39 research outputs found
Dvije putovnice – jedna nacija? Parlamentarne rasprave o višestrukom državljanstvu u Poljskoj
The article presents the descriptive and analytical approach to the discursive events concerning the issue of dual/multiple citizenship. In order to reconstruct the processes leading to redefinition of Polishness among the symbolic elites, it focuses at argumentative strategies used by the disputants in the Polish parliamentary debates. The process of redefinition of political identity on this level is particularly visible in the policy discourse constructed around the legislative proposals. The rhetoric structure of this discourse reflects the dividing lines shaping the belief systems among the symbolic elites. It also shows the directions of the present and future developments of the concept of Polishness. The end of the communist regime in Poland brought not only systemic changes, but also the need to redefine the legal basis of Polish political community. As it occurred, the problem of citizenship is very much interwoven with the idea of the nationhood, what can be quite contrary to the recent globalization of the concept. The debates on dual/multiple citizenship in Poland provoked the much deeper debate on the limits of Polishness, the spacial and ideational creation of political communities and the issue of getting to terms with the painful past. Therefore, the analysis of the Polish policy discourse on multiple citizenship inevitably uncovered the underlying struggle on a new definition of Polish political community. The clear distinction, present in the debates, between the multiple citizenship of Polish and non-Polish origin must evoke certain worries concerning the scale of ethnocentrism governing the concept of citizen in the new Poland.Članak deskriptivno i analitički pristupa događajima koji se odnose na pitanje dvojnog/višestrukog državljanstva. Kako bi reskonstruirala procese koji vode redefiniciji poljstva među simboličkim elitama, autorica se usredotočuje na argumentirane strategije koje rabe diskutanti u poljskim parlamentarnim debatama. Proces redefinicije političkog identiteta na toj razini osobito je vidljiv u političkim diskursima koji se odnose na zakonske prijedloge. Retorička struktura rasprava odražava podvojene linije koje oblikuju sustav vjerovanja simboličkih elita te pokazuje smjerove sadašnjega i budućeg razvoja koncepta poljstva. Slom komunističkog režima u Poljskoj nije uzrokovao samo sustavne promjene, nego i potrebu redefinicije pravnog temelja poljske političke zajednice. Problem državljanstva isprepliće se s idejom državnosti, što može biti suprotno nedavnoj globalizaciji koncepta. Debate o dvojnom/višestrukom državljanstvu u Poljskoj izazvale su nove dublje debate o granicama poljstva, prostornom i idejnom stvaranju političkih zajednica te pitanju suočavanja s bolnom prošlošću. Stoga je analiza rasprave o poljskoj politici višestrukog državljanstva neizbježno razotkrila dotad skrivenu borbu oko nove definicije poljske političke zajednice. Jasna razlika, prisutna u raspravama, između višestrukog državljanstva osoba poljskoga i nepoljskoga podrijetla mora izazvati određenu zabrinutost zbog razmjera etnocentrizma koji upravlja konceptom državljanina u novoj Poljskoj
Diaspora as an actor of migration policy
The migration and development agendas have been only recently drawn together in the context of migration policy. It has been creating .diaspora. as one of the main actors able to respond aptly to the new challenging agenda. At the same time, the traditional concept of .migrant communities. has been assigned different ontological status. To meet the ambitious goals the diaspora is being created as a political actor and it assumes characteristics of a trans-state and trans-national community to fulfil the promise of the policy agenda. The present woorking paper is the first report on the ongoing research project, which aims at studying linkages between migration policy and diaspora engagement. The report presents outcomes of the document-based analysis of the term "diaspora" as used in various policy documents
State of the art of the migration research in Poland
The aim of this study is to present the state of the art of the migration research in Poland after 1989. It provides for the overview of the development of migration research according to various fields of migration studies that developed in Poland. The study covers over 300 works on contemporary migratory phenomena published by Polish scientists after 1989. It begins with an overview of migratory movements in Poland in 20th century presented along to the European migratory history. This presentation is followed by introductory reflections on the rebirth of migration research in Poland after 1989. Then, the analysis of studies of emigration from Poland come in first place, encompassing also separate sections on the research on Polish diaspora abroad after 1989. Research on the immigration to Poland and the development of migrant communities in the country is presented in the following chapter. Furthermore, the study provides for the overview of the research on migration policy and law. Last but not least, the studies on the demography and statistics of international migration are briefly explained and highlighted. A separate chapter is devoted to the methodological background of the migration research in Poland. The study ends with the conclusions that summarize the most important scientific achievements of Polish researchers in the field of migration research after 1989
Circular Migration in Eastern Partnership Countries. An overview
English version of CARIM-East RR2012/35CARIM-East: Creating an Observatory of Migration East of EuropeCARIM-East is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union
Pathways towards Legal Migration into the EU: Reappraising concepts, trajectories and policies. CEPS Paperback, September 2017
On 27 January 2017, the Justice and Home Affairs Section of CEPS and
the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG
HOME) of the European Commission co-organised a policy
workshop in Brussels entitled “Reappraising the EU legal migration acquis:
Legal pathways for a new model of economic migration, and the role of
social science research”. The event brought together leading academics,
practitioners and European Commission representatives to assess and
discuss the state of play in the (internal and external) EU legal migration
acquis, and its role in developing legal pathways towards economic
Held under the Chatham House Rule, the policy workshop’s
roundtable discussions allowed participants to identify and address some of
the key challenges, inconsistencies and gaps in the standing EU policies and
legislation in the area of legal and economic migration. Scholars involved in
EU and nationally funded, collaborative research projects on social science
and humanities (SSH) had the opportunity to exchange interdisciplinary
knowledge with European Commission officials representing the different
services working on legal migration policies. The role and potential of
independent academic research in the framework of EU migration policymaking
were also discussed. The full programme of the policy workshop is
reproduced in the annex of this book