23 research outputs found

    The area of farms and their influence on generating negative externalities

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    Purpose: The aim of the research is to identify and assess the negative external effects of agricultural activity and determine whether their level is dependent on the size of farms, agricultural area expressed, in spatial terms in Poland. Design/Methodology/Approach: The time range of the collected research material covered the years 2008-2015. A synthetic measure of the assessment was used, which enabled ranking the studied regions in terms of the indicator of agri-environmental externalities. In order to verify the accepted hypothesis, an econometric model explaining the relationship between the emerging environmental effects and the surface of farms is proposed. The collected empirical material aggregated in the panel form is used to build the model. Findings: The results indicate significant differences in the generation of negative environmental effects between regions in Poland. It is also found that there is a relationship between the size of agricultural area on farms and the level of negative agri-environmental externalities. Practical Implications: The results obtained may be used for development of the agricultural policy, aimed at agricultural companies, depending on their size, expressed as the area of arable land. Originality/Value: The results are original due to the possibility of being used in any country (region). They enable identification of environmental threats caused by agricultural production, depending on farm agricultural enterprise size. They may be used for development of prospective scenarios for agricultural policy.peer-reviewe

    Przejawy niepełnosprawności wśród pielęgniarek aktywnych zawodowo spowodowane bólami kręgosłupa

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    Introduction. Back pain is a medico-socio-economic problem that affects about 90% of the population. People associated with medical professional are particularly exposed to frequent perceived back pain, which translates into their daily functioning.Aim. The aim of the study is to assess spinal pain in a group of professionally active nurses and their impact on everyday functioning.Material and Methods. The study included a group of 100 nurses from the Provincial Children’s Hospital in Bydgoszcz, who are professionally active. The diagnostic survey method was used, while the tools were: author’s questionnaire, VAS scale and Revised Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Scale Questionnaire (Polish version). Data has been prepared statistically. The level of p ≤ 0.05 was assumed to be statistically significant.Results. In the group of nurses who have work experience within 11–20 years, the average pain perceived was at the level of 3.21 points, while among women with seniority over 21 years, the average pain perceived was about 4.5 points. Pain ailments were also experienced by nurses working in the profession less than 10 years — the average of 1.62 points. The seniority of the studied women remained statistically significant, the average correlation with the pain results (p = 0.000).Conclusions. The problem of pain in nurses is a frequent phenomenon. Seniority in the profession is related to the occurrence of pain in nurses, i.e. the higher the seniority, the greater the perception of pain, which translates into their functioning. The place and system of nurses’ work are not factors significantly affecting the occurrence of back pain. (JNNN 2019;8(1):16–22)Wstęp. Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa są problemem medyczno-społeczno-ekonomicznym, który dotyka około 90% populacji. Osoby związane z zawodami medycznymi są szczególnie narażone na częste odczuwanie dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa, przekładającymi się na ich codzienne funkcjonowanie.Cel. Celem pracy jest ocena dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa w grupie pielęgniarek aktywnych zawodowo i ich wpływu na codzienne funkcjonowanie.Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 100 pielęgniarek Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Dziecięcego w Bydgoszczy aktywnych zawodowo. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, natomiast narzędziami były: autorski kwestionariusz, skala VAS oraz Kwestionariusz Revised Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Scale (wersja polska). Dane opracowano statystycznie. Poziom p ≤ 0,05 przyjęto jako poziom istotny statystycznie.Wyniki. W grupie pielęgniarek mających staż pracy w granicach 11–20 lat średnia odczuwanego bólu była na poziomie 3,21 pkt., natomiast wśród kobiet ze stażem pracy powyżej 21 lat średnia odczuwanego bólu wynosiła powyżej 4,5 pkt. Dolegliwości bólowe odczuwane były także przez pielęgniarki pracujące w zawodzie poniżej 10 lat — średnia 1,62 pkt. Staż pracy badanych kobiet pozostawał w istotnej statystycznie, średniej korelacji z wynikami odczuwanego bólu (p = 0,000).Wnioski. Problem bólu u pielęgniarek jest częstym zjawiskiem. Staż pracy w zawodzie ma związek z występowaniem u pielęgniarek dolegliwości bólowych, tj. im wyższy staż pracy tym większe odczuwanie dolegliwości bólowych, które przekładają się na ich funkcjonowanie. Miejsce oraz system pracy pielęgniarek nie są czynnikami znacząco wpływającymi na występowanie dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa. (PNN 2019;8(1):16–22

    Spoiled for life, but the idea that eternal... Contemporary dialogue between life and death

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    Currently, for the individual it is much easier to reconcile with a loss, especially if one does not touch her or him directly. Does not the material possessions, being forever young make the man himself lost? Is it really so difficult today to answer the funda-mental question of to be or to have? Contemporary dialogue with modern man's death, became not only the subject of research, but also a reflection on the relation between contemporary societies on passing

    Determination of Budesonide and Sulfasalazine in Water and Wastewater Samples Using DLLME-SFO-HPLC-UV Method

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    Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on solidification of floating organic droplet (DLLME-SFO) was applied to isolate budesonide (BUD) and sulfasalazine (SULF) from aqueous samples. The effects of different parameters on the efficiency on the extraction such as type of extrahent and dispersive solvent, ionic strength, pH of sample, and centrifugation time were investigated. Moreover, the influence of foreign substances on a studied process was tested. The calibration curves were recorded. The linearity ranges for BUD and SULF were 0.022–8.611 µg mL−1 and 0.020–7.968 µg mL−1 with the limit of detection (LOD) 0.011 µg mL−1 and 0.012 µg mL−1, respectively. The enrichment factors (EF) for two analytes were high: for BUD it was 145.7 and for SULF, 119.5. The elaborated procedure was applied for HPLC-UV determination of these analytes in water and wastewater samples

    Optical coherence tomography angiography of superficial retinal vessel density and foveal avascular zone in myopic children.

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    PurposeTo assess the superficial retinal vessel density (SRVD) and foveal avascular zone (FAZ) in myopic children using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA).Methods174 eyes of 89 subjects with myopia and 101 eyes of 54 age-matched, emmetropic volunteers (control group) were enrolled in this study. The mean age of the subjects and controls was 13.9 (SD ± 2.3) and 13.1 (SD ± 2.4), respectively. Myopia was defined as spherical equivalent ResultsWhole SRVD, parafovea SRVD and PFT were significantly higher in controls than in the myopic subjects (p ConclusionsOur results suggest that superficial retinal vessel density is decreased and FAZ area is enlarged in the entire group of the myopic children compared to emmetropic subjects. Longitudinal observation of these young patients is needed to determine the relevance of the microvascular alterations in future

    Students attitudes towards solarium and sunburn using

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    Wstęp. Opalanie się jest jednym z najbardziej zakorzenionych nawyków ludzkości, a słońce jest uważane za największe naturalne źródło energii i podstawę życia na Ziemi. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono wśród 229 studentów w oparciu o autorski kwestionariusz ankiety, który składał się z 36 pytań. Wyniki. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że 48,03% ankietowanych korzystało z solarium i to najczęściej (20%) raz w miesiącu. Pierwsza wizyta w solarium była samodzielną decyzją dla 88,2% osób, a 11,8% udało się tam za namową koleżanki/kolegi. W solarium respondenci korzystali głównie (79,1%) z łóżek samoopalających. W opinii 84,5% badanych pracownicy solarium są sumienni i informują respondentów o zasadach korzystania z niego. Większość respondentów (60%) nie znało pojęcia „fototyp skóry”. W opinii 26,4% badanych czas pierwszej wizyty w solarium nie ma znaczenia. Mimo to 73,6% respondentów wiedziało, że w solarium nie można opalać się codziennie, a zasady dotyczące przedłużania kolejnych wizyt w solarium nie znało 50% z nich. Ponadto 39,1% badanych twierdziło, iż opalanie w solarium jest nie mniej groźne niż opalanie na słońcu. W większości ankietowani jako skutki uboczne nadmiernej ekspozycji na słońce lub korzystania z solarium wymieniali: nowotwory skóry i szybszy proces starzenia się. Aż 60% badanych nie miało nic przeciw temu, aby dzieci i młodzież korzystały z solarium. O tym, iż proces opalania w solarium jest związany z naświetleniem skóry promieniowaniem zarówno UVA, jak i UVB, wiedziało 34,5% respondentów. Mimo to 30% ankietowanych nie używało preparatów z filtrem UV. Tanoreksję, jako „uzależnienie od opalania się w solarium”, zdefiniowało 11,8% respondentów. Wnioski. Wiedza studentów na temat zasad korzystania z solarium, zdrowego opalania i negatywnych skutków powyższego jest niezadowalająca. W opinii większości badanych pracownicy solarium są sumienni i informują respondentów o zasadach obsługi tuby lub łóżka. Większość respondentów nie była przeciwna, aby z solarium korzystały dzieci i osoby młode. Respondenci nie znali terminu „tanoreksja”. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2011; 19 (3): 322–328Introduction. Sunburning is common habit of people, and sun it is thought the biggest source of energy and basis of life on the Earth. Material and methods. The study was conducted among 229 students in according to own questionnaire consisted of 36 questions. Results. Almost 48.03% surveyed attended a solarium more often once a month. The first visit in the solarium was the self decision of 88.2% responders, and 11.8% on her or his suggestion. Visiting solarium people, mostly (79.1%) used sunbed. In the opinion of 84.5% surveyed attended, solarium workers were conscientious, and they gave information about safe using the solarium. Most of responders (60%) did not know term „skin photype”. In the opinion of 26.4% respondents, duration of the first visit has no importance. Almost 73.6% of respondents knew that in the solarium daily sunburning is not allowed, but the rules of the following visits in the solarium knew 50% of them. Nearly 39.1% of students said sunburning in the solarium is dangerous as that obtained in the sun. Side effects of sun exposition or using solarium responders counted: skin cancer and faster process of ageing. Of the surveyed, 60% were against children and youths could use the solarium. UVA and UVB rays are causing sunburning in the solarium knew 34.5% responders, and 30% of surveyed did not use any UVprotective cosmetics. Tanorexia, as „an addiction to tanning in the solarium” defined 11.8% of responders. Conclusions. Students knowledge on the rules of the solarium using, sunburning side effects of taning was insufficient. Most students declared that solarium workers were conscientious and gave information about safe using the solarium. Most respondents were not against children and youths could use the solarium. „Tanorexia” term has not been known by respondents. Nursing Topics 2011; 19 (3): 32

    Economic and Environmental Effects of Innovative Potato Cultivation with the Use of Beneficial Microorganisms in Poland

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    Agricultural production is the main area of human activity that affects both food security and well-being, as well as the environment, in which people live. The modern economy tries to combine economic and environmental goals, because uncontrolled intensive production growth can lead to irreversible changes in the environment. This paper addresses the issue of evaluating one of the methods in search of the golden mean of sustainable agricultural production, on the example of the potato-microbiome interaction leading to the development of an innovative strategy of potato breeding and production. The aim was to apprise the economic and environmental effects of innovative potato cultivation with the use of beneficial microorganisms in Poland based on the field data. The data for the analyses were obtained from experimental field work carried out in 2021–2022 under the PotatoMetaBiome project. The analysis of the collected data allowed us to conclude that from the economic point of view, the most profitable was the strategy that included the use of practices based on synthetic means of production (with mineral fertilizers and chemical protection). On the other hand, the use of innovative preparations with beneficial microorganisms slightly increased the profitability in relation to the strategy without means of production and with the use of synthetic means of production. At the same time, it had the least negative impact on the environment than other agricultural practices. The obtained results indicate that the use of beneficial microorganisms may be a viable alternative agricultural strategy in potato production. It allows farmers to obtain satisfactory economic results while maintaining the environmental regime. Their use, however, requires further research in terms of the impact on the economics and organisation of agricultural production

    Genetic variability of Polish serogroup B meningococci (2010–2016) including the 4CMenB vaccine component genes

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    International audienceNeisseria meningitidis serogroup B (MenB) has recently become the major cause of invasive meningococcal disease in Poland. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to characterize MenB isolates, responsible for invasive meningococcal disease in 2010-2016, by MLST and sequencing of genes encoding proteins used as 4CMenB vaccine antigens. Two methods of coverage estimation were performed: extrapolation of MATS results of Polish meningococci 2010-2011 (exMATS) and gMATS, which combines genotyping and MATS results. Among 662 isolates 20 clonal complexes (CC) were detected, of which the most frequent were CC32, CC41/44 and CC18, accounting for 31.9%, 16.5% and 12.7%, respectively. A total of 111 combinations of PorA variable regions (VR1/VR2) were found, with P1.7,16 (15.0%) and P1.22,14 (13.6%) being prevalent. Vaccine variant VR2:4 was detected in 7.3% of isolates, mainly representing CC41/44 and non-assigned CC. Eighty five fHbp alleles encoding 74 peptide subvariants were revealed. Subvariant 1.1, a component of 4CMenB, was prevalent (24.2%) and found generally in CC32. Typing of the nhba gene revealed 102 alleles encoding 87 peptides. The most frequent was peptide 3 (22.4%), whereas vaccine peptide 2 was detected in 9.8%, mostly among CC41/44. The nadA gene was detected in 34.0% of isolates and the most prevalent was peptide 1 (variant NadA-1; 71.6%), found almost exclusively in CC32 meningococci. Vaccine peptide 8 (variant NadA-2/3) was identified once. Consequently, 292 completed BAST profiles were revealed. Regarding vaccine coverage, 39.7% of isolates had at least one 4CMenB vaccine variant, but according to exMATS and gMATS the coverage was 83.3% and 86.6%, respectively. In conclusion, Polish MenB (2010-2016) was highly diverse according to MLST and gene alleles encoding 4CMenB vaccine antigens. Some correlations between clonal complexes and variants of examined proteins/BAST profiles were revealed and a high coverage of 4CMenB vaccine was estimated

    Innovative aspects of dog training in high explosives detection

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    Psi nos jest nieocenioną pomocą dla ludzkości dzięki jego znakomitej czułości i zdolności do rozpoznawania oraz rozróżniania zapachów, tj. substancji lotnych wydzielanych przez dany materiał. W zestawieniu z coraz bardziej zaawansowaną technologią urządzeń elektronicznych do detekcji nadal zajmuje pierwsze miejsce na „podium”. Dzięki takim zdolnościom pies jest świetnym wsparciem w walce z terroryzmem, gdzie wczesne wykrycie materiałów wybuchowych (MW) odgrywa kluczową rolę dla bezpieczeństwa. W szkoleniu psów do wykrywania materiałów wybuchowych w polskich służbach mundurowych wykorzystuje się rzeczywiste próbki materiałów wybuchowych. Badania na arenie międzynarodowej wykazały jednak, że takie podejście nie daje stuprocentowej gwarancji wykrycia MW przez psa. Dodatkowo stosowanie klasycznych próbek MW w szkoleniu jest obarczone zarówno ryzykiem związanym z bezpieczeństwem przewodnika oraz psa, jak i z prawnymi restrykcjami podczas przechowywania, używania i transportu. Innowacyjne rozwiązanie wypracowane podczas realizacji tematu „Referencyjny zestaw próbek materiałów wybuchowych do szkolenia i atestacji psów służbowych” pozwala na większą swobodę manipulacji próbką szkoleniową, zwiększa bezpieczeństwo użytkowania i w rzeczywistości daje większą gwarancję wykrycia materiału wybuchowego przez psa.A nose of a dog is an invaluable help to humanity thanks to its excellent sensitivity and ability to recognize and distinguish odours, i.e. volatile substances emitted by a given material. In comparison with the increasingly advanced technology of electronic detection devices, it still ranks first on the “podium”. Due to its special abilities the dog is a great support in the fight against terrorism, where the early detection of explosives plays a key role in security. In the training process of a dog for the detection of explosives in Polish uniformed services genuine explosives samples are used. However, international studies have shown that this approach does not give 100% guarantee of HE detection by a dog. In addition, the use of classic HE samples in training involves a risk associated to the safety of both the operator and the dog and is burdened by law enforcement restrictions related to storage, use and transportation. An innovative solution developed during the implementation of the subject “Reference set of explosives samples for training and validation of service dogs” allows for more flexibility while handling the sample, increases the safety of use and provides a better detection of the explosive by the dog

    Choroidal Thickness and Ganglion Cell Complex in Pubescent Children with Type 1 Diabetes without Diabetic Retinopathy Analyzed by Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Aim. To assess the retinal and choroidal thickness and ganglion cell complex (GCC) in pubescent children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) without diabetic retinopathy (DR), using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Materials and Method. Sixty-four right eyes of 64 subjects with T1D and 45 right eyes of 45 age-matched healthy volunteers (control group) were enrolled in this study. The mean age of the subjects and controls was 15.3 (±SD = 2.2) and 14.6 (±SD = 1.5), respectively. SD-OCT was performed using RTVue XR Avanti. Ganglion cell complex (GCC), GCC focal loss volume (FLV), GCC global loss volume (GLV), choroidal thickness (CT), foveal (FT) and parafoveal thickness (PFT), and foveal (FV) and parafoveal volume (PFV) data were analyzed. Results. There was no significant difference between subjects and controls in the CT in the fovea and nasal, temporal, superior, and inferior quadrants of the macula. There were no significant correlations between CT, duration of diabetes, and HbA1C level (p=0.272 and p=0.197, resp.). GCC thickness did not differ significantly between the groups (p=0.448), but there was a significant difference in FLV (p=0.037). Significant differences between the groups were found in the PFT and PFV (p=0.004 and p=0.005, resp.). There was a significant negative correlation between PFT, PFV, and HbA1C level (p=0.002 and p=0.001, resp.). Conclusions. Choroidal thickness remains unchanged in children with T1D. Increased GCC FLV might suggest an early alteration in neuroretinal tissue. Parafoveal retinal thickness is decreased in pubescent T1D children and correlates with HbA1C level. OCT can be considered a part of noninvasive screening in children with T1D and a tool for early detection of retinal and choroidal abnormalities. Further OCT follow-up is needed to determine whether any of the discussed OCT measurements are predictive of future DR severity