31 research outputs found

    Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection with bullous skin lesions in a patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma

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    Vibrio spp. is a pathogen rarely isolated in cancer patients, and in most cases it is associated with haematological diseases. Cutaneous manifestations of this organism are even rarer. We report a case of Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection presenting bullous skin lesions in a young type II diabetic patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma having a seawater exposure history

    Combined effectiveness of prior and current season influenza vaccination in northern Spain: 2016/17 mid-season analysis

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    The 2016/17 mid-season vaccine effectiveness estimate against influenza A(H3N2) was 15% (95% confidence interval: -11 to 35) in Navarre. Comparing to individuals unvaccinated in the current and four prior seasons, effectiveness was 24% for current and 3-4 prior doses, 61% for current and 1-2 prior doses, 42% for only current vaccination, and 58% for 3-4 prior doses. This suggests moderate effectiveness for different combinations of vaccination in the current and prior seasons.This study was supported by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission (agreement 634446); by the I-MOVE (Influenza Monitoring Vaccine Effectiveness in Europe) Network funded by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; by La Caixa Foundation; and by the Carlos III Institute of Health with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (CM15/00119, INT15/00182).S

    Long-term catheterization: current approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of port-related infections

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    Since the first description in 1982, totally implanted venous access ports have progressively improved patients' quality of life and medical assistance when a medical condition requires the use of long-term venous access. Currently, they are part of the standard medical care for oncohematologic patients. However, apart from mechanical and thrombotic complications, there are also complications associated with biofilm development inside the catheters. These biofilms increase the cost of medical assistance and extend hospitalization. The most frequently involved micro-organisms in these infections are gram-positive cocci. Many efforts have been made to understand biofilm formation within the lumen catheters, and to resolve catheter-related infection once it has been established. Apart from systemic antibiotic treatment, the use of local catheter treatment (ie, antibiotic lock technique) is widely employed. Many different antimicrobial options have been tested, with different outcomes, in clinical and in in vitro assays. The stability of antibiotic concentration in the lock solution once instilled inside the catheter lumen remains unresolved. To prevent infection, it is mandatory to perform hand hygiene before catheter insertion and manipulation, and to disinfect catheter hubs, connectors, and injection ports before accessing the catheter. At present, there are still unresolved questions regarding the best antimicrobial agent for catheter-related bloodstream infection treatment and the duration of concentration stability of the antibiotic solution within the lumen of the port

    Hepatitis E virus genotype 3 microbiological surveillance by the Spanish Reference Laboratory: geographic distribution and phylogenetic analysis of subtypes from 2009 to 2019

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    Background: Hepatitis E virus genotype 3 (HEV-3) is widely distributed throughout Europe, with incidence of infections increasing in many countries. Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have reported the distribution of HEV-3 subtypes in cohorts of patients with hepatic disease. Aim: To describe the distribution of the HEV-3 subtypes in Spain at national and autonomous community (AC) levels between 2009 and 2019. The study was also extended to Andorra. Methods: Of 5,197 samples received by the National Reference Laboratory during the study, 409 were HEV-RNA-positive. Among these, 294 (71.9%) were further typed based on an ORF2 sequence fragment, or, for a subset of 74, based on the full-coding genome sequence. Results: HEV-3 was detected in 291 samples. The dominant subtype in Spain was HEV-3f (88.3%; 257/291), which occurred in all ACs, with no change in detection level over time. Within this subtype, three subclusters were characterised: HEV-3f-B, HEV-3f-A1 and HEV-3f-A2. The second most common HEV subtype was the recently described HEV-3m (7%; 21/291), with two subclusters identified: HEV-3m-A, which has been known since 2010, and HEV-3m-B, since 2014. The third most encountered subtype was HEV-3c (4.1%; 12/291), with a frequency not increasing over time, unlike observations in some European countries. Conclusion: The importance of the surveillance of HEV-3 subtype and subcluster circulation is yet to be assessed. This surveillance together with the comprehensive epidemiological characterisation of clinical cases, could support the identification of sources of transmission and the establishment of control measures nationally and internationally.CIBERESP contract for the first author.S

    Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection with bullous skin lesions in a patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma

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    Vibrio spp. is a pathogen rarely isolated in cancer patients, and in most cases it is associated with haematological diseases. Cutaneous manifestations of this organism are even rarer. We report a case of Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection presenting bullous skin lesions in a young type II diabetic patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma having a seawater exposure history

    Diverse Large HIV-1 Non-subtype B Clusters Are Spreading Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Spain

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    In Western Europe, the HIV-1 epidemic among men who have sex with men (MSM) is dominated by subtype B. However, recently, other genetic forms have been reported to circulate in this population, as evidenced by their grouping in clusters predominantly comprising European individuals. Here we describe four large HIV-1 non-subtype B clusters spreading among MSM in Spain. Samples were collected in 9 regions. A pol fragment was amplified from plasma RNA or blood-extracted DNA. Phylogenetic analyses were performed via maximum likelihood, including database sequences of the same genetic forms as the identified clusters. Times and locations of the most recent common ancestors (MRCA) of clusters were estimated with a Bayesian method. Five large non-subtype B clusters associated with MSM were identified. The largest one, of F1 subtype, was reported previously. The other four were of CRF02_AG (CRF02_1; n = 115) and subtypes A1 (A1_1; n = 66), F1 (F1_3; n = 36), and C (C_7; n = 17). Most individuals belonging to them had been diagnosed of HIV-1 infection in the last 10 years. Each cluster comprised viruses from 3 to 8 Spanish regions and also comprised or was related to viruses from other countries: CRF02_1 comprised a Japanese subcluster and viruses from 8 other countries from Western Europe, Asia, and South America; A1_1 comprised viruses from Portugal, United Kingom, and United States, and was related to the A1 strain circulating in Greece, Albania and Cyprus; F1_3 was related to viruses from Romania; and C_7 comprised viruses from Portugal and was related to a virus from Mozambique. A subcluster within CRF02_1 was associated with heterosexual transmission. Near full-length genomes of each cluster were of uniform genetic form. Times of MRCAs of CRF02_1, A1_1, F1_3, and C_7 were estimated around 1986, 1989, 2013, and 1983, respectively. MRCA locations for CRF02_1 and A1_1 were uncertain (however initial expansions in Spain in Madrid and Vigo, respectively, were estimated) and were most probable in Bilbao, Spain, for F1_3 and Portugal for C_7. These results show that the HIV-1 epidemic among MSM in Spain is becoming increasingly diverse through the expansion of diverse non-subtype B clusters, comprising or related to viruses circulating in other countries