22 research outputs found

    An eigenvalue-eigenvector method for solving a system of fractional differential equations with uncertainty

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    A new method is proposed for solving systems of fuzzy fractional differential equations (SFFDEs) with fuzzy initial conditions involving fuzzy Caputo differentiability. For this purpose, three cases are introduced based on the eigenvalue-eigenvector approach; then it is shown that the solution of system of fuzzy fractional differential equations is vector of fuzzy-valued functions. Then the method is validated by solving several examples

    Effect of Bioterrorism Management Education on Nurses' Knowledge

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    Background: Bioterrorism is an important challenge for healthcare professionals which has increased worldwide in the last century. Nurses who work as the first respondents in all nursing care units should be trained to be prepared for bioterrorism. Aim: To determine the effect of bioterrorism management training on the level of Knowledge of nurses in medical and educational hospitals. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study that was performed on 92 nurses working in Ilammedical and educational hospitals before and after education. Samples were randomly assigned to two control and intervention groups. The questionnaire assessed the level of Knowledge of nursing staff in the field of bioterrorism. The intervention was done in the form of lectures and pamphlets. one month after the training, the questionnaire was completed again by the participants. Results: The Knowledge score of nurses of the intervention and control group before training was not significantly different (p = 0.408), but after the educational intervention, the group Knowledge score in all five areas of study (the nature and concept of bioterrorism, Causal factors of bioterrorism (P> 0.000), Diagnostic factors of bioterrorism (P0.000), Elimination of pollution and maintenance of victims of bioterrorism accidents (P>0.000) and General Knowledge Nurses (P<0.000), were significantly different and the intervention group experienced a greater increase than the control group. Conclusion: Educational intervention improves and increases nurses' Knowledgein all five areas of bioterrorism. Therefore, bioterrorism preparedness should be considered through continuing education of health care workers, especially nurses

    Evaluating Bioaerosol Emissions form in different parts of a Sanitary Wastewater Treatment Plant

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    Introduction: Bioaeroslos released from wastewater treatment plants may contain pathogens existing in the sewage which could endanger the health of workers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of bioaerosol emissions form in a sanitary wastewater treatment plant. .Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was carried out in different units of a sanitary wastewater treatment plant. For this purpose, air samples were collected on blood agar and dextro agar in an Andersen single-stage sampler with flow of 28.3 lit/min for 10 minutes. Collected samples were shipped to the lab immediately and incubated for 48 hours. Then, incubated samples were counted for colonies concentration. .Result: Based on the result of this study, the mean density of bacterial and fungal bioaerosols in all wastewater treatment plants were 412.86±23.30 and 53.72±23.99 CFU/m3, respectively. Microbial contamination of the air within a kilometer away from the site (control areas) was 17 times less than its average density. .Conclusion: Wastewater treatment processes can contaminate the air surrounding the plant, particularly with bacteria bioaerosols. Therefore, it is necessary to control the emissions and protect the health of workers against risks arising from exposure to bioaerosols

    User Studies:A Strategy Towards a Successful Industry-Academic Relationship

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