42 research outputs found

    Knowledge, attitude and practice of contraception: a study from rural tertiary health care centre

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    Background: Realizing the ill effects of increasing population, India was the first country to have started a state sponsored Family Planning Programme, long back in 1952; India is the second most populous country of the world only after China. To attain the required targets India needs nationwide surveys to assess the practices of contraception especially in poor performing states in order to utilize the available resources according to local needs.Methods: Hospital based, cross-sectional survey conducted amongst the women of post natal ward of a referral hospital mainly catering rural population. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice survey of family planning was conducted.Results: A total of 4221 subjects were interviewed.58% of these women were aware of contraceptive methods, mostly Permanent followed by IUCD, Condom, least of oral pills.Conclusions: Spacing methods are less known amongst rural women while the use is even lower which calls for the further strengthening of existing awareness programmes

    A retrospective study on ectopic pregnancy at tertiary care hospital: a two-year study

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    Background: Over the last few decades, the incidence of ectopic pregnancy has increased almost to extent of an epidemic disease. The rate of ectopic pregnancy has increased from 0.5% in 1970 to 2% today. The aim of this study was to determine incidence, clinical presentation, risk factor, treatment, morbidity and mortality associated with ectopic pregnancy.Methods: The present retrospective study was conducted over a period of 2 year in department of obstetrics and gynaecology, JMCH, Jhalawar from Jan 2015 to Dec 2017. A total of 64 patients with ectopic pregnancy were analyzed.Results: Total 64 cases of ectopic pregnancy were admitted in this duration and total no. deliveries in these 2 year was 18176. So, incidence of ectopic pregnancy at our institute is 0.35%. Most common presenting complain was pain abdomen (in 93.75%) cases. Classical triad of pain, amenorrhea and bleeding was present in 48.3% cases.Conclusions: Early diagnosis and timely intervention in the form of medical treatment or conservative surgery not only reduces maternal morbidity but also preserves future fertility

    Maternal and fetal outcome in emergency versus elective caesarean section

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    Background: Caesarean section preferred as an emergency or elective procedure are entirely different entities according to measures taken, facilities and skilled staff available and preparation done. It has been shown that risk of surgical complications is greater with emergency compared with elective caesarean section.Methods: Present study is a retrospective study, designed to evaluate maternal and fetal outcomes in elective versus emergency caesarean section performed at our hospital from January 2016 to December 2016.Results: Out of 2156 caesarean, 1628 were emergency and 528 were elective caesarean section.  In our study overall intra operative complications were 11.08% which was mainly contributed to emergency group.Conclusions: The elective caesarean section shows less maternal and perinatal complications as compared to emergency caesarean sections. Increasing incidence of emergency caesarean section can be reduced by encouraging all pregnant females to visit antenatal clinics

    Histopathological spectrum of non-infectious erythematous, papulo-squamous lesions: at a teritary care institute

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    Background: Dermatologic disorders are common in many countries, but the spectrum varies greatly. Papulosquamous lesions of the skin are encountered with considerable frequency. There is overlap of both clinical pattern and distribution of papulosquamous skin disorders, which often makes clinical diagnosis difficult, Histopathology is highly specific and sensitive for many lesions and its remains the gold standard for most dermatological diagnosis.Methods: A prospective histopathological study of 50 cases, which was carried out in the department of dermatology and Pathology in L. N. medical college and J. K. hospital research center, over a period of 1 year. A brief history and dermatological examination was carried out, skin biopsies taken were fixed in 10% formalin and subjected for tissue processing. Followed by microscopic examination.Results: In the present study of 50 cases of papulosquamous disorders psoriasis 60% (30 Cases) was the commonest followed by lichen planus 20% (10 cases), 3% (6 cases) each of pityriasis rubra, pilaris, parapsoriasis, Pityriasis rosea, and 4% (02 cases) of seborrheic dermatitis. Commonest age-group 31-40 years was more affected, sex distribution pattern revealed a male preponderence. 30 cases showed compatible clinical as well as histopathological diagnosis.Conclusions: Key histopathological features and clinico-pathological study gives a conclusive diagnosis. The importance of specific histo-morphological diagnosis lies in the distinguishing various lesions and their prognosis

    Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device: effect of antenatal versus postpartum counselling in acceptance of postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device

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    Background: The acceptance for PPIUCD in our country, especially in rural areas is very low despite all the efforts. Counselling during the antenatal visits may play a vital role in improving the acceptance of PPIUCD. Objective of this study was to assess the factors associated with the acceptability of immediate PPIUCD insertion in women; counselled during antenatal and postpartum period; according to their sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics, and future pregnancy desires.Methods: One-year prospective study carried out in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, S. S. Medical College Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India. a total of 4850 women were counselled for PPIUCD insertion; 2540 during their antenatal visits, and 2310 during postpartum period who visited in study centre for first time and their follow up was done. Chi square tests were applied to compare proportions.Results: After antenatal counselling in 2540 women, (with multiple counselling sessions) about half of the women gave verbal acceptance for PPIUCD. However, during postpartum counselling in 2310 women, (where only single short session of counselling could be done) majority of the women declined (80.9%) for PPIUCD insertion with only about a fifth (19.1%) of the women giving verbal acceptance. Women who had antenatal counselling one third of them had PPIUCD insertion. In the postpartum counselling group, a meagre 15.1% women had PPIUCD insertion.Conclusions: Counselling during antenatal and postpartum period is the key to improve the awareness and acceptance of PPIUCD in our community. Multiple counselling sessions during antenatal visits make it easier for the women to slowly understand the process and accept PPIUCD as compared to the short counseling during postpartum period

    Compensation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor function by altering sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase activity in the Drosophila flight circuit

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    Ionic Ca2+ functions as a second messenger to control several intracellular processes. It also influences intercellular communication. The release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores through the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) occurs in both excitable and nonexcitable cells. In Drosophila, InsP3R activity is required in aminergic interneurons during pupal development for normal flight behavior. By altering intracellular Ca2+ and InsP3 levels through genetic means, we now show that signaling through the InsP3R is required at multiple steps for generating the neural circuit required in air puff-stimulated Drosophila flight. Decreased Ca2+ release in aminergic neurons during development of the flight circuit can be compensated by reducing Ca2+ uptake from the cytosol to intracellular stores. However, this mode of increasing intracellular Ca2+ is insufficient for maintenance of flight patterns over time periods necessary for normal flight. Our study suggests that processes such as maintenance of wing posture and formation of the flight circuit require InsP3 receptor function at a slow timescale and can thus be modulated by altering levels of cytosolic Ca2+ and InsP3. In contrast, maintenance of flight patterns probably requires fast modulation of Ca2+ levels, in which the intrinsic properties of the InsP3R play a pivotal role

    A novel SNCA E83Q mutation in a case of dementia with Lewy bodies and atypical frontotemporal lobar degeneration

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    In this case report, we discuss a patient presenting with parkinsonism followed by a non-amnestic dementia with aphasic clinical features, as well as frontal dysexecutive syndrome. There was a family history of dementia with an autopsy diagnosis of "Pick's disease" in the proband's father. Neuroimaging of the patient revealed focal and severe temporal lobe and lesser frontoparietal lobe atrophy. At autopsy, there was severe frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Histologic evaluation revealed an absence of tau or transactivation response DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP) pathology but rather severe Lewy body deposition in the affected cortices. Genetic phenotyping revealed a novel missense mutation (p.E83Q) in exon 4 of the gene encoding α-synuclein (SNCA). This case study presents a patient with a novel SNCA E83Q mutation associated with widespread Lewy body pathology with prominent severe atrophy of the frontotemporal lobes and corresponding cognitive impairment

    Proceedings and recommendations of the National Webinar on Implementation of Access to Plant Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing

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    A National Webinar on “Implementation of Access to Plant Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing (ABS)” was held on August 27, 2020. The meeting was co-organized by UN Environment Implemented GEF Project, Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Delhi Office, India and the Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources (ISPGR) and was attended by 200 stakeholders from academia, policy, management, farmers and private sector. This document provides briefly the deliberations held during the webinar and the major recommendations which emerged