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    This research aimed to know the effect of mastery productive programs and industrial teacher’s guidance toward the achievement obtained in industrial working practice achievement on the drawing of building engineering program at SMK N 2 Yogyakarta in second grade of SMK N 2 Yogyakarta in academic year of 2010/2011. This research is an Ex-Post Facto research. The sample of this research was 31 second grade students of engineering drawings of SMK N 2 Yogyakarta in academic year of 2010/2011 who had done the first periode of industrial working practice. The data collecting of the population for the work of the industrial teacher’s guidance was using questioner of Likert scale with margin score of 1 to 4. Meanwhile to the variable of productive program achievement was using the document of report school grade from grade 1 to 2. 0 The variable achievement of industrial working practice also applied the documentation of industrial working practice grade which was written in the certificate of industrial working practice. The instruments validation questioner implemented items analysis using correlation formula “Product Moment” and the check reliability was using Alpha Cronbach Formula. Testing hypothesis was using correlation analysis product moment and multiple regression analysis which were done before test requirements analysis. It consisted of normalization, linearization, and multikolinierization. The result stows that : (1). There was an significant influence to the achievement of productive program to the student’s the achievement obtained in industrial working practice proved by correlation coefficient 0,8,8 > 0,355, P = 0,05 with the effective contribution 24,9% and X1 = 2,932. (2). There was significant influence between the work of industrial guidance teacher and the students’ achievement obtained in industrial working practice, proved by correlation coefficient 0,5932 > 0,355, P= 0,05 with the effective contribution of 0,2% and X2 = 0,030. (3). There is influence significant between the productive program achievement and the work of industrial guidance teacher with the students’ achievement obtained in industrial working practice with effective contribution of 25,1% and Y = -12,819 + 2,923X1 + 0,030 X2. Keyword: the productive program mastery, industrial guidance teachers work, the achievement obtained in industrial working practic

    Perturbation Theory Based on Darboux Transformation on One-Dimensional Dirac Equation in Quantum Computation

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    We present the recent works \cite{trisetyarso2011} on the application of Darboux transformation on one-dimensional Dirac equation related to the field of Quantum Information and Computation (QIC). The representation of physical system in one-dimensional equation and its transformation due to the Bagrov, Baldiotti, Gitman, and Shamshutdinova (BBGS)-Darboux transformation showing the possibility admitting the concept of relativity and the trade-off of concurrent condition of quantum and classical physics play into the area of QIC. The applications in cavity quantum electrodynamics and on the proposal of quantum transistor are presented.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT), 201


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    ABSTRACT Background: Intraperitoneal adhesions after abdominal surgery occurred in 50-97% cases, and the most cause is laparotomy. This research was done to know the difference between laparoscopy and laparotomy regarding the peritoneal adhesion degree, cortisol and TGF- β level. Material and Method: A randomized control trial post test only design was done on both groups. The 1st group (X1) was performed laparotomy and ileum abrasion, while the 2nd group (X2) was performed laparoscopy, both treatment performed under general anaesthesia. The blood sampel was taken just before and 6 hours after operation to measure the cortisol level. Seven days later, both groups were terminated by making vertebrae cervical dislocation and than performed laparotomy to assess the intraperitoneal adhesion and to collected the peritoneal fluid to measure the TGF-β levels. The differences regarding cortisol and TGF-β level were analyzed by independent t-test, while the intraperitoneal adhesion was analyzed by Mann Whitney. Pearson’s test was performed to analyze the correlation between cortisol and TGF-β level, while the correlation between TGF-β level and the adhesion degree analyzed by Spearman’s test. Result: There were significant difference in the cortisol (mean 20,03 ± 1,550 ng/ml.), TGF-β level (mean 6.772,50 ± 414,77 pg/ml.)and the adhesion degree among both groups (p = 0.021, p < 0.001, p = 0.002 ). There were strong positif correlation between cortisol with TGF-β level (p = 0.030, r = 0.632) and very strong positive correlation between TGF-β level with the adhesion degree (p = 0.001, r = 0.941). Conclusion : Laparoscopic surgery can minimize the increase of the TGF-β and cortisol level, so as to lower the incidence of adhesion. Key words : Degrees of adhesion, cortisol, TGF-β,laparotomy, laparoscopy

    Pengaruh Penambahan Pupuk Organik Kotoran Sapi Terhadap Kualitas Kompos dari Sampah Daun Kering di TPST Undip

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    ABSTRAK Sebagian besar sampah organik di Universitas Diponegoro didominasi oleh sampah daun kering. Sampah daun kering merupakan salah satu bahan yang dapat untuk dijadikan kompos. Penambahan bahan organik lain diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kandungan unsur hara kompos. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dan menentukan variasi optimum penambahan pupuk organik kotoran sapi terhadap kualitas kompos dari sampah daun kering di TPST Undip. Pengomposan dilakukan secara aerobic dengan waktu pengomposan selama 28 hari. Pengomposan dilakukan dengan activator EM4. Variabel penelitian dengan menambahkan pupuk organik kotoran sapi (sampah daun : pupuk organik kotoran sapi) dengan variasi kontrol (1 : 0), P1 (4 : 1), P2 (7:3), P3 (3 : 2). Berdasakan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan pupuk organik kotoran sapi memberikan pengaruh pada hasil kualitas pengomposan, bahwa kualitas kompos yang dihasilkan lebih baik, dengan kompos yang paling optimum pada variasi P2 dengan rasio C/N 10,10%, C-organik 26,73%, N-total 2,64%, P-total 0,60%, K-total 0,44%. Kata kunci : Sampah organik, kompos, pengomposan, kotoran sapi ABSTRACT (The Effect of Cow Manure Organic Fertilizer Addition To The Quality Compost From Dried Leaf Litter at TPST Undip). Most of the organic waste at Diponegoro University is dominated by dry leaf litter. The dry leaf litter is one of the materials that can be composted. The addition of another organic materials need to increase the nutrient content in the compost. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect and determining the optimum variation of addition organic fertilizer of cow manure to the quality of compost from dry leaf litter at TPST Undip. The composting is an aerobic process with composting time during 28 days. The composting was conducted by using EM4 activator. Variables of this study were the organic fertilizer of cow manure addition ( leaf litter : organic fertilizer of cow manure ) with variation of control ( 1:0), P1 (4:1), P2 (7:3), P3 (3:2). Based on the result of this study showed that the addition of organic fertilizer cow manure had an effect on the quality of composting, that the quality of the compost produced is better result, with the most optimal compost was P2 variation, with result C/N ratio 10.10%, C organic 26.73%, N-total 2. 64%, P-total 0.60%, K-total 0.44% . Keywords: Organic waste, compost, composting, cow manur


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    Migrasi leptocephalus dari lokasi pemijahan di Samudera Hindia hingga kawasan perairan muara Sungai Progo berlangsung secara pasif mengikuti arus 1aut. Setelah bermetamorfosis menjadi glass eel, selanjutnya larva sidat rase glass eel tersebut masuk ke sungai. Larva sidat masuk ke sungai hanya pada waktu tertentu dan dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan. Larva sidat bermigrasi dari kawasan muara ke arab hulu. Dam Srandakan di Sungai Progo yang hanya berjarak 6,5 km dari muara, berpotensi menghentikan migrasi larva sidat. Akibatnya, kelestarian sidat di Sungai Progo menjadi terancam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari migrasi larva sidat di Sungai Progo, serta nasib sidat setelah migrasinya terhenti oleh Dam Srandakan. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Februari 2007 hingga Juni 2009. Larva sidat rase glass eel dikoleksi di kawasan muara menggunakan jaring sodo pada tanggal 16 dan 28 kalender lunar. Waktu sampling pukul 18.00, 20.00, 22.00, 24.00, 02.00, 04.00, dan 06.00. Data yang dikoleksi meliputi keme1impahan, umur, ukuran tubuh, waktu kedatangan, dan kecepatan renang. Parameter fisiko-kimia yang dikoleksi meliputi curah hujan, intensitas cahaya, salinitas, suhu, pH, kandungan oksigen terlarut, turbiditas, penetrasi cahaya, kecepatan arus sungai, 1ebar mulut sungai, aras permukaan perairan muara, dan kandungan bahan organik. Larva sidat yang ditangkap diukur kecepatan renang dan diuji ketahanan hidupnya pada berbagai salinitas yang berbeda. Glass eel juga dikoleksi di sungai dari muara hingga dam pada tanggal 17 dan 29 kalender lunar pada pukul 04.00. Sidat rase yellow eel di bawah dam ditangkap menggunakan perangkap bubu dari muara hingga dam serta di Kali Nepi. Data yellow eel di bawah dam yang dikoleksi adalah cacah individu, panjang tubuh, dan kemampuan memanjat eel ladder. Sidat rase yellow eel di atas dam ditangkap menggunakan pancing sampai jarak 62 km dari muara. Data diana1isis untuk mendeskrepsikan dinamika kemelimpahan larva sidat, serta nasib sidat setelah Dam Srandakan dibangun. Dinamika kemelimpahan larva sidat dinalisis berdasarkan trend yang terjadi. Cacah individu yellow eel di bawah dam yang masuk ke Kali Nepi dianalisis dengan metode CPUE. Hubungan antara umur dan ukuran tubuh larva sidat dianalisis dengan metode one way anova sederhana. Hubungan antara parameter fisiko-kimia dengan kemelimpahan larva sidat di muara dianalisis dengan metode PCA. Dalam kurun waktu Februari 2007 - Juni 2009 telah dikoleksi sampellarva sidat di muara Sungai Progo sebanyak 1.082 ekor, yang terdiri ares A. marmorata, A. bicolor bicolor, dan A. nebulosa nebulosa. Larva sidat jenis A. bicolor bicolor paling banyak masuk sungai (63,96%). Kisaran umur larva sidat 58-190 hari, yang dibagi dalam 5 kelompok umur. Larva sidat masuk ke muara Sungai Progo saat arus laut di Samudera Hindia yang mengarah ke muara membawa leptocephalus. Glass eel bermigrasi masuk ke Sungai Progo hanya pada musim penghujan di bulan Oktober - Juni pacta tabun 2007 - 2009. Pada periode migrasi bulan Oktober - Januari tabun 2007 - 2009 larva sidat datang ke muara dari arab timur, dan merupakan hasil pemijahan bulan Juli - Oktober tabun 2006 - 2008. Pada periode migrasi bulan Februari - Juni tabun 2007 - 2009 larva sidat datang ke muara dari arab barat, dan merupakan hasil pemijahan bulan Nopember - Januari tahun 2006 - 2009. Migrasi tahunan larva sidat berlangsung pada saat curah hujan di atas 125 mm per bulan. Puncak mirasi tahunan larva sidat ke muara sungai terjadi setelah didahului curah hujan yang tinggi 3-5 bulan sebelumnya, dan kecepatan arus di mulut sungai rendah yaitu kurang dari 0,2 m per detik. Migrasi harian larva sidat berlangsung di akhir bulan lunar, pada malam hari saat intensitas cahaya 0 lux. Puncak migrasi harian berlangsung saat air pasang naik. Larva sidat yang masuk muara Sungai Progo segera bermigrasi ke arab hulu dan dapat mencapai Dam Srandakan dalam waktu 4 hari. Migrasi larva sidat rase glass eel hanya sampai dam. Dam yang tinggi dan dekat muara sungai menghentikan migrasi sidat. Sebagian besar sidat yang terjebak oleh dam tidak bisa melanjutkan migrasi ke arab hulu. Sebagian kecil sidat yang migrasinya terhenti oleh dam, bermigrasi masuk ke Kali Nepi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah: jenis sidat yang masuk Sungai Progo adalah A. marmorata, A. bicolor bicolor, dan A. nehulosa nehulosa. Sidat jenis A. bicolor bicolor dan A. marmorata datang ke muara dari arab barat datang dan timur. Sidat A. nebulosa nebulosa datang ke muara dari arab barat. Migrasi tahunan berlangsung saat salinitas rendah akibat air sungai banyak masuk ke laut pada musim penghujan. Puncak migrnsi tahunan berlangsung setelah didahului curah hujan yang tinggi 3-5 bulan sebelumnya serta kecepatan arus sungai di mulut sungai rendah. Migrasi harian berlangsung di akhir bulan lunar pada malam hari saat intensitas cahaya 0 lux. Puncak migrasi harian berlungsung saat air laut pasang naik. Tanggul pemecah ombak menghambat migrasi sidat masuk ke muara dan Dam Srandakan menghentikan migrasi sidat. Kata kunci: migrasi, sidat, Anguilla, Sungai Progo, Samudera Hindi
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