1,434 research outputs found

    Extinction procedure induces pruning of dendritic spines in CA1 hippocampal field depending on strength of training in rats

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    Numerous reports indicate that learning and memory of conditioned responses are accompanied by genesis of dendritic spines in the hippocampus, although there is a conspicuous lack of information regarding spine modifications after behavioral extinction. There is ample evidence that treatments that typically produce amnesia become innocuous when animals are submitted to a procedure of enhanced training. We now report that extinction of inhibitory avoidance (IA), trained with relatively low foot-shock intensities, induces pruning of dendritic spines along the length of the apical dendrites of hippocampal CA1 neurons. When animals are trained with a relatively high foot-shock there is a high resistance to extinction, and pruning in the proximal and medial segments of the apical dendrite are seen, while spine count in the distal dendrite remains normal. These results indicate that pruning is involved in behavioral extinction, while maintenance of spines is a probable mechanism that mediates the protecting effect against amnesic treatments produced by enhanced training

    New Physics effects in the flavor-changing neutral couplings of the Top quark

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    We survey the flavor-changing neutral couplings (FCNC) of the top quark predicted by some extensions of the Standard Model: THDM, SUSY, L-R symmetric, TC2, 331, and models with extra quarks. Since the expected sensitivity of the LHC and ILC for the tcV (V=\gamma,g,Z) and tcH couplings is of order of a few percent, we emphasize the importance of any new physics effect that gives a prediction for these FCNC couplings within this limit. We also review the constraints imposed on these couplings from low-energy precision measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Accepted as a review paper in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Paradigma Experimental en la Ingeniería de Software – Caso Programación en Pareja

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    La Ingeniería de Software (IS) es unadisciplina compleja donde a día de hoy el resultado de laaplicación de alguna tecnología para apoyar el desarrollo desoftware es impredecible. De manera similar a otras disciplinasingenieriles, la IS requiere de construcción de modelos, experimentacióny aprendizaje. La experimentación es un recurso valiosoque permite evaluar de manera objetiva las distintastecnologías disponibles para desarrollar software. Objetivo: Conla finalidad de promover el paradigma experimental en la IS, eneste artículo se aplica el paradigma experimental para estudiaralgunos efectos de la programación en pareja. Método: A travésde un diseño experimental cuadrado latino con dos factores debloqueo, se emplearon 21 estudiantes del programa de licenciaturaen IS de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY)para examinar la duración y esfuerzo que conlleva la programaciónen pareja. Los estudiantes se agruparon en 7 parejas y 7individuos donde codificaron durante dos sesiones dos programaspequeños. Resultados: Los resultados del experimento sugierenuna diferencia significativa (en un nivel ?=0.1) en favor de laprogramación en pareja con respecto a la duración de codificaciónde los ejercicios asignados (28% decremento en tiempo).Por el contrario, los resultados sugieren una diferencia significativa(en un nivel ?=0.1) en favor de la programación individualcon respecto al esfuerzo (30% decremento en esfuerzo). Conclusiones:En este artículo se presenta el paradigma experimentalaplicado a la IS. A través del paradigma experimental es posibleobtener observaciones de manera objetiva para acumular uncuerpo de conocimientos que pueda ser usado de manera confíablepor profesionales en IS

    Comparison of homogenization packages applied to monthly series of temperature and precipitation: the Multitest project

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    Comunicación realizada para: Ninth Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases and Fourth Conference on Spatial Interpolation Techniques in Climatology and Meteorology celebrado del 3 al 7 de abril de 2017 en Budapest, Hungría.Project MULTITEST (CGL2014-52901-P) is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Manola Brunet is also supported by the European Union-funded project "Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional Reanalyses" (UERRA, FP7-SPACE-2013-1 project number 607193). Victor Venema is also supported by the DFG project Daily HUME (VE 366 - 8)

    Framework para el modelado de un lago de datos

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    [Resumen] La necesidad de trabajar con grandes cantidades de datos para realizar clasificaciones, detectar patrones, identificar sistemas y predecir el comportamiento futuro de los mismos exige un entorno escalable que permita obtener el valor oculto en los datos. En este trabajo se presenta una pila formada por un almacén de datos, un visualizador y un gestor de flujos de trabajo para la ejecución de tareas, como marco general para el uso masivo de los datos. Siendo esta estructura general para cualquier dominio y formada por herramientas de software libre.Fundación CajaCanarias; nº2016TUR1

    Tumores óseos de la pelvis

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    Se presenta la experiencia del Servicio de Ortopedia del Adulto del Hospital «Ramón y Cajal», en neoplasias de la pelvis, desde su creación hasta la actualidad, siendo 61 los pacientes recogidos y no se hace un trabajo estadístico, sino más bien se muestran las peculiaridades recogidas con la experiencia, que abarca desde la abstención en algunos casos de tumores secundarios, y el simple curetage hasta las grandes sustituciones con homoinjertos de banco, relacionándolo a su vez con publicaciones de aparición más o menos moderna sobre este tema, para concluir que se trata de una cirugía no exenta de complicaciones y problemas, pero necesaria a la hora de proporcionar a los enfermos curaciones, que le ofrezcan una salida a este difícil problema.The experience of Adult Orthopaedics Unit at the Hospital «Ramón y Cajal», Madrid, treating patients with malignant tumors of the pelvic bons is presented. In this paper, the results after surgery are not reported in terms of statistical analysis. The aún of this work is to comment the surgical experience covering from simple curettage to great bone replacement using bank allografts. The message is that surgical treatment of pelvic tumors is not exent of complications, but it seems to be worth in order to offer a better quality of Ufe for patients

    Diseño de una columna de absorción de gases en la Planta de Producción del Centro de Bioactivos Químicos

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    El proceso de producción del 2-(2-nitrovinil-furano) como producto intermedio para la elaboración de lingrediente farmacéutico 2-bromo-5-(2-bromo-2-nitrovinil-furano) se lleva a cabo a través de síntesis química a partir de la condensación del Furfural, etapa mediante la cual se liberan gases nitrosos causantes de la contaminación en el taller. En el presente trabajo se propuso un nuevo proceso de lavado de gases nitrosos mediante la incorporación de una columna absorbedora rellena que sustituye a las trampas de absorción que se utilizaban anteriormente en el proceso. Con las mediciones de gases realizadas en el ambiente de trabajo se demostró que para una hora de exposición la concentración de gases supera a 0,16 mg/m3 según se establece en la normativa ambiental vigente. Se determinaronl os parámetros fundamentales que definieron el diseño de la columna absorbedora y el equipo quedó instalado en el taller de producción con una altura de empaque de 20 cm y diámetro interior de 2,4cm

    Chromomagnetic Dipole Moment of the Top Quark Revisited

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    We study the complete one-loop contributions to the chromagnetic dipole moment Δκ\Delta\kappa of the top quark in the Standard Model, two Higgs doublet models, topcolor assited technicolor models (TC2), 331 models and extended models with a single extra dimension. We find that the SM predicts Δκ=0.056\Delta\kappa = - 0.056 and that the predictions of the other models are also consitent with the constraints imposed on Δκ\Delta\kappa by low-energy precision measurements.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, Updat

    A New Tool to Study Parkinsonism in the Context of Aging: MPTP Intoxication in a Natural Model of Multimorbidity

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    ©2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Molecular Sciences. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/ 10.3390/ijms22094341The diurnal rodent Octodon degus (O. degus) is considered an attractive natural model for Alzheimer’s disease and other human age-related features. However, it has not been explored so far if the O. degus could be used as a model to study Parkinson’s disease. To test this idea, 10 adult male O. degus were divided into control group and MPTP-intoxicated animals. Motor condition and cognition were examined. Dopaminergic degeneration was studied in the ventral mesencephalon and in the striatum. Neuroinflammation was also evaluated in the ventral mesencephalon, in the striatum and in the dorsal hippocampus. MPTP animals showed significant alterations in motor activity and in visuospatial memory. Postmortem analysis revealed a significant decrease in the number of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral mesencephalon of MPTP animals, although no differences were found in their striatal terminals. We observed a significant increase in neuroinflammatory responses in the mesencephalon, in the striatum and in the hippocampus of MPTP-intoxicated animals. Additionally, changes in the subcellular expression of the calcium-binding protein S100 were found in the astrocytes in the nigrostriatal pathway. These findings prove for the first time that O. degus are sensitive to MPTP intoxication and, therefore, is a suitable model for experimental Parkinsonism in the context of aging

    A New Tool to Study Parkinsonism in the Context of Aging: MPTP Intoxication in a Natural Model of Multimorbidity

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    The diurnal rodent Octodon degus (O. degus) is considered an attractive natural model for Alzheimer's disease and other human age-related features. However, it has not been explored so far if the O. degus could be used as a model to study Parkinson's disease. To test this idea, 10 adult male O. degus were divided into control group and MPTP-intoxicated animals. Motor condition and cognition were examined. Dopaminergic degeneration was studied in the ventral mesencephalon and in the striatum. Neuroinflammation was also evaluated in the ventral mesencephalon, in the striatum and in the dorsal hippocampus. MPTP animals showed significant alterations in motor activity and in visuospatial memory. Postmortem analysis revealed a significant decrease in the number of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral mesencephalon of MPTP animals, although no differences were found in their striatal terminals. We observed a significant increase in neuroinflammatory responses in the mesencephalon, in the striatum and in the hippocampus of MPTP-intoxicated animals. Additionally, changes in the subcellular expression of the calcium-binding protein S100 beta were found in the astrocytes in the nigrostriatal pathway. These findings prove for the first time that O. degus are sensitive to MPTP intoxication and, therefore, is a suitable model for experimental Parkinsonism in the context of aging