280 research outputs found

    Ultra-fast magnetisation rates within the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch model

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    The ultra-fast magnetisation relaxation rates during the laser-induced magnetisation process are analyzed in terms of the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch (LLB) equation for different values of spin SS. The LLB equation is equivalent in the limit SS \rightarrow \infty to the atomistic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) Langevin dynamics and for S=1/2S=1/2 to the M3TM model [B. Koopmans, {\em et al.} Nature Mat. \textbf{9} (2010) 259]. Within the LLB model the ultra-fast demagnetisation time (τM\tau_{M}) and the transverse damping (α\alpha_{\perp}) are parameterized by the intrinsic coupling-to-the-bath parameter λ\lambda, defined by microscopic spin-flip rate. We show that for the phonon-mediated Elliott-Yafet mechanism, λ\lambda is proportional to the ratio between the non-equilibrium phonon and electron temperatures. We investigate the influence of the finite spin number and the scattering rate parameter λ\lambda on the magnetisation relaxation rates. The relation between the fs demagnetisation rate and the LLG damping, provided by the LLB theory, is checked basing on the available experimental data. A good agreement is obtained for Ni, Co and Gd favoring the idea that the same intrinsic scattering process is acting on the femtosecond and nanosecond timescale.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Electron-lattice kinetics of metals heated by ultrashort laser pulses

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    We propose a kinetic model of transient nonequilibrium phenomena in metals exposed to ultrashort laser pulses when heated electrons affect the lattice through direct electron-phonon interaction. This model describes the destruction of a metal under intense laser pumping. We derive the system of equations for the metal, which consists of hot electrons and a cold lattice. Hot electrons are described with the help of the Boltzmann equation and equation of thermoconductivity. We use the equations of motion for lattice displacements with the electron force included. The lattice deformation is estimated immediately after the laser pulse up to the time of electron temperature relaxation. An estimate shows that the ablation regime can be achieved.Comment: 7 pages; Revtex. to appear in JETP 88, #1 (1999

    Mathematical Simulation of Contaminant Flow in Closed Reservoir

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    A mathematical model of the propagation in flooded mine lightweight contaminant due to allocation of groundwater is considered. Mathematical model was based on an analysis of experimental data and using concept and methods from reactive media mechanics. The boundary-value problem is solved numerically using the finite volume method. The distribution of fields of velocities and concentration of impurity particles in a flooded mine have been obtained at different times. These results can be used to analyze mining water treatment process due to environment and evaluate its further possible improvements

    Observation of electro-activated localized structures in broad area VCSELs

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    We demonstrate experimentally the electro-activation of a localized optical structure in a coherently driven broad-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) operated below threshold. Control is achieved by electro-optically steering a writing beam through a pre-programmable switch based on a photorefractive funnel waveguide.Comment: 5 Figure

    Observation of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Recurrence and Its Exact Dynamics

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    One of the most controversial phenomena in nonlinear dynamics is the reappearance of initial conditions. Celebrated as the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou problem, the attempt to understand how these recurrences form during the complex evolution that leads to equilibrium has deeply influenced the entire development of nonlinear science. The enigma is rendered even more intriguing by the fact that integrable models predict recurrence as exact solutions, but the difficulties involved in upholding integrability for a sufficiently long dynamic has not allowed a quantitative experimental validation. In natural processes, coupling with the environment rapidly leads to thermalization, and finding nonlinear multimodal systems presenting multiple returns is a long-standing open challenge. Here, we report the observation of more than three Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou recurrences for nonlinear optical spatial waves and demonstrate the control of the recurrent behavior through the phase and amplitude of the initial field. The recurrence period and phase shift are found to be in remarkable agreement with the exact recurrent solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, while the recurrent behavior disappears as integrability is lost. These results identify the origin of the recurrence in the integrability of the underlying dynamics and allow us to achieve one of the basic aspirations of nonlinear dynamics: the reconstruction, after several return cycles, of the exact initial condition of the system, ultimately proving that the complex evolution can be accurately predicted in experimental conditions

    Super-crystals in composite ferroelectrics

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    As atoms and molecules condense to form solids, a crystalline state can emerge with its highly ordered geometry and subnanometric lattice constant. In some physical systems, such as ferroelectric perovskites, a perfect crystalline structure forms even when the condensing substances are non-stoichiometric. The resulting solids have compositional disorder and complex macroscopic properties, such as giant susceptibilities and non-ergodicity. Here, we observe the spontaneous formation of a cubic structure in composite ferroelectric potassium– lithium–tantalate–niobate with micrometric lattice constant, 104 times larger than that of the underlying perovskite lattice. The 3D effect is observed in specifically designed samples in which the substitutional mixture varies periodically along one specific crystal axis. Laser propagation indicates a coherent polarization super-crystal that produces an optical X-ray diffractometry, an ordered mesoscopic state of matter with important implications for critical phenomena and applications in miniaturized 3D optical technologies

    Nonequilibrium Magnetization Dynamics of Nickel

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    Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of nickel has been studied for different degrees of electronic excitation, using pump-probe second-harmonic generation with 150 fs/800 nm laser pulses of various fluences. Information about the electronic and magnetic response to laser irradiation is obtained from sums and differences of the SHG intensity for opposite magnetization directions. The classical M(T)-curve can be reproduced for delay times larger than the electron thermalization time of about 280 fs, even when electrons and lattice have not reached thermal equilibrium. Further we show that the transient magnetization reaches its minimum approx. 50 fs before electron thermalization is completed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, revte

    MHz Unidirectional Rotation of Molecular Rotary Motors

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    A combination of cryogenic UV-vis and CD spectroscopy and transient absorption spectroscopy at ambient temperature is used to study a new class of unidirectional rotary molecular motors. Stabilization of unstable intermediates is achieved below 95 K in propane solution for the structure with the fastest rotation rate, and below this temperature measurements on the rate limiting step in the rotation cycle can be performed to obtain activation parameters. The results are compared to measurements at ambient temperature using transient absorption spectroscopy, which show that behavior of these motors is similar over the full temperature range investigated, thereby allowing a maximum rotation rate of 3 MHz at room temperature under suitable irradiation conditions