41 research outputs found

    The "Needle-splint" Technique: A Method of Accurate Apposition and Eversion during Microvascular Anastomosis.

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    We present the "needle-splint" technique, a microsurgical suturing technique that enhances micro-suturing technique, while ensures finer apposition and vessels walls eversion during the placement of sutures in microvascular anastomosis. This report demonstrates the usefulness of this technique in simple interrupted, continuous-interrupted, or multi-loops microsurgical suturing. It further allows direct visualization of the intra-wall-edges space and intimal sutures surface and could be utilized as a safety stabilizer to errors as it allows optimal vessels alignment while the needle curvature is acting as a "pusher" to separate the posterior wall during knot tying

    Surgical management of lower extremity lymphedema: A comprehensive review

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    Lymphedema refers to the accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial spaces. This can occur secondary to congenital malformation of the lymphatic channels or nodes or as a result of an insult that damages appropriately formed channels and nodes. Stagnant, protein-rich lymph initiates an inflammatory response that leads to adipocyte proliferation, fibrous tissue deposition, and increased susceptibility to infections. The end result is permanent disfigurement and dermal changes. Early and accurate diagnosis is essential, since lymphedema is a chronic and progressive problem. When lymphedema affects the lower extremity, it is important to manage it in a way that preserves function and mobility. Early diagnosis also allows for a proactive rather than reactive approach to treatment and utilization of novel physiologic procedures, such as lymphovenous anastomosis and vascularized lymph node transfer. Such interventions slow down disease progression and reduce morbidity by allowing the surgeon to salvage the remaining functional lymphatic channels.Whenphysiologicproceduresfailorwhenfacedwithadelayedpresentation, the addition of excisional procedures can provide a more comprehensive treatment of this debilitating disease. The aim of this article is to review the most current concepts in the surgical management of lower extremity lymphedema