23 research outputs found

    Análisis de percepciones en función de la técnica de presentación de producto. Comparativa entre realidad virtual, aumentada y rotación 360º

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    Esta ponencia forma parte del congreso: 24th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering Alcoi, 7th – 10th July 2020Online shopping has caused a radical change in individual-product interaction. In this new context, it is key to optimize product display to ensure that the information offered can be perceived correctly by the consumer, and generate the confidence needed for the purchase decision. The development of new techniques has made it possible to evolve product presentation. In addition to the traditional static 2D images, it is common to find displays where the product can rotate 360º to consumer request, and even that use augmented reality (a virtual image of the product located in a real environment), or virtual reality (a completely virtual presentation of product and environment) techniques. This communication analyses the influence of the display technique on the perceptions generated. A sideboard was shown to 43 participants, using four different techniques: 2D rendering, virtual reality, augmented reality and 360º rotation. Results show different perceptions for individuals up to 25 years old and older ones. The first group prefer the new display techniques. The results obtained provide guidelines to optimize product presentation in web site contexts.La compra online ha provocado un cambio radical en el modo de interacción individuo-producto. En este nuevo contexto, resulta necesario optimizar la presentación de producto, para que la información ofrecida pueda percibirse correctamente por parte del consumidor, y genere la confianza y seguridad necesarias para la decisión de compra. El desarrollo de nuevas técnicas ha permitido evolucionar las formas de presentación de producto. Además de las tradicionales imágenes 2D estáticas, es habitual encontrar presentaciones donde el producto puede girar 360º a demanda del consumidor, e incluso presentaciones que utilizan técnicas de realidad aumentada (imagen virtual de producto en un entorno físico real), o virtual (presentación completamente virtual de de producto y entorno). Esta comunicación analiza la influencia de la técnica de presentación de producto en las percepciones generadas. Se ha mostrado a 43 participantes un mueble aparador, utilizando cuatro técnicas distintas: imágenes 2D, realidad virtual, realidad aumentada y rotación 360º. Los resultados muestran distintas percepciones para los individuos de hasta 25 años y los mayores. El primer grupo prefiere las nuevas técnicas. Los resultados obtenidos ofrecen pautas para optimizar la presentación de producto en contextos web

    Aplicación de principios de Kansei en el diseño cerámico

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    El estudio de las impresiones afectivas provocadas por los productos es un tema de gran interés tanto en investigación como en el mundo empresarial. Entre las técnicas para cuantificar los significados y emociones de producto destaca la Ingeniería Kansei, que estudia la relación de características concretas de diseño con las impresiones subjetivas generadas. El presente trabajo analiza la influencia de parámetros objetivos de diseño de los pavimentos cerámicos en la percepción afectiva que el producto provoca. Los participantes en el estudio valoran un conjunto de impresiones subjetivas relacionadas con ocho variantes de un pavimento cerámico, en el que se modifican características de diseño relacionadas con su color, brillo y formato. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que para el pavimento estudiado, las características de color y brillo asignadas influyen en los significados generados por el producto e incluso en el caso del brillo, se observa influencia sobre las preferencias de producto. Dichos resultados son, evidentemente, altamente cambiantes en función de las tendencias, y dependen, entre otras cosas, del momento temporal, la localización del mercado objetivo, o el tipo concreto de producto estudiado. Con todo, su aplicación puede mejorar el conocimiento sobre los motivos por los que ciertas variantes de diseño son mejor aceptadas y tienen un mayor éxito en el mercado.The study of the affective impressions consumers have on a product raises particular interest both in business contexts and the academia. Among the techniques used in order to quantify the different product meanings and emotions stands Kanei Engineering, which studies the relation between particular design characteristics and the subjective impressions generated. This paper analyses the influence of objective design parameters within the ceramic pavement context and the affective perception the product itself provokes. Participants in the study assessed a number of subjective impressions linked to eight design variations of a ceramic pavement in terms of colour, brightness and format. The results obtained show that, in the particular case of the ceramic pavement studied, the colour and brightness features do have an impact in the generated meanings of the product. When it came to brightness, a particular product preference trend is observed. It goes without saying that the results change highly according to fashion trends and depend, among other parameters, on the timeframe, the location of the objective market or even the type of product studied. Still, the application of the latter may result in a better understanding of the reasons why particular design variations are better accepted and more successful in the market.Agradecemos a la Fundació Caixa Castelló-Bancaixa y a la Universitat Jaume I el apoyo económico recibido a través del proyecto Ref. P1-1B2008-21

    Principles of Affective Design in Consumers’ Response to Sustainability Design Strategies

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the generation of consumers’ responses to sustainabilitydesign strategies by considering the principles of affective design. A conceptual model of consumers’response, in which a distinction is made between subjective impressions and behavioral responses,is defined and validated by conducting an experiment. Six wardrobes, representing sustainabilitydesign strategies (refurbishment, adaptability, durability, personalization, maintenance and flexibility)were selected. Eighty-seven participants assessed 14 impressions of the wardrobes including long-life,functional, aesthetic, emotional and environmental aspects as well as behavioral responses (productattachment and willingness to keep). Long-life impressions are more related to willingness to keep,while aesthetic ones are more closely linked to attachment. Practical and emotional impressionsare associated with both behavioral responses. Design strategies and personal concerns have aninfluence on consumer response. These results are expected to help managers and designers promotea sustainable behavior by selecting the most suitable design strategies

    Application to ceramic tile floorings

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    This work aims to validate a conceptual framework which establishes the main relationships between subjective elements in human–product interaction, such as meanings, emotions, product preferences, and personal values. The study analyzes the relationships between meanings and emotions, and between these and preferences, as well as the influence of personal values on such relationships. The study was applied to ceramic tile floorings. A questionnaire with images of a neutral room with different ceramic tile floorings was designed and distributed via the web. Results from the study suggest that both meanings and emotions must be taken into account in the generation of product preferences. The meanings given to the product can cause the generation of emotions, and both types of subjective impressions give rise to product preferences. Personal reference values influence these relationships between subjective impressions and product preferences. As a consequence, not only target customers' demographic data but specifically their values and criteria must be taken into account from the beginning of the development process. The specific results of this paper can be used directly by ceramic tile designers, who can better adjust product design (and the subjective impressions elicited) to the target market. Consequently, the chance of product success is reinforced

    Representativeness of environmental labelling according to their design features

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    24th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering Alcoi, 7th – 10th July 2020En el estudio de las percepciones generadas por el etiquetado de producto, las características de su diseño suponen un elemento clave. Un aspecto esencial para que el etiquetado ambiental de producto cumpla su función comunicativa es que resulte representativo de su significado para los consumidores. Se ha analizado la representatividad de tres características de diseño (color, forma y texto) de 9 etiquetas medioambientales y de alimentación ecológica. Para ello, se han generado variantes de las etiquetas originales, en estas tres características de diseño, definiendo 27 pares de etiquetas original-variante, entre las que 73 participantes han elegido las más representativas. Mediante eye-tracking se han registrado parámetros de comportamiento visual. Los resultados muestran que se considera más representativa la forma circular, aunque no corresponda con la versión original de la etiqueta. También se ha confirmado que las etiquetas seleccionadas se miran en general por más tiempo.In the study of perceptions generated by product labelling, their design features are a key element. An essential issue for environmental product labelling to fulfil its communicative function is that it should be representative of its meaning for potential consumers. The representativeness of three design features (colour, shape and associated text) of 9 labels of environmental meaning has been analysed. To do this, variations of the original labels were generated in each of these three design features, and 27 pairs of original label and design variation were defined. A sample of 73 participants chose, for each of these pairs, the more representative version. Visual behavior was registered using an eye tracker device. Results show that round labels are considered more representative, even when it did not correspond with the original shape of the label. In general, participants looked longer at the selected labels

    The effect of nature on designers' creativity, according to their personality profile

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate whether natural environments, either real or simulated, tend to enhance designers' creativity, and whether the effects differ depending on their personality profile. Numerous studies have been conducted on the variables that shape the work environment and affect the designer's creativity, but few take into account the interaction between the work environment and the designer's personality profile. The aim of this study is to carry out a practical experiment in which a certain number of individuals solve conceptual design problems in different work environments, followed by an assessment of the creativity of the results. The results show higher values of creativity for both types of natural setting than in a neutral scenario. The personality of the designers determines whether the highest values are achieved in real or in artificial nature

    Ceramic Tile Design: a Case Study of Collaborative New-Product Development in Fashion-Driven Chains

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    This paper studies ceramic tile design chains, as representative of those collaborative New-Product Development (NPD) processes where the presence of very different origins of designs and the fast changes of the market strongly condition the process. We have studied this particular circumstance by way of what we have called the “stimulators and stimuli framework” that proved helpful to obtain computer supported NPD models for ceramic tile clusters.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología; Dirección General de Investigación under the Plan Nacional de I+D+i programme for Research Promotion (Project DPI2002_02141. CE- TILE). We also acknowledge the help given by Capgemini España S.L.U., TAU Cerámica S.A., Esmalglass S.A., Macer S.A. and Cerámica Kersa S.L

    Dorsal and palmar aspect dimensions of hand anthropometry for designing hand tools and protections

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    Most hand anthropometric studies are performed on the palmar aspect, while dimensions of the dorsal aspect are also useful in ergonomics and hand modelling. A survey of hand anthropometrics for a Spanish population (69 females, 70 males) is presented. Landmarks were selected to compare lengths from the dorsal and palmar aspects and to be useful for hand modelling and ergonomics design. Ninety-nine dimensions of fingers and thumb of the right hand (41 lengths, 32 depths, 26 breadths) were collected, including thumb breadths and depths. Descriptive statistics of all the dimensions are presented. Lengths were measured from both dorsal and palmar aspects and paired lengths compared through T-tests. Significant differences were found in almost all the lengths, showing that databases should explicitly state the aspect (dorsal or palmar) where dimensions have been measured. The data provided are useful for designing tools and hand protections and developing hand models more accurately

    Managing mechanisms for collaborative new-product development in the ceramic tile design chain

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    This paper focuses on improving the management of New-Product Development (NPD) processes within the particular context of a cluster of enterprises that cooperate through a network of intra- and inter-firm relations. Ceramic tile design chains have certain singularities that condition the NPD process, such as the lack of a strong hierarchy, fashion pressure or the existence of different origins for NPD projects. We have studied these particular circumstances in order to tailor Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) tools and some other management mechanisms to fit suitable sectoral reference models. Special emphasis will be placed on PLM templates for structuring and standardizing projects, and also on the roles involved in the process.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología; Dirección General de Investigación under the Plan Nacional de I+D+i programme for Research Promotion (Project DPI2002_02141. CE-TILE). We also acknowledge the help given by Capgemini España S.L.U., TAU Cerámica S.A., Esmalglass S.A., Macer S.A. and Cerámica Kersa S.L. in the new ceramic product design and development pilot experience, which was carried out within the framework of the project

    Analysis of the perception of product labelling using eye-tracking. Influence of personal concerns

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    24th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering Alcoi, 7th – 10th July 2020El etiquetado de producto es un elemento clave en la comunicación de información específica, con elevada influencia en el comportamiento y decisiones del consumidor. Este comportamiento depende en gran medida de los valores personales de los consumidores, por un lado, y de la percepción de esta información, por otro. En el ámbito de comportamiento del consumidor, se emplean técnicas que permiten obtener de forma objetiva, información cuantificada sobre su percepción. En este sentido, el eye-tracking (ET) analiza la atención visual del consumidor mientras procesa información. Considerando este enfoque, este estudio analiza el comportamiento visual en la percepción de etiquetado de producto relacionado con el respeto medioambiental (4 etiquetas) y con alimentación biológica o ecológica (5 etiquetas). 73 participantes han elegido, entre pares de etiquetas de una misma temática, aquella considerada más representativa. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en la representatividad de las distintas etiquetas, en función del género y de los criterios personales. Sin embargo, se observa que las etiquetas seleccionadas con mayor frecuencia han sido elegidas por individuos que conceden una menor importancia a aspectos sostenibles.Product labelling of product is a key element in the communication of specific information, with significant influence on consumer’s behavior and decisions. This behavior depends largely, on the one hand, on consumers’ personal concerns, and on the other hand, on the perception of this information. In the field of consumer behavior, techniques allowing to objectively obtain quantified information on perceptions are used. In this sense, eye-tracking (ET) analyzes consumers’ visual attention while they are processing information. Considering this approach, this study analyses visual behavior in the perception of product labelling related to environment respect (4 labels) and to biological or ecological food (5 labels). 73 participants have chosen, between pairs of labels of a same theme, the most representative one. Results show significant differences in the representativeness of the different labels, based on gender and personal criteria. However, labels more frequently selected were chosen by individuals who showed little interest for sustainable issues