44 research outputs found

    Deformations of Toric Singularities and Fractional Branes

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    Fractional branes added to a large stack of D3-branes at the singularity of a Calabi-Yau cone modify the quiver gauge theory breaking conformal invariance and leading to different kinds of IR behaviors. For toric singularities admitting complex deformations we propose a simple method that allows to compute the anomaly free rank distributions in the gauge theory corresponding to the fractional deformation branes. This algorithm fits Altmann's rule of decomposition of the toric diagram into a Minkowski sum of polytopes. More generally we suggest how different IR behaviors triggered by fractional branes can be classified by looking at suitable weights associated with the external legs of the (p,q) web. We check the proposal on many examples and match in some interesting cases the moduli space of the gauge theory with the deformed geometry.Comment: 40 pages, 23 figures; typos correcte

    Counting BPS Baryonic Operators in CFTs with Sasaki-Einstein duals

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    We study supersymmetric D3 brane configurations wrapping internal cycles of type II backgrounds AdS(5) x H for a generic Sasaki-Einstein manifold H. These configurations correspond to BPS baryonic operators in the dual quiver gauge theory. In each sector with given baryonic charge, we write explicit partition functions counting all the BPS operators according to their flavor and R-charge. We also show how to extract geometrical information about H from the partition functions; in particular, we give general formulae for computing volumes of three cycles in H.Comment: 46 pages, 10 figures; comments and clarifications added, published versio

    The Baryonic Branch of Klebanov-Strassler Solution: a Supersymmetric Family of SU(3) Structure Backgrounds

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    We exhibit a one-parameter family of regular supersymmetric solutions of type IIB theory that interpolates between Klebanov-Strassler (KS) and Maldacena-Nunez (MN). The solution is obtained by applying the supersymmetry conditions for SU(3)-structure manifolds to an interpolating ansatz proposed by Papadopoulos and Tseytlin. Other than at the KS point, the family does not have a conformally-Ricci-flat metric, neither it has self-dual three-form flux. Nevertheless, the asymptotic IR and UV are that of KS troughout the family, except for the extremal value of the interpolating parameter where the UV solution drastically changes to MN. This one-parameter family of solutions is interpreted as the dual of the baryonic branch of gauge theory, confirming the expecation that the KS solution corresponds to a particular symmetric point in the branch.Comment: 32 pages, 6 eps figures. v2: Typos fixed. v3: Comments added on the gauge theory interpretation of the solutio

    On the geometry and the moduli space of beta-deformed quiver gauge theories

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    We consider a class of super-conformal beta-deformed N=1 gauge theories dual to string theory on AdS5Ă—XAdS_5 \times X with fluxes, where XX is a deformed Sasaki-Einstein manifold. The supergravity backgrounds are explicit examples of Generalised Calabi-Yau manifolds: the cone over XX admits an integrable generalised complex structure in terms of which the BPS sector of the gauge theory can be described. The moduli spaces of the deformed toric N=1 gauge theories are studied on a number of examples and are in agreement with the moduli spaces of D3 and D5 static and dual giant probes.Comment: 53 pages, 8 figure

    The scaling equation of state of the three-dimensional O(N) universality class: N >= 4

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    We determine the critical equation of state of the three-dimensional O(N) universality class, for N=4, 5, 6, 32, 64. The N=4 is relevant for the chiral phase transition in QCD with two flavors, the N=5 model is relevant for the SO(5) theory of high-T_c superconductivity, while the N=6 model is relevant for the chiral phase transition in two-color QCD with two flavors. We first consider the small-field expansion of the effective potential (Helmholtz free energy). Then, we apply a systematic approximation scheme based on polynomial parametric representations that are valid in the whole critical regime, satisfy the correct analytic properties (Griffiths' analyticity), take into account the Goldstone singularities at the coexistence curve, and match the small-field expansion of the effective potential. From the approximate representations of the equation of state, we obtain estimates of universal amplitude ratios. We also compare our approximate solutions with those obtained in the large-N expansion, up to order 1/N, finding good agreement for N \gtrsim 32.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Talk presented at Lattice2004(spin), Fermilab, June 21-26, 200

    Deformations of conformal theories and non-toric quiver gauge theories

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    We discuss several examples of non-toric quiver gauge theories dual to Sasaki-Einstein manifolds with U(1)^2 or U(1) isometry. We give a general method for constructing non-toric examples by adding relevant deformations to the toric case. For all examples, we are able to make a complete comparison between the prediction for R-charges based on geometry and on quantum field theory. We also give a general discussion of the spectrum of conformal dimensions for mesonic and baryonic operators for a generic quiver theory; in the toric case we make an explicit comparison between R-charges of mesons and baryons.Comment: 51 pages, 12 figures; minor corrections in appendix B, published versio

    R-charges from toric diagrams and the equivalence of a-maximization and Z-minimization

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    We conjecture a general formula for assigning R-charges and multiplicities for the chiral fields of all gauge theories living on branes at toric singularities. We check that the central charge and the dimensions of all the chiral fields agree with the information on volumes that can be extracted from toric geometry. We also analytically check the equivalence between the volume minimization procedure discovered in hep-th/0503183 and a-maximization, for the most general toric diagram. Our results can be considered as a very general check of the AdS/CFT correspondence, valid for all superconformal theories associated with toric singularities.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures; minor correction

    Counting Chiral Operators in Quiver Gauge Theories

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    We discuss in detail the problem of counting BPS gauge invariant operators in the chiral ring of quiver gauge theories living on D-branes probing generic toric CY singularities. The computation of generating functions that include counting of baryonic operators is based on a relation between the baryonic charges in field theory and the Kaehler moduli of the CY singularities. A study of the interplay between gauge theory and geometry shows that given geometrical sectors appear more than once in the field theory, leading to a notion of "multiplicities". We explain in detail how to decompose the generating function for one D-brane into different sectors and how to compute their relevant multiplicities by introducing geometric and anomalous baryonic charges. The Plethystic Exponential remains a major tool for passing from one D-brane to arbitrary number of D-branes. Explicit formulae are given for few examples, including C^3/Z_3, F_0, and dP_1.Comment: 75 pages, 22 figure

    The critical equation of state of the three-dimensional O(N) universality class: N>4

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    We determine the scaling equation of state of the three-dimensional O(N) universality class, for N=5, 6, 32, 64. The N=5 model is relevant for the SO(5) theory of high-T_c superconductivity, while the N=6 model is relevant for the chiral phase transition in two-color QCD with two flavors. We first obtain the critical exponents and the small-field, high-temperature, expansion of the effective potential (Helmholtz free energy) by analyzing the available perturbative series, in both fixed-dimension and epsilon-expansion schemes. Then, we determine the critical equation of state by using a systematic approximation scheme, based on polynomial representations valid in the whole critical region, which satisfy the known analytical properties of the equation of state, take into account the Goldstone singularities at the coexistence curve and match the small-field, high-temperature, expansion of the effective potential. This allows us also to determine several universal amplitude ratios. We also compare our approximate solutions with those obtained in the large-N expansion, up to order 1/N, finding good agreement for N\gtrsim 32.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures. v2: Improved presentation, updated references. Nucl. Phys. B in pres

    On the nature of the finite-temperature transition in QCD

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    We discuss the nature of the finite-temperature transition in QCD with N_f massless flavors. Universality arguments show that a continuous (second-order) transition must be related to a 3-D universality class characterized by a complex N_f X N_f matrix order parameter and by the symmetry-breaking pattern [SU(N_f)_L X SU(N_f)_R]/Z(N_f)_V -> SU(N_f)_V/Z(N_f)_V, or [U(N_f)_L X U(N_f)_R]/U(1)_V -> U(N_f)_V/U(1)_V if the U(1)_A symmetry is effectively restored at T_c. The existence of any of these universality classes requires the presence of a stable fixed point in the corresponding 3-D Phi^4 theory with the expected symmetry-breaking pattern. Otherwise, the transition is of first order. In order to search for stable fixed points in these Phi^4 theories, we exploit a 3-D perturbative approach in which physical quantities are expanded in powers of appropriate renormalized quartic couplings. We compute the corresponding Callan-Symanzik beta-functions to six loops. We also determine the large-order behavior to further constrain the analysis. No stable fixed point is found, except for N_f=2, corresponding to the symmetry-breaking pattern [SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R]/Z(2)_V -> SU(2)_V/Z(2)_V equivalent to O(4) -> O(3). Our results confirm and put on a firmer ground earlier analyses performed close to four dimensions, based on first-order calculations in the framework of the epsilon=4-d expansion. These results indicate that the finite-temperature phase transition in QCD is of first order for N_f>2. A continuous transition is allowed only for N_f=2. But, since the theory with symmetry-breaking pattern [U(2)_L X U(2)_R]/U(1)_V -> U(2)_V/U(1)_V does not have stable fixed points, the transition can be continuous only if the effective breaking of the U(1)_A symmetry is sufficiently large.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figs, minor correction