22 research outputs found

    Construção de uma estação meteorológica modular com o uso da plataforma Arduino e protocolo de comunicação MQTT / Building a modular weather station using the Arduino platform and the MQTT communication protocol

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    Diversas atividades exigem o monitoramento de condições ambientais em tempo real, como exemplo fábricas, armazéns, câmaras frias, lavouras, dentre outras. No entanto, existem diferentes soluções ofertadas pelo mercado que possuem elevado custo, o que inviabiliza a sua ampla utilização. Este artigo aborda o desenvolvimento de uma solução de baixo custo que permitirá o monitoramento em tempo real através da Internet das Cosias

    Banks of Cryopreserved Skin from Live Donors and Total Skin Allografts in the Surgery of Major Burnt Patients

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    Scarectomy and prompt coverage are some of the main cornerstones of the actual treatment of major burnt patients. This coverage can be definitive using autologous tissues or temporary with allografts, xenografts, and/or biosynthetic products. Skin allografts (SAs) are the gold standard therapeutic alternative among temporary coverages, since they mimic skin functions. However, cadaveric skin donation and procurement, a common SA source, are infrequent. On the other hand, there is a significant number of patients that, given their health condition, large amounts of skin must be resected for their clinical recovery, including patients submitted to corporal contouring surgeries with esthetic and/or reconstructive motives, usually eliminating the redundant skin as biological waste. This study describes a skin bank model from live donors and cryopreserved total skin cutaneous allografts (CTSCAs), a new type of SA resulting from a particular skin processing

    Alteration in Rhizosphere Soil Properties of Afforested Rhamnus lycioides Seedlings in Short-Term Response to Mycorrhizal Inoculation with Glomus intraradices and Organic Amendment

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    9 pages, 5 tables, 1 figure.The reestablisment of autochthonous plant species is an essential strategy for recovering degraded areas under semiarid conditions. A field experiment was carried out to assess the short-term effect of two reafforestation methods involving mycorrhizal inoculation and compost addition on soil quality parameters and Rhamnus lycioides seedling growth. The nutrient content (NPK) and enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, urease, protease-BAA, acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase) increased and bulk density decreased in the rhizosphere soil with the organic amendment. Biomass C of rhizosphere soil increased by at least 240% with respect to the control soil after mycorrhizal inoculation and the combination of compost addition + mycorrhizal inoculation. Both mycorrhizal inoculation and composted organic residue addition increased R. lycioides seedling growth in the same proportion. In the short term, we conclude that the application of both reafforestation methods not only enhances the establishment of R. lycioides seedlings, but also improves soil quality.This research was supported by the EC CICYT cofinanced FEDER program (1FD97-0507 FOREST). F. Caravaca acknowledges a grant from the European Commission (HPMF-CT-2000-00822).Peer reviewe

    Medium-term effects of mycorrhizal inoculation and composted municipal waste addition on the establishment of two Mediterranean shrub species under semiarid field conditions

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    11 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables.The development of appropriate revegetation techniques is essential to reduce and to remediate the processes of erosion and desertification in semiarid Mediterranean areas. A factorial field experiment was carried out in a degraded semiarid Mediterranean area to assess the effectiveness of composted municipal waste addition to soil, mycorrhizal inoculation with Glomus intraradices and the combination of both treatments on the viability, growth and nutrition of Olea europaea L. subsp. sylvestris and Rhamnus lycioides L., over a 2-year growth period. Six months after planting, only mycorrhizal inoculation of O. europaea subsp. sylvestris and R. lycioides seedlings grown in the soil, with or without addition of composted municipal waste, statistically and significantly increased the shoot biomass and contents of foliar nutrients (N, P and K). During the last 6 months of the growth period, both shrub species displayed sharp increases in the shoot biomass. Two years after planting, the highest increases in the shoot biomass of O. europaea plants were recorded in the combined treatment of composted municipal waste addition and mycorrhizal inoculation (about 12-fold greater than control plants). The shoot biomass of R. lycioides was increased by composted municipal waste addition (about 226%) to a greater extent than by mycorrhizal inoculation (about 87%), at the end of the 2-year growth period. For both shrub species, there was a positive statistically significant correlation between shoot biomass, foliar contents of N, P and K and soil aggregate stability. Composted municipal waste addition, mycorrhizal inoculation and, in some cases, the combination of both treatments can be employed as effective tools in programmes using shrub species for revegetation of semiarid areas.This research was supported by the EC + CICYT co-financed FEDER programme (1FD97-0507 FOREST). We acknowledge the technical support of Paisajes del Sur and TRAGSA. F. Caravaca acknowledges a grant from The European Commission (HPMF-CT-2000-00822).Peer reviewe