129 research outputs found

    Core inflation in a small transition country: choice of optimal measures

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    Several non-monetary (mainly supply) factors affect prices in the short-run. It is widely acknowledged that in countries (especially countries in transition), where the price level is highly volatile and seasonal, it is not expedient for central banks to use official inflation index while formulating monetary policy. For this reason, it is crucial for central banks to work out, study and follow the behavior of core inflation that enables to reflect long-run price movements. This paper presents the application of various methods of calculating core inflation to Armenian data (for 1996:1-2002:12). Each measure is calculated at monthly frequencies and evaluated by different criteria. The analysis shows that core inflation indices, calculated by trimming the distribution of prices at 10 or 15%, are the best and most effective indicators for monetary policy-makers in Armenia, since they capture inflation trends and are closely tied to monetary aggregates. However, the median seems to be the best predictor for forecasting inflation of all core inflation measures discussed in this paperinflation; transition country; Armenia


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    This policy paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the e-commerce sector within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), highlighting its challenges, opportunities, and potential for driving economic growth. It sets forth a series of well-crafted policy recommendations aimed at establishing a conducive environment for e-commerce development. By implementing these measures, policymakers can fully unleash the potential of e-commerce, fostering economic growth, and advancing digital inclusion. As the e-commerce sector flourishes, it necessitates the establishment of a fair and efficient regulatory framework to facilitate smooth cross-border transactions. Addressing the custom regulation and taxation of e-commerce transactions requires collaborative efforts. Policymakers must strive to develop transparent and equitable customs and taxation systems that prevent tax evasion while easing the burden on small and medium-sized enterprises. One essential consideration is the implementation of destination-based taxation, ensuring that taxes are paid in the countries where products and services are consumed. This approach fosters fairness and discourages tax avoidance strategies. The policy paper aims to propose specific measures to enhance e-commerce custom regulation, effectively tackling the unique challenges presented by online trade. Leveraging technology and fostering international cooperation are pivotal in designing streamlined customs processes, creating an enabling environment for e-commerce growth. Such endeavors will ensure compliance, minimize illicit activities, and foster a flourishing e-commerce landscape within the EAEU

    Chemical resistance of lime-based grouts for masonry strengthening

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    The stone masonry walls are present in many buildings and historical monuments, with undeniable asset value, but also in old buildings housing both in Portugal and in Europe. Most of these buildings in masonry are in certain cases in a high state of degradation needing urgent intervention. This requires the identification of deficiencies and the application of appropriate intervention techniques. One of the possible techniques for structural consolidation works of stone masonry walls is the injection of fluid mortars currently called grouts. The choice of grouts is very important with regard in particular to their chemical and physical properties. In this study, carried out under the Master of Chemical Engineering, two types of lime-based grouts were used, in order to evaluate and compare their chemical resistance due to the crystallization of soluble salts. One of the grouts is a pre-dosed blend commercially available, Mape-Antique I from company Mapei (CA), and the second grout is a mixture prepared in the laboratory (LB), comprising metakaolin, cement, hydrated lime, water and superplasticizer. With the purpose of evaluating the action of sulphates on these grouts, a series of samples underwent several wetting-drying cycles using two different temperatures, 20 °C and 50 °C. During the experiment it was determined the change of weight and compressive strength in the analyzed grouts, as well as the sulphate ion concentration and pH of the solution in which the samples were dipped. The commercial grout (CA) apparently has a greater chemical resistance to sulphates. However grout LB showed to have positive results in some parameters.As paredes de alvenaria de pedra estão presentes em muitos edifícios e monumentos históricos, com valor patrimonial inegável, mas também em edifícios antigos de habitação de construção antigos, tanto em Portugal como na Europa. Grande parte destas edificações em alvenaria encontra-se, em certos casos, num elevado estado de degradação pelo que necessitam de intervenção urgente. Isto requer a identificação das deficiências e a aplicação de técnicas de intervenção apropriadas. Uma das técnicas possíveis para trabalhos de consolidação estrutural das paredes de alvenaria de pedra é a injeção de argamassas fluidas denominadas correntemente por caldas. A escolha destas caldas é muito importante no que respeita, em particular, às suas propriedades químicas e físicas. Neste estudo, realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Química, foram utilizados dois tipos de caldas à base de cal, com a finalidade de comparar e avaliar a sua resistência química face à cristalização de sais solúveis. Uma das caldas é uma mistura pré-doseada comercialmente disponível, a Mape-Antique I da empresa Mapei (CA) e a segunda calda é uma mistura preparada em laboratório (LB), composta por metacaulino, cimento, cal hidratada, água e um superplastificante. Com o proposto de avaliar a ação dos sulfatos sobre estas caldas, submeteram-se uma série de provetes a ciclos molhagem-secagem usando duas temperaturas diferentes, 20 °C e 50 °C. Durante a experiência determinou-se a variação do peso e da resistência à compressão das caldas analisadas, assim como a concentração de ião sulfato e pH da solução onde foram mergulhadas as amostras. A calda comercial (CA) apresenta aparentemente uma resistência química aos sulfatos superior, no entanto a calda LB mostrou ter, em alguns parâmetros, resultados positivos


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    The increase in the cost of the medicinal component of the treatment, the spread of chronic diseases, and the maintenance of socio-economic inequality in access to health services require the provision of adequate access to medicines. These issues create prerequisites for the improvement of the state health policy and, first, the drug supply system, which is an integral part of the treatment process. The financing of healthcare in Armenia is mainly formed from budget allocations and out of pocket expenditures of the population. Reducing the financial burden on the state and ensuring the rational use of drugs contributes to improving the health of the population. The implementation of a drug insurance scheme, which partially or fully cover the cost of drugs in RA, is one of the solutions for resolving the issue of access to medicines. This article studies the problems of financing healthcare system in Armenia and highlights the need of introduction a drug insurance system in Armeni
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