48 research outputs found

    Growth of three meadow species along a salinity gradient in an inland saline habitat: transplant experiment

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    The mechanisms of vegetation zonation were determined in order to provide an advice for restoration of natural saline habitats. Field experiments were conducted to examine the response of mature plants to different edaphic conditions. Three dominant species Salicornia europaea L., Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl. and Elymus repens (L.) Golud, characteristic of distinct zones along the salinity gradient (ECe 28.5–2.3 mS/cm) were studied. Results from a 2-year reciprocal transplant experiment demonstrated that species were restricted to every zone mostly by a salinity level. The obligatory halophyte S. europaea had optimal growth conditions at its home site. This is an opposite result to the one known from inland salt marshes of North America. A distinct growth limitation of transplants was observed in the P. distans and E. repens zones of lower salinity. Fewer individuals and lower aboveground biomass were recorded in the P. distans zone, whereas in the E. repens zone all seedlings died in the second year of observations. The glycophyte E. repens from the less saline site (ca 2.3 mS/cm) was strongly inhibited in the most saline S. europaea zone (15.8–28.5 mS/cm). Compared to the control transplants in the S. europaea zone it had shorter new shoots, fewer and shorter shoots, lower above-ground biomass and biomass of rhizomes. The P. distans transplants were markedly limited in the E. repens zone of lower salinity. Fewer and shorter new shoots, flowering shoots, lower above-ground biomass and biomassof grasses’ roots were noted in the transplants of this zone. Since P. distans was found in non-saline areas outside the investigated meadow this effect could not result from the salinity level but from E. repens interaction. The obtained results suggest that for restoration of natural saline habitats the most important is to keep or rebuild the original salinity level of soils. As the second point the control of strong competitors by cutting or grazing should be considered

    List of Reviewers of Ecological Questions vol. 30 (2019) 1-4

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    List of Reviewers of Ecological Questions vol. 31 (2020) 1-4

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    Metabolic potential of microorganisms associated with the halophyte Aster tripolium L. in saline soils

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    Increased soil salinization may be caused by a natural (e.g. climate change) and anthropogenic (e.g. improper fertilization and irrigation of agricultural land) factors. The submitted work assumes that microorganisms associated with plant halophytes have a unique metabolic properties that can stimulate plant growth under salt stress. The aim of the study was to determine the abundance and metabolic biodiversity of endophytic and rhizosphere microorganisms co-existing with Aster tripolium L. and compare them with the properties of soil microorganisms not affected by plant roots at a salty meadows in the vicinity of a soda factory (central Poland). In order to select halotolerant and halophilic microorganisms culture medium was enriched with various concentrations of NaCl (0, 100, 200, 400, 600 mM NaCl). Total metabolic activity of endophytic, rhizosphere and soil populations was measured to compare the community-level physiological profiles. Results of our study revealed that bacterial and fungal density increased in the following order: endophytes < soil < rhizosphere. Only the highest concentration (600 mM) of NaCl decreased the number of microorganisms. The highest total microbial metabolic activity was observed for the rhizosphere, while the activity of endophytes was higher compare to soil populations. To carbon sources which significantly differentiated zones belonged: D-lactose, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and L-asparagine. The results are preliminary studies leading to the development of inoculum based on selected microbial halotolerant and halophilic strains which can be used in agriculture and/or recultivation of saline soils

    Relations between features of forest floor vegetation and surface soil horizons properties in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in southwest Poland

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    The paper presents the studies on relations between features of forest floor vegetation and surface soil horizons (organic and humus) properties. The research was taken in 100 pine stands located in southwest Poland. The investigated relations were different when concerning two forest floor layers. The higher values of the analysed herb layer indicators (the herb layer cover and the amount of plant species in the herb layer) are related to the higher trophy of the surface soil horizons. For the analogous moss layer indicators the relations are opposite to the herb layer relations. In the investigated pine stands the forest floor species composition was more related to organic than to humus horizon properties.Badania przeprowadzono na 100 powierzchniach badawczych położonych w drzewostanach sosnowych na terenie Nadleśnictwa Bolesławiec, Głogów i Oława w południowo-zachodniej Polsce. Za pomocą analizy korelacji wykazano, że na badanych powierzchniach analizowane zależności są różne dla poszczególnych warstw runa. Wartości analizowanych wskaźników dotyczących warstwy zielnej runa (stopień pokrycia warstwy i liczba gatunków roślin w warstwie) są pozytywnie skorelowane z trofizmem poziomu organicznego i próchnicznego gleby. Zależności dla analogicznych wskaźników wyliczonych dla warstwy przyziemnej runa (mchów i porostów) okazały się przeciwne do tych uzyskanych dla warstwy zielnej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy porządkowania w pakiecie CANOCO stwierdzono, że skład gatunkowy runa jest na analizowanych powierzchniach badawczych silniej zależny od właściwości poziomu organicznego niż próchnicznego gleby

    Long term monitoring of the vegetation in the salt marsh of “Psili Amnos”, Samos, Greece – the outlines of the monitoring project

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    This short note presents research project on SAMOS: PARALIA ALYKI in Greece. The area of the research includes salt marsh of about 500 m2 which is located in the Natura 2000 protected area of the site code GR4120001. There are 150 protected birds including 57 birds in the red list of IUCN. Vegetation is quite heterogeneous and distinct in different sections. The aim of the project is to develop and implement a long term monitoring scheme for the salt marsh of “Psili Amnos” to assess changes of the vegetation over time and to assess anthropogenic and natural threat in order to take conservation measures. In a note in addition to the presentation of the site and the research aim also the methods considered for monitoring of vegetation are briefly described. To achieve optimal and universal methodology there was discussed which of the methods of data collection and processing typically used in monitoring vegetation could be used both in a project implemented at salt marsh “Psili AMNOS” as well as in studies of coastal and inland salt marshes in Poland

    Changes in soil properties and plant biomass under the influence of soda waste ponds in Inowrocław, Poland

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    Nowadays, the waste ponds of the Inowrocław Chemical Plants “Soda-Mątwy” SA are not used for regular disposal of pollutant materials. Despite this, the salinity level of groundwater and soils in the neighbourhood of these ponds is still very high. The main reasons of this are the huge amount of waste stored for decades and very unfavourable location of this factory in the river valley. In the salty area there are saline meadows with halophytes such as: Salicornia europaea, Glaux maritima, Triglochin maritima, Aster tripolium, Puccinellia distans, Atriplex hastata var. salina and Spergularia salina

    Meadow species in the early stages of succession on the ash settler of power plant EDF Toruń SA in Toruń, Poland

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    The paper is to present the trends of typical species of meadow habitats to colonize the frontier habitats. The area of research is the fly-ash landfills in the power plant EDF Toruń SA in Toruń. Several times, during the year mix of fly-ashes and slug, resulting from the combustion of coal, is transported by pipeline and this is mixed with water. Floristic research was conducted twice: in 2013 and 2015 year. Within an area of about 7 hectares 84 species of vascular plants (43 species in 2013 and 61 in 2015) were inventoried including 14 characteristic species of meadows. The presence of these species disturbed strong evidence of a wide ecological range and adaptations to survive adverse conditions of habitats. The results demonstrate that meadow species as Festuca arundinacea, Festuca rubra, Lolium perenne, Poa annua, Rumex acetosa and Taraxacum officinale, Poa trivialis and Viccia cracca can be helpful in restoration of fly-ash landfills.

    Abiotic factors influencing the occurrence of Salicornia europaea in West Estonia

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    The occurrence of Salicornia europaea in Western Estonia (Kassari and Topu bays) is the result of complex processes occurring in the Baltic coastal zone and conditioned by such abiotic factors as topography, lithology, hydrogeology and climate. This is reflected by very high salinity level of groundwater and soils

    Resources and dynamics of halophytes in agricultural and industrial landscapes of the western part of Kujawy, Central Poland

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    This article is dedicated to the memoryof tireless researcher of saline vegetation in KujawyProfessor Jadwiga Wilkoń-Michalska (1921–2005) This paper presents the status and comparison of the halophytic flora on two research plots in the Upper Noteć catchment, distinguished by the intensity of human activity and the type of landscape: 1 – Lake Gopło (G) and 2 – the area located by the Noteć Canal (N) in the western part of the Kujawy region. Fishery on the twelfth largest lake in Poland and agriculture are the main forms of economy in the former plot. A significant part of this plot is a Natura 2000 site, legally protected in compliance with the EU directives. The development of halophytes, mainly facultative ones, in the G plot is conditioned by natural factors, i.e. the inflow of saline groundwater. In the N plot, the agricultural landscape was transformed into the industrial and urbanised landscape following the years of development of two soda factories and the municipal and housing infrastructure of the nearby town of Inowrocław. Strong human impact led to the fact that already several decades ago this plot was classified as one of the most ecologically endangered areas in Poland. The abundance of halophytes in the N plot, including many obligatory ones, is related to the geomorphology of the area and the associated pattern of salt deposit leaching, as well as brine exploitation and soda industry. The species composition and population resources of individual halophyte species at 65 sites on the G plot and 90 sites on the N plot were compared using numerical classification methods. The distribution of the sites and their species richness are presented on the maps of the study area. The results of our analysis were compared with the results of observations made by other authors in the same area at different times. Based on the comparative analysis, we have arrived at conclusions regarding the protection of halophytes and the anticipated effects of technological changes in agriculture, salt and soda industry, as well as spatial management. We believe that the data provided in the tables and the resulting maps will constitute reference points for assessing the effectiveness of undertaken conservation recommendations and the correctness of scenarios formulated by different authors for the development of natural systems in the study area