315 research outputs found


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    Law provisions about direct sell of raw bovine milk require VTEC O157 monitoring in bovine milk farms (milk and faeces). It has been showed that culture-based methods used for this scope, besides being cumbersome and time-consuming, may be also less sensitive, compared to molecular approaches. In this study, a multiplex Real-Time PCR, able to identify VTEC O157, Salmonella spp and Listeria monocytogenes, has been used to analyse milk, filter, sewage and stool samples from a milk farm, in comparison with standard OIE methods. The performances of the molecular protocol have been preliminary assessed with lyophilized samples from proficiency testing VLA, showing 100% accordance. Results from field samples indicated the absence of the pathogen in milk, and the higher sensitivity of Real-Time PCR with other matrices, suggesting its potential use for fast VTEC O157 identification

    The RainBO Platform for Enhancing Urban Resilience to Floods: An Ecient Tool for Planning and Emergency Phases

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    Many urban areas face an increasing flood risk, which includes the risk of flash floods. Increasing extreme precipitation events will likely lead to greater human and economic losses unless reliable and efficient early warning systems (EWS) along with other adaptation actions are put in place in urban areas. The challenge is in the integration and analysis in time and space of the environmental, meteorological, and territorial data from multiple sources needed to build up EWS able to provide efficient contribution to increase the resilience of vulnerable and exposed urban communities to flooding. Efficient EWS contribute to the preparedness phase of the disaster cycle but could also be relevant in the planning of the emergency phase. The RainBO Life project addressed this matter, focusing on the improvement of knowledge, methods, and tools for the monitoring and forecast of extreme precipitation events and the assessment of the associated flood risk for small and medium watercourses in urban areas. To put this into practice, RainBO developed a webGIS platform, which contributes to the “planning” of the management of river flood events through the use of detailed data and flood risk/vulnerability maps, and the “event management” with real-time monitoring/forecast of the events through the collection of observed data from real sensors, estimated/forecasted data from hydrologic models as well as qualitative data collected through a crowdsourcing app

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