29 research outputs found

    Determination of the temperature of a dense plasma from a spectral line shift

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    The method of maximum spectral line shift proposed by Bardocz, et al, (1966) was successfully applied in the diagnostics of dense plasmas produced by high power pulse discharges. It is pointed out that the effect of the shock wave pressure on the spectral line shift has to be taken into account in order to obtain accurate results with this method for high power discharges. A pressure dependent function was introduced in the expression given by those authors to provide the necessary correction

    Rotational stability of thoracolumbar junction fixation systems

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    Objective To compare the rotational stability of fusion constructs using bisegmental fixation of Th12-L2 vertebrae with anterior stabilization or pedicle screw fixation.Material and Methods The strength, rigidity and limit of elasticity in the “injured vertebral motion segments (VMS) – bisegmental anterior stabilization” system under dislocating rotational loads were estimated. The data obtained were compared with the similar characteristics of the “injured VMS – bisegmental 4-screw transpedicular metal construction” system and intact spine segments.Results Under rotational loads the limits of elasticity of injured spine segments of Th12-L2 with anterior stabilization and transpedicular screw fixation (TSF) is 45.5 and 41.7%, respectively, and the general strength is 66.4% and 80%, respectively, as compared with those intact VMS. Rigidity parameters of anterior-stabilized and pedicle screw fixated VMS with unstable damage of L1 are 60.2 and 93.9%, accordingly, in comparison with those intact VMS.Conclusion No significant differences were observed between bisegmental anterior stabilization and bisegmental pedicle screw fixation of thoracolumbar junction in terms of the key mechanical properties. When treating patients with unstable thoracolumbar spine injuries using bisegmental anterior stabilization or transpedicular fixation with 4-screw spinal system possible rotation motion amplitude of operated segments must not exceed 50% of maximum physiological limits


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    A mathematical model of metal deoxidizing by products of incomplete combustion of natural gas dispersed through an individual pore has been developed as applied to the reducing stage of copper fire refining in a ladle furnace. An estimate of reducer efficiency and correspondence of the model to the known experimental data is given.Применительно к восстановительной стадии огневого рафинирования меди в печи-ковше разработана математическая модель раскисления металла продуктами неполного сгорания природного газа, диспергируемого через единичную пору. Проведена оценка степени использования восстановителя и адекватности модели известным экспериментальным данным

    Оптические свойства аэрозолей растворов нанопорошков магнетита и диоксида олова

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    Optimal concentrations of the magnetite and stanum dioxide nanopowders for production of a stable aerosol are determined. The dependence of laser radiation absorption by the aerosol on the nanomaterial concentration in the initial solution is revealed.Определены оптимальные концентрации нанопорошка магнетита и диоксида олова для получения устойчивого аэрозоля, выявлена зависимость поглощения лазерного излучения аэрозолем от концентрации наноматериала в исходном растворе

    Оптические свойства аэрозоля раствора нанопорошка феррита кобальта

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    Optimal concentrations of the cobalt ferrite nanopowder for production of a stable aerosol are determined. The dependence of laser radiation absorption by the aerosol on the nanomaterial concentration in the initial solution is revealed.Определены оптимальные концентрации нанопорошка феррита кобальта для получения устойчивого аэрозоля, выявлена зависимость поглощения лазерного излучения аэрозолем от концентрации наноматериала в исходном растворе

    Оценка проб выдыхаемого воздуха методом лазерной оптико-акустической спектроскопии у больных туберкулезом легких

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    Absorption spectra of breath air for 108 healthy persons, 28 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and 56 patients with many a diseases were recorded using laser photoacoustic technique. It was ascertained that, as the breath air analysis result, pulmonary tuberculosis can be diagnosed.Методом лазерной оптико-акустической спектроскопии были получены спектры поглощения проб выдыхаемого воздуха 108 здоровых доноров, 28 пациентов с туберкулезом легких и 56 пациентов с другими заболеваниями. Проведенный анализ показал, что во многих случаях по результатам обработки спектров проб выдыхаемого воздуха можно установить наличие или отсутствие у пациента туберкулеза легких


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    The problem of dynamic route selection and wavelengths assignment in WDM networks is solved. This problem is important in WDM network management when requests are serviced for short-term connection installation and excess traffic is transferred. The proposed solution method is heuristic and is an improvement of the previously known method by taking into account the influence of four-wave mixing and using the new metric for finding the routes prospective for application. This makes it possible to reduce the probability of blocking calls during the connections at the average of 13% and the value of Q factor at 0.812

    Principles of 137Cs transition from the soil to the plant

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    Different kinds of rapidly maturing plants were grown simultaneously at experimental sites under natural conditions at the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. Content of 137Cs and potassium in the plant and in the corresponding soil solution and content of the soil solution in the soil unit were measured. It was established for the first time, that for all investigated plants and experimental sites 137Cs plant content is approximately proportional to concentration of dissolved 137Cs in the soil. Transition coefficient plant - soil solution is approximately proportional to the content of soil solution per unit of the soil volume