90 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of change detection techniques for land use land cover

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    Remotely sensed satellite images have become essential to observe the spatial and temporal changes occurring due to either natural phenomenon or man-induced changes on the earth’s surface. Real time monitoring of this data provides useful information related to changes in extent of urbanization, environmental changes, water bodies, and forest. Through the use of remote sensing technology and geographic information system tools, it has become easier to monitor changes from past to present. In the present scenario, choosing a suitable change detection method plays a pivotal role in any remote sensing project. Previously, digital change detection was a tedious task. With the advent of machine learning techniques, it has become comparatively easier to detect changes in the digital images. The study gives a brief account of the main techniques of change detection related to land use land cover information. An effort is made to compare widely used change detection methods used to identify changes and discuss the need for development of enhanced change detection methods

    A Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation Method Using Ontology and Context Knowledge

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    Word Sense Disambiguation is one of the basic tasks in Natural language processing. It is the method of selecting the correct sense of the word in the given context. It is applied whenever a semantic understanding of text is needed. In order to disambiguate a word, two resources are necessary: a context in which the word has been used, and some kind of knowledge related to the word. This paper presents a method for word sense disambiguation task using a tree-matching approach. The method requires a context knowledge base containing the corpus of sentences. This paper also gives some preliminary results when a corpus containing the ambiguous words is tested on this system. Keywords: Natural Language Understanding, Word Sense Disambiguation; Tree-matching; dependent-word matchin

    An overview of information extraction techniques for legal document analysis and processing

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    In an Indian law system, different courts publish their legal proceedings every month for future reference of legal experts and common people. Extensive manual labor and time are required to analyze and process the information stored in these lengthy complex legal documents. Automatic legal document processing is the solution to overcome drawbacks of manual processing and will be very helpful to the common man for a better understanding of a legal domain. In this paper, we are exploring the recent advances in the field of legal text processing and provide a comparative analysis of approaches used for it. In this work, we have divided the approaches into three classes NLP based, deep learning-based and, KBP based approaches. We have put special emphasis on the KBP approach as we strongly believe that this approach can handle the complexities of the legal domain well. We finally discuss some of the possible future research directions for legal document analysis and processing


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    Economic Value Added (EVA) is very weak in the Indian business organization. The acceptance level is very low rather popularity of its theoretical aspects. The researcher has found that there is a gap in the study of acceptance level of human capital relations to contemporary financial analysis EVA in the Indian context. The study has attempted to focus on the performance of the organization through human capital which contributes as well enhance Economic Value Addition of the organization. EVA is a financial performance metric that measures value based on adjusted accounting data to assess financial performance and help a company grow. (Stewart, p.3; Makelainen and Rozticki, 1998, p.7) Economic Value Added measures the profitability of a company after taking into account the cost of all capital including equity. It is the post-tax return on capital employed (adjusted for the tax shield on debt) minus the cost of capital employed.The dichotomy in accounting between human and non-human capital is fundamental. The latter is recognized as an asset and is therefore recorded in the books and reported in the financial statements, whereas the former is ignored by accountants. The definition of wealth as a source of income inevitably leads to the recognition of human capital as one of the several forms of wealth such as money, securities and financial capital. The study found that it is very difficult to measure human capital in Indian organization due to different HR practices in different organization depending upon the size and nature of the business.It is difficult to calculate the cost of capital including human capital, so the organizations face limitation to keep the record in measuring human capital and return on human capital in value-added financial statement (EVA) in quantitative terms. Although the organizations in European countries, USA and China have quantified the Return on Investment (ROI) through human capital and thereby found out the true economic profit of the organizations ï»żassumed as performance measurement and reflects in value –added financial statements; Economic Value Addition.However, in Indian context, there are organizations that have used Lev and Schwartz model to validate human capital. But, majority of manufacturing and service industries have not yet perceived that the assessment of economic value addition is possible through measurement of human capital.After an exhaustive literature survey, the paper will discuss the intertwined concepts of EVA and human capital. The paper first has explored the definitions of human capital cited by different researchers and also has attempted to find out the impact of EVA of the organization after incorporating cost of human capital in the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

    Impact of Human Capital Incorporation on Economic Value Added of Large Scale Organizations: A Conceptual Managerial Decision Making Approach

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    In today’s turbulent times, Corporate have realized the importance of human capital in the corporate world. But there was no such method suggested to show human capital in the framework of conventional accounting. After an exhaustive literature survey, the paper has focused on financial approach towards human capital management and has developed a conceptual managerial decision making model of Economic Value Added (EVA) with incorporation of human capital in the calculation of Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) which will help the organizations in the long run to know the real value of EVA which has become the real indicator for the increase or decrease in shareholders fund. The appropriate value of EVA differs from organizations to organizations depending upon different HR practices, size, and nature and planned outcomes of the business. The paper first has explored the concept of EVA and Human Capital Management and economic definitions cited in Google website and has attempted in citing human capital definition which has been derived from the conclusion of the study. The paper has also attempted in framing a calculation methodology (Dash. Sujata. P (2013), “Inclusion of human capital in the calculation of WACC”, European Scientific Journal, Vol.9, No.28, pp. 405-421) to find out the true economic profit that is the EVA of any organizations in Indian context irrespective of manufacturing and service sector industries which gives an insight about the appropriate value which directly reflects the true wealth of the shareholders after incorporating human capital in the calculation of WACC. Any organizations can utilize the calculation methodology and can thereby enhance the performance of their organization using EVA because EVA is a financial performance metric that measures value based on adjusted accounting data to access financial performance and help a company grow. (Stewart, p.3, Makelainen & Rozticki, 1998, p.7). EVA measures the profitability of a company after taking into account the cost of all capital including equity. It is the post -tax return on capital employed (adjusted for the tax shield on debt) minus the cost of capital employed.   The paper finally describes the conceptual managerial decision making model of EVA with inclusion of human capital and tested the role of human capital management in economic value addition of large scale organizations empirically. Keywords: Human Capital, Human Capital Management, Economic Value Added, Weighted Average Cost of Capital

    Development of a mathematical model for simulation of coal crushing in a Hammer mill

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    Using the basic size-mass balance size reduction model for a continuous crushing operation and invoking the concept of a perfectly mixed system, a mathematical relationship has been obtained between the feed and product size distributions for a hammer mill. The model parameters ‘breakage distribution function’ for different size fractions of a Prime Coking Coal and an imported coal were determined by conducting appropriate tests in a laboratory hammer mill. Using data generated in the Rourkela Steel Plant on a Production hammer mill, variation of the second set of model parameters, ‘absolute rate of breakage of particles of each size class’, with coal feed rate to the mill was established. Analysis of the data generated in the plant has shown that only +10 mm particles of the imported coal broke faster than the PCC particles of the same size. The developed mathematical model can be used to stimulate the performance of the crushing plant in respect of the effect of feed size distribution and feed rate, and for taking control action for keeping the product fineness constant by adjusting the coal feed rate to the hammer mill

    An evaluation of hyperbaric ropivacaine with magnesium as an adjuvant in lower abdominal surgeries among the north Indian subjects: a double-blind randomized trial

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    Background: An evaluation of intrathecal hyperbaric ropivacaine without adjuvant and with adjuvant magnesium for lower abdominal surgeries.Methods: This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind study conducted among the patients aged 18 to 60 years planned for lower abdomen surgeries under spinal anaesthesia and ASA grade I or II. Patients were randomly allocated to two groups (30 in each): ropivacaine Group (R group): spinal anesthesia with 3ml of 0.6% hyperbaric ropivacaine (18mg )+ 0.5ml NS. hyperbaric ropivacaine + Magnesium Group (R+M group ):   spinal anesthesia with 3ml of 0.6% hyperbaric ropivacaine (18mg) + 0.5ml magnesium sulphate (50 mg).  All the patients scheduled for operation were given oral tablets ranitidine 150 mg and Alprazolam 0.25mg in the night before surgery.Results: There was no significant difference in the basic characteristics between the groups. The mean HR, MAP and SpO2 in both the groups decreased over the periods as compared to baseline. However, the trend of HR over the periods remains similar in both R and R+M groups. The bromage levels were significantly (p=0.0001) higher among the patients of Group R compared with R+M.  The 2 segment sensory regression (min), Sensory regression S2 (hr), motor recovery (hrs) and long term mobilization after spinal anesthesia were significantly (p=0.0001) lower among the patients of Group R compared with R+M. The complications were lower in Group R+M than R.Conclusions: Magnesium may be more suitable drug in surgeries in which muscle relaxation has greater value in lower abdominal surgeries
