15 research outputs found
Changes in behavioural and physiological parameters associated with Taenia pisiformis infection in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) that may improve early detection of sick rabbits
[EN] The purpose of the present experiment was to describe rabbits' early behavioral responses to illness, and its relation with physiological changes to help improve early detection of infection, particularly those induced by Taenia pisiformis in rabbits. Twenty adult female New Zealand rabbits were randomly allocated in two groups, to determine whether changes in behavior and some physiological parameters can be induced in rabbits after a T. pisiformis infection. Infected animals were orally inoculated with 3,000 eggs of T. pisiformis, while controls only received saline solution. Behavioral activity was recorded daily from 19:00 to 21:00 h starting two days before infection. Mate choice and rank status were assessed, and blood samples were collected at -2, 7, 14 and 25 days post infection (dpi) for hematological and hepatic function determinations. All animals were observed for clinical signs every other day from the beginning of the experiment and euthanized 25 dpi after last sampling. Infected animals spent more (P0.05) were observed in the time spent at the feeder, rank status or mate choice. Leucocyte and lymphocyte concentrations increased (P<0.05) while heterophil counts decreased in infected rabbits as the experiment progressed. Furthermore, infected animals had larger concentrations of alkaline phosphatase as soon as 7 dpi. No clinical signs of the disease were detected. Necropsy findings corroborate hepatic lesions and presence of the parasite in all infected animals. It was concluded that an infection with 3,000 eggs of T. pisiformis induced changes in behavioral patterns, supported by some changes in hematological and hepatic parameters that could improve early detection of illness, regardless of clinical signs.Authors are very grateful to Dr. Sarah Chaplin for her help editing this manuscript and to PROMEP and
CONACyT for financial support. We also want to thank the Canine Control Centre at Tlahuac County in Mexico City for allowing
us to sample dogs in order to obtain the parasites used in this research.Betancourt-Alonso, M.; Orihuela, A.; Aguirre, V.; Vázquez, R.; Flores-Pérez, F. (2011). Changes in behavioural and physiological parameters associated with Taenia pisiformis infection in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) that may improve early detection of sick rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 19(1):21-30. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2011.801SWORD213019
Infestation assessment with Haematobia irritans in grazing cattle and stress behaviors in tropical regions
The objective was to evaluate the infestation with flies in grazing cattle, and its relationship with some behaviors (tail butting, head butting, kicking and rubbing) that alter animal welfare, through direct observation and use of photographs. At two times (7:00 and 14:00 h) the variables were measured on thirty naturally infested cows and randomly distributed in two treatments: TS: control without deworming and TD: chemically dewormed. The fly infestation were higher (P<0.001) in TS cows (483.7 flies/animal), they also, expressed with greater intensity (P<0.001) and frequency of upset behaviors: tail-tapping (10.84 movements/min), head-butting (1.66), kicking (0.51) and rubbing (0.33) in order to drive away the annoying contact and aggression of the ectoparasite. It is concluded that the greater the fly infestation, the movements that alter the welfare of the animals increase; however, more research is required to know the physiological welfare consequences that the infestation of this parasite implies.Objective: To evaluate the infestation with flies in grazing cattle, and its relationship with some behaviors (tail butting, head butting, kicking and rubbing) that alter animal welfare, through direct observation and use of photographs.
Design/Methodology/Approach: At two times (7:00 and 14:00 h) the variables were measured on thirty naturally infested cows and randomly distributed in two treatments: TS: control without deworming and TD: chemically dewormed.
Results: The fly infestation were higher (p < 0.001) in TS cows (483.7 flies/animal), they also, expressed with greater intensity (p < 0.001) and frequency of upset behaviors: tail-tapping (10.84 movements min-1), head-butting (1.66), kicking (0.51) and rubbing (0.33) in order to drive away the annoying contact and aggression of the ectoparasite.
Limitations: More in deep research is needed in order to assess the physiological disorders that this parasite could cause by altering well-being of grazing cattle in the tropics.
Findings/Conclusions: It is concluded that the greater the fly infestation, the movements that alter the welfare of the animals’ increase; however, more research is required to know the physiological welfare consequences that the infestation of this parasite implies
Caracterización de la curva de lactancia y calidad de la leche en ovejas Santa Cruz (Ovis aries)
Milk production and quality during lactation in hair sheep is vital to lamb survival and maintenance. Despite their importance, little data is currently available on these characteristics. An experiment was done to characterize the lactation curve and milk quality in ewes of the Santa Cruz hair sheep breed. Animals were 18 multiparous ewes that had lambed within four days. Milk production was recorded every 72 h from 6 to 60 d postpartum (dpp), and milk quality was quantified once a week from a sample of the day’s total production. Milk production was 1.95 L at 6 dpp, 2.31 L at 12 dpp and 1.01 at 57 dpp. Total solids were 18% at week two and increased to 20.5 % at week eight. Milkfat was 8% at week two and increased to 9.8 % at week eight. The protein (4.86 to 5.18 %) and lactose (4.68 to 4.74 %) percentages remained relatively uniform throughout lactation. Milk production in Santa Cruz ewes is highest in the second week of lactation and then decreases steadily and gradually. Milk total solids and fat percentages increased over time, while protein and lactose percentages remained constant.En las ovejas de pelo existe muy poca información respecto a las características de la producción y calidad de la leche a lo largo de la lactancia, pese a sus implicaciones tanto en la sobrevivencia y mantenimiento de los corderos, como en la alimentación humana. Con el propósito de caracterizar la curva de lactancia y la calidad de la leche en ovejas Santa Cruz, se utilizaron 18 ovejas multíparas que parieron en un lapso de cuatro días. La producción láctea se registró cada 72 h en el periodo comprendido de 6 a 60 días postparto (dpp), mientras que la calidad de la leche se determinó una vez por semana de una muestra de la producción total del día. La producción de leche 6 dpp fue de 1.95 L, alcanzando un máximo de 2.31 L, 12 dpp y disminuyendo hasta 1.01, a los 57 dpp. El porcentaje de sólidos totales fue 18 %, incrementando hasta 20.5 % en la octava semana. El porcentaje de grasa durante la segunda semana fue 8 % incrementándose hasta 9.8 % al final del periodo evaluado, mientras que los porcentajes de proteína y lactosa se mantuvieron relativamente uniformes durante todo el periodo experimental en niveles entre 4.86 y 5.18 % para proteína, y 4.68 a 4.74 % para lactosa. Se concluye que la producción de leche en ovejas Santa Cruz, alcanza su máximo alrededor de la segunda semana de lactancia, disminuyendo a partir de ese momento de manera constante y paulatina, incrementando los porcentajes de sólidos totales y grasa a través del tiempo, mientras que los de proteína y lactosa se mantienen constantes
Milk and blood progesterone concentration in ewes (Ovis aries) under different physiological states and progestogen treatment
The aim of this study was to quantify the concentration of milk and blood progesterone (P4) from lactating ewes under different physiological states and the possible harmlessness of their milk in human consumption. Progesterone concentration was determined in ovariectomized and intact ewes during the oestrous cycle, while implanted with a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) containing 0.3 g of natural P4 (OxCIDR; ICIDR) or not (Ox; I), and during pregnancy (G). Mean P4 concentration was found to be significantly greater in blood (P > 0.0001) than in milk sources. Concentrations also varied according to treatments (P < 0.0001). As expected, P4 concentration from Ox ewes was the lowest compared to the rest of the treatments (0.31 ± 0.22 ng ml−1; P < 0.0001). Ewes with CIDR showed greater P4 concentration than the respective group without implant (OxCIDR vs. Ox; P < 0.0001, and ICIDR vs. I; P < 0.01). In addition, G ewes showed the highest P4 concentration when compared with the rest of the treatments (P < 0.03). There was an interaction between P4 source and treatment (P < 0.0001). It was concluded that as milk of cycling and G animals is considered safe for human consumption, then the milk of CIDR-treated ewes should also be considered safe, based on P4 concentration
TesisPlan de Manejo de Residuos Sólidos para el Distrito de Comas provincia de Lima
cuyos objetivos son cuantificar la cantidad de residuos sólidos producidos en
Comas y a la vez el impacto que estos causan; en base a esto proporcionar
alternativas y soluciones para un mejor sistema de recolección y disposición final.
El presente trabajo fue una investigación de campo en la que se utilizó el método
del pesaje para el cálculo de la GPC, método del cuarteo para la determinación
de la densidad de los residuos; para identificar y evaluar los impactos se utilizó la
Guía Metodológica para la Evaluación del Impacto Ambiental.
En la investigación se utilizó una balanza de 20 kg de capacidad, fundas plásticas
de tamaño doméstico, adhesivos de identificación, mandiles, botas de caucho,
guantes y mascarillas.
Se determinó que existe un 62.80 de residuos orgánicos frente a un 23.09% de
inorgánicos, con una GPC de 0.67 Kg/hab día y una densidad de 183.53 Kg/m3.
En cuanto a la evaluación del impacto se obtuvo como resultado un impacto
moderado negativo de -3.1.
Se concluyó que la GPC obtenida no depende de los tipos de estratos, pues es
independiente de la calidad de vida que llevan los habitantes; el impacto
moderado negativo puede ser mitigado mediante la aplicación de medidas
correctamente planificadas.
Se recomienda implementar el PIGARS junto con las estrategias de clasificación,
las mismas que ayudarán al reciclaje y disminución de generación de residuos
sólidos en el Distrito de Comas
?C?mo podemos mejorar la finca cafetalera en la cuenca? : una gu?a de apoyo a procesos de reflexi?n-acci?n-reflexi?n participativos con familias productores y promotores t?cnicos
Tiempo de manejo y algunas conductas relacionadas con el estrés al manejar grupos grandes o reducidos de ganado en mangas rectas
Stress during handling can affect welfare in beef cattle and pose a risk to handlers. An evaluation was done of processing time and stress-related behavior (vocalization, turning, jumping, hitting, falling) in cattle during transit through a straight chute. Eight herds of 50 Brahman x Swiss Brown animals each were processed over an 8-d period. Each herd contained the same proportions of young to adult animals, and female to male ratios. Four herds were processed in small groups of four to five animals (TS), and the remaining four in groups of ten to twelve animals (TG). Processing involved moving the animals through a 13-m long straight chute during which they were injected with 1% Ivermectin. Processing time was shorter (P0.05) were observed for hitting (TS: 2.7 ± 0.4; TG: 5.5 ± 1.7) or falling (TS: 2 ± 0.4; TG: 3.7 ± 1.0). Processing small groups resulted in shorter processing times, less stress to animals and lower risk of injury to animals and handlers. This practice is a viable option for improving processing efficiency and animal welfare in semi-intensive tropical beef cattle systems.El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el tiempo de manejo y el comportamiento indicativo de estrés en bovinos durante su paso por una manga recta. Se utilizaron ocho hatos de 50 animales Brahman x Pardo Suizo, cada hato constituido proporcionalmente por animales jóvenes, adultos, machos y hembras. Cuatro hatos se asignaron al azar a cada uno de los dos tratamientos: en el primer tratamiento, el hato se manejó en grupos de 4-5 animales (TS), mientras que, en el segundo, se manejó en grupos de 10 a 12 animales (TG). El manejo consistió en llevar los animales a través de una manga de 13 m de longitud donde recibieron una aplicación subcutánea de Ivermectina al 1%. Durante su paso por la manga, el tiempo promedio para manejar a los animales en cada tratamiento (42.5 ± 2.2 vs 51.04 ± 1.9 min; P0.05) para el número de animales que se golpearon (TS: 2.7 ± 0.4 y TG: 5.5 ± 1.7) o se cayeron (TS: 2 ± 0.4 y TG: 3.7 ± 1.0). Se concluye que el manejo de bovinos en grupos pequeños requiere menos tiempo y puede ser menos estresante y peligroso que cuando se manejan grupos más numerosos
Effects of high concentrate supplementation of Saint Croix sheep during peripartum on neonatal lamb behaviour
The aim of this study was to determine whether increasing concentrate supplementation to ewes during the peripartum would benefit ewe and lamb vigour. Pregnant ewes were randomly assigned to either a maintenance group (MG) or a supplementation group (SG). The diets given covered energy requirements and consisted of pasture, forages and commercial concentrate; however, SG ewes received higher concentrate ration. Body weight and blood metabolites were assessed weekly. Lambs were weighed and their behaviour was observed. Data were analysed using repeated-measures test or ANOVA. During peripartum, the body weight was significantly higher in SG ewes compared with MG ewes (P = .02). Indicators of energy metabolism were similar between groups (P > .05). Latency to first suck was 10 minutes shorter in SG lambs compared with MG lambs (P = .005). Lamb weight was similar between groups, and there was a negative correlation between lamb birthweight and time to first suckle that was independent of diet group. This study demonstrates that high concentrate supplementation of ewes during peripartum results in higher body weight postpartum but does not change metabolic status. Latency to first suck was shorter in lambs born to SG ewes suggestive of enhanced vigour related to supplementation