7 research outputs found

    Bioética en experimentación animal

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Distribution of Methylene Blue after Injection into the Epidural Space of Anaesthetized Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Sheep

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    The aim of the study was to determine the distribution of different volumes of methylene blue solution injected into the epidural space in anaesthetized pregnant and non-pregnant sheep, to evaluate its cranial distribution and to compare between them. Fifteen pregnant and fifteen non-pregnant sheep were included in the study. Sheep were anaesthetized and received 0.05, 0.1, or 0.2 mL/kg of a lumbosacral epidural solution containing 0.12% methylene blue in 0.9% saline. Thirty minutes after the epidural injection, the ewes were euthanized. The extension of the dye within the epidural space was measured, and the correlation between the volume of the dye injected and the number of stained vertebrae was evaluated. The cranial migration of the dye between pregnant and non-pregnant sheep was also compared. The results show that the volume of methylene blue injected epidurally into pregnant and non-pregnant sheep correlated directly with its cephalic distribution into the epidural space; and a volume of 0.1 mL/kg or 0.2 mL/kg stained up to the first lumbar segment in pregnant and non-pregnant sheep, respectively. Also, the results suggest that the volume of drugs administered into the epidural space of pregnant sheep should be half the volume that would be used in non-pregnant sheep

    Endometrial Status in Queens Evaluated by Histopathology Findings and Two Cytological Techniques : low-volume uterine lavage and uterine swabbing

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    Endometritis is associated with fertility problems in many species, with endometrial biopsy being the main diagnostic tool. In feline queens, the reduced size of the uterus may make it difficult to obtain representative diagnostic samples. Endometrial cytology may represent a valuable diagnostic tool for evaluating the health status of the endometrium in queens. Fifty domestic shorthair queens were included and divided into two cytological diagnostic technique groups, the uterine lavage (UL; n = 28) and uterine swabbing (US; n = 22) groups. Cytological results were compared with histopathological and bacteriological information. Changes in the histopathological patterns were also evaluated and compared with progesterone levels to confirm previous published data. Furthermore, the results from both cytological sampling methods were compared to evaluate the utility of each method. Endometritis was ruled out in all queens by means of histology and microbiology. Leukocyte counts and red blood cell/endometrial cell ratios were significantly higher in US than UL samples. Additionally, UL sampling is less affected by blood contamination and cells are better preserved. The combination of endometrial cytology and uterine culture might be useful for evaluating the endometrial characteristics in queens. The UL evaluation method is more representative of the actual endometrial status than the US technique

    Distribution of Methylene Blue after Injection into the Epidural Space of Anaesthetized Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Sheep

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    The aim of the study was to determine the distribution of different volumes of methylene blue solution injected into the epidural space in anaesthetized pregnant and non-pregnant sheep, to evaluate its cranial distribution and to compare between them. Fifteen pregnant and fifteen non-pregnant sheep were included in the study. Sheep were anaesthetized and received 0.05, 0.1, or 0.2 mL/kg of a lumbosacral epidural solution containing 0.12% methylene blue in 0.9% saline. Thirty minutes after the epidural injection, the ewes were euthanized. The extension of the dye within the epidural space was measured, and the correlation between the volume of the dye injected and the number of stained vertebrae was evaluated. The cranial migration of the dye between pregnant and non-pregnant sheep was also compared. The results show that the volume of methylene blue injected epidurally into pregnant and non-pregnant sheep correlated directly with its cephalic distribution into the epidural space; and a volume of 0.1 mL/kg or 0.2 mL/kg stained up to the first lumbar segment in pregnant and non-pregnant sheep, respectively. Also, the results suggest that the volume of drugs administered into the epidural space of pregnant sheep should be half the volume that would be used in non-pregnant sheep

    Endoluminal radiofrequency ablation of the main pancreatic duct is a secure and effective method to produce pancreatic atrophy and to achieve stump closure

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    Radiofrequency energy has been used both experimentally and clinically to manage the pancreatic remnant after distal pancreatectomies. our goal was to determine whether endoluminal radiofrequency (RF) ablation of the main pancreatic duct in large animals would be more efficient than glue occlusion as an exocrine pancreatic atrophy-inducing procedure. thirty-four Landrace pigs were assigned to either the transpapilar (n = 16) or transection (n = 18) groups. The transection implied the pancreas neck was severed. In each of these groups the remaining distal pancreatic duct was occluded either by RF or by glue. In the transpapilar group complete atrophy was observed in all the RF cases, while atrophy was incomplete in all the members of the glue subgroup. the failure rate of the main pancreatic duct (usually expressed by a pseudocyst) in the transection groups was dramatically higher in the glue subgroup than the RF subgroups (9 out of 9 and 1 out of 9, respectively) and postoperative mortality occurred only in the glue subgroup (3 out of 9). These results show the superiority of endoluminal RF ablation over glue for main pancreatic duct occlusion, as seen by the degree of atrophy and fewer postoperative pancreatic fistulas

    Development of a catheter-based technique for endoluminal radiofrequency sealing of pancreatic duct

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    Introduction: Endoluminal sealing of the pancreatic duct by glue or sutures facilitates the management of the pancreatic stump. Our objective was to develop a catheter-based alternative for endoluminal radiofrequency (RF) sealing of the pancreatic duct. Materials and methods: We devised a novel RF ablation technique based on impedance-guided catheter pullback. First, bench tests were performed on ex vivo models to tune up the technique before the in vivo study, after which endoluminal RF sealing of a ∼10 cm non-transected pancreatic duct was conducted on porcine models using a 3 Fr catheter. After 30 days, sealing effectiveness was assessed by a permeability test and a histological analysis. Results: The RF technique was feasible in all cases and delivered ∼5 W of power on an initial impedance of 308 ± 60 Ω. Electrical impedance evolution was similar in all cases and provided guidance for modulating the pullback speed to avoid tissue sticking and achieve a continuous lesion. During the follow-up the animals rate of weight gain was significantly reduced (p < 0.05). Apart from signs of exocrine atrophy, no other postoperative complications were found. At necropsy, the permeability test failed and the catheter could not be reintroduced endoluminally, confirming that sealing had been successful. The histological analysis revealed a homogeneous exocrine atrophy along the ablated segment in all the animals. Conclusions: Catheter-based RF ablation could be used effectively and safely for endoluminal sealing of the pancreatic duct. The findings suggest that a fully continuous lesion may not be required to obtain complete exocrine atrophy