29 research outputs found

    Acute myocardial infarction among Icelanders forty years old and younger 2005-2009.Comparison with a study carried out 1980-1984

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files.Inngangur: Þótt brátt hjartadrep sé fyrst og fremst sjúkdómur eldra fólks getur það valdið ótímabærum dauða, heilsubresti og skertum lífsgæðum hjá yngra fólki. Árin 1980-1984 voru nýgengi, áhættuþættir, staðsetning hjartadreps, ástand kransæða og afdrif eftir hjartadrep meðal fertugra og yngri könnuð á Íslandi. Í þessari rannsókn voru sambærileg atriði skoðuð fyrir tímabilið 2005-2009 og borin saman við fyrri rannsóknina. Efniviður og aðferðir: Kannaðar voru sjúkraskrár fertugra og yngri sem á árunum 2005-2009 fengu greininguna brátt hjartadrep (I21 samkvæmt ICD-10) á Landspítalanum. Einnig var farið yfir krufningaskýrslur þeirra sem dóu skyndidauða og fengu greininguna brátt hjartadrep. Loks voru niðurstöður blóðrannsókna, hjartarafrita, hjartaómskoðana, hjartaþræðinga og krufninga metnar með tilliti til greiningarskilmerkja fyrir hjartadrep. Kí-kvaðrat próf var notað við samanburð hlutfalla en t-prófun við samanburð meðaltala. Niðurstöður: Alls uppfylltu 38 einstaklingar 40 ára eða yngri greining-arskilmerki fyrir brátt hjartadrep, 32 karlar og 6 konur. Nýgengi var 10/100.000/ári (14/100.000/ári 1980-1984) og meðalaldur ± SF var 36,7 ár ± 3,9. Þrír (7,9%) dóu skyndilega og komust aldrei á sjúkrahús. Af 35 innlögðum sjúklingum árin 2005-2009 dó enginn innan 30 daga frá áfall-inu. Tímabilið 1980-84 létust 9 (23,7%) áður en þeir komust á sjúkrahús en 2 á sjúkrahúsi. Heildardánartíðni var því 28,9% tímabilið 1980-1984 en 7,9% tímabilið 2005-2009 (p=0,02). Meðal innlagðra höfðu 77,1% reykinga-sögu en 97% á fyrra tímabilinu (p=0,026). Hins vegar var hlutfall háþrýstingssjúklinga hærra á síðara tímabilinu, 31,4% samanborið við 6,9% (p=0,015) og einnig líkamsþyngdarstuðull, 28,6 ± 4,8 kg/m2 á seinna tímabili en 26,1 ± 3,6 kg/m2 á því fyrra (meðaltal ± SF; p<0,05). Meðalgildi S-kólesteróls í karlmönnum var lægra á seinna tímabilinu, 5,1 ± 1,4 mmol/L ± SF, en 6,3 ± 1,2 mmol/L ± SF á því fyrra (p<0,01). Líkt og 1980-84 var einnar æðar sjúkdómur algengasta útbreiðsluformið og þrengsli algeng-ust í vinstri framveggskvísl. Ályktanir: Okkar gögn benda til að brátt hjartadrep meðal fertugra og yngri sé aðallega sjúkdómur karlmanna. Algengustu áhættuþættir eru reykingar og ættarsaga. Í samanburði við fyrri rannsókn 1980-1984 eru reykingar þó minna afgerandi en þá, en háþrýstingur og aukin líkams-þyngd gegna stærra hlutverki. Samanlögð dánartíðni fyrir innlögn og á sjúkrahúsi lækkaði marktækt á milli rannsóknartímabila. Introduction: While acute myocardial infarction (AMI) mostly is a disease of the elderly it also affects younger individuals, often with serious consequenses. In 1980-1984 a study was carried out on the incidence, risk factors, infarct location and distribution of atherosclerosis among Icelanders forty years and younger with AMI. Here we present the results of a similar study carried out for the five year period 2005-2009. Materials and methods: Medical and autopsy records of all individuals, forty years and younger, diagnosed with AMI (I21 in ICD-10) at Landspitali, National University Hospital 2005-2009, or suffering sudden cardiac death in Iceland during the same period were reviewed. Blood tests, electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, coronary angiograms and autopsy results were reviewed with respect to AMI-criteria. Statistical comparisons of ratios and means were carried out using Chi-square test and T-test, respectively. Results: 38 individuals 40 years and younger, 32 males and 6 females, fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of AMI. Calculated incidence for the population at risk was 10/100.000/year (14/100.000/year in 1980-1984) and the mean age ±S.D. was 36.7±3.9. Three (7.9%) died suddenly before reaching hospital but of the 35 hospitalised patients 30 day mortality was zero, compared to nine (23.7%) pre-hospital deaths and two (6.9%) hospital deaths in 1980-1984. Thus, combined pre-hospital and in-hospital (30 day) mortality was 28.9% and 7.9% in the previous and recent time periods, respectively (p=0.02). In 2005-2009, 77.1% had a smoking history and 31.4% were hypertensive compared to 97% and 6.9% in 1980-85 (p=0.026 and p=0.015, respectively). Body mass index (BMI) was higher in the later period, 28.6±4,8 kg/m2 compared to 26.1±3.6 (mean±S.D.; p=0.04) but s-cholesterol was lower, 5.1±1.4 mmol/L compared to 6.3±1.16 ( mean±S.D.; p<0.01). In both studies single coronary artery disease was the most common angiographic pattern and the left anterior descending artery most often involved. Conclusion: Our results show that in two surveys 25 years apart AMI patients 40 years and younger are most often men. Smoking and family history were the most prominent risk factors during both periods but hypertension and high BMI were more common in 2005-2009 than in 1980-1984. Prognosis, as indicated by combined pre-hospital and in-hospital (30 day) mortality has improved

    Determination of Nano-sized Adsorbate Mass in Solution using Mechanical Resonators: Elimination of the so far Inseparable Liquid Contribution

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    Assumption-free mass quantification of nanofilms, nanoparticles, and (supra)molecular adsorbates in liquid environment remains a key challenge in many branches of science. Mechanical resonators can uniquely determine the mass of essentially any adsorbate; yet, when operating in liquid environment, the liquid dynamically coupled to the adsorbate contributes significantly to the measured response, which complicates data interpretation and impairs quantitative adsorbate mass determination. Employing the Navier-Stokes equation for liquid velocity in contact with an oscillating surface, we show that the liquid contribution can be eliminated by measuring the response in solutions with identical kinematic viscosity but different densities. Guided by this insight, we used quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), one of the most widely-employed mechanical resonator, to demonstrate that kinematic-viscosity matching can be utilized to accurately quantify the dry mass of systems such as adsorbed rigid nanoparticles, tethered biological nanoparticles (lipid vesicles), as well as highly hydrated polymeric films. The same approach applied to the simultaneously measured energy dissipation made it possible to quantify the mechanical properties of the adsorbate and its attachment to the surface, as demonstrated by, for example, probing the hydrodynamic stablization induced by nanoparticles crowding. Finally, we envision that the possibility to simultaneously determine the dry mass and mechanical properties of adsorbates as well as the liquid contributions will provide the experimental tools to use mechanical resonators for applications beyond mass determination, as for example to directly interrogate the orientation, spatial distribution, and binding strength of adsorbates without the need for complementary techniques.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Psoriasis treatment: faster and long-standing results after bathing in geothermal seawater. A randomized trial of three UVB phototherapy regimens.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.The combination of seawater baths and narrowband ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) is a known treatment for psoriasis. This study evaluates two treatment regimens that combine bathing in geothermal seawater and NB-UVB therapy in comparison with NB-UVB monotherapy.Sixty-eight psoriasis patients were randomly assigned to outpatient bathing in geothermal seawater combined with NB-UVB therapy three times a week, intensive daily treatment involving bathing in geothermal seawater combined with NB-UVB therapy, or NB-UVB therapy alone three times a week; treatment period was 6 weeks. Disease severity [Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) and Lattice System Physician's Global Assessment scores], quality of life (Dermatology Life Quality Index) and histological changes were evaluated before, during and after treatment. The primary end point was the proportion of patients who achieved PASI 75 at 6 weeks.At 6 weeks, the percentage of patients who achieved PASI 75 and PASI 90 was significantly greater for both regimens, bathing in geothermal seawater three times a week (68.1% and 18.2%, respectively) and intensive treatment with geothermal seawater (73.1% and 42.3%, respectively) than for NB-UVB monotherapy (16.7% and 0%, respectively) (P < 0.05 in all comparisons). Clinical improvement was paralleled by improvement in quality of life and histological score and a reduction in NB-UVB doses.Bathing in geothermal seawater combined with NB-UVB therapy in psoriasis induces faster clinical and histological improvement, produces longer remission time and permits lower NB-UVB doses than UVB therapy alone.Landspitali University Hospital Research Fund Icelandic Technology Development Research Fund Blue Lagoon Ltd

    Comparing resonant photon tunneling via cavity modes and Tamm plasmon polariton modes in metal-coated Bragg mirrors

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    Resonant photon tunneling was investigated experimentally in multilayer structures containing a high-contrast (TiO2/SiO2) Bragg mirror capped with a semitransparent gold film. Transmission via a fundamental cavity resonance was compared with transmission via the Tamm plasmon polariton resonance that appears at the interface between a metal film and a one-dimensional photonic bandgap structure. The Tamm-plasmon-mediated transmission exhibits a smaller dependence on the angle and polarization of the incident light for similar values of peak transmission, resonance wavelength, and finesse. Implications for transparent electrical contacts based on resonant tunneling structures are discussed

    Natriuretic peptides and integrated risk assessment for cardiovascular disease: an individual-participant-data meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Guidelines for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases focus on prediction of coronary heart disease and stroke. We assessed whether or not measurement of N-terminal-pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) concentration could enable a more integrated approach than at present by predicting heart failure and enhancing coronary heart disease and stroke risk assessment. METHODS: In this individual-participant-data meta-analysis, we generated and harmonised individual-participant data from relevant prospective studies via both de-novo NT-proBNP concentration measurement of stored samples and collection of data from studies identified through a systematic search of the literature (PubMed, Scientific Citation Index Expanded, and Embase) for articles published up to Sept 4, 2014, using search terms related to natriuretic peptide family members and the primary outcomes, with no language restrictions. We calculated risk ratios and measures of risk discrimination and reclassification across predicted 10 year risk categories (ie, <5%, 5% to <7·5%, and ≥7·5%), adding assessment of NT-proBNP concentration to that of conventional risk factors (ie, age, sex, smoking status, systolic blood pressure, history of diabetes, and total and HDL cholesterol concentrations). Primary outcomes were the combination of coronary heart disease and stroke, and the combination of coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure. FINDINGS: We recorded 5500 coronary heart disease, 4002 stroke, and 2212 heart failure outcomes among 95 617 participants without a history of cardiovascular disease in 40 prospective studies. Risk ratios (for a comparison of the top third vs bottom third of NT-proBNP concentrations, adjusted for conventional risk factors) were 1·76 (95% CI 1·56-1·98) for the combination of coronary heart disease and stroke and 2·00 (1·77-2·26) for the combination of coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure. Addition of information about NT-proBNP concentration to a model containing conventional risk factors was associated with a C-index increase of 0·012 (0·010-0·014) and a net reclassification improvement of 0·027 (0·019-0·036) for the combination of coronary heart disease and stroke and a C-index increase of 0·019 (0·016-0·022) and a net reclassification improvement of 0·028 (0·019-0·038) for the combination of coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure. INTERPRETATION: In people without baseline cardiovascular disease, NT-proBNP concentration assessment strongly predicted first-onset heart failure and augmented coronary heart disease and stroke prediction, suggesting that NT-proBNP concentration assessment could be used to integrate heart failure into cardiovascular disease primary prevention. FUNDING: British Heart Foundation, Austrian Science Fund, UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, European Research Council, and European Commission Framework Programme 7

    Surface studies on α–sapphire for potential use in GaN epitaxial growth

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    This Licentiate thesis summarizes the work carried out by the author the years 2004 to 2008 at the University of Iceland and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden. The aim of the project was to investigate the structure of sapphire (alpha-Al2O3) surfaces, both for pure scientific reasons and also for potential use as substrate for GaN-growth by molecular beam epitaxy. More generally the thesis describes some surface science methods used for investigating the substrates; the general physical back ground, the experi- mental implementation and what information they can give. The described techniques are used for surface analysis on sapphire substrates which have been treated variously in order to optimize them for use as templates for epi- taxial growth of GaN or related III-V compounds. The thesis is based on three published papers. The first paper focuses on the formation a thin AlN layer on sapphire, which may act as a buffer layer for potential epitaxial growth of GaN or any related III-V materials. Two types of sapphire substrates (reconstructed and non- reconstructed) were exposed to ammonia resulting in the formation of AlN on the surface. The efficiency of the AlN formation (nitridation efficiency) for the two surfaces was then compared as a function of substrate temperature through photoelectron spectroscopy and low electron energy diffraction. The reconstructed surface showed a much higher nitridation efficiency than the non-reconstructed surface. In the second paper, the affect of different annealing processes on the sapphire morphology, and thus its capability to act as a template for GaN growth, was studied. Atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis together with ellipsometry measurements showed that annealing in H2 ambient and subse- quent annealing at 1300 °C in O2 for 11 hours resulted in high quality and atomically flat sapphire surface suitable for III-V epitaxial growth. The third paper describes the effect of argon sputtering on cleaning GaN surfaces and the possibility of using indium as surfactant for establishing a clean and stoichiometric GaN surface, after such sputtering. Soft sputtering, followed by deposition of 2 ML of indium and subsequent annealing at around 500 °C resulted in a well ordered and clean GaN surface while hard sputtering introduced defects and incorporated both metallic gallium and indium in the surface

    Flutningur og geymsla á uppsjávarfiski frá veiðum til vinnslu í landi

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    Verkefnið er opið nemendum og starfsfólki Háskólans á AkureyriVerkefnið fjallar um flutning og geymslu á uppsjávarfiski frá veiðum til vinnslu í landi. Til að byrja með er fjallað um þætti sem eru notaðir til að meta gæði hráefnis, sem eru upplausn hráefnis, magn reikulla köfnunarefnissambanda í hráefni og magn frírra fitusýra í hráefni. Skoðuð verða þau atriði sem hafa áhrif á gæðin sem eru áta í hráefni, hitastig sjávar, geymslutækni, geymslutími, hitastig við geymslu, þrifnaður á öllu sem kemst í snertingu við hráefnið o.fl. Skoðað er hvaða áhrif mismunandi veiðarfæri og dælubúnaður hafi á hráefnið. Veiðarfærin eru nót og flottroll. Það eru notaðar tvær tegundir af fiskidælum, vakumdæla og miðflóttaaflsdæla sem hafa misgóð áhrif á hráefnið. Aðalatriðið í þessu verkefni er geymsla og flutningur á aflanum um borð í skipi og verður gerður samanburður á mismunandi kælikerfum sem notuð eru til þess. Kælikerfin eru RSW kerfi (Refrigerared Sea Water System), CSW kerfi (Chilled Sea Water System), krapaískerfi (Slush Ice System) og vökvaískerfi (Liquid Ice System). Hvert þessara kerfa hefur sína kosti og galla og verður gerð grein fyrir þeim, m.t.t. hráefnis. Farið verður í útreikninga á hve mikils afls er þörf við að kæla afla um borð í uppsjávarveiðiskipi. Að síðustu er könnuð arðsemi þess að bæta kæligetuna um borð í því, með því að bæta við RSW kerfið, sem fyrir er því, eitt af eftirfarandi þremur kerfum: CSW kerfi, krapaískerfi eða vökvaískerfi. Niðurstaðan gefur vísbendingar um að það sé arðbært að bæta krapaískerfi við RSW kerfið þar sem betri kæliafköst nást, og aukið skilaverð fæst því fyrir aflann