran orientasi yang cukup signifikan, ini terindikasikan dari cakupan dalam kurikulum fisika khususnya yang mengalami pengurangan porsi cukup besar dari kurikulum ke kurikulum. Fenomena ini diikuti dengan kurangnya bekal pengetahuan yang dimiliki para calon guru di lapangan, sehingga mereka merasakan urgensi dari materi ini tidaklah sepenting implikasinya bagi kehidupan keseharian peserta didik. Penyajian perkuliahan secara tradisional selama ini masih belum dapat memberikan pengalaman langsung secara personal bagi mahasiswa dalam membangun pengetahuan yang mereka butuhkan, apalagi membekali mereka dengan keterampilan-keterampilan berpikir yang penting dimiliki. Ranking Tasks Exercise sebagai format baru dari latihan konseptual yang mengungkapkan bagaimana literatur yang digunakan dalam proses belajar dapat menggambarkan struktur pengetahuan yang dibangun dan dilakukan secara kolaboratif, yang dikenal dengan istilah Collaborative Ranking Tasks (CRT), dapat memberikan pengalaman yang dibutuhkan itu. Dengan berbantuan multimedia pembelajaran berupa animasi materi terkait yang saat ini mudah didapat dan digunakan untuk proses perkuliahan dengan sistem managemen e-Learning, maka akan menjadi penunjang proses yang tepat. Dalam penelitian kuasi eksperimen pada 120 mahasiswa calon guru di perkuliahan IPBA semester genap 2008-2009 yang dipilih secara purposive sampling dan terbagi menjadi dua kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen, masing-masing sebanyak 60 mahasiswa, penerapan CRT berbantuan e-Learning diarahkan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap penguasaan konsep, keterampilan generik sains (KGS), dan keterampilan berpikir kritis (KBK) mereka. Dengan menggunakan instrumen pilihan ganda yang diujikan dalam tes awal dan tes akhir diantara penerapan CRT berbantuan e-Learning pada kelompok eksperimen serta penerapan perkuliahan tradisional pada kelompok kontrol, penguasaan konsep, KGS, dan KBK mahasiswa dianalisis berdasarkan capaian nilai rata-rata gain yang dinormalisasi mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan penguasaan konsep pada kelompok eksperimen berbeda secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan peningkatan penguasaan konsep pada kelompok kontrol. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata skor tes akhir sebesar 2,97 dan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,45 dari kelompok eksperimen yang lebih besar dibandingkan rata-rata skor tes akhir sebesar 1,58 dan nilai rata-rata sebesar –0,02 dari kelompok kontrol. Sedangkan untuk KGS, kelompok eksperimen mencapai peningkatan yang lebih signifikan dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Hal ini terlihat dari rata-rata skor tes akhir sebesar 3,26 dan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,41 pada kelompok eksperimen yang lebih besar dibandingkan rata-rata skor tes akhir sebesar 2,04 dan nilai rata-rata sebesar -0,04 pada kelompok kontrol. Selanjutnya untuk KBK, kelompok eksperimen pun mencapai peningkatan yang lebih signifikan dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Hal ini terlihat dari rata-rata skor tes akhir sebesar 3,33 dan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,42 pada kelompok eksperimen yang lebih besar dibandingkan rata-rata skor tes akhir sebesar 2,04 dan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,01 pada kelompok kontrol. Dengan demikian penerapan collaborative ranking tasks (CRT) berbantuan e-learning pada perkuliahan IPBA berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap peningkatan penguasaan konsep, KGS, dan KBK mahasiswa

    Desain Didaktis Konsep Gradien Grafik v(t) sebagai Percepatan atau Perlambatan berdasarkan Hambatan Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA

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    Abstract The procces of making lesson plan should consider the response from the students. If the responses were not well anticipated, it can be a learning obstacles for the students. Therefore, teacher as one of the components in learning proscess and the responsible one in the classroom, should be able to make a didactical design wich can anticipate the emergence of these obstacles. The purpose of this research is to make a didactical design which is arranged based on epistemological obstacles (viewed from the tests of the ability of respondents) and didactical obstacles (viewed from learning process) in one of the concept in accelerated linera motion, that is gradient of v(t) charts as the acceleration or decelerated,  so it can anticipate the apperence of learning obstacles. These are the resumes of didactical design for this concept. At the prainstruksional stage, teacher mentioned the characteristics of s(t) and v (t) graphs from the previous meetings, while on the instructional stage, it requared a worksheets and a moving man animation. In this section make sure the students understand that gradient on a v (t) graphs is acceleration or deceleration trough graph aproachment .This concept given with the group methods  discussions followed by plenary class. Keywords: didactical design, learning obstacle,concept of  gradient on a v(t) graphs as acceleration or deceleration Abstrak Ketika proses pembelajaran berlangsung, respon dari peserta didik seringkali muncul. Jika respon ini tidak diantisipasi dengan baik, dapat menjadi hambatan belajar bagi peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, pendidik sebagai salah satu komponen dalam pembelajaran serta sebagai pihak yang bertanggung jawab di dalam kelas harus mampu untuk membuat suatu desain didaktis yang dapat mengantisipasi munculnya hambatan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat suatu desain didaktis yang disusun berdasarkan hambatan epistemologis (dilihat dari hasil tes kemampuan responden) dan hambatan didaktis (dilihat dari proses pembelajaran berlangsung) yang ada pada salah satu konsep pada materi GLBB yaitu gradien grafik v(t) sebagai percepatan atau perlambatan sehingga dapat mengantisipasi hambatan belajar yang muncul. Desain didaktis untuk konsep ini secara singkat, yaitu sebagai berikut: pada tahap prainstruksional disinggung mengenai karakteristik dari grafik s(t) dan v(t) pada pertemuan sebelumnya, sedangkan pada bagian instruksional media yang dibutuhkan yaitu lembar kerja peserta didik dan animasi moving man. Pada bagian ini pastikan peserta didik memahami bahwa gradien pada grafik v(t) merupakan percepatan atau perlambatan melalui pendekatan grafik. Setelah itu, untuk memperdalam pemahaman peserta didik diberikan latihan berupa grafik v(t) dengan situasi yang berbeda. Konsep ini diberikan dengan metode diskusi kelompok yang dilanjutkan dengan pleno kelas. Kata kunci: desain didaktis, hambatan belajar, konsep gradien grafik v(t) sebagai percepatan atau perlambata