99 research outputs found

    Expression of Pigment Cell-Specific Genes in the Ontogenesis of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius

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    One of the polyketide compounds, the naphthoquinone pigment echinochrome, is synthesized in sea urchin pigment cells. We analyzed polyketide synthase (pks) and sulfotransferase (sult) gene expression in embryos and larvae of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius from various stages of development and in specific tissues of the adults. We observed the highest level of expression of the pks and sult genes at the gastrula stage. In unfertilized eggs, only trace amounts of the pks and sult transcripts were detected, whereas no transcripts of these genes were observed in spermatozoids. The addition of shikimic acid, a precursor of naphthoquinone pigments, to zygotes and embryos increased the expression of the pks and sult genes. Our findings, including the development of specific conditions to promote pigment cell differentiation of embryonic sea urchin cells in culture, represent a definitive study on the molecular signaling pathways that are involved in the biosynthesis of pigments during sea urchin development

    Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning:A Danish Case Study

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    Mapping of landslides, conducted in 2021 by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), revealed 3202 landslides in Denmark, indicating that they might pose a bigger problem than previously acknowledged. Moreover, the changing climate is assumed to have an impact on landslide occurrences in the future. The aim of this study is to conduct the first landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) in Denmark, reducing the geographical bias existing in LSM studies, and to identify areas prone to landslides in the future following representative concentration pathway RCP8.5, based on a set of explanatory variables in an area of interest located around Vejle Fjord, Jutland, Denmark. A subset from the landslide inventory provided by GEUS is used as ground truth data. Three well-established machine learning (ML) algorithms—Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Logistic Regression—were trained to classify the data samples as landslide or non-landslide, treating the ML task as a binary classification and expressing the results in the form of a probability in order to produce susceptibility maps. The classification results were validated through the test data and through an external data set for an area located outside of the region of interest. While the high predictive performance varied slightly among the three models on the test data, the LR and SVM demonstrated inferior accuracy outside of the study area. The results show that the RF model has robustness and potential for applicability in landslide susceptibility mapping in low-lying landscapes of Denmark in the present. The conducted mapping can become a step forward towards planning for mitigative and protective measures in landslide-prone areas in Denmark, providing policy-makers with necessary decision support. However, the map of the future climate change scenario shows the reduction of the susceptible areas, raising the question of the choice of the climate models and variables in the analysis


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    Organization of heat exchange in the evaporator of a loop heat pipe (LHP) by the principle of inverted menisci is connected with considerable non-uniformity of heat flow on an evaporating surface that reduces LHP operating characteristics. The paper considers a possible variant concerning  decrease of this non-uniformity which is not connected with the usage of an internal surface of powder capillary structure that starts playing a role at partial drainage of  a pore space. This variant presupposes creation of a system of vapor-outlet channels located inside of the capillary structure on some distance from the evaporator wall. The paper shows that such design of the LHP evaporator makes it possible to distribute heat flow on an evaporating surface much more uniformly and decrease a maximum heat flow density by several folds. Thus it is possible significantly to intensify a heat exchange process and increase a critical average heat flow and also reduce a temperature of an LHP evaporator body.Организация теплообмена в испарителе контурной тепловой трубы (КТТ) по принципу перевернутых менисков связана со значительной неоднородностью теплового потока на испаряющей поверхности, что снижает рабочие характеристики КТТ. В работе рассматривается возможный вариант уменьшения этой неоднородности, не связанный с использованием внутренней поверхности порошковой капиллярной структуры, начинающей играть роль при частичном осушении порового пространства. Этот вариант заключается в создании системы пароотводных каналов, расположенных внутри капиллярной структуры на некотором удалении от стенки испарителя. Показано, что такое устройство испарителя КТТ позволяет равномернее распределить тепловой поток по испаряющей поверхности, снизив максимальную плотность теплового потока в несколько раз. Тем самым возможно значительно интенсифицировать процесс теплообмена и повысить критический средний тепловой поток, а также снизить температуру корпуса испарителя КТТ

    Evaluation of the effect of locally produced biological pesticide (AқKөbelek ™) on biodiversity and abundance of beneficial insects in four forage crops in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan

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    Using a non-replicated plot design, we experimentally assessed the effects of a locally produced biological pesticide on the abundance, species richness and Shannon diversity of beneficial insects in four forage crops (alfalfa, soybeans, corn, and triticale) in southeastern Kazakhstan. 2-way ANOV tests detected no effect of the biological pesticide treatment on the abundance (N) of either predators or pollinators. However, there were significant differences in pollinator and predator abundances among crops. Pairwise t-tests between the experiment and control plots for each crop detected no significant differences in predator or pollinator Shannon diversity index values (H). Paired t-tests revealed significant differences in diversity index values for both predator and pollinator functional groups among crops within each treatment (experiment, control). Corn and triticale plots had notably similar predator abundance (N), species richness (S) and Shannon diversity index (H) values. Corn, alfalfa and soy-triticale differed in pollinator Shannon H, N and S values, suggesting each contained a distinct pollinator assemblage. A trial rapid assessment for differences using a point-based system for indicator species showed only small difference among crops and between treatment and control plots. This method may be more applicable in situations sampling disturbance needs to be minimized and a rapid but less thorough assessment is required

    Practical Aspects of Academic Literacy Development in Higher Education Institutions

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    Global tendencies in all scientific spheres require developed academic literacy of the researcher for effective international communication. Foreign language communication in a professional academic environment implies proficiency in the language of academic discourse. For academic discourse, as a component of academic literacy, development of academic writing skills is crucial. Higher educational institutions realize the necessity to design academic writing courses, and determine their place in the curriculum. Following the challenges of the time and academic community demands, SSTU English Language instructors designed an academic writing course to increase the methodological and academic literacy of students and young researchers. We believe that the development of the key educational and communicative foreign language competencies for academic and professional interaction can contribute to successful integration into the international scientific environment. Course design considered foreign experience, methods and curricula in the field of academic writing and academic reading


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    The article describes the results of investigation of the influence of tranexamic acid, on hemostasis system, at the revision hip replacement surgery. Correlation of changes in hemostasis system, and hemorrhage in intra-and postoperative periods, frequency of hemotransfusion, at the stages of the operation and in postoperative period, were evaluated. Use of tranexamic acid, at the revision hip replacement surgeries reduces perioperative hemorrhage

    Study of the Kinetics of Cadmium Cementation in the Presence of a Flocculant

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    Восстановление ионов кадмия из водных растворов проводили порошком цинка, крупностью от 63 до 200 мкм. В ряде опытов проверяли влияние на процесс цементации кадмия катионоактивного флокулянта Besfloc K6645. Процесс проводили в области температур от 30 до 50 оС при непрерывном перемешивании со скоростью 200 об/мин верхнеприводной мешалкой. Кинетические кривые построили с использованием кадмий-селективного электрода. Показано, что повышение температуры протекания реакции положительно влияет на цементацию. Введение в электролит флокулянта в количестве 70 мг/л снижало степень цементации кадмия. Полученные данные позволили рассчитать кажущиеся энергии активации, которые составили при проведении процесса без добавки флокулянта ориентировочно 46, 33 и 11 кДж/моль на первом, втором и третьем участках кинетических кривых, соответственно, при проведении восстановления без добавки флокулянта и 117–130 и 82–85 кДж/моль в присутствии флокулянта Besfloc K6645. При восстановлении кадмия в присутствии флокулянта кажущаяся энергия активации возрастала более чем в два разаThe reduction of cadmium ions from aqueous solutions was carried out with zinc powder, particle size from 63 to 200 μm. In a number of experiments, the influence of the cationic flocculant Besfloc K6645 on the cadmium cementation process was tested. The process was carried out in the temperature range from 30 to 50 °C with continuous stirring at a speed of 200 rpm with an overhead stirrer. Kinetic curves were built using a cadmium selective electrode. It is shown that an increase in the reaction temperature has a positive effect on cementation. The introduction of a flocculant in the amount of 70 mg/l into the electrolyte reduced the degree of cadmium cementation. respectively, when carrying out the reduction without the addition of a flocculant, and 117–130 and 82–85 kJ/mol in the presence of the Besfloc K6645 flocculant. When cadmium was reduced in the presence of a flocculant, the apparent activation energy more than double

    Fucanomics and Galactanomics: Marine Distribution, Medicinal Impact, Conceptions, and Challenges

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    Glycomics turned out to be a very extensive project where its subdivision is consequently emerging. This is seen by the growing number of terminologies used to define subprojects concerning particular classes of bioactive carbohydrates. Sulfated fucans (SFs) and sulfated galactans (SGs) are relatively new classes of sulfated polysaccharides (SPs) that occur mostly in marine organisms, and exhibit a broad range of medicinal effects. Their structures are taxonomically dependent, and their therapeutic actions include benefits in inflammation, coagulation, thrombosis, angiogenesis, cancer, oxidation, and infections. Some red algae, marine angiosperm and invertebrates express SPs of unique structures composed of regular repeating oligomeric units of well-defined sulfation patterns. This fine pattern of structural regularity is quite rare among any naturally occurring long SPs, and enables accurate structure-biofunction correlations. Seeing that, fucanomics and galactanomics may comprise distinguished glycomics subprojects. We hereby discuss the relevance that justifies the international recognition of these subprojects in the current glycomics age associated with the beneficial outcomes that these glycans may offer in drug development