15 research outputs found

    Religia i religijność Polaków w obserwacjach francuskich podróżników w Rzeczypospolitej XVII wieku

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    In the 17th century, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth became a country that French people liked to visit. Many of them left descriptions of the country which was different to their own in certain aspects. One of these aspects was Polish people’s religiousness and their attitude to nonCatholic religions. They were surprised at tolerance for people of another faith among the nobility and at the royal court, the co-existence of churches of different denominations and the lack of mutual aggression. On the other hand, they could see Polish people’s attachment to tradition and their original rites, at the same time pointing out their excessive demonstration of religious feelings, sometimes even bordering sanctimoniousness.In the 17th century, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth became a country that French people liked to visit. Many of them left descriptions of the country which was different to their own in certain aspects. One of these aspects was Polish people’s religiousness and their attitude to nonCatholic religions. They were surprised at tolerance for people of another faith among the nobility and at the royal court, the co-existence of churches of different denominations and the lack of mutual aggression. On the other hand, they could see Polish people’s attachment to tradition and their original rites, at the same time pointing out their excessive demonstration of religious feelings, sometimes even bordering sanctimoniousness

    The French in the 17th-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

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    XVII wiek był okresem, w którym nastąpił wzrost zainteresowania Francuzów Rzeczypospolitą. Jednym z powodów było przybycie nad Wisłę Ludwiki Marii Gonzagi. Stosunki Polaków z przybyszami układały się w sposób zmienny. Dopóki zadowalali się niskimi urzędami i nie interesowali sprawami politycznymi, byli mile widziani w kraju. Gdy zaczęli ingerować w politykę, spadała na nich fala krytyki. Dotyczyło to również królowej. Niemniej jednak, francuscy podróżnicy w swoich relacjach rzadko opisywali przypadki agresji ze strony Polaków. Wręcz przeciwnie, pisali raczej o życzliwości i gościnności gospodarzy.The 17th century was a period when the French became more interested in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. One of the reasons was Marie Louise Gonzaga’s arrival in Poland. The relations between the Poles and the newcomers were changeable. As long as they were satisfied with low offices and were not interested in political affairs, they were welcomed in the country. When they began to intervene in politics, they met a wave of criticism. This also referred to the queen. Nevertheless, French travellers seldom described in his accounts examples of aggression on the part of the Poles. On the contrary, they wrote about the hosts’ kindness and [email protected] Michalczuk – doktorantka na Wydziale Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych UwBDe Tende G., Relacja historyczna o Polsce, tłum. T. Falkowski, Warszawa 2013.F.D.S., Relation d’un voyage de Pologne, fait dans les annés 1688 et 1689, Paris, 1858.Jerlicz J., Latopisiec albo kroniczka Joachima Jerlicza, t. II, Warszawa 1853.Kochowski W., Historia panowania Jana Kazimierza, t. III, Poznań 1859.Laboureur J. Le, Relation du voyage de la royne de Pologne, et du retour de madame la marechalle de Guebriant, Ambassadrice extraordinaire et Sur-Intendant, de sa conduitte par la Hongrie, l’Autriche, la Styrie, la Carinthie, le Frioul et Italie. Avec un discours historique de Toutes Villes et Estat, par où elle a passé. Et un traitte particulier du royaume De Pologne, de son Gouvernement Ancien et Moderne, de ses Provinces et de ses Princes, avec plusieurs tables Genealoqiques de Souverains. Dédié a son altesse, madame la princesse Doüairiere de Condé, Paris 1647.Listy Krzysztofa Opalińskiego do brata Łukasza, 1641–1653, red. i wstęp R. Pollak, oprac. M. Pełczyński, A. Sajkowski, Wrocław 1957.Nouvelle Biographie Generalle depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu’ à nos jours, avec les renseignements bibliographiques et l’indication des sources à consulter, t. I–XLVI, Paris 1852–1866.Pasek J. Ch., Pamiętniki, Warszawa 1984.Potocki W., Ogród fraszek, t. 2, Lwów 1907.Regnard J. F., OEuvres de M. Regnard. Nouvelle édition, t. I, II, Paris 1750.Sarnecki K., Pamiętniki z czasów Jana Sobieskiego. Diariusz 1691–1695, Wrocław 1958.Volumina Legum, t. II, V, Petersburg 1859.Bystroń J. S., Dzieje obyczajów w dawnej Polsce, wiek XVI–XVIII, t. II, Warszawa 1994.Chynczewska-Hennel T., Rzeczpospolita XVII wieku w oczach cudzoziemców, Wrocław 1993.Fabiani B., Warszawski dwór Ludwiki Marii, Warszawa 1976.Grzybowski S., Henryk Walezy, Wrocław 1985.Komaszyński M., Maria Kazimiera d’Arquien Sobieska, królowa Polski 1641–1716, Kraków 1983.Libiszowska Z., Żona dwóch Wazów, Warszawa 1963.Magdziarz W.S., Ludwik XIV, Wrocław 1991.Milewski D.,Wstęp, [w:] P. Dupont, Pamiętnik Historyi życia i czynów Jana III Sobieskiego, tłum. B. Spieralska, Warszawa 2011.Noailles A. M. R. A. de, Le Maréchal de Guébriant (1602 à 1643), Paris 1913.Przyboś A., Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki 1640–1673, Kraków 2007.Serwański M., Henryk III Walezy w Polsce: stosunki polsko-francuskie w latach 1566–1576, Kraków 1976.Targosz K., Relacja księdza F.D.S. o Polsce czasów Jana III Sobieskiego, (próba rozszyfrowania autorstwa), „Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki”, 42, 1997, nr 3–4.Targosz K., Uczony dwór Marii Ludwiki Gonzagi (1646–1667). Z dziejów polsko-francuskich stosunków naukowych, Warszawa 2015.Wegner J., Warszawa w latach potopu szwedzkiego 1665–1657, Wrocław 1957.Wójcik Z., Jan Sobieski 1629–1696, Warszawa 1982.27617

    The Expanded Invasive Weed Optimization Metaheuristic for Solving Continuous and Discrete Optimization Problems

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    This paper introduces an expanded version of the Invasive Weed Optimization algorithm (exIWO) distinguished by the hybrid strategy of the search space exploration proposed by the authors. The algorithm is evaluated by solving three well-known optimization problems: minimization of numerical functions, feature selection, and the Mona Lisa TSP Challenge as one of the instances of the traveling salesman problem. The achieved results are compared with analogous outcomes produced by other optimization methods reported in the literature

    High-Precision Voltage Measurement for Optical Quantum Computation

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    This paper presents a theoretical study into the use of optical systems for quantum computation. The study results pertain to quantum sampling and quantum communication and provide a basis for further research and the development of a physical implementation. We propose an optical superstructure that can implement specific computation processes and algorithms. The superstructure is composed of nonlinear optical units, such as beta barium borate crystals. The units are positioned in series, powered by a pulse laser pump, and culminate in a beam splitter that generates the output state of a number of entangled photon pairs. Computation is achieved by entanglement propagation via beam splitters and adjustable phase shifters, which set related parameters. Demonstrating a two-component case, we show how a series of cosine-based components can be implemented. The obtained results open a broad front for future research. Future work should investigate the construction of a quantum optimizer using quantum sampling methods and also investigate high-precision temporal voltage measurement, which is a key procedure for the construction of high-fidelity devices

    Impact of Refrigerated Storage on Microbial Growth, Color Stability, and pH of Turkey Thigh Muscles

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    The quality of poultry meat offered to the consumer depends mainly on the level of hygiene during all stages of its production, storage time, and temperature. This study investigated the effect of refrigerated storage on the microbiological contamination, color, and pH of turkey thigh muscles stored at 1 °C over six days. Microbial growth, including total mesophilic aerobes, presumptive lactic acid bacteria, and Enterobacteriaceae, significantly increased, impacting the meat’s sensory attributes and safety. On the 6th day of meat storage, the content of total mesophilic aerobes, presumptive lactic acid bacteria, and Enterobacteriaceae was 1.82 × 107 CFU/g, 1.00 × 104 CFU/g, and 1.87 × 105 CFU/g, respectively. The stability of color was assessed by quantifying the total heme pigments, comparing myoglobin, oxymyoglobin, and metmyoglobin concentrations, analyzing color parameters L*, a*, b*, and the sensory assessment of surface color, showing a decline in total heme pigments, three myoglobin forms, redness (a*) and lightness (L*). In contrast, yellowness (b*) increased. These changes were correlated with the growth of spoilage microorganisms that influenced the meat’s pigmentation and pH, with a notable rise in pH associated with microbial metabolization. Based on the conducted research, it was found that the maximum storage time of turkey thigh muscles at a temperature of 1 °C is 4 days. On the 4th day of storage, the total mesophilic aerobe content was 3.5 × 105 CFU/g. This study underscores the critical need for maintaining controlled refrigeration conditions to mitigate spoilage, ensuring food safety, and preserving turkey meat’s sensory and nutritional qualities. There is a need for further research to improve turkey meat storage techniques under specific temperature conditions by studying the impact of using varying packaging materials (with different barrier properties) or the application of natural preservatives. Additionally, future studies could focus on evaluating the effectiveness of cold chain management practices to ensure the quality and safety of turkey products during storage. By addressing these research gaps, practitioners and researchers can contribute to developing more efficient and sustainable turkey meat supply chains, which may help mitigate food wastage by safeguarding the quality and safety of the meat

    Czynniki warunkujące ocenę psychometryczną pacjentów po protezoplastyce stawu biodrowego

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    Background. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of selected factors such as place of residence, education, age, duration of hospitalization and pain intensity before and after hip replacement surgery on the level of acceptance of the illness, on the subjective assessment of the patient’s state of health during surgery and on the level of pain and the ability to manage and reduce pain. Material and methods. The study included 181 patients diagnosed with hip joint degeneration and qualified for total hip replacement hospitalized in the Regional Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska, Poland. The study was conducted by means of a diagnostic survey with the use of a set of questionnaires: Acceptance of Illness Scale – AIS, WOMAC Scale, SF-36 Questionnaire, BPCQ Questionnaire. Results. More than half of the respondents (55.2%) were highly accepting of their condition. The level of acceptance was influenced by the place of residence, education, age, the intensity of pain after surgery and functional limitation. The overall assessment of the quality of life in the physical domain was – 62.9 points, with the worst scores for physical functioning and general health. Analysis with the WOMAC questionnaire showed that the majority of the subjects scored below 50 points on the functional limitation scale. All factors, except the level of pain before surgery, influenced the degree of functional limitation. Conclusions. Age, place of residence and education provided opportunities for pain control and the ability to reduce pain was perceived by those with longer hospital stays. Participants from cities had the highest quality of life. Education influenced the quality of life, which decreased with age and higher pain intensity. The better the quality of life, the higher the level of acceptance of illness, and vice versa.Wprowadzenie. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie wpływu wybranych czynników takich jak: miejsce zamieszkania, wykształcenie, wiek, czas hospitalizacji oraz nasilenie bólu przed i po zabiegu operacyjnym protezoplastyki biodra na poziom akceptacji choroby, na subiektywną ocenę stanu zdrowia operowanego pacjenta oraz na poziom bólowy i umiejętność panowania nad bólem i jego obniżeniem. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objętych zostało 181 pacjentów z rozpoznaniem zwyrodnienia stawu biodrowego i zakwalifikowanych do zabiegu operacyjnego całkowitej alloplastyki biodra hospitalizowanych w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Specjalistycznym w Białej Podlaskiej. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem zestawu kwestionariuszy: Skali Akceptacji Choroby – AIS, Skali WOMAC, Kwestionariusza SF-36, Kwestionariusza BPCQ. Wyniki. Stwierdzono, że ponad połowa badanych (55,2%) w wysokim stopniu akceptowała swoje schorzenie. Na poziom akceptacji miały wpływ: miejsce zamieszkania, wykształcenie, wiek, natężenie bólu po zabiegu oraz ograniczenie sprawności funkcjonalnej. Ogólna ocena jakości życia w dziedzinie fizycznej wynosiła – 62,9 pkt., przy czym najgorzej wypadła ocena funkcjonowania fizycznego oraz zdrowia ogólnego. Analiza za pomocą kwestionariusza WOMAC wykazała, że większość badanych, w pomiarze stopnia ograniczenia sprawności funkcjonalnej, uzyskała poniżej 50 pkt. Wszystkie czynniki, poza poziomem bólu przed zabiegiem, wpływały na stopień ograniczenia sprawności. Wnioski. Wiek, miejsce zamieszkania oraz wykształcenie dały możliwości panowania nad bólem, a o możliwości jego zmniejszenia wiedziały osoby dłużej hospitalizowane. Najwyższą jakością życia charakteryzowały się osoby z dużych miast. Wykształcenie wpłynęło na jakość życia, która wraz z wiekiem i wyższym natężeniem bólu spadała. Im lepsza jakość życia, tym wyższy poziom akceptacji choroby i odwrotnie