30 research outputs found

    Improving the competitiveness of enterprises through effective customer relationship management

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    Motivation: In today’s market, it is impossible for the company to function without reference directly to the customer and building a relationship with him relevant. Today customers are very demanding and have a bigger knowledge about products and market then yesterday. Now enterprises have many opportunities in technology and methodology through which they can establish a relationship with the customer. There are numerous solutions in the field of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. Very important also are outside of the CRM software tools, such as creation of the proper organizational culture that is focused on the customer. Whether the customer relationship will increase the company’s competitiveness in the market or not, depends on the effectiveness of customer relationship management in the company.Aim: The author has taken up the topic of improving the competitiveness of enterprises through effective customer relationship management. She distinguishes company’s competitiveness improving factors affected by the effective management of relationships with customers and determines the character of this impact. Additionally, in this article shall be defined determinants of the effectiveness of customer relationship management. These issues are supported by appropriate practical examples.Results: The author of this paper has made some observations in a few enterprises and some interviews with managers and enterprise owners. They are qualitative research. They can not be considered in quantitative terms. The size of the sample was not verified, the author realizes that it is unrepresentative. Customer relationship management, as a strategy, system and philosophy, is not always known to entrepreneurs. Especially sole proprietorships apply CRM intuitively and not in a structured way. Not every company uses appropriate software to collect customer data. But all managers are aware of the fact that building a lasting relationship with the customer raises competitiveness on the market. This happens even through the buzz marketing, increasing customer loyalty, rapid response to customer demand, also through the use of knowledge resulting from the data from the CRM system. Smaller companies should consider using some structured CRM solutions. Certainly it increased to their competitiveness at low cost. Whereas larger companies should focus on the use of their physical and human potential to improve the quality of customer relationships

    Improving the competitiveness of enterprises through effective customer relationship management

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    Motivation: In today’s market, it is impossible for the company to function without reference directly to the customer and building a relationship with him relevant. Today customers are very demanding and have a bigger knowledge about products and market then yesterday. Now enterprises have many opportunities in technology and methodology through which they can establish a relationship with the customer. There are numerous solutions in the field of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. Very important also are outside of the CRM software tools, such as creation of the proper organizational culture that is focused on the customer. Whether the customer relationship will increase the company’s competitiveness in the market or not, depends on the effectiveness of customer relationship management in the company.Aim: The author has taken up the topic of improving the competitiveness of enterprises through effective customer relationship management. She distinguishes company’s competitiveness improving factors affected by the effective management of relationships with customers and determines the character of this impact. Additionally, in this article shall be defined determinants of the effectiveness of customer relationship management. These issues are supported by appropriate practical examples.Results: The author of this paper has made some observations in a few enterprises and some interviews with managers and enterprise owners. They are qualitative research. They can not be considered in quantitative terms. The size of the sample was not verified, the author realizes that it is unrepresentative. Customer relationship management, as a strategy, system and philosophy, is not always known to entrepreneurs. Especially sole proprietorships apply CRM intuitively and not in a structured way. Not every company uses appropriate software to collect customer data. But all managers are aware of the fact that building a lasting relationship with the customer raises competitiveness on the market. This happens even through the buzz marketing, increasing customer loyalty, rapid response to customer demand, also through the use of knowledge resulting from the data from the CRM system. Smaller companies should consider using some structured CRM solutions. Certainly it increased to their competitiveness at low cost. Whereas larger companies should focus on the use of their physical and human potential to improve the quality of customer relationships.</p

    Customers’ perception and company-customer relationship

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to identify customers’ approach to attempts to build lasting ties with them undertaken by various companies in different markets.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research method was a diagnostic survey with the use of a research tool – a questionnaire. The research questionnaire was distributed by a research agency. The application of the target-amount selection procedure was assumed. The structure of the sample, in terms of significant features, was the same as the structure of the surveyed population in Poland. The characteristics adopted in the study are gender, age, education, place of residence and income. It was planned to conduct the study on a group of 1,000 people.FINDINGS: The conclusions from the study indicate that customers are mostly open to building ties with a company, to a varying degree, depending on their gender and the specific nature of the relationship. It was also found that customers pay a lot of attention to the economic aspect of the relationship with a company, and that some aspects of building relationships are more important to them than others. The knowledge obtained can be used both for practical purposes and for further theoretical considerations.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Global competition and the peculiarity of contemporary customer-company relationships have for years compelled companies to take actions to attract and retain customers for as long as possible. Thanks to the acquired knowledge obtained, various companies that want to build lasting and profitable relationships with customers will be able to design appropriate solutions for their situation.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This article presents an analysis of customers’ approach to Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Customer Experience (CX) and Customer Care (CC) solutions. Knowledge on this subject so far has been rudimentary and has been based mainly on observations within organizations. Customers have not been asked directly how they perceive companies’ efforts to build long-term relationships with them.peer-reviewe

    Consumer‘s behaviour regarding cashless payments during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    PURPOSE: The objective of the paper was to define the current attitudes of Poles vs. cashless transactions and their perception of the related risk of Covid-19 infection.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research method involved a survey, and the research tool was a survey questionnaire distributed by a research agency. The target-amount selection procedure was applied and the sample structure corresponds to the structure of the Polish population with respect to the studied features. The survey sample included 1000 respondents.FINDINGS: The studied population (of Polish consumers) were less willing to pay with cash during the pandemic than beforehand. This is related with avoiding contact with cash, as well as easy documentation of transactions, increasing their transparency. During the pandemic Polish consumers were more willing to shop at Polish online shops or retail services (e.g. Allegro) than foreign ones (e.g., AliExpress). However, the study shows that Polish customers are more cautious in their shopping decisions during the pandemic, being afraid to lose financial liquidity.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The pandemic led to landslide changes in consumer behaviours and habits. Identification of the current shape of Polish customers’ attitudes to cashless transactions and their perception of the associated risk of Covid-19 infection is important for all market entities related directly or indirectly to such transactions. Nowadays, it is difficult to even think of a business with no such needs.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The study presented in the paper is original because there was no research on cashless payments in relation to shopping risk. The article displays an original approach to the subject. The 2020 pandemic itself allows for observation of customers in a completely new situation and development of an entirely new area of consumer behaviour research.peer-reviewe

    Consumer attitudes on the food market : the case of Poland

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to explore contemporary consumption trends in Poland, with special consideration for the determinants of consumer attitudes adopted when choosing food products.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research method was a diagnostic survey with the use of a research tool – a questionnaire. The basic source of data presented in this article was information collected from a survey carried out in December 2020. In the process of preparing this publication, both literature analysis of the discussed issue and questionnaire research were used. The article presents in detail differences in behaviour patterns at the stage of making purchasing decisions in Poland, depending on gender, education, and per capita income in the household.FINDINGS: The conclusions from the study indicate that consumers in Poland display some differences at the stage of analysing whether a product is organic. When shopping for food products, they adopt various attitudes which can be distinguished based on consumption determinants. The knowledge obtained can be used both for practical purposes and for further theoretical considerations.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article sheds some light on the determinants of the purchasing choices of contemporary consumers in Poland, and on the attitudes they adopt when choosing food products. This knowledge can influence the means of conveying information about the ecological nature of products, facilitating the forms of presenting labels and compositions by producers so as to meet consumer expectations, and using the knowledge about the factors characterising each of the attitudes to present information about producers’ own activities in a way better tailored to expectations.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This article presents the results of a study on the determinants of shopping choices conducted on a representative group of 1000 Poles at the end of 2020.peer-reviewe

    Intelligent sensor platform with open architecture for monitoring and control of Industry 4.0 systems

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    PURPOSE: The work covers the development of intelligent sensors, as well as intelligent mechanisms for the assembly and control of industrial processes using modern measurement techniques, process tomography, vision systems, motion and temperature sensors.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Tomographic techniques and new analytical algorithms were used. Special algorithms have been developed to combine data from different types of measurements in real time to identify potential hazards or undesirable effects.FINDINGS: The use of various types of data in a single decision-making process, starting with the availability of resources, availability of staff and ending with the maintenance schedules of machines, will allow for the analysis and optimisation of the process. The use of the socalled uncertain data and data that do not have an unambiguous impact on the production process requires the use of solutions based on artificial intelligence algorithms in the decision-making process, which are able to draw conclusions relatively quickly based on such data, and then quickly affect the optimisation of the production process. The results of the conducted research indicate that a platform with an open architecture can be a useful tool in the control and steering of industrial processes.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: A measurement module that allows to unify the signal coming out of particular measurement sub-assemblies to a coherent form, thanks to which the acquisition, storage and processing of any quantity can be carried out in a similar way for each case.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The novelty and innovation of the system is a unique technological solution (types of measurements and data processing), new algorithms for optimisation, reconstruction and data analysis, a unique multi-module device based on tomographic technologies. The project as a whole as well as each of its components is innovative on a global scale. The use of tomography for analysis, control and monitoring of technological processes is an innovative solution.peer-reviewe

    IgG4-related inflammatory orbital pseudotumors : a retrospective case series

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    Orbital diseases may be divided into congenital defects of the orbit, infectious and inflammatory diseases, orbital tumors (including malignant and benign tumors) and injuries. Idiopathic inflammatory syndromes are often encountered within the orbit and are usually classified as orbital pseudotumors. The etiology of pseudotumors of the vision organ is unknown. Infectious agents, autoimmune disorders and improper healing are taken into consideration in the pathogenesis of this disorder. Thanks to detailed studies conducted in recent years, a new disease syndrome was identified in 2001. It is known as IgG4-related disease, and its differentiation is based on the analysis of IgG4 levels in the affected tissues. Orbital locations of the disease were first reported in Japan as late as at the end of 2009. This finding triggered the European studies on this subject. To date, no such studies have been conducted in Poland. The starting study population consisted of 167 patients with isolated infiltrative tumor diseases within the orbital region treated at the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of the Medical College Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Detailed analysis and diagnostic screening for IgG4-related disease was performed in a total of 17 patients diagnosed with orbital pseudotumor

    Extensive neck trauma in material of Otolaryngology Department of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow 2009-2012

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    Isolated laryngeal fractures quite rarely can occur following trauma to the neck region, but because of the variety and dynamic growth of symptoms or possible injury of the main structures on the neck may be life-threatening. The appropriate treatment of these patients is quick surgical intervention proceeded by imaging techniques. Here we report the cases of three patients treated in our Department between 2009 and 2012: two of them with penetrating injury and one with blunt trauma. The appropriate treatment of these patients requires that airway patency be the first priority and if possible quick reconstruction. These cases illustrate the individualized treatment and multidisciplinary approach in managing such cases