130 research outputs found


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    Biji kopi memiliki aroma dan rasa yang khas. Biji kopi mengandung berbagai komponen kimia antara lain karbohidrat, protein, mineral, kafein, dan asam klorogenat dan lain- lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formula terbaik dari sabun  dan mutu sabun berdasarkan SNI 06-3532-2016. Tahap penelitian meliputi pembuatan ekstrak biji kopi, formulasi sabun padat, pembuatan sabun, uji mutu fisik dan uji hedonik. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode soxhletasi menggunakan etanol 96 % sebagai pelarut. Formulasi sabun padat dibuat dengan 3 Formula yaitu dengan penambahan ekstrak biji kopi 1,5 % (F1), 2,5 % (F2), 3,5 % (F3). Sabun padat dibuat dengan menambahkan ekstrak sesuai formula ke dalam soap base. Uji mutu fisik meliputi: uji organoleptik, uji pH, uji kadar air, uji alkali bebas, dan uji tinggi busa. Uji hedonik yang dilakukan meliputi: warna, aroma, kelembaban, banyaknya busa, dan kekerasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa  formula sabun padat terbaik adalah formula III dengan penambahan ekstrak biji kopi sangrai sebesar 3,5 %, untuk semua formula memenuhi standar persyaratan mutu sabun padat yang telah ditetapkan SNI 06-3532-2016 dengan  kadar air sebesar 11,95 - 12,77 %; pH berkisar antara 9,5- 9,6; kadar alkali bebas 0,01 - 0,02 % dan tinggi busa 3,16- 3,33 cm. Tingkat penerimaan konsumen terhadap sabun yang dihasilkan melalui uji hedonik menggunakan 20 orang panelis menunjukkan respon sangat suka  sebesar 55 %.Kata Kunci: Formulasi, uji mutu, sabun padat, ekstrak biji kopi Arabik

    A Price Worth Paying: The Case for Controlling Marine Emissions in the Pearl River Delta

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    The Pearl River Delta (PRD) is a region with a single airshed, but different administrative and legal practices for controlling air quality. Under the Regional Cooperation Plan on Building a Quality Living Area (QLA Plan) released in June 2012 the Governments of Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macau have outlined a strategy to collaborate in reducing emissions from vessels throughout the PRD. This report provides evidence designed to assist policymakers in the region with this objective. It focuses on regulating toxic exhaust emissions from ocean-going vessels (OGVs) -- the most significant contributors of marine emissions. The findings show that marine sources of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions currently account for 519 premature deaths per annum in the PRD. These deaths could be reduced by 91% should an Emission Control Area (ECA) mandating the use of fuels with lower sulphur content be introduced. The report also demonstrates that three less comprehensive control measures would also reduce OGV emissions and associated public health impacts by 41-62%. Policymakers are encouraged to introduce these measures as stepping-stones on the way to establishment of an ECA for the PRD

    A comparative epidemiologic analysis of SARS in Hong Kong, Beijing and Taiwan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The 2002-2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak infected 8,422 individuals leading to 916 deaths around the world. However, there have been few epidemiological studies of SARS comparing epidemiologic features across regions. The aim of this study is to identify similarities and differences in SARS epidemiology in three populations with similar host and viral genotype.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We present a comparative epidemiologic analysis of SARS, based on an integrated dataset with 3,336 SARS patients from Hong Kong, Beijing and Taiwan, epidemiological and clinical characteristics such as incubation, onset-to-admission, onset-to-discharge and onset-to-death periods, case fatality ratios (CFRs) and presenting symptoms are described and compared between regions. We further explored the influence of demographic and clinical variables on the apparently large differences in CFRs between the three regions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All three regions showed similar incubation periods and progressive shortening of the onset-to-admission interval through the epidemic. Adjusted for sex, health care worker status and nosocomial setting, older age was associated with a higher fatality, with adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 2.10 (95% confidence interval: 1.45, 3.04) for those aged 51-60; AOR: 4.57 (95% confidence interval: 3.32, 7.30) for those aged above 60 compared to those aged 41-50 years. Presence of pre-existing comorbid conditions was also associated with greater mortality (AOR: 1.74; 95% confidence interval: 1.36, 2.21).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The large discrepancy in crude fatality ratios across the three regions can only be partly explained by epidemiological and clinical heterogeneities. Our findings underline the importance of a common data collection platform, especially in an emerging epidemic, in order to identify and explain consistencies and differences in the eventual clinical and public health outcomes of infectious disease outbreaks, which is becoming increasingly important in our highly interconnected world.</p

    Medium-term Outcomes of Myocarditis and Pericarditis following BNT162b2 Vaccination among Adolescents in Hong Kong

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    In this study, we examined the clinical and electrophysiological outcomes of adolescents in Hong Kong who developed myocarditis or pericarditis following BNT162b2 vaccination for COVID-19, and followed-up for 60 to 180 days after their initial diagnosis. Clinical assessments included electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiogram at the initial admission and follow-up were compared. Treadmill testing was also performed in some cases. Between 14 June 2021 and 16 February 2022, 53 subjects were approached to participate in this follow-up study, of which 28 patients were followed up for >60 days with a median follow-up period of 100 days (range, 61-178 days) and were included in this study. On admission, 23 patients had ECG abnormalities but no high-grade atrioventricular block. Six patients had echocardiogram abnormalities, including reduced contractility, small rim pericardial effusions, and hyperechoic ventricular walls. All patients achieved complete recovery on follow-up. After discharge, 10 patients (35.7%) reported symptoms, including occasional chest pain, shortness of breath, reduced exercise tolerance, and recurrent vasovagal near-syncope. At follow-up, assessments, including ECGs, were almost all normal. Among the three patients with possible ECG abnormalities, all their echocardiograms or treadmill testings were normal. Sixteen patients (57.1%) underwent treadmill testing at a median of 117 days post-admission, which were also normal. However, at follow-up, there was a significant mean bodyweight increase of 1.81kg (95%CI 0.47-3.1 kg, p=0.01), possibly due to exercise restriction. In conclusion, most adolescents experiencing myocarditis and pericarditis following BNT162b2 vaccination achieved complete recovery. Some patients developed non-specific persistent symptoms, and bodyweight changes shall be monitored

    Virtual versus Physical Channel for Sex Networking in Men Having Sex with Men of Sauna Customers in the City of Hong Kong

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    BACKGROUND: Advances in communication technology may affect networking pattern, thereby influencing the dynamics of sex partnership. The aim of the study is to explore the impacts of partner sourcing through internet and related channels on exposure risk to sexually transmitted infections (STI) including HIV. METHODS: Using venue-based sampling, a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted at saunas frequented by men having sex with men (MSM) in Hong Kong. Comparison was made between MSM sourcing partners through physical venues alone versus concomitant users of physical and virtual channels, the latter referring to internet and smart-phone applications, using bivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Over a 7-week study period, 299 MSM were recruited from 9 saunas. Three main types of sex partners were distinguished: steady (46.8%), regular (26.4%) and casual (96.0%) partners. Users of sauna (n = 78) were compared with concomitant users of saunas and virtual channels (n = 179) for partner sourcing. Sauna-visiting virtual channel users were younger and inclined to use selected physical venues for sourcing partners. Smart-phone users (n = 90) were not different from other internet-users in terms of age, education level and single/mixed self-identified body appearance. Classifying respondents into high risk and low risk MSM by their frequency of condom use, concomitant use of both sauna and virtual channels accounted for a higher proportion in the high risk category (71.6% vs. 58.2%, OR = 1.81, p<0.05). In virtual channel users, partner sourcing through smart-phone was not associated with a higher practice of unprotected sex. CONCLUSION: MSM sauna customers commonly use virtual channels for sex partner sourcing. Unprotected sex is more prevalent in sauna customers who use virtual channel for sex partner sourcing. While the popularity of smart-phone is rising, its use is not associated with increased behavioural risk for HIV/STI transmission

    Effect of real-time computer-aided polyp detection system (ENDO-AID) on adenoma detection in endoscopists-in-training: a randomized trial

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    Background The effect of computer-aided polyp detection (CADe) on adenoma detection rate (ADR) among endoscopists-in-training remains unknown. Methods We performed a single-blind, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial in Hong Kong between April 2021 and July 2022 (NCT04838951). Eligible subjects undergoing screening/surveillance/diagnostic colonoscopies were randomized 1:1 to receive colonoscopies with CADe (ENDO-AID(OIP-1), Olympus Co., Japan) or not (control) during withdrawal. Procedures were performed by endoscopists-in-training with <500 procedures and <3 years’ experience. Randomization was stratified by patient age, sex, and endoscopist experience (beginner vs intermediate-level, <200 vs 200-500 procedures). Image enhancement and distal attachment devices were disallowed. Subjects with incomplete colonoscopies or inadequate bowel preparation were excluded. Treatment allocation was blinded to outcome assessors. The primary outcome was ADR. Secondary outcomes were ADR for different adenoma sizes and locations, mean number of adenomas, and non-neoplastic resection rate. Results 386 and 380 subjects were randomized to CADe and control groups, respectively. The overall ADR was significantly higher in CADe than control group (57.5% vs 44.5%, adjusted relative risk 1.41, 95%CI 1.17-1.72, p<0.001). The ADRs for <5mm (40.4% vs 25.0%) and 5-10mm adenomas (36.8% vs 29.2%) were higher in CADe group. The ADRs were higher in CADe group in both right (42.0% vs 30.8%) and left colon (34.5% vs 27.6%), but there was no significant difference in advanced ADR. The ADRs were higher in CADe group among beginners (60.0% vs 41.9%) and intermediate-level endoscopists (56.5% vs 45.5%). Mean number of adenomas (1.48 vs 0.86) and non-neoplastic resection rate were higher in CADe group (52.1% vs 35.0%). Conclusions Among endoscopists-in-training, the use of CADe during colonoscopies was associated with increased overall ADR. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04838951

    Kinetics of Host Cell Recruitment During Dissemination of Diffuse Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma

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    Diffuse malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive tumor which displays a median survival of 11.2 months and a 5-year survival of less than 5% emphasizing the need for more effective treatments. This study uses an orthotopic model of malignant mesothelioma established in syngeneic, immunocompetent C57Bl/6 mice which produce malignant ascites and solid tumors that accurately replicate the histopathology of the human disease. Host stromal and immune cell accumulation within malignant ascites and solid tumors was determined using immunofluorescent labeling with confocal microscopy and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. An expression profile of cytokines and chemokines was produced using quantitative real-time PCR arrays. Tumor spheroids and solid tumors show progressive growth and infiltration with host stromal and immune cells including macrophages, endothelial cells, CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes, and a novel cell type, myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). The kinetics of host cell accumulation and inflammatory mediator expression within the tumor ascites divides tumor progression into two distinct phases. The first phase is characterized by progressive macrophage and T lymphocyte recruitment, with a cytokine profile consistent with regulatory T lymphocytes differentiation and suppression of T cell function. The second phase is characterized by decreased expression of macrophage chemotactic and T-cell regulating factors, an increase in MDSCs, and increased expression of several cytokines which stimulate differentiation of MDSCs. This cellular and expression profile suggests a mechanism by which host immune cells promote diffuse malignant mesothelioma progression

    Autocrine Prostaglandin E2 Signaling Promotes Tumor Cell Survival and Proliferation in Childhood Neuroblastoma

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    Background: Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is an important mediator in tumor-promoting inflammation. High expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) has been detected in the embryonic childhood tumor neuroblastoma, and treatment with COX inhibitors significantly reduces tumor growth. Here, we have investigated the significance of a high COX-2 expression in neuroblastoma by analysis of PGE2 production, the expression pattern and localization of PGE2 receptors and intracellular signal transduction pathways activated by PGE2. Principal Findings: A high expression of the PGE2 receptors, EP1, EP2, EP3 and EP4 in primary neuroblastomas, independent of biological and clinical characteristics, was detected using immunohistochemistry. In addition, mRNA and protein corresponding to each of the receptors were detected in neuroblastoma cell lines. Immunofluorescent staining revealed localization of the receptors to the cellular membrane, in the cytoplasm, and in the nuclear compartment. Neuroblastoma cells produced PGE2 and stimulation of serum-starved neuroblastoma cells with PGE2 increased the intracellular concentration of calcium and cyclic AMP with subsequent phosphorylation of Akt. Addition of 16,16-dimethyl PGE 2 (dmPGE2) increased cell viability in a time, dose- and cell line-dependent manner. Treatment of neuroblastoma cells with a COX-2 inhibitor resulted in a diminished cell growth and viability that was reversed by the addition of dmPGE2. Similarly, PGE 2 receptor antagonists caused a decrease in neuroblastoma cell viability in a dose-dependent manner

    Interactome Analyses Identify Ties of PrPC and Its Mammalian Paralogs to Oligomannosidic N-Glycans and Endoplasmic Reticulum-Derived Chaperones

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    The physiological environment which hosts the conformational conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) to disease-associated isoforms has remained enigmatic. A quantitative investigation of the PrPC interactome was conducted in a cell culture model permissive to prion replication. To facilitate recognition of relevant interactors, the study was extended to Doppel (Prnd) and Shadoo (Sprn), two mammalian PrPC paralogs. Interestingly, this work not only established a similar physiological environment for the three prion protein family members in neuroblastoma cells, but also suggested direct interactions amongst them. Furthermore, multiple interactions between PrPC and the neural cell adhesion molecule, the laminin receptor precursor, Na/K ATPases and protein disulfide isomerases (PDI) were confirmed, thereby reconciling previously separate findings. Subsequent validation experiments established that interactions of PrPC with PDIs may extend beyond the endoplasmic reticulum and may play a hitherto unrecognized role in the accumulation of PrPSc. A simple hypothesis is presented which accounts for the majority of interactions observed in uninfected cells and suggests that PrPC organizes its molecular environment on account of its ability to bind to adhesion molecules harboring immunoglobulin-like domains, which in turn recognize oligomannose-bearing membrane proteins

    EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological management of systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic sclerosis

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    Objective To develop evidence-based recommendations for the non-pharmacological management of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods A task force comprising 7 rheumatologists, 15 other healthcare professionals and 3 patients was established. Following a systematic literature review performed to inform the recommendations, statements were formulated, discussed during online meetings and graded based on risk of bias assessment, level of evidence (LoE) and strength of recommendation (SoR; scale A–D, A comprising consistent LoE 1 studies, D comprising LoE 4 or inconsistent studies), following the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology standard operating procedure. Level of agreement (LoA; scale 0–10, 0 denoting complete disagreement, 10 denoting complete agreement) was determined for each statement through online voting. Results Four overarching principles and 12 recommendations were developed. These concerned common and disease-specific aspects of non-pharmacological management. SoR ranged from A to D. The mean LoA with the overarching principles and recommendations ranged from 8.4 to 9.7. Briefly, non-pharmacological management of SLE and SSc should be tailored, person-centred and participatory. It is not intended to preclude but rather complement pharmacotherapy. Patients should be offered education and support for physical exercise, smoking cessation and avoidance of cold exposure. Photoprotection and psychosocial interventions are important for SLE patients, while mouth and hand exercises are important in SSc. Conclusions The recommendations will guide healthcare professionals and patients towards a holistic and personalised management of SLE and SSc. Research and educational agendas were developed to address needs towards a higher evidence level, enhancement of clinician–patient communication and improved outcomes