291 research outputs found

    The Role Of Rose (Rapid Onsite Evaluation) On Spinal Lesion Surgery Decision

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    Introduction: Exposure and instrumentation of the spine must be meticulous and thorough regardless the techniques and approach selected. Management of the whole surgery process should be decided based on the best available evidence whenever possible. ROSE (Rapid Onsite Evaluation) cytology wrap up the surgical decision. Case Description: Fifteen cases comprise of lytic lesions and/or single pathological fractures of the corpus vertebrae will be presented and discuss as to how the surgical techniques and approaches are assisted by ROSE. ROSE cytology was performed in the operating theater during the surgery. Samples were taken after exposure of the minimal lesion using (18–21) G trocar needle or under fluoroscopy guided. Direct smear, air dried fixation, and Diff Quik staining would take about 10 minutes. Pathologist evaluated the specimen and provided the result in about 20 minutes. The overall 30 minutes allowed surgeon to prepare the further steps. Results would be malignant or benign without pursuing further detail diagnostic. Benign results should be categorized as infection, suspicious of granulomatic tuberculosis, or normal host population cells. The cases outcome were 8 normal host population cells advanced for vertebroplasty to fill the porotic bone. Three spondylitis tuberculosis were debrided without unnecessary instrumentation, and four malignant processes were assured to have enough samples for immunohistochemistry evaluation afterward. All ROSE cytology was confirmed accordingly by the histopathology result afterward. Conclusion: ROSE is easy and offers accurate sampling from the lesion itself. It is quick, therefore during surgery surgeon could decide the best management for the patient


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    Es krim herbal merupakan produk es krim yang mengandung bahan herbal seperti daun kelor, mengkudu, rossela dan kayu manis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan dan mengaplikasikan bahwa pemberian es krim herbal terhadap pasien anak-anak pasca operasi tonsilitis menjadikan daya tarik serta meningkatkan minat anak-anak yang semuala terkendala mengkonsumsi loloh atau jamu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori etnomedicine dan teori fungsional struktural serta menggunakan pendekatan Ayurweda. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian,  Pemberian es krim herbal sebagai makanan terhadap pasien anak-anak pasca operasi tonsillitis di RSU Bhakti Rahayu Denpasar karena es krim herbal mampu menambah nutrisi dan mempercepat penyembuhan karena beberapa tanaman yang digunakan tersebut mengandung unsur tanaman obat, vitamin dan mineral, setiap herbal per 100 gramnya mengandung vitamin C sebesar 0,009%, protein sebesar 1,37%, Karbohidrat sebesar 31,84% dan gula sebesar 28,35%. Tata cara pengolahan es krim herbal meliputi penghitungan adonan, persiapan adonan, pencampuran, pembekuan, dan pengemasan. 1 cup atau per 100 gram es krim herbal mengandung kalori sebanyak 388 kkal. Implikasi es krim herbal bagi penderita pasca operasi tonsilitis yaitu: mengurangi keluhan nyeri pada pangkal tenggorokan, mual, rasa perih, dan mempermudah proses makan dan minum pasien pasca operasi tonsilitis serta menambah nutrisi dan mempercepat pembekuan darah di area luka bekas pasca operasi tonsillitis sehingga mengurangi pendarahan

    Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)

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    Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) adalah kelainan pada regio hip dimana didapatkan pergeseran dari epifisis kaput femoris mulai dari area metafisis hingga fisis. Prevalensi SCFE berbeda-beda mengikuti kelompok etnis tertentu, kondisi geografis, lokasi, dan perubahan musim. SCFE sering dijumpai pada anak-anak Hispanik dan Afrika dengan jumlah mencapai 3,94 hingga 2,53 kali dibandingkan anak-anak Kaukasia. Rasio antara anak laki-laki dibandingkan perempuan sebesar 1,6:1, dimana rasio ini mewakili usia puncak pertumbuhan mereka, yaitu usia 10 hingga 16 tahun, dengan usia rata-rata 12 tahun pada anak perempuan dan 13,5 tahun pada anak laki-laki. Pada pasien usia dewasa muda, SCFE dikaitkan dengan gangguan metabolisme endokrin. Faktor lain seperti genetika dapat berperan dalam SCFE dimana adanya riwayat di keluarga menyebabkan variabilitas yang lebih besar. Proses penentuan diagnosis yang tertunda dapat menyebabkan perburukan dari kondisi awal pasien, hingga terjadinya gejala proses degenerasi awal yang berujung arthritis sendi pinggul. Tidak jarang, diagnostik yang terlambat berujung pada kecacatan premanen. Dibutuhkan pemeriksaan awal (screening) berskala besar untuk SCFE yang belum pernah dilakukan hingga sekarang, agar proses penetuan diagnosis dapat dibuat lebih cepat


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    This study aims to determine the effect of individual morality, information asymmetry, and the effectiveness of internal control on the tendency of accounting fraud on LPD in Tegallalang sub- district. The population in this study were all LPD employees in Tegallalang District. The number of samples taken was 168 employees, with a purposive sampling method. This research method uses quantitative research methods with primary data obtained from questionnaire data measured using a Likert scale. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis using SPSS 21.00 for Windows. The results of this study indicate that Individual Morality and Effectiveness of Internal Control have a negative and significant effect on the tendency of accounting fraud in the LPD in Tegallalang District, while the Asymmetry of Information has a positive and significant effect on the tendency for accounting fraud in the LPD in Tegallalang District


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    Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Klungkung yang terbentuk berdasarkan Peraturan Bupati Klungkung Nomor 35 Tahun 2016 tentang Kedudukan, Susunan Organisasi, Tugas Dan Fungsi Serta Tata Kerja Perangkat Daerah memiliki Tugas pokok menyelenggarakan urusan rumah tangga daerah di bidang Teknologi dan Informasi (TI). Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan  terhadap kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil  pada Dinas Kominfo Kabupaten Klungkung, (2) untuk mengetahui pengaruh Budaya Organisasi terhadap kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil  pada Dinas Kominfo Kabupaten Klungkung, (3). untuk mengetahui pengaruh Etos Kerja terhadap kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Dinas Kominfo Kabupaten Klungkung, (4) Untuk mengetahui Variabel manakah yang lebih dominan berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil  pada Dinas Kominfo Kabupaten Klungkung, (5) Untuk mengetahui variabel Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Etos Kerja secara bersama – sama berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil  pada Dinas Kominfo Kabupaten Klungkung. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan populasi 32 orang pegawai negeri sipil. Dari 32 orang pegawai negeri sipil di Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Klungkung yang dijadikan responden yaitu 30 orang, peneliti  dan pimpinan (Kepala Dinas) tidak  termasuk responden karena sebagai peneliti dan beyek penelitian. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Etos Kerja terhadap Kinerja pegawai digunakan metode statistik uji regresi linier berganda. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan program SPSS 25.0 For Windows.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai negeri sipil sebesar 35,4%. Budaya Organisasi mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terdahap kinerja pegawai negeri sipil sebesar 24.4%. Etos Kerja mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai negeri sipil sebesar 16,7 %. Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Etos Kerja secara bersama-sama menjelaskan variabel kinerja pegawai negeri sipil  sebesar 76,5%, sedangkan sisanya 23,5% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini atau model penelitian.  Model regresi dari penelitian ini adalah sebegai berikut : Ŷ =  2.366  +  0,354 X1 + 0,244 X2 + 0,167 X3. Persamaan tersebut memberikan gambaran bahwa peningkatan gaya kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi dan etos kerja akan meningkatkan kinerja pegawai negeri sipil


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    This study focuses on the analysis of how information may be lost, added, and skewed in the English-Indonesian translation of noun phrases in the novel The Valley of Fear. This study utilized descriptive qualitative method through note-taking technique. Nida’s principles of translation were applied to investigate how these three principles occur. The results showed that loss, addition, and skewing were found with several classifications, namely (1) omission of adjectives and indefinite quantifiers as well as different grammatical points of view for loss of information, (2) different linguistic and cultural aspects for addition of information, and (3) deviation of meaning and the choice of closest natural equivalence for skewing of information. Of the 507 cases found, addition of information occurs on the highest percentage, i.e. 54,81% (278 data), loss of information takes 41,42% (210 data) and skewing of information takes the lowest percentage, i.e. 3,74% (19 data). These findings indicate that actually loss, addition and skewing take place in translation of noun phases from English into Indonesian for the sake of finding naturalness without neglecting the accuracy of transferring meaning

    Strategi Promosi Dompet Elektronik Balipay terhadap Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah

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    Digital wallets are both an opportunity and a threat to the banking industry. Nowdays, banks are starting to enter digital wallets to adapt, including Bali Regional Development Bank. The bank launches of its digital wallet product, namely Balipay. It faces a big challenge because it has just entered a market that is already very competitive. This service activity aims to develop a market access strategy for the Balipay e-wallet product by taking into account the identified problems, so that the product can be accepted in the market using digital marketing methods, communication strategy, and providing flyers. After the socialization, business owners' knowledge of the benefits of e-wallets as promotional content and increasing consumer purchasing power will increase and have a sense of interest in registering their business to Balipay products. In this regard, the right strategy is needed so that the Balipay e-wallet product can be accepted by the public. It has a good impact on people to use Balipay products


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    Community service entitle Introduction: "Eco-Enzyme" Based Organic Waste Processing in Batannyuh Village, Marga, Tabanan. This program involves the Women Farmers Group "Bakti Pertiwi" in collaboration with the 2021 Universitas Hindu Indonesia Students which located in Batannyuh Village, Marga, Tabanan. The purpose of this service activity is to provide an understanding of "Eco-Enzyme"-Based Organic Waste Processing. It is expected that the understanding of the "Eco-Enzyme" process can be used as a reference in processing organic waste in Batannyuh Village, Marga, Tabanan. The introduction of this program was carried out online with the Women Farmers Group "Bakti Pertiwi" and KKNT students at Universitas Hindu Indonesia. The conclusion of this service program is the importance of processing organic waste. The remnants of organic waste that have been considered useless, in fact store bioactive materials that can be used for various purposes. The introduction of "Eco-Enzyme"-based organic waste processing is only a theory so it needs to be practiced more realistically so that the benefits are more felt by the community, especially the "Bakti Pertiwi" group and then be disseminated to the community in Batannyuh Village, Marga, Tabana
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