4,927 research outputs found

    Quantum Key Distribution using Continuous-variable non-Gaussian States

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    In this work we present a quantum key distribution protocol using continuous-variable non-Gaussian states, homodyne detection and post-selection. The employed signal states are the Photon Added then Subtracted Coherent States (PASCS) in which one photon is added and subsequently one photon is subtracted. We analyze the performance of our protocol, compared to a coherent state based protocol, for two different attacks that could be carried out by the eavesdropper (Eve). We calculate the secret key rate transmission in a lossy line for a superior channel (beam-splitter) attack, and we show that we may increase the secret key generation rate by using the non-Gaussian PASCS rather than coherent states. We also consider the simultaneous quadrature measurement (intercept-resend) attack and we show that the efficiency of Eve's attack is substantially reduced if PASCS are used as signal states.Comment: We have included an analysis of the simultaneous quadrature measurement attack plus 2 figures; we have also clarified some point

    Geometric combinatorial algebras: cyclohedron and simplex

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    In this paper we report on results of our investigation into the algebraic structure supported by the combinatorial geometry of the cyclohedron. Our new graded algebra structures lie between two well known Hopf algebras: the Malvenuto-Reutenauer algebra of permutations and the Loday-Ronco algebra of binary trees. Connecting algebra maps arise from a new generalization of the Tonks projection from the permutohedron to the associahedron, which we discover via the viewpoint of the graph associahedra of Carr and Devadoss. At the same time that viewpoint allows exciting geometrical insights into the multiplicative structure of the algebras involved. Extending the Tonks projection also reveals a new graded algebra structure on the simplices. Finally this latter is extended to a new graded Hopf algebra (one-sided) with basis all the faces of the simplices.Comment: 23 figures, new expanded section about Hopf algebra of simplices, with journal correction

    Concrete retrofitting using CFRP and geopolymer mortars

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    A new development in the repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete systems is the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) strips bonded to concrete substrate with epoxy resins. It has been reported that epoxy adhesive are extremely sensitive to high temperatures. Some authors conclude that the epoxy temperature should not exceed 70 ºC in order to safeguard the adhesiveness of the epoxy and, thus, the integrity and adequate functioning of CFRP. It is noted that even frequently exposure to direct sunlight causes temperatures higher than 70 ºC. Since geopolymers are known to possess high stability at high temperature, these materials can be an alternative to epoxy resins. This papers presents results about the use of metakaolin based geopolymers mortars to insure the adhesion between the CFRP and the concrete substrate. Several compositions of geopolymer mortars were executed by varying the percentage of binder, sand/binder ratio and the concentration of sodium hydroxide. It was found that geopolymer mortars demonstrate very promising performances, having obtained a high mechanical resistance and a good adhesion to concrete. On the other hand the adhesion between CFRP and geopolymer mortars proved to be smaller than expected which could be due, to the fact that the composition of the mortar was not optimized or even to the nature of the CFRP

    Equilibrium and Disorder-induced behavior in Quantum Light-Matter Systems

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    We analyze equilibrium properties of coupled-doped cavities described by the Jaynes-Cummings- Hubbard Hamiltonian. In particular, we characterize the entanglement of the system in relation to the insulating-superfluid phase transition. We point out the existence of a crossover inside the superfluid phase of the system when the excitations change from polaritonic to purely photonic. Using an ensemble statistical approach for small systems and stochastic-mean-field theory for large systems we analyze static disorder of the characteristic parameters of the system and explore the ground state induced statistics. We report on a variety of glassy phases deriving from the hybrid statistics of the system. On-site strong disorder induces insulating behavior through two different mechanisms. For disorder in the light-matter detuning, low energy cavities dominate the statistics allowing the excitations to localize and bunch in such cavities. In the case of disorder in the light- matter coupling, sites with strong coupling between light and matter become very significant, which enhances the Mott-like insulating behavior. Inter-site (hopping) disorder induces fluidity and the dominant sites are strongly coupled to each other.Comment: about 10 pages, 12 figure

    Concrete retrofitting using metakaolin geopolymer mortars and CFRP

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    This paper presents results about the use of metakaolin based geopolymers mortars for retrofitting purposes. Two main situations are addressed, the use of geopolymeric mortars as a repairing layer or as a binding agent to insure the adhesion between CFRP sheets and the concrete substrate. Several compositions of metakaolin geopolymer mortars were executed by varying the percentage of sand/binder mass ratio and the concentration of sodium hydroxide. It was found that metakaolin geopolymer mortars show a high mechanical resistance and a relevant adhesion to the concrete substrate. Although their adhesion strength is lower than the one present by commercial pre-pack repair mortars, they are very cost-effective (5 to 10 times less expensive). On the other hand, the adhesion strength between CFRP and geopolymer mortars proved to be lower than expected which could be due to the fact that the composition of the geopolymeric mortars was not optimized and also to the fact that the CFRP used was not prone to this kind of application

    Coloured peak algebras and Hopf algebras

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    For GG a finite abelian group, we study the properties of general equivalence relations on G_n=G^n\rtimes \SG_n, the wreath product of GG with the symmetric group \SG_n, also known as the GG-coloured symmetric group. We show that under certain conditions, some equivalence relations give rise to subalgebras of \k G_n as well as graded connected Hopf subalgebras of \bigoplus_{n\ge o} \k G_n. In particular we construct a GG-coloured peak subalgebra of the Mantaci-Reutenauer algebra (or GG-coloured descent algebra). We show that the direct sum of the GG-coloured peak algebras is a Hopf algebra. We also have similar results for a GG-colouring of the Loday-Ronco Hopf algebras of planar binary trees. For many of the equivalence relations under study, we obtain a functor from the category of finite abelian groups to the category of graded connected Hopf algebras. We end our investigation by describing a Hopf endomorphism of the GG-coloured descent Hopf algebra whose image is the GG-coloured peak Hopf algebra. We outline a theory of combinatorial GG-coloured Hopf algebra for which the GG-coloured quasi-symmetric Hopf algebra and the graded dual to the GG-coloured peak Hopf algebra are central objects.Comment: 26 pages latex2

    Produção de serrapilheira e ciclagem de nutrientes em sistemas agroflorestais.

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    Sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) podem ser definidos como sendo uma forma de múltiplos cultivos que sejam compostos de, pelo menos, uma espécie destinada a produção agrícola (anual ou perene) e uma espécies arbórea, interagindo biologicamente. Este tipo de sistema agrícola apresenta inúmeras vantagens e são adaptados a diferentes regiões. Uma das vantagens apontadas para o cultivo em SAFs é a ciclagem de nutrientes favorecida pelo componente arbóreo. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de serapilheira e a ciclagem de nutrientes em sistemas agroflorestais, comparativamente com um sistema convencional e com a vegetação nativa de caatinga. O estudo foi desenvolvido em Sobral-CE, onde foram avaliados dois sistemas de cultivo agroflorestal destinados a produção de milho para suplementação alimentar de rebanhos caprinos (AGP_C) e ovinos (AGP_O), para efeitos comparativos foram avaliados, também, um sistemas de cultivo tradicional da região (TRAD), que utiliza com práticas de manejo a derrubada e queima da vegetação, e uma área sob cobertura vegetal nativa de caatinga (MATA). Para quantificação da serapilheira produzida foram instalados, aleatoriamente, 10 coletores de 0,5 m2 em cada área. O material senescente interceptado em cada coletor foi coletado mensalmente por um período de um ano (fevereiro/2010 a janeiro/2011), seco em estufa e pesado. Após seco, o material foi analisado quanto aos teores de N, P, K, Ca e Mg. Observou-se que em médias os dois sistemas agroflorestais (AGP_C e AGP_O) apresentaram produções semelhantes ente si, maiores que a do sistema de cultivo tradicional (TRAD) e menores do que a observada para a área de nativa (MATA). Considerando os nutrientes avaliados (N, P, K, Ca e Mg), as áreas AGP_C, AGP_O e TRAD retornam ao solo, respectivamente, uma média de 89,9; 123,3 e 43,9 kg de nutrientes por hectare por ano, representando 48, 68 e 23% do retorno proporcionado pela vegetação nativa de caatinga. Os sistemas agroflorestais avaliados apresentaram grande potencial para ciclagem de nutrientes, com produção anual de serapilheira e aporte de nutrientes superiores ao do cultivo

    Combinatorial Hopf algebras and Towers of Algebras

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    Bergeron and Li have introduced a set of axioms which guarantee that the Grothendieck groups of a tower of algebras n0An\bigoplus_{n\ge0}A_n can be endowed with the structure of graded dual Hopf algebras. Hivert and Nzeutzhap, and independently Lam and Shimozono constructed dual graded graphs from primitive elements in Hopf algebras. In this paper we apply the composition of these constructions to towers of algebras. We show that if a tower n0An\bigoplus_{n\ge0}A_n gives rise to graded dual Hopf algebras then we must have dim(An)=rnn!\dim(A_n)=r^nn! where r=dim(A1)r = \dim(A_1).Comment: 7 page

    Investigação experimental sobre composição, resistência mecânica e capacidade de auto-limpeza de argamassas fotocatalíticas

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    The self-cleaning ability of photocatalytic cement-based materials has the potential to preserve the esthetic appearance of building facades over time thus reducing cleaning costs. In the present work , the joint effect of several factors on the mechanical strength and self-cleaning ability of photocatalytic mortars was studied. For this purpose, four different mortar mixes containing two binder/sand ratios (1:3 and 1:4) were analyzed. Two mixes containing only Portland cement and the other two possessing 50% Portland cement and 50% aerial lime. For each mix, four different compositions were manufactured, each one with a different titanium dioxide-TiO2 content (0%, 2%, 4% and 6%). The results show that w/b increases with TiO2 which, in turn, leads to lower mechanical strength. Results also show that the mixes with 2% TiO2 had the highest self-cleaning effect.A capacidade de auto-limpeza de materiais cimentícios fotocatalíticos apresenta potencial para preservar a aparência estética das fachadas de edificios ao longo do tempo reduzindo dessa forma os custos de limpeza das mesmas. No presente trabalho estudou-se o efeito conjunto de vários factores na resistência mecãnica e na capacidade de auto-limpeza de argamassas fotocatalíticas. Para este objectivo analisaram-se quatro argamassas contendo dois rácios ligante/areia (1:3 e 1:4). Duas composições continham sómente cimento Portland e outras duas continham 50% de cimento Portland e 50% de cal aérea. Para cada uma destas composições produziram-se quatro misturas com uma percentagem variável de dióxido de titânio - TiO2 (0%, 2%, 4% e 6%). Os resultados mostram que o aumento da percentagem de TiO2 implica um aumento da razão água/ligante que se traduz em menor resistência mecânica. Os resultados mostram também que as argamassas com 2% de TiO2 apresentaram a maior capacidade de auto-limpeza.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio