26 research outputs found

    The Methods of Digging for “Gold” within the Salt: Characterization of Halophilic Prokaryotes and Identification of Their Valuable Biological Products Using Sequencing and Genome Mining Tools

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    Halophiles, the salt-loving organisms, have been investigated for at least a hundred years. They are found in all three domains of life, namely Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya, and occur in saline and hypersaline environments worldwide. They are already a valuable source of various biomolecules for biotechnological, pharmaceutical, cosmetological and industrial applications. In the present era of multidrug-resistant bacteria, cancer expansion, and extreme environmental pollution, the demand for new, effective compounds is higher and more urgent than ever before. Thus, the unique metabolism of halophilic microorganisms, their low nutritional requirements and their ability to adapt to harsh conditions (high salinity, high pressure and UV radiation, low oxygen concentration, hydrophobic conditions, extreme temperatures and pH, toxic compounds and heavy metals) make them promising candidates as a fruitful source of bioactive compounds. The main aim of this review is to highlight the nucleic acid sequencing experimental strategies used in halophile studies in concert with the presentation of recent examples of bioproducts and functions discovered in silico in the halophile’s genomes. We point out methodological gaps and solutions based on in silico methods that are helpful in the identification of valuable bioproducts synthesized by halophiles. We also show the potential of an increasing number of publicly available genomic and metagenomic data for halophilic organisms that can be analysed to identify such new bioproducts and their producers.Publication’s printing cost was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund under the "InterDOC-STARt" project (POWR.03.02.00-00-I033/16-00)

    Pluronic® F-127 enhances antifungal activity of fluconazole against resistant Candida strains

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    Candida strains as the most frequent causes of infections, along with their increased drug resistance, pose significant clinical and financial challenges to the healthcare system. Some polymeric excipients were reported to interfere with the multidrug resistance mechanism. Bearing in mind that there are a limited number of marketed products with fluconazole (FLU) for the topical route of administration, Pluronic F-127 (PLX)/FLU formulations were investigated in this work. The aims of this study were to investigate (i) whether PLX-based formulations can increase the susceptibility of resistant Candida strains to FLU, (ii) whether there is a correlation between block polymer concentration and the antifungal efficacy of the FLU-loaded PLX formulations, and (iii) what the potential mode of action of PLX assisting FLU is. The yeast growth inhibition upon incubation with PLX formulations loaded with FLU was statistically significant. The highest efficacy of the azole agent was observed in the presence of 5.0 and 10.0% w/v of PLX. The upregulation of the CDR1/CDR2 genes was detected in the investigated Candida strains, indicating that the efflux of the drug from the fungal cell was the main mechanism of the resistance

    The Degradation Product of Ramipril Is Potentially Carcinogenic, Genotoxic and Mutagenic

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    (1) Background: The aim of this study was to identify the degradation product of ramipril (RAM) formed under dry air and to verify its potential modes of carcinogenicity. We intended to check whether its formation and presence in final dosage forms could pose a cancer risk to humans who are treated with RAM due to cardiological indications. The carcinogenicity of this compound was evaluated with respect to two mechanisms: a potential direct DNA-damage and indirect toxicity, secondary to forming mutagenic N-nitroso metabolites. (2) Methods: Firstly, a forced ageing test under dry air was conducted for pure RAM in order to induce its degradation. The validated HPLC system was used to describe the kinetic order of this reaction. The emerging degradation impurity was identified by HPLC-MS. In the second stage, the cancer risk of the identified RAM degradant was predicted using a structure-based assessment by in silico QSAR model, employing three endpoints: carcinogenicity, genotoxicity and mutagenicity. In the third stage, the obtained QSAR results were experimentally verified. To verify genotoxicity prediction, in vitro micronucleus assay was employed. It enabled us to assess the potential direct DNA-damaging properties of RAM degradant at high concentrations (as screening series) and at concentrations usually observed in human blood (to mimic the clinical scenario). To verify the QSAR mutagenicity prediction, an in vitro Ames test was carried out. It was designed so as to detect two mechanisms of mutagenicity: a direct one (for pure degradant) and an indirect one (via N-nitroso-metabolites formation). N-nitroso-metabolites for mutagenicity assessment were obtained using NAP test. (3) Results: The kinetic mechanism of RAM degradation was first-order, the degradation rate constant was k = 1.396 ± 0.133 × 10−5 s−1 (T = 373 K), thus the formation of impurity was rapid. Energy of activation was 174.12 ± 46.2 kJ/mol, entropy was positive, thus reaction was bimolecular and favored; enthalpy was 171.65 ± 48.7 kJ/mol, thus reaction was endothermic. Only one degradation impurity was formed, and it was identified as RAM diketopiperazine derivative (DKP). QSAR simulation predicted that DKP could be carcinogenic and genotoxic, but this result had only moderate reliability. DKP was also predicted to be non-mutagenic and this prediction was strong (endpoint score 0.2). The confirmatory micronucleus experiment for genotoxicity prediction suggested that DKP was cytotoxic and it could be also aneugenic at a high concentration (0.22 mg/mL), evidenced by a three-fold increase in micronuclei relative to the control (11.86:33.33%, p = 0.0184). At physiologic concentrations, its cytotoxicity and genotoxicity did not occur. This means that the genotoxicity of DKP was limited by a threshold mechanism. In the mutagenicity in vitro assessment, pure DKP was not mutagenic, but its nitrosation product induced base substitutions mutations in test bacteria TA100 following metabolic activation at a concentration of 4.5 mg/mL, confirming its mutagenicity. (4) Conclusions: RAM rapidly cyclizes to diketopiperazine derivative under dry air. This impurity resides in drugs administered to patients. DKP is potentially aneugenic and cytotoxic at high concentrations, yet at concentrations typically occurring in human blood, this effect is unlikely. The exposure of patients to high concentrations of DKP, exceeding the typical blood level and standard RAM dosing, could lead to cancer development, thus the safe threshold for human exposure to DKP must be verified in follow-up in vivo experiments. Based on our results, it is impossible to establish the maximum safe dose of pure DKP to humans. Furthermore, DKP itself is not mutagenic, but it is liable to the formation of mutagenic nitroso-metabolites in vivo. Nitroso-derivatives of DKP are in vitro mutagens and their real-life impact on humans must be further evaluated in in vivo studies. Until this is carried out, RAM should not be formulated by manufacturers using dry procedures to minimize DKP formation and reduce risk of human carcinogenesis, since DKP could cause cancer via two independent mechanisms: direct genotoxicity when the exposure over standard RAM dosing occurs, and indirect mutagenicity via in vivo N-nitrosamine formation

    Antimicrobial Peptide – Metal Interactions – Relationship between Coordination Chemistry, Structure, Thermodynamics and Mode of Action

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    Increasing bacterial and fungal drug resistance makes novel, effective antimicrobial treatments actively sought. Because of the general lack of resistance towards AMPs, they are being relied on as a novel class of therapeutics aimed to conquer drug-resistant bacteria and fungi [1]. Biologically indispensable metal ions have a dual effect on the activity of antimicrobial peptides: (i) AMPs bind them, so that microbes cannot get enough metals essential for their life and virulence (withdrawal of metal ions, nutritional immunity) or (ii) AMPs need the given metal ion as a booster of their antimicrobial activity (metal ions affect the AMP charge and/or structure) [2]. The presence of Zn(II) and Cu(II) significantly enhances the antimicrobial activity of calcitermin, an antimicrobial peptide from the fluid of the human airways (a C-terminal cleavage fragment of calgranulin C), SAAPs – anionic peptides from sheep and clavanins – His-rich, cationic peptides from tunicates. MIC breakpoints of several of these complexes are much lower than the ones for commonly used antibiotics and antifungal agents. We discuss the details of the coordination mode, structure and stability of the studied complexes, in order to understand the relationship between their bioinorganic chemistry and mode of action. Financial support by the National Science Centre (UMO-2017/26/A/ST5/00364, SONATA BIS grant to MRZ) is gratefully acknowledged. References [1] J. M. Ageitos, A. Sanchez-Perez, P. Calo-Mata, T. G. Villa, Biochem. Pharmacol., 2017, 133, 117-138. [2] D. Łoboda, H. Kozłowski, M. Rowińska-Żyrek, New J. Chem., 2018, 42, 7560-7568

    Short-chain oligopeptides with copper(II) binding properties: the impact of specific structural modifications on the copper(II) coordination abilities

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    A series of linear tetrapeptides containing two histidyl residues in position 2 and 4, namely DHGH, DHGDH, KHGH, KHGdH, Ac-DHGH-NH2, Ac-DHGdH-NH2, Ac-KHGH-NH2, and Ac-KHGdH-NH2, were syn- thesized and characterised. Their copper(II) binding properties were investigated in depth through a vari- ety of physicochemical methods. Potentiometric titrations were first carried out to establish the stoichiometry and the stability of the resulting copper(II)–peptide complexes. The copper(II) chromoph- ores that are formed in the various cases in dependence of pH were subsequently characterised by exten- sive spectroscopic analysis (UV–Vis, EPR, CD) in strict correlation with potentiometric data. The effects of the nature of the first amino acid (Lys versus Asp) and of N-terminal amino group protection on copper(II) binding were specifically addressed. On turn, the careful comparison of the copper(II) coordination abil- ities of the linear peptides with those of their cyclic analogs provided insight into the effects of cyclization on the overall metal binding properties

    Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Biological Evaluation of Novel 5-Hydroxymethylpyrimidines

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    Pyrimidine displays a wide array of bioactivities, and thence, it is still considered a potent unit of new drug research. Its derivative, 5-hydroxymethylpyrimidine, can be found as a scaffold of nontypical nitrogen bases in DNA and as a core of some natural bioactive compounds. In this study, we obtained a series of 5-hydroxymethylpyrimidines that vary in the 4-position by the reduction of proper esters. All compounds were characterized by spectroscopic analysis, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction was performed for some of them. Biological investigations estimated cytotoxic properties against normal (RPTEC) and cancer (HeLa, HepaRG, Caco-2, AGS, A172) cell lines. It was found that the derivatives with an aliphatic amino group at the 4-position are generally less toxic to normal cells than those with a benzylsulfanyl group. Moreover, compounds with bulky constituents exhibit better anticancer properties, though at a moderate level. The specific compounds were chosen due to their most promising IC50 concentration for in silico study. Furthermore, antimicrobial activity tests were performed against six strains of bacteria and one fungus. They demonstrated that only derivatives with at least three carbon chain amino groups at the 4-position have weak antibacterial properties, and only the derivative with 4-benzylsulfanyl constituent exhibits any antifungal action

    Pyrimidine Schiff Bases: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Recent Studies on Biological Activities

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    Recently, 5-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)imino]methyl-N-(4-fluorophenyl)-6-methyl-2-phenylpyrimidin-4-amine has been synthesized, characterized, and evaluated for its antibacterial activity against Enterococcus faecalis in combination with antineoplastic activity against gastric adenocarcinoma. In this study, new 5-iminomethylpyrimidine compounds were synthesized which differ in the substituent(s) of the aromatic ring attached to the imine group. The structures of newly obtained pyrimidine Schiff bases were established by spectroscopy techniques (ESI-MS, FTIR and 1H NMR). To extend the current knowledge about the features responsible for the biological activity of the new 5-iminomethylpyrimidine derivatives, low-temperature single-crystal X-ray analyses were carried out. For all studied crystals, intramolecular N–H∙∙∙N hydrogen bonds and intermolecular C–H∙∙∙F interactions were observed and seemed to play an essential role in the formation of the structures. Simultaneously, their biological properties based on their cytotoxic features were compared with the activities of the Schiff base (III) published previously. Moreover, computational investigations, such as ADME prediction analysis and molecular docking, were also performed on the most active new Schiff base (compound 4b). These results were compared with the highest active compound III

    A New Pyrimidine Schiff Base with Selective Activities against Enterococcus faecalis and Gastric Adenocarcinoma

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    Enterococcus faecalis is known as a significant nosocomial pathogen due to its natural resistance to many antibacterial drugs. Moreover, it was found that E. faecalis infection causes inflammation, production of reactive oxygen species, and DNA damage to human gastric cancer cells, which can induce cancer. In this study, we synthesized and tested the biological activity of a new Schiff base, 5-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)imino]methyl-N-(4-fluorophenyl)-6-methyl-2-phenylpyrimidin-4-amine (3), and compared its properties with an analogous amine (2). In the biological investigation, 3 was found to have antibacterial activity against E. faecalis 29212 and far better anticancer properties, especially against gastric adenocarcinoma (human Caucasian gastric adenocarcinoma), than 2. In addition, both derivatives were non-toxic to normal cells. It is worth mentioning that 3 could potentially inhibit cancer cell growth by inducing cell apoptosis. The results suggest that the presence of the –C=N– bond in the molecule of 3 increases its activity, indicating that 5-iminomethylpyrimidine could be a potent core for further drug discovery research

    Zn-Enhanced Asp-Rich Antimicrobial Peptides: N-Terminal Coordination by Zn(II) and Cu(II), Which Distinguishes Cu(II) Binding to Different Peptides

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    The antimicrobial activity of surfactant-associated anionic peptides (SAAPs), which are isolated from the ovine pulmonary surfactant and are selective against the ovine pathogen Mannheimia haemolytica, is strongly enhanced in the presence of Zn(II) ions. Both calorimetry and ITC measurements show that the unique Asp-only peptide SAAP3 (DDDDDDD) and its analogs SAAP2 (GDDDDDD) and SAAP6 (GADDDDD) have a similar micromolar affinity for Zn(II), which binds to the N-terminal amine and Asp carboxylates in a net entropically-driven process. All three peptides also bind Cu(II) with a net entropically-driven process but with higher affinity than they bind Zn(II) and coordination that involves the N-terminal amine and deprotonated amides as the pH increases. The parent SAAP3 binds Cu(II) with the highest affinity; however, as shown with potentiometry and absorption, CD and EPR spectroscopy, Asp residues in the first and/or second positions distinguish Cu(II) binding to SAAP3 and SAAP2 from their binding to SAAP6, decreasing the Cu(II) Lewis acidity and suppressing its square planar amide coordination by two pH units. We also show that these metal ions do not stabilize a membrane disrupting ability nor do they induce the antimicrobial activity of these peptides against a panel of human pathogens