15 research outputs found

    Adaptation et Ă©levage au laboratoire de Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) et Ceratitis anonae (Graham) [(Diptera : Tephritidae)] sur Irvingia gabonensis, Carica papaya et Musa sp

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    Les mouches Tephritides en général et particulièrement la mouche de la mangue sont les principaux ravageurs dans les vergers de manguiers au Bénin. L’utilisation des parasitoïdes dans la lutte contre ces dernières exige de disposer au préalable d’un élevage sain, stable et à moindre coût de leurs hôtes que sont ces mouches. A cet effet, l’aptitude de la pomme africaine, de la papaye et de la banane à servir comme substrat de ponte et milieu de développement larvaire pour l’adaptation et l’élevage de la mouche de la mangue, Ceratitis cosyra et de C. anonae au laboratoire a été évaluée. Les fruits ont été testés en condition de choix et non choix dans des cages contenant cinquante couples de souche sauvage sexuellement matures de chacune des espèces. L’attraction des femelles par chaque fruit, le nombre, le poids, le taux d’émergence des pupes et le sexe ratio des imagos sont notés. Les trois fruits permettent le développement des deux espèces de mouches. Toutefois, la pomme et la papaye sont plus attractives et plus favorables que la banane pour C. cosyra. Quant à C. anonae, la papaye est plus attractive. Mais le poids de certaines pupes est faible comparativement à celui d’autres mouches de fruits élevées sur milieux artificiels. La présente étude met en évidence l’aptitude de chacun des fruits à servir pour l’élevage de C. cosyra et C. anonae au laboratoire. Elle permet d’envisager la maintenance à moindre coût au laboratoire des populations de ces mouches et à terme, l’élevage de leurs parasitoïdes.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Elevage, mouches de fruits, mouche de la mangue, milieu d’élevage, laboratoireEnglish Title: Adaptation to laboratory and rearing of Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) and Ceartitis anonae (Graham) [(Diptera : Tephritidae)] on Irvingia gabonensis, Carica papaya and Musa spEnglish AbstractTephritid flies in general and particularly “marula fruit flies” are the main pests damaging mango orchards in Benin. Using parasitoids as control method requires prior, stable and cost effective hosts rearing that are these flies. Then, the ability of African apple, papaya and banana to serve as egg laying substrate and larvae rearing medium for adaptation and rearing in laboratory of originated wild strain of marula fruit fly, Ceratitis cosyra and Ceratitis anonae was evaluated. The fruits were tested in choice and non choice condition in cages containing fifty sexually mature couples of each fly species. Attraction of females by each fruit after introduction, the number, the weight, the rate of emergence of pupae and sex ratio of the adults were noted. The three fruits allow the development of two species of flies. However, apple and papaya are more attractive and more favorable than banana for the development of C. cosyra. As for C. anonae, papaya is more attractive. But the three fruits are suitable for his rearing in the laboratory. Nevertheless, the weight of some pupae was low compared to other Tephritids fruit flies reared on artificial media. This study demonstrates the ability of each of the tested fruit to serve for C. cosyra and C. anonae rearing in the laboratory. It allows considering a low cost maintenance in laboratory of populations of these flies and rearing of native parasitoids of fruit flies.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Rearing, fruit flies, marula fruit flies, rearing medium, laborator

    The Public Health Exposome: A Population-Based, Exposure Science Approach to Health Disparities Research

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    The lack of progress in reducing health disparities suggests that new approaches are needed if we are to achieve meaningful, equitable, and lasting reductions. Current scientific paradigms do not adequately capture the complexity of the relationships between environment, personal health and population level disparities. The public health exposome is presented as a universal exposure tracking framework for integrating complex relationships between exogenous and endogenous exposures across the lifespan from conception to death. It uses a social-ecological framework that builds on the exposome paradigm for conceptualizing how exogenous exposures “get under the skin”. The public health exposome approach has led our team to develop a taxonomy and bioinformatics infrastructure to integrate health outcomes data with thousands of sources of exogenous exposure, organized in four broad domains: natural, built, social, and policy environments. With the input of a transdisciplinary team, we have borrowed and applied the methods, tools and terms from various disciplines to measure the effects of environmental exposures on personal and population health outcomes and disparities, many of which may not manifest until many years later. As is customary with a paradigm shift, this approach has far reaching implications for research methods and design, analytics, community engagement strategies, and research training

    Monitoring The Covariance Matrix With Fewer Observations Than Variables

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    Multivariate control charts are essential tools in multivariate statistical process control. In real applications, when a multivariate process shifts, it occurs in either location or scale. Several methods have been proposed recently to monitor the covariance matrix. Most of these methods deal with a full rank covariance matrix, i.e., in a situation where the number of rational subgroups is larger than the number of variables. When the number of features is nearly as large as, or larger than, the number of observations, existing Shewhart-type charts do not provide a satisfactory solution because the estimated covariance matrix is singular. A new Shewhart-type chart for monitoring changes in the covariance matrix of a multivariate process when the number of observations available is less than the number of variables is proposed. This chart can be used to monitor the covariance matrix with only one observation. The new control chart is based on using the graphical LASSO estimator of the covariance matrix instead of the traditional sample covariance matrix. The LASSO estimator is used here because of desirable properties such as being non-singular and positive definite even when the number of observations is less than the number of variables. The performance of this new chart is compared to that of several Shewhart control charts for monitoring the covariance matrix.© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    United States black:white infant mortality disparities are not inevitable: identification of community resilience independent of socioeconomic status.

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    Models for reduction/elimination of racial disparities in US infant mortality, independent from county-level contextual measures of socioeconomic status, may already exist

    Perinatal factors and breast cancer risk among Hispanics

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    Purpose: This study assessed whether perinatal factors were associated with breast cancer among Hispanics, a group with fairly low incidence rates of breast cancer. Methods: Data were used from a case–control study of breast cancer among Hispanics aged 30–79 conducted between 2003 and 2008 on the Texas–Mexico border. In-person interviews were completed with 188 incident breast cancer cases ascertained through surgeons and oncologists, and 974 controls (with respective response rates of 97% and 78%). Results: Relative to birth weight 2500–3999 g, there was no elevation in breast cancer risk for birth weight of ⩾4000 g (odds ratio [OR] 0.76, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.47–1.21). Conclusions: The results tended to differ slightly from previous studies of this topic perhaps owing to the different hormonal milieu among Hispanics relative to Caucasians, African Americans and Asians in whom all previous studies of this topic have been conducted. Confirmation of these findings in larger studies may assist in determining how hormonal mechanisms responsible for breast cancer differ by ethnicity

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    Reduced annexin A6 expression promotes the degradation of activated epidermal growth factor receptor and sensitizes invasive breast cancer cells to EGFR-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor

    Enquete ethnobotanique sur les plantes antipaludiques utilisees dans la lutte anti vectorielle au Togo

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    La nouvelle méthode d’enquête ethnobotanique ATRM (Achat en Triplet de Recette Médicinale) couplée avec celle d’enquête par interview semi structurée, ont été utilisées pour recenser entre 2007 et 2011, les plantes utilisées au Togo pour soigner le paludisme et les pathologies associées. Parmi les plantes collectées, seules 7 espèces ont été citées pour leurs propriétés anti vectorielles utilisées contre les moustiques (Anopheles sp), agents vecteurs du paludisme. Ces plantes dont les unes sont à activités insecticides et les autres répulsives, appartiennent à 6 familles dont les Lamiaceae, représentées par deux espèces, sont les plus citées. Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf, Azadirachta indica L. et Hyptis sauveolens Poit sont les espèces les plus fréquentes. C’est la première qu’une enquête ethnobotanique recense les plantes antipaludiques aux propriétés anti-vectorielles au Togo. Des études seront entreprises pour la vérification des propriétés larvicides et insecticides d’extraits de ces plantes sur les moustiques.Mots clés: Enquête ethnobotanique, plantes antipaludiques anti- vectorielles, Anopheles sp, TogoEnglish Title: Ethnobotanical survey of mosquito repellent medicinal plants of TogoEnglish AbstractThe new ethnobotanical method named ATRM (Purchase in Triplet of Medicinal Recipes, in English) coupled with the semi structured interview, was used to collect from 2007 to 2011, medicinal plants used in Togo for the management of malaria and its associated pathologies. Among the recorded plants, only 7 species were quoted for their mosquitoes repellent properties, used against Anopheles sp, the vector agents of the malaria. These plants among which some are potential of insecticidal activities and the others are repulsive, belong to 6 botanical families. Lamiaceae represented by two species, is most cited. Cymbopogon citratus (DC). Stapf, Azadirachta indica L. and Hyptis sauveolens Poit were the most frequent species. It is the first time that an ethnobotanical investigation lists the antimalarial plants with mosquito repellent properties in Togo. Studies will be undertaken for the evaluation of the larvicidal and insecticidal activities of extracts from these plants on mosquitoes.Keywords: ethnobotanical survey, mosquito repellent plants, Anopheles sp, Tog

    Enquete ethnobotanique sur les plantes antipaludiques utilisees dans la lutte anti-vectorielle au Togo

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    La nouvelle méthode d’enquête ethnobotanique ATRM (Achat en Triplet de Recette Médicinale) couplée avec celle d’enquête par interview semi structurée, a été utilisée pour recenser entre 2007 et 2011, les plantes utilisées au Togo pour soigner le paludisme et les pathologies associées. Parmi les plantes collectées, seules 7 espèces ont été citées pour leurs propriétés anti vectorielles utilisées contre les moustiques (Anopheles sp), agents vecteurs du paludisme. Ces plantes dont les unes sont à activités insecticides et les autres répulsives, appartiennent à 6 familles dont les Lamiaceae, représentées par deux espèces, sont les plus citées. Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf, Azadirachta indica L. et Hyptis sauveolens Poit sont les espèces les plus fréquentes. C’est la première qu’une enquête ethnobotanique recense les plantes antipaludiques aux propriétés anti-vectorielles au Togo. Des études seront entreprises pour la vérification des propriétés larvicides et insecticides d’extraits de ces plantes sur les moustiques.Mots clés: Enquête ethnobotanique, plantes antipaludiques anti-vectorielles, Anpheles sp, Tog

    Scalable Combinatorial Tools for Health Disparities Research

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    Despite staggering investments made in unraveling the human genome, current estimates suggest that as much as 90% of the variance in cancer and chronic diseases can be attributed to factors outside an individual’s genetic endowment, particularly to environmental exposures experienced across his or her life course. New analytical approaches are clearly required as investigators turn to complicated systems theory and ecological, place-based and life-history perspectives in order to understand more clearly the relationships between social determinants, environmental exposures and health disparities. While traditional data analysis techniques remain foundational to health disparities research, they are easily overwhelmed by the ever-increasing size and heterogeneity of available data needed to illuminate latent gene x environment interactions. This has prompted the adaptation and application of scalable combinatorial methods, many from genome science research, to the study of population health. Most of these powerful tools are algorithmically sophisticated, highly automated and mathematically abstract. Their utility motivates the main theme of this paper, which is to describe real applications of innovative transdisciplinary models and analyses in an effort to help move the research community closer toward identifying the causal mechanisms and associated environmental contexts underlying health disparities. The public health exposome is used as a contemporary focus for addressing the complex nature of this subject