25 research outputs found

    Estudio del efecto de dos modos de activaci贸n del receptor de melanocortinas tipo 4 sobre los canales de calcio operados por voltaje y su impacto sobre la actividad neuronal

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    Los canales de calcio operados por voltaje (CaV) se localizan a lo largo de toda la estructura de una neurona regulando la liberaci贸n de neurotransmisores, la expresi贸n g茅nica y el potencial de membrana, entre otras funciones. La actividad de los CaV es modulada por el voltaje, por la concentraci贸n del ion Ca+2 y por distintas prote铆nas, entre las que se destacan los receptores acoplados a prote铆na G (GPCR). En este trabajo de tesis estudiamos c贸mo un GPCR, el receptor de melanocortinas tipo 4 (MC4R), modula la actividad de distintos subtipos de CaV, y los posibles efectos en el control de la actividad neuronal. El MC4R se expresa en distintos n煤cleos del cerebro y cuando se activa por agonistas disminuye la ingesta de alimento, entre otras funciones, aunque los mecanismos moleculares que median su acci贸n anorexig茅nica son a煤n desconocidos. El MC4R, presenta una caracter铆stica peculiar conocida para algunos GPCRs: se encuentra activo en forma constitutiva aun en ausencia de sus agonistas. Pero una propiedad distintiva, conocida hasta el momento s贸lo para el sistema de melanocortinas, es que presenta un agonista inverso end贸geno, la prote铆na relacionada a agouti (AgRP), que controla su actividad constitutiva. Adem谩s, AgRP funciona como antagonista del MC4R. Al estudiar el efecto de la actividad del MC4R sobre distintos subtipos de CaV, nosotros encontramos que la activaci贸n del MC4R evocada por agonista inhibe la ICa de los CaV2.2 en un sistema de expresi贸n heter贸loga y en neuronas de am铆gdala en cultivo. Esta inhibici贸n se帽aliza a trav茅s de Gs y es independiente del voltaje. Encontramos que, a consecuencia de la inhibici贸n de los CaV2.2 por la activaci贸n del MC4R, disminuye la liberaci贸n de GABA en neuronas de la am铆gdala en cultivo y podr铆a ser relevante en circuitos GABA茅rgicos de la am铆gdala controlando el tono inhibitorio en la am铆gdala central. En contraste, observamos que la actividad constitutiva del MC4R inhibe las ICa de los CaV1.2, CaV1.3 y CaV2.1 en un sistema de expresi贸n heter贸loga y en neuronas de am铆gdala en cultivo. Esta inhibici贸n es ocluida por AgRP a largo plazo, depende de la cantidad de MC4R expresado, se帽aliza por la prote铆na Gi/o y depende de la fosforilaci贸n de la prote铆na ERK1/2. Estudios preliminares indican que la inhibici贸n de los CaV1.2/CaV1.3 podr铆a disminuir la activaci贸n de la expresi贸n g茅nica de neuronas en cultivo, mientras que la inhibici贸n de los CaV2.1 disminuir铆a la cantidad de este CaV en las sinapsis de neuronas en cultivos primarios de am铆gdala. La inhibici贸n diferencial de los distintos subtipos de CaV por los dos modos de activaci贸n del MC4R contribuye a la regulaci贸n precisa de la actividad neuronal.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Impact of A118G polymorphism on the Mu opioid receptor function in pain

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    Mu Opioid Receptor (MOR) activation by exogenous or endogenous agonists causes reduction of pain threshold after a noxious stimulus, relieving pain sensation.MOR is encoded by OPRM1 gene and its messenger RNA suffers extensible modifications by alternative splicing and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A118G (N40D) is the most frequent encoding MOR SNP in humans. In this review we discuss the impact of this polymorphism at molecular, cellular and clinical levels. Since some SNPs are unequally distributed among human populations, we also discuss the utility of A118G as an ethnicity marker among worldwide human populations. As an example, we evaluate A118G frequency in an Argentinean humanpopulation and compare it with worldwide frequencies extracted from HapMap database.Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biolog铆a Celula

    Impact of A118G polymorphism on the Mu opioid receptor function in pain

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    Mu Opioid Receptor (MOR) activation by exogenous or endogenous agonists causes reduction of pain threshold after a noxious stimulus, relieving pain sensation.MOR is encoded by OPRM1 gene and its messenger RNA suffers extensible modifications by alternative splicing and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A118G (N40D) is the most frequent encoding MOR SNP in humans. In this review we discuss the impact of this polymorphism at molecular, cellular and clinical levels. Since some SNPs are unequally distributed among human populations, we also discuss the utility of A118G as an ethnicity marker among worldwide human populations. As an example, we evaluate A118G frequency in an Argentinean humanpopulation and compare it with worldwide frequencies extracted from HapMap database.Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biolog铆a Celula

    TRPV1 promotes opioid analgesia during inflammation

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    International audienc

    Constitutive and Ghrelin-Dependent GHSR1a activation impairs CaV2.1 and CaV2.2 currents in hypothalamic neurons

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    The growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHSR1a) has the highest known constitutive activity of any G Protein-Coupled receptor (GPCR). GHSR1a mediates the action of the hormone ghrelin, and its activation increases transcriptional and electrical activity in hypothalamic neurons. Although GHSR1a is present at GABAergic presynaptic terminals, its effect on neurotransmitter release remains unclear. The activities of the Voltage-Gated calcium channels, CaV2.1 and CaV2.2, which mediate neurotransmitter release at presynaptic terminals, are modulated by many GPCRs. Here, we show that both constitutive and Agonist-Dependent GHSR1a activity elicit a strong impairment of CaV2.1 and CaV2.2 currents in rat and mouse hypothalamic neurons and in a heterologous expression system. Constitutive GHSR1a activity reduces CaV2 currents by a Gi/o-Dependent mechanism that involves persistent reduction in channel density at the plasma membrane, whereas Ghrelin-Dependent GHSR1a inhibition is reversible and involves altered CaV2 gating via a Gq-Dependent pathway. Thus, GHSR1a differentially inhibits CaV2 channels by Gi/o or Gq protein pathways depending on its mode of activation. Moreover, we present evidence suggesting that GHSR1a-Mediated inhibition of CaV2 attenuates GABA release in hypothalamic neurons, a mechanism that could contribute to neuronal activation through the disinhibition of postsynaptic neurons.Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biolog铆a Celula

    Constitutive and Ghrelin-Dependent GHSR1a activation impairs CaV2.1 and CaV2.2 currents in hypothalamic neurons

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    The growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHSR1a) has the highest known constitutive activity of any G Protein-Coupled receptor (GPCR). GHSR1a mediates the action of the hormone ghrelin, and its activation increases transcriptional and electrical activity in hypothalamic neurons. Although GHSR1a is present at GABAergic presynaptic terminals, its effect on neurotransmitter release remains unclear. The activities of the Voltage-Gated calcium channels, CaV2.1 and CaV2.2, which mediate neurotransmitter release at presynaptic terminals, are modulated by many GPCRs. Here, we show that both constitutive and Agonist-Dependent GHSR1a activity elicit a strong impairment of CaV2.1 and CaV2.2 currents in rat and mouse hypothalamic neurons and in a heterologous expression system. Constitutive GHSR1a activity reduces CaV2 currents by a Gi/o-Dependent mechanism that involves persistent reduction in channel density at the plasma membrane, whereas Ghrelin-Dependent GHSR1a inhibition is reversible and involves altered CaV2 gating via a Gq-Dependent pathway. Thus, GHSR1a differentially inhibits CaV2 channels by Gi/o or Gq protein pathways depending on its mode of activation. Moreover, we present evidence suggesting that GHSR1a-Mediated inhibition of CaV2 attenuates GABA release in hypothalamic neurons, a mechanism that could contribute to neuronal activation through the disinhibition of postsynaptic neurons.Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biolog铆a Celula

    A simple strategy for culturing morphologically-conserved rat hypothalamic tanycytes

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    Hypothalamic tanycytes are specialized bipolar ependymal cells that line the floor of the third ventricle. Given their strategic location, tanycytes are believed to play several key functions including being a selective barrier and controlling the amount of hypothalamic-derived factors reaching the anterior pituitary. The in vitro culture of these cells has proved to be difficult. Here, we report an improved method for the generation of primary cultures of rat hypothalamic tanycytes. Ependymal cultures were derived from tissue dissected out of the median eminence region of 10-day-old rats and cultured in a chemically defined medium containing DMEM:F12, serum albumin, insulin, transferrin and the antibiotic gentamycin. After 7 days in vitro, -30% of the cultured cells exhibited morphological features of tanycytes as observed by phase contrast or scanning electron microscopy. Tanycyte-like cells were strongly immuno-reactive for vimentin and dopamine-cAMP-regulated phospho-protein (DARPP-32) and weakly immune-reactive for glial fibrillary acidic protein. Tanycyte-like cells displayed a stable negative resting plasma membrane potential and failed to show spiking properties in response to current injections. When exposed to fluorescent beads in the culture medium, tanycyte-like cells exhibited a robust endocytosis. Thus, the present method effectively yields cultures containing tanycyte-like cells that resemble in vivo tanycytes in terms of morphologic features and molecular markers as well as electrical and endocytic activity. To our knowledge, this is the first protocol that allows the culturing of tanycyte-like cells that can be individually identified and that conserve the morphology of tanycytes in then- natural physiological environment.Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biolog铆a CelularComisi贸n de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Constitutive and Ghrelin-Dependent GHSR1a activation impairs CaV2.1 and CaV2.2 currents in hypothalamic neurons

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    The growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHSR1a) has the highest known constitutive activity of any G Protein-Coupled receptor (GPCR). GHSR1a mediates the action of the hormone ghrelin, and its activation increases transcriptional and electrical activity in hypothalamic neurons. Although GHSR1a is present at GABAergic presynaptic terminals, its effect on neurotransmitter release remains unclear. The activities of the Voltage-Gated calcium channels, CaV2.1 and CaV2.2, which mediate neurotransmitter release at presynaptic terminals, are modulated by many GPCRs. Here, we show that both constitutive and Agonist-Dependent GHSR1a activity elicit a strong impairment of CaV2.1 and CaV2.2 currents in rat and mouse hypothalamic neurons and in a heterologous expression system. Constitutive GHSR1a activity reduces CaV2 currents by a Gi/o-Dependent mechanism that involves persistent reduction in channel density at the plasma membrane, whereas Ghrelin-Dependent GHSR1a inhibition is reversible and involves altered CaV2 gating via a Gq-Dependent pathway. Thus, GHSR1a differentially inhibits CaV2 channels by Gi/o or Gq protein pathways depending on its mode of activation. Moreover, we present evidence suggesting that GHSR1a-Mediated inhibition of CaV2 attenuates GABA release in hypothalamic neurons, a mechanism that could contribute to neuronal activation through the disinhibition of postsynaptic neurons.Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biolog铆a Celula

    Constitutive and ghrelin-dependent GHSR1a activation impairs CaV2.1 and CaV2.2 currents in hypothalamic neurons

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    The growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHSR1a) has the highest constitutive activity of any G protein coupled receptor (GPCR). GHSR1a mediates the action of the hormone ghrelin and, its activation increases transcriptional and electrical activity in hypothalamic neurons. It is known that GHSR1a is present at some specific GABAergic presynaptic terminals; however, its impact on neurotransmitter release remains elusive. The voltage gated calcium channels, CaV2.1 and CaV2.2, control neurotransmitter release at presynaptic terminals and their activities are modulated by many GPCRs. Here we show that constitutive as well as agonist-dependent GHSR1a activation trigger a strong impairment of both CaV2.1 and CaV2.2 currents in rat and mouse neurons and in a heterologous expression system. Constitutive GHSR1a activity reduces CaV2 currents by a Gi/o-dependent mechanism that involves persistent reduction in channel density at plasma membrane, whereas, ghrelin-dependent GHSR1a inhibition is reversible and involves altered CaV2 current gating via a Gq-dependent pathway. Thus, we show that GHSR1a differentially inhibits CaV2 channels by Gi/o- or Gq-protein pathways depending on its activation mode. Moreover, we present evidence suggesting that GHSR1a-mediated inhibition of CaV2 impairs GABA release in hypothalamic neurons, a mechanism that could contribute to neuronal activation by the disinhibition of postsynaptic neurons