187 research outputs found

    Early Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Which Women Are the Most Affected?

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    Maternal weight gain during pregnancy is a good prediction tool in short and long term health of pregnant women and their children. To study the effect of early weight gain of pregnant women until the end of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, depending on their pre-pregnancy body mass index. 116 healthy pregnant women were followed until the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, their weight and height before pregnancy, as well as the current weight at the end of the 1st and 2nd trimesters were collected. Data included age, parity, eating habits and physical activity level. Statistics were performed using the Statview software. The mean pre-pregnancy BMI was 27 ± 5.27 kg/m². Weight gain in the 2nd trimester is 6.33 ± 4.84 kg. It decreases with the increasing age of the mother (25% of women between 20 and 24.9 years vs 12.5% of more than 35). Also, it decreases with the increasing number of children (62.5% in nulliparous vs 25% in multiparous). Breakfast is skipped by 64.5 % of overweight pregnant women in the 1st trimester and 90 % in the 2nd one. 80.17% and 69.83% of pregnant women do not practice any physical activity. Overweight and obese pregnant women before pregnancy do not take enough weight during pregnancy. Prospects will to analyze behaviors related to health and social status

    Konversi Energi Panas Penggerak Utama Kapal Berbasis Thermoelectric

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    Energi sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam segala aktivitas manusia. Energi saat ini dapat diperoleh dari sumber daya alam seperti minyak bumi yang telah ada dan juga dengan memanfaatkan gejala alam sebagai tenaga penggerak untuk memperoleh energi. Namun ketidakseimbangan antara kebutuhan energi dan energi yang tersedia saat ini membuat manusia berfikir untuk membuat energi alternative lainnya. Tidak terkecuali dalam dunia perkapalan, salah satunya yang kemudian diangkat dalam skripsi ini adalah memanfaatkan energi panas buangan mesin penggerak utama kapal sebagai sumber energi terbarukan dengan menggunakan metode konversi energi (thermoelektric). Thermoelectric merupakan metode konversi energi yang memanfaatkan perbedaan temperatur untuk menghasilkan energi listrik dengan memanfaatkan prinsip kerja peltier. Pada penelitian ini digunakan beberapa peltier yang disusun secara seri maupun parallel pada kondisi putaran mesin variasi mulai dari 1000 RPM sampai 2500 RPM yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar energi listrik yang dapat dihasilkan dari perbedaan temperature pada panas mesin utama kapal hasil pembakaran yang terbuang dengan suhu kamar mesin. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebuah peltier mampu menghasilkan maksimal daya pada kondisi putaran mesin 2500RPM dengan perbedaan suhu 33 ºC sebesar 1,12 Watt, dan susunan 2 buah peltier dirangkai seri memiliki daya yang lebih besar dibandingkan susunan peltier secara parallel pada kondisi putaran mesin yang sama yaitu sebesar 8,4 Watt. Ini menunjukkan sinkronisasi antara perbedaan suhu yang terjadi pada kedua sisi peltier dengan daya listrik yang dihasilkan pada peltier

    The dust production rate of AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds

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    We compare theoretical dust yields for stars with mass 1 Msun < mstar < 8 Msun, and metallicities 0.001 < Z < 0.008 with observed dust production rates (DPR) by carbon- rich and oxygen-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch (C-AGB and O-AGB) stars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC, SMC). The measured DPR of C-AGB in the LMC are reproduced only if the mass loss from AGB stars is very efficient during the carbon-star stage. The same yields over-predict the observed DPR in the SMC, suggesting a stronger metallicity dependence of the mass-loss rates during the carbon- star stage. DPR of O-AGB stars suggest that rapid silicate dust enrichment occurs due to efficient hot-bottom-burning if mstar > 3 Msun and Z > 0.001. When compared to the most recent observations, our models support a stellar origin for the existing dust mass, if no significant destruction in the ISM occurs, with a contribution from AGB stars of 70% in the LMC and 15% in the SMC.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Inibitori duali di Topoisomerasi I e Tirosil-DNA fosfodiesterasi I quali innovativi agenti antitumorali.

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    Il cancro rappresenta, dopo le malattie cardiocircolatorie, la seconda causa di morte nei paesi industrializzati. Poiché il processo neoplastico è dovuto ad un’alterazione nei meccanismi che regolano numerosi aspetti del fenotipo cellulare, è indispensabile comprendere questa patologia a livello molecolare e cellulare al fine di trovare gli strumenti più adeguati per arrestare il processo di proliferazione, invasione e metastatizzazione delle cellule tumorali. Le DNA topoisomerasi (I e II) sono una classe di enzimi appartenenti alla classe delle isomerasi, presenti sia negli eucarioti che nei procarioti, essenziali per il metabolismo degli acidi nucleici. In particolare, la topoisomerasi 1 (Top1) eucariotica è un enzima essenziale per molti processi cellulari, perché rilassa il doppio filamento del DNA cosi l’informazione genetica può essere usata facilmente durante la trascrizione, replicazione e riparo. Gli inibitori della Top1, come la camptotecina (CPT) e i suoi derivati usati clinicamente per la cura del cancro, topotecan, irinotecan e belotecan, come anche altri inibitori non-CPT come le indenoisoquinoline, indotecan e indimitecan, inibiscono la rilegatura collocandosi in maniera selettiva e reversibile all’interfaccia Top1-DNA. Questo porta alla morte cellulare dovuto alla rottura definitiva del doppio filamento di DNA. La tirosil-DNA-fosfodiesterasi (Tdp1) è un enzima che catalizza specificamente l’idrolisi del legame fosfodiesterico tra la Tyr723 catalitica della Top1 e DNA-3’-fosfato. Quindi, Tdp1 sembra essere coinvolto nella riparazione dei danni al DNA. L’importanza cellulare di Tdp1 deriva dal fatto che è ubiquitario negli eucarioti e gioca un ruolo fisiologico importante. Le evidenze sperimentali suggeriscono che Tdp1 ha un di rilievo nel mantenimento della stabilità genomica e questo fa di Tdp1 un bersaglio per lo sviluppo di farmaci antitumorali. Quindi, trovare inibitori della Tdp1 diventa molto importante per la cura del cancro. Questi inibitori si possono associare agli inibitori della topoisomerasi 1 per potenziare il loro effetto. Uno sviluppo in questo ambito è quindi trovare degli inibitori duali Topoismerasi 1-Tirosil-DNA-Fosfodiesterasi 1 per ridurre le quantità dei farmaci somministrati e avere lo stesso effetto terapeutico. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di descrivere i ruoli fondamentali giocati dagli enzimi Topoismerasi 1 e Tirosil-DNA-Fosfodiesterasi 1, riportare gli inibitori selettivi di ciascun enzima nonché individuare gli inibitori duali Topoismerasi 1-Tirosil-DNA-Fosfodiesterasi 1 recentemente descritti allo scopo di razionalizzare la progettazione di nuovi inibitori duali


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    Energi sudah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam segala aktivitas manusia. Energi saat ini dapat diperoleh dari sumber daya alam seperti minyak bumi yang telah ada dan juga dengan memanfaatkan gejala alam sebagai tenaga penggerak untuk memperoleh energi. Namun ketidakseimbangan antara kebutuhan energi dan energi yang tersedia saat ini membuat manusia berfikir untuk membuat energi alternative lainnya. Tidak terkecuali dalam dunia perkapalan, salah satunya yang kemudian diangkat dalam skripsi ini adalah memanfaatkan energi panas buangan mesin penggerak utama kapal sebagai sumber energi terbarukan dengan menggunakan metode konversi energi (thermoelektric). Thermoelectric merupakan metode konversi energi yang memanfaatkan perbedaan temperatur untuk menghasilkan energi listrik dengan memanfaatkan prinsip kerja peltier. Pada penelitian ini digunakan beberapa peltier yang disusun secara seri maupun parallel pada kondisi putaran mesin variasi mulai dari 1000 RPM sampai 2500 RPM yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar energi listrik yang dapat dihasilkan dari perbedaan temperature pada panas mesin utama kapal hasil pembakaran yang terbuang dengan suhu kamar mesin. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebuah peltier mampu menghasilkan maksimal daya pada kondisi putaran mesin 2500RPM dengan perbedaan suhu 33 ºC sebesar 1,12 Watt, dan susunan 2 buah peltier dirangkai seri memiliki daya yang lebih besar dibandingkan susunan peltier secara parallel pada kondisi putaran mesin yang sama yaitu sebesar 8,4 Watt. Ini menunjukkan sinkronisasi antara perbedaan suhu yang terjadi pada kedua sisi peltier dengan daya listrik yang dihasilkan pada peltier


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    ABSTRAKSI: Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: In this era of increasingly rapid development of technology, the world of communication has become a part of almost every person in the big cities of Indonesia. Access to communication is the primary demand for consumer as the service of social interaction, every information in the world until entertainment news. One of the entertainment service that has potential to grow is TV Streaming service.Until now, one of the entertainment applications that deliver television programs to consumers via internet access is TV Streaming. By showing programs from various television stations, the user can select the desired TV station program directly. So the users can watch television program wherever he is.The final task is carried out to analyze the quality of TV streaming services using RTMP protocol and Red5 as server. My Implementation has been successfully performed even though the video was transmitted depending on the source and displayed in a web-based application which is the JW Player. In order to analyze test results for QoS parameters namely throughput, Round Trip Time, Packet Retransmission, Jitter and Delay as well as MOS, implementation results using H.264 encoding produces better quality than VP6.Keyword: TV Streaming, RTMP, Red5, JW Player, Quality of Servic

    Aroma characterization of ripe date fruits (Phoemix dactylifera L.) from Algeria

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    The headspace of eight Algerian date varieties with low market value were analyzed for their aroma compounds using solid phase micro extraction and gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry. In this study, 61 identified compounds were categorized in various chemical classes on the basis of their functional groups, alcohols, esters, aldehydes, terpenoids, ketones, hydrocarbons, and ethers. Twenty specific volatiles were found to be representative of a single variety and four shared molecules were exclusively observed in all the studied dates. Some dates such as Bent Qbala, Litima, and Timjouhart were statistically different from the other varieties which presented on the contrary a significant similarity between them. In the present study, forty eight new volatile compounds were identified which could be useful for the characterization of the Algerian date

    Lines of School-University Partnership: Perception, Sensation and Meshwork Reshaping Of Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences

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    School-university partnerships are complex, entangled and layered. As renewal of initial teacher education is at the forefront, understanding how we approach partnerships is imperative. This paper draws on reflective narratives of a school leader and initial teacher education staff involved in setting up a school-university partnership program. We identify the use of ‘meshworks’, that is complex and layered weaving of ideas or lines (Ingold, 2011; 2015; 2017) – specifically the lines of ‘partnership’, ‘partnership understanding’, ‘involvement’, ‘supporting pre-service teachers’, ‘noticing of pre-service teachers’, and ‘impact’. The analysis of the findings illuminate benefits from co-design and vision, while demonstrating how a call to action from Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) can illuminate how working closely together can support the development of pre-service teachers. We conclude by suggesting that future teacher quality is dependent upon the strength of the intersections of these school-university partnerships
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