6 research outputs found


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    Introduction: The present work focused on the multiplication by seeds and cuttings of H. barteri, L. microcarpa, and S. birrea, three spontaneous fruit trees in decrease in Togo. Material and methods: Seeds and cuttings were taken from the savannas region in Togo. The multiplication essays were conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse in the University of Lomé. Germination essays were conducted using distilled water soaking, sulfuric acid treatment or mechanical scarification. Propagation by cuttings essays were conducted in greenhouse on soil taken from the Botany garden of the University of Lomé or sea sand previously treated with sulfuric acid and thoroughly rinsed with distilled water in presence of ¼ diluted Hoagland solution added with or not of IAA. Results: H. barteri seeds showed a low germination rate: 10% for freshly harvested seeds, 23% for seeds conserved for three months and 8% for one year seeds. L. microcarpa seeds sprout at 82% during the first week of harvest and lost viability about 14 weeks after harvest. For S. birrea germination rate increased from 50.12% when harvested to 69.18% and 74.6% for respectively 3 and 12 months after harvest and room conservation. For propagation using cuttings, only S. birrea was capable of multiplication in our essay conditions with a success rate of root cuttings of 71% for adult plants and 79.28 % for young plants. Conclusion: these results constituted very precious tools for production program of these 3 fruit trees for their sustainable conservation

    Impact du compostage sur la réhabilitation de la carrière de calcaire de Sika-Kondji (Togo) : effets sur l’attraction des animaux et sur la performance du maïs (Zea mays L.)

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    Mining activities contribute to soil and biodiversity destruction and Increase poverty especially in developing countries. Restoring a mine in all its aspects after exploitation is a requirement method for sustainable development. The main objective of this study is to restore the fertility of a quarry soil and animals diversity using free wastes. Results indicated that three classes of animals have visited composts piles. They are amphibians, arachnids and insects. Insects are more related to composts C1 (green wastes) and C2 (green wastes + food wastes) while C3 (green wastes + limestone and clay) and C4 (green wastes + food wastes + limestone and clay) attract more amphibians and arachnids. C2 compost pile was most visited by animals (43 % relative to the total individuals). Chemical analysis showed that composts C2 and C4 present the high levels of organic matter, nitrogen (1.20 % and 0.75 ms) and phosphorus (0.45 % and 0.38 ms) contents while composts C1 and C2 have the highest levels of potassium (0.48 % and 0.60 m.s.). Concerning composts effects on agronomics parameters of maize, plants cultivated on composts C1, C2 and C3 are the best. Composts C1, C2 and C4 will be used in restoration programs of Sika-kondji mining site

    Impact du compostage sur la réhabilitation de la carrière de calcaire de Sika-Kondji (Togo) : effets sur l’attraction des animaux et sur la performance du maïs (Zea mays L.)

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    L’exploitation minière contribue à la destruction du sol et de la biodiversité augmentant la pauvreté surtout dans les pays en voie de développement. La restauration d’une mine constitue une obligation pour un développement durable. Dans cette étude des déchets d’un site minier ont été valorisés pour attirer et maintenir certains animaux sur le site et fertiliser le topsol. Il ressort que les insectes sont plus liés aux composts C1 (déchets verts) et C2 (déchets verts et alimentaires) tandis que les composts C3 (déchets verts + calcaires et l’argile) et C4 (déchets verts + alimentaires + calcaires et argiles) attirent plus les amphibiens et les arachnides. Le tas du compost C2 est le plus visité par ces animaux (43 % par rapport aux individus totaux). L’analyse chimique des composts a montré que les composts C2 et C4 présentent les fortes teneurs en matière organique et en azote (1,20 et 0,75 % m.s.), en phosphore (0,45 et 0,38 % m.s.) tandis que les composts C1 et C2 présentent les plus fortes teneurs en potassium (0,48 et 0,60 % m.s.). En ce qui concerne les effets des composts sur la croissance et les paramètres agronomiques du maïs, les plantes cultivées sur les composts C1, C2 et C3 sont celles qui présentent les plus fortes performances. Les composts C1, C2 et C4 seront utilisés dans la restauration de la fertilité du topsol et de la biodiversité de la carrière de Sika-Kondji.Mining activities contribute to soil and biodiversity destruction and Increase poverty especially in developing countries. Restoring a mine in all its aspects after exploitation is a requirement method for sustainable development. The main objective of this study is to restore the fertility of a quarry soil and animals diversity using free wastes. Results indicated that three classes of animals have visited composts piles. They are amphibians, arachnids and insects. Insects are more related to composts C1 (green wastes) and C2 (green wastes + food wastes) while C3 (green wastes + limestone and clay) and C4 (green wastes + food wastes + limestone and clay) attract more amphibians and arachnids. C2 compost pile was most visited by animals (43 % relative to the total individuals). Chemical analysis showed that composts C2 and C4 present the high levels of organic matter, nitrogen (1.20 % and 0.75 ms) and phosphorus (0.45 % and 0.38 ms) contents while composts C1 and C2 have the highest levels of potassium (0.48 % and 0.60 m.s.). Concerning composts effects on agronomics parameters of maize, plants cultivated on composts C1, C2 and C3 are the best. Composts C1, C2 and C4 will be used in restoration programs of Sika-kondji mining site

    Impact du compostage sur la réhabilitation de la carrière de calcaire de Sika-Kondji (Togo) : effets sur l’attraction des animaux et sur la performance du maïs (Zea mays L.)

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    L’exploitation minière contribue à la destruction du sol et de la biodiversité augmentant la pauvreté surtout dans les pays en voie de développement. La restauration d’une mine constitue une obligation pour un développement durable. Dans cette étude des déchets d’un site minier ont été valorisés pour attirer et maintenir certains animaux sur le site et fertiliser le topsol. Il ressort que les insectes sont plus liés aux composts C1 (déchets verts) et C2 (déchets verts et alimentaires) tandis que les composts C3 (déchets verts + calcaires et l’argile) et C4 (déchets verts + alimentaires + calcaires et argiles) attirent plus les amphibiens et les arachnides. Le tas du compost C2 est le plus visité par ces animaux (43 % par rapport aux individus totaux). L’analyse chimique des composts a montré que les composts C2 et C4 présentent les fortes teneurs en matière organique et en azote (1,20 et 0,75 % m.s.), en phosphore (0,45 et 0,38 % m.s.) tandis que les composts C1 et C2 présentent les plus fortes teneurs en potassium (0,48 et 0,60 % m.s.). En ce qui concerne les effets des composts sur la croissance et les paramètres agronomiques du maïs, les plantes cultivées sur les composts C1, C2 et C3 sont celles qui présentent les plus fortes performances. Les composts C1, C2 et C4 seront utilisés dans la restauration de la fertilité du topsol et de la biodiversité de la carrière de Sika-Kondji.Mining activities contribute to soil and biodiversity destruction and Increase poverty especially in developing countries. Restoring a mine in all its aspects after exploitation is a requirement method for sustainable development. The main objective of this study is to restore the fertility of a quarry soil and animals diversity using free wastes. Results indicated that three classes of animals have visited composts piles. They are amphibians, arachnids and insects. Insects are more related to composts C1 (green wastes) and C2 (green wastes + food wastes) while C3 (green wastes + limestone and clay) and C4 (green wastes + food wastes + limestone and clay) attract more amphibians and arachnids. C2 compost pile was most visited by animals (43 % relative to the total individuals). Chemical analysis showed that composts C2 and C4 present the high levels of organic matter, nitrogen (1.20 % and 0.75 ms) and phosphorus (0.45 % and 0.38 ms) contents while composts C1 and C2 have the highest levels of potassium (0.48 % and 0.60 m.s.). Concerning composts effects on agronomics parameters of maize, plants cultivated on composts C1, C2 and C3 are the best. Composts C1, C2 and C4 will be used in restoration programs of Sika-kondji mining site