454 research outputs found

    Planteamiento metodológico para lograr la eficiencia hídrica sustentable. Estudio de caso: unidad habitacional Tepic, Nayarit

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    El presente trabajo consiste en un estudio acerca de la problemática que enfrentan los conjuntos habitacionales en Tepic Nayarit, para abastecer la creciente demanda de la población. Se parte de cuatro aspectos fundamentales que un sistema de agua potable debe cumplir, de acuerdo a la Comisión Nacional del Agua. Referido a un estudio de caso, en donde se hizo un análisis del contexto en relación con el suministro y presión del agua, análisis del usuario en relación con el consumo de agua, que incluye un monitoreo de gasto actual y otro con dispositivos ahorradores. Al final se establecen escenarios para mejorar el abastecimiento continuo de agua, y para conocer el efecto que tiene la implementación de dispositivos ahorradores. La eficiencia hídrica promovida en estas viviendas ayudará a garantizar el abastecimiento continuo, promover el uso adecuado y consiente del agua, fomentar hábitos de consumo responsable y ayudar a preservar los mantos acuíferos de la ciudad.ITESO, A.C

    La metáfora del no-lugar

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    El propósito del escrito consiste en explorar la metáfora levinasiana del no-lugar,precisar sus sentidos y evaluar críticamente su pertinencia en el ámbito de las reflexiones contemporáneas. Para ello, contextualizaremos la propuesta levinasiana en torno al no-lugar, especialmente bajo los conceptos de sensibilidad, proximidad e infinito; reconstruiremos algunas de las críticas de Levinas a lo que denominamos: “filosofías del regreso a casa”; y, finalmente, sugeriremos algunos aspectos en los cuales las tesis del filósofo judío podrían hacerse pertinentes. Este último propósito lo acompañaremos con una investigación social adelantada al respecto.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this writing is to explore the Levinasian no-place metaphor, in order to clarify its meanings as well as to critically evaluate its pertinence under the light of contemporary reflections. In order to do this, we will contextualize the Levinasian proposal around the no-place, especially under the concepts of sensitivity, proximity, and infinite; we will reconstruct some Levinas’s critiques which we will call “philosophies of the coming back home”, and finally we will suggest some aspects in which the Jew philosopher theses might be pertinent. This last purpose will be accompanied by a social research carried out about this issue.El propósito del escrito consiste en explorar la metáfora levinasiana del no-lugar,precisar sus sentidos y evaluar críticamente su pertinencia en el ámbito de las reflexiones contemporáneas. Para ello, contextualizaremos la propuesta levinasiana en torno al no-lugar, especialmente bajo los conceptos de sensibilidad, proximidad e infinito; reconstruiremos algunas de las críticas de Levinas a lo que denominamos: “filosofías del regreso a casa”; y, finalmente, sugeriremos algunos aspectos en los cuales las tesis del filósofo judío podrían hacerse pertinentes. Este último propósito lo acompañaremos con una investigación social adelantada al respecto.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this writing is to explore the Levinasian no-place metaphor, in order to clarify its meanings as well as to critically evaluate its pertinence under the light of contemporary reflections. In order to do this, we will contextualize the Levinasian proposal around the no-place, especially under the concepts of sensitivity, proximity, and infinite; we will reconstruct some Levinas’s critiques which we will call “philosophies of the coming back home”, and finally we will suggest some aspects in which the Jew philosopher theses might be pertinent. This last purpose will be accompanied by a social research carried out about this issue

    Iris Information Management in Object-Relational Databases

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    Biometrics is a technology under development that has been enhanced by the increasing security concerns in organizations at all levels. Public agencies that employ this technology need to consult the biometric data efficiently and share them with other agencies. Hence the need for data models and standards that allow interoperability between systems and facilitate data searches. The objective of this work is to develop a generic architecture using object-relational database technology (ORDB), according to international standards, for identifying people by means of iris recognition. In addition, a model expressed in Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram where the domain data types defined for use in architecture is proposed. This architecture will allow interoperability between organizations efficiently and safely.XII Workshop Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos (WBDDM)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Iris Information Management in Object-Relational Databases

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    Biometrics is a technology under development that has been enhanced by the increasing security concerns in organizations at all levels. Public agencies that employ this technology need to consult the biometric data efficiently and share them with other agencies. Hence the need for data models and standards that allow interoperability between systems and facilitate data searches. The objective of this work is to develop a generic architecture using object-relational database technology (ORDB), according to international standards, for identifying people by means of iris recognition. In addition, a model expressed in Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram where the domain data types defined for use in architecture is proposed. This architecture will allow interoperability between organizations efficiently and safely.XII Workshop Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos (WBDDM)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Evaluation of Fattening Efficiency of Grazing Bulls through Panel Data Envelop Analysis

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    The purpose of this paper was to assess fattening efficiency changes in grazing bulls, using panel data envelop analysis in two periods of time. The panel data were compiled by DEAP 2.1, which included the results of a 3-year period from 38 private farms (beef farms) in cooperatives of credits and services. The farms were on prairie savannahs, located on 21.4831 latitude, and -77.3174 longitude, less than 300 meters above sea level, province of Camagüey, mideastern Cuba. The output variable was total sold kg (TSKG), and the input variables were cost of Norgold (CN), fuel kg per ha (FKGXHA), fuel kg per livestock unit (FKGXLU), and unit of human labor force (UHL), which were highly correlated to the output variable. Table 2 shows that technical efficiency (TE), pure efficiency (PEC), and scale sufficiency (SEC), underwent 0.2%, 0.4, and 0.5%, respectively, by the third year of fattening. Technological change (TC) between the second and third years rose to almost 14%, and the total productivity factor (TPF) spiked as farmers became more skilled and experienced, with a 4.9% increase in comparison to the first year, and 13.7% in the second year

    Translation Initiation Factor AteIF(iso)4E Is Involved in Selective mRNA Translation in Arabidopsis Thaliana Seedlings

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    One of the most regulated steps of translation initiation is the recruitment of mRNA by the translation machinery. In eukaryotes, this step is mediated by the 5′end cap-binding factor eIF4E bound to the bridge protein eIF4G and forming the eIF4F complex. In plants, different isoforms of eIF4E and eIF4G form the antigenically distinct eIF4F and eIF(iso)4F complexes proposed to mediate selective translation. Using a microarray analysis of polyribosome- and non-polyribosome-purified mRNAs from 15 day-old Arabidopsis thaliana wild type [WT] and eIF(iso)4E knockout mutant [(iso)4E-1] seedlings we found 79 transcripts shifted from polyribosomes toward non-polyribosomes, and 47 mRNAs with the opposite behavior in the knockout mutant. The translationally decreased mRNAs were overrepresented in root-preferentially expressed genes and proteins from the endomembrane system, including several transporters such as the phosphate transporter PHOSPHATE1 (PHO1), Sucrose transporter 3 (SUC3), ABC transporter-like with ATPase activity (MRP11) and five electron transporters, as well as signal transduction-, protein modification- and transcription-related proteins. Under normal growth conditions, eIF(iso)4E expression under the constitutive promoter 35 S enhanced the polyribosomal recruitment of PHO1 supporting its translational preference for eIF(iso)4E. Furthermore, under phosphate deficiency, the PHO1 protein increased in the eIF(iso)4E overexpressing plants and decreased in the knockout mutant as compared to wild type. In addition, the knockout mutant had larger root, whereas the 35 S directed expression of eIF(iso)4E caused shorter root under normal growth conditions, but not under phosphate deficiency. These results indicate that selective translation mediated by eIF(iso)4E is relevant for Arabidopsis root development under normal growth conditions