887 research outputs found

    Geografías del conocimiento en la política mundial

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    El problema de los «fundamentos» es decisivo para cualquier area de estudio, tal vez particularmente para un área con un posible repertorio de fuentes elementales tan variado como el estudio de políticas mundiales. En este trabajo yo quiero llamar la atencion a algunas maneras diferentes de pensar sobre donde y como se produce el conocimiento; como el conocimiento que circula puede ser usado para informar nuestro entendimiento sobre las geografías del conocimiento en políticas mundiales. Estas geografías, sin embargo, no son fines en si mismos. Es importante entender las bases ontológicas del saber, desde perspectivas que no privilegian una sola historia del conocimiento asociada con una región específica del mundo, o de opiniones sobre conocimiento que implícita o explícitamente presumen su universalidad auto-evidente

    Cranio-osteologlcal studies in Dicynodon grimbeeki with special reference to the sphenethmoid region and cranial kinesis

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    NoneThe skull structure of Dicynodon grimbeeki has been studied by means of serial sections. It was found that D. grimbeeki is akinetic and that, although several mammal-like characteristics are present, Dicynodon occupies a specialized side-branch of therapsid evolution- a view which has been advocated by many authors. The sphenethmoid region in anomodonts is discussed, and it is concluded that the basicranial axis in Dicynodon is comparable with that of mammals.Non

    A geopolítica da austeridade europeia: "Ordnungspolitik" e a sombra do modelo do modelo econômico alemão sobre a crise da Eurozona

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    Dos historias sobre la crisis de la Eurozona han dominado los relatos académicos y populares en los últimos cinco años: 1) virtuosos países del norte de Europa frente a los derrochadores del sur, y 2) una mera extensión de la crisis bancaria de los años 2008-9 en el mercado de bonos de la Eurozona. Este artículo propone que la crisis económica es realmente una crisis geopolítica, que refleja la discordancia entre el modelo normativo de la Eurozona basado en la ideología alemana y la realidad de la heterogeneidad económica de la Eurozona.Duas histórias sobre a crise da Eurozona têm dominado os relatos acadêmicos e populares nos últimos cinco anos: 1) virtuosos países do norte da Europa diante dos esbanjadores do sul; 2) uma mera extensão da crise bancária dos anos 2008‐9 no mercado de bônus da Eurozona. Este artigo propõe que a crise econômica é realmente uma crise geopolítica, que reflete a discordância entre o modelo normativo da Eurozona baseado na ideologia alemã e a realidade da heterogeneidade econômica da Eurozona.Over the past five years two stories about the Eurozone crisis have dominated popular and academic accounts: (1) virtuous northern countries versus profligate southern ones and (2) a simple extension of the 2008-9 banking crisis into the Eurozone bond market. This paper proposes that the economic crisis is really a geopolitical one reflecting the mismatch between the normative model for the Eurozone based on German ideology and the reality of the Eurozone’s economic heterogeneity

    “Baixa” geopolítica: agências de qualificação de risco

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    El reciente colapso de la economía mundial nos recuerda cómo el mundo se ha convertido en rehén de una serie de agentes cuyas actividades raramente han formado parte de los debates sobre geopolítica mundial. Uno de los aspectos más controvertidos ha sido el papel de las Tres Grandes agencias de calificación crediticia, que utilizan su influencia en términos de posesión de información como medio para ejercer autoridad, no solo en términos de poder coercitivo en la economía mundial, sino también sobre la deuda soberana estatal. Ya no podemos pretender desde un punto de vista empírico que los Estados monopolizan la autoridad soberana sin asociar e involucrar a otros actores públicos y privados de varios tipos. La apropiación de tierras ya no constituye el centro de las relaciones geopolíticas, sino que está siendo reemplazada por el control sobre productos y flujos financieros.The recent global economic meltdown serves as a salutary reminder of the ways in which the world has become hostage to the activities of a range of agents whose activities have rarely figured in discussions about global geopolitics. One of the most controversial aspects has been the role of the Big Three creditrating agencies, whose informational leverage is the way in which have come to exercise authority not simply coercive power within the world economy and over state sovereign debt. We can no longer pretend empirically that states monopolize sovereign authority without engaging and enrolling other private and public actors of various types and vintages. The expropriation of land no longer lies at the center of geopolitical relations but is being replaced by control over financial products and flows.O recente colapso da economia mundial nos lembra como o mundo tornou-se refém de uma série de agentes cujas atividades raramente têm sido parte dos debates sobre geopolítica mundial. Um dos aspectos mais polêmicos tem sido o papel das três grandes agências de qualificação de risco, que utilizam sua influência em termos de posse de informações como meio para exercer a autoridade, não só em termos de poder coercitivo na economia mundial, mas também sobre a dívida soberana estatal. Já não podemos esperar, partindo de um ponto de vista empírico, que os Estados monopolizem a autoridade soberana sem associar e envolver outros atores públicos e privados de vários tipos. A apropriação de terras já não constitui o centro das relações geopolíticas: está sendo substituída pelo controle sobre produtos e fluxos financeiros


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    The survival of witchcraft prosecutions and witch belief in South West Scotland

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    During the era of the Scottish witch-hunts, Dumfries and Galloway was one of the last regions to initiate witch prosecutions, but it was also one of the most reluctant to completely surrender all belief in witches until a comparatively late date. In the late seventeeth and early eighteenth centuries south-west Scotland, better known for the persecution of covenanters, took the practice of witchcraft and charming very seriously indeed, and for perhaps longer than other parts of Scotland, though the area has received surprisingly little scholarly investigation. The trial evidence is not incompatible with that found elsewhere though there is less demonic content. Accusations of witchcraft in this region were mostly concerned with the troubles of everyday life, agricultural problems, family tensions and disagreements between neighbours. From 1670 to about 1740, the very decades that were giving birth to the Scottish Enlightenment, learned interest in the supernatural was actually on the increase and the topic received an unprecedented level of questioning, investigation, and scrutiny. Ironically, the ‘superstitions’ that both church and state had been attempting to eradicate for some two hundred years were now being used to defend religion against the growing threat of atheism. The zeal of the ministers does seem to have contributed to the endurance of witch beliefs in the South West, as elsewhere. Against this backdrop, the survival of witch belief and the continued prosecution of witches in southwest Scotland is examined, thus contributing to our understanding of the individualistic nature of witch persecution and the various dynamics at play within the Scottish witch-hunting experience