62 research outputs found

    Managing Urban Crimes with Geoinformatics: A Case Study of Benin City, Nigeria

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    In recent time, the increase in rural-urban migration has continued to have both positive and negative impact on the receiving urban environment. Social vices such as terrorism, urban crimes, prostitution, drug cartel and urban slums are on the increase and as a result, most infrastructural facilities are been overused resulting to urban blight. In most developing countries like Nigeria, the impact of corruption and act of criminality has equally added to this menace and effort by security organisations to restore urban sanity has yielded little or no result due largely to the use of mundane policing methods. Using Geoinformatics methodologies (ArcGIS and ILWIS software), results of buffering; network, proximity, and crime service area analyses on crime hotspots in Benin City reveals that some areas are more vulnerable than others. Base on statistical analysis of administered questionnaire, the study shows that perceived higher income (33%), employment opportunities (24%), basic infrastructures (15%), quality of life (10%), change of environment (9%) and other reasons  put together (9%) are mainly responsible for migration and consequent urban growth. The location of police stations vis-à-vis police-public relations was observed to be very poor. The study also revealed that the major crimes in the city are armed robbery (29%), burglary (22%), rape (19%), pick pocket (15%), murder/assassination (4%) and other petty crimes put together (11%). Combating crime requires intelligent ICT system and a pragmatic intelligent synergy between the public and well-prepared police force. Reducing indiscriminate rural-urban migration through rural infrastructure and police welfare/logistics improvements are recommended. Keywords: Crime, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing, Urban Environment

    Conventional Use of Honey as Antibacterial Agent

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    Background: Honey has since been found to possess antibacterial property and is therefore employed for wound therapy. The current problems with conventional antibacterial agents, led to the choice of honey as well as other natural products by the populace, in the treatment of bacterial infections. The present study evaluates the antibacterial spectrum and efficacy of honey and compared same with tetracycline and ciprofloxacin. Methods: Different concentrations (12.5, 25.0, 50.0 and 100.0 %) of honey were studied in - vitro using Staphylococcus aureus , Staphylococcus albus , Streptococcus faecalis , Klebsiella sp., Proteus mirabilis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , and Escherichia coli . Results: The data obtained showed a dose dependent inhibitory action of honey, except with Streptococcus faecalis where there was no growth inhibition. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of honey presented Staphylococcus albus as the most susceptible organism and Escherichia coli, the least. While ciprofloxacin (2.0 mg/ml) exerted a greater potency than honey, tetracycline was found to be less potent than 100% concentration of honey, except with Escherichia coli. Conclusion: The antibacterial action of honey was observed with 50% as well as the neat concentration. However, ciprofloxacin exhibited a greater potency and efficacy as well as a broader spectrum than honey, which shows that where a broad spectrum antibacterial is required, the conventional drugs, especially the newer ones are preferred to honey.Introduction : Depuis bien longtemps, on disait que le miel poss\ue8de des vertus antibact\ue9riens et donc on l'utilisait pour la th\ue9rapie des blessures. Des probl\ue8mes actuels li\ue9s aux agents conventionnels antibact\ue9rien, a provoqu\ue9 le choix du miel de m\ueame que d'autres produits naturels par le peuple, dans la prise en charge des infections bact\ue9riennes. Cette \ue9tude fait une \ue9valuation du spectre antibact\ue9rien et l'efficacit\ue9 du miel par rapport au t\ue9tracycline et ciproflocine. M\ue9thode : Des concentrations diverses (12,5 ; 25,0 ; 50,0 et 100,0%) du miel ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9tudi\ue9s in-vitro \ue0 travers l'utilisation du staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus albus, streptococcus faecalis, klebsiella sp., proteus mirabilis, pseudomonas aeruginose, et escherichia coli. R\ue9sultats : Les donn\ue9es obtenues avaient montr\ue9 une action inhibiteur d'une dose d\ue9pendante du miel \ue0 l'exception du S. faecalis l\ue0 o\uf9 il n'y avait aucune inhibition de croissance. La concentration inhibiteur minimum (CIM) du miel a pr\ue9sent\ue9 S. albus comme un organisme le plus susceptible et E. coli le moins, Tandis que ciprofloxacine (2.0mg/ml) a donn\ue9 une plus grande efficacit\ue9 que du miel, t\ue9tracycline \ue9tait not\ue9e d'avoir le moindre efficacit\ue9 que 100% concentration du miel \ue0 l'exception du E. Coli. Conclusion : L'action antibact\ue9rienne du miel \ue9tait not\ue9e avec 50% de m\ueame que la concentration ing\ue9nieuse. Toutefois, la ciprofloxacine a donn\ue9 une plus grande efficacit\ue9 de m\ueame que un large spectre plus que du miel qui montre que l\ue0 o\uf9 un tr\ue8s grand spectre antibact\ue9rien est exig\ue9, des drogues conventionnelles, des nouvelles drogues en particulier sont pr\ue9f\ue9r\ue9s au miel

    Indoor environmental conditions of selected shopping malls in Nigeria: A comparative study of microclimatic conditions, noise levels, and microbial burdens

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    oai:repository.uel.ac.uk:8x3x4The activities of people and equipment used within shopping malls are major factors that contribute to air pollution and increased sound levels, thereby affecting indoor environmental quality and the well-being of mall operators. This study assessed indoor environmental quality through microbial characterization and measurement of environmental conditions present in selected shopping malls. Investigations were conducted at three shopping malls in Ibadan selected through convenience sampling technique. Environmental parameters such as noise level, relative humidity, temperature, PM₂.₅ levels, total volatile organic compound (TVOC) levels, microbial characterization, and quantity were determined. Microclimatic parameters (temperature and relative humidity) were measured using a 4-in-1 Precision Gold N09AQ multi-tester. Culturable airborne microbes were collected using the settle plate technique. PM₂.₅ and TVOC levels were measured using a Thermo Scientific MIE pDR-1500 PM monitor and sf200-TVOC meter respectively. Two bacteria species and five fungi species were isolated across the malls. The noise levels ranged from 61.27 to 81.20 dB. The mean temperatures (highest mean of 33.44 ± 1.42 °C), PM₂.₅ (highest mean of 114.06 ± 25.64 μg/m³), and TVOC (highest mean of 55.21 ± 8.28 ppm) concentrations were higher than the permissible limits stipulated by the WHO guidelines and NESREA standard limits across all the selected malls. A positive correlation was found to exist between particulate matter and TVOC (r = 0.174, p = 0.004). The total bacteria count was generally high with the highest mean of 1965.33 ± 368.56 CFU/m³, while the total fungi count was generally low with the highest mean of 579.82 ± 51.55 CFU/m³. Bacillus spp. and Candida spp. were found to the consistent from all sample points across the three malls. The bacteria isolated are Gram-positive bacteria associated with human skin which suggests a high rate of indoor pollution from humans. In conclusion, this research has demonstrated the necessity to monitor noise levels and indoor air quality in malls. Also, there is need for government policies to improve indoor air quality which must be enforced and regulated, especially within shopping malls

    On-Orbit Results of Photoelectron Current Measurement System in Low Earth Orbit on HORYU-IV Satellite

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    On-orbit photoelectron current experiment is one of the missions carried out with the less resource available from a HORYU-IV satellite, for measuring the current from metallic and insulator surfaces from air mass zero (AMO) spectrum. This is with the view to determined photoelectron potential of materials widely used in spacecraft in space. HORYU-IV also known as Arc Event Generator and Investigator satellite (AEGIS) is among HORYU satellite series of Kyushu Institute of Technology, which was launched on February 17, 2016 as a piggy-back on-board H-IIA rocket. The measurement system consists of current-voltage amplifier circuits for Au, Kapton and Black Kapton samples with varying gains and other discrete components. We present the analysis of the telemetry data obtained after the launch; validate the effectiveness of the design and verification processes. The results show that the current measured from Black kapton sample surface had 1.80 nA and 2.70 nA, corresponds to 69.1ᵒ and 75.1ᵒ minimum and maximum elevation angles respectively. This paper described the on-orbit result of PEC and its verification through ground tests

    Assessing the Risk of Birth Defects Associated with Exposure to Fixed-Dose Combined Antituberculous Agents during Pregnancy in Rats

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    Due to the risks of disease progression and transmission to the newborn, treatment of tuberculosis is often pursued during pregnancy and fixed-dose combined antituberculous agents have been found to be beneficial. Unfortunately, there is paucity of data on the safety of the fixed-dose combined antituberculous drugs during pregnancy. This study intends to assess the teratogenic effect of fixed-dose combined antituberculous drugs on the organogenesis stage of fetal development and also investigate the possible roles of vitamin C in modulating the teratogenic effects of these agents on the fetus using animal model. Pregnant rats were divided into 3 groups with 12 animals per group: group 1 received distilled water (10 mL/kg) orally; group 2 received 51.4 mg/kg/day of fixed-dose combined antituberculous agents orally; group 3 received 51.4 mg/kg/day of fixed-dose combined antituberculous agents plus vitamin C (10 mg/kg/day) orally. Six rats in each group were randomly selected and sacrificed on day 20 by cervical dislocation prior to day 21 of gestation, and the foetuses were harvested through abdominal incision for physical examination. Blood samples were collected from the 1st filial rats of the remaining six animals for biochemical and hematological examination. The liver, kidney, heart, and brain of all the sacrificed animals were used for histopathological examination. There were significant (P ≤ 0.05) low birth weights of the foetuses of the animals that were treated with fixed-dose combined antituberculous agents. The haematological parameters also revealed a reduction in the platelets counts and neutrophiles at the first filial generation. Significant (P ≤ 0.05) elevations in the levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in the foetuses of the animals treated with fixed-dose combined antituberculous agents were also observed. However, the combination of vitamin C with fixed-dose combined antituberculous agents significantly (P ≤ 0.05) reduced the level of AST. Fixed-dose combined antituberculous agents have teratogenic potential as shown in low birth weight and mild liver damage in the first filial of the treated animals. As much as it is imminent to treat TB patients in pregnancy, there is need to always exercise caution and clinically weigh the risk-benefit ratio


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    The present study evaluated the antihyperglycaemic effect and mechanism of action of fractions of the aqueous seed extract of Hunteria umbellata (K. Schum.) Hallier f. (HU) in normal and alloxan-induced hyperglycaemic rats. HU was partitioned in chloroform, acetyl acetate and butan-1-ol to give chloroform fraction (HUc), ethyl acetate fraction (HUe), butanol fraction (HUb) and the “residue” (HUm), respectively. 200 mg/kg of each of these fraction dissolved in 5% Tween 20 in distilled water was investigated for its acute oral hypoglycaemic effects in normal rats over 6 hours while its repeated dose antihyperglycaemic effect was evaluated in alloxan-induced hyperglycaemic rats over 5 days. In addition, 50 mg/kg of the crude alkaloid fraction (HUAf) extracted from HU was evaluated for its possible antihyperglycaemic activity in alloxan-induced hyperglycaemic rats using oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) over 6 hours. Using the solvent system, distilled water-butanol-ammonium hydroxide (2:15:1, v/v/v), HUb was chromatographed and stained with Dragendorff’s reagent for confirmatory qualitative analysis for alkaloids. Results showed that oral pre-treatment with 200 mg/kg of HUe, HUb and HUm resulted in a significant (


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    Hunteria umbellata (K. Schum.) Hallier f. (family: Apocynaceae) is reputed for the folkloric management of labour, pain and swellings, stomach ulcers, diabetes, obesity, and anaemia, with no scientific report of its toxicity and reversibility profile. The present study was, therefore, aimed at investigating the in vivo toxicity and reversibility profile of the aqueous seed extract of Hunteria umbellata (HU). The acute oral and intraperitoneal toxicity studies of HU were determined in Swiss albino mice while its 90-day oral toxicity and toxicity reversibility profile on anthropometric, biochemical, haematological and histopathological parameters were also assessed using standard procedures. Results showed that the LD 50 values for the acute oral and intraperitoneal toxicity studies for HU were estimated to be 1000 mg/kg and 459.3 mg/kg, respectively. Visible signs of immediate and delayed toxicities including starry hair coat, respiratory distress, and dyskinesia were observed. For the chronic oral toxicity study, HU administered for 90 days produced significant (

    Perception of the Impact of Fuel Wood and Charcoal Productions on the Environment: A Case Study of Toro L.G.A of Bauchi State, Nigeria

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    Wood biomass felling for fuel negatively impacted on the structuring and functioning of ecosystem worldwide. Consequently, increasing soil erosion, reduction in soil moisture, content, fertility, and decline vegetation cover. The study area comprised four districts: Leme, Rimi, Jama’a and Tilden Fulani in Toro LGA, Bauchi State, purposively chosen because of their high fuel wood activity. Charcoal producers were sampled, using stratified sampling methods while traditional leadership and the department of Forestry officials were purposefully sampled for their involvement in fuelwood and forest management of the area. Fifty (50) fuel wood and charcoal producers were chosen per district. A total of two hundred (200) sampled respondents and four each of the traditional leaders and forestry officials in the four districts were investigated. Apparent collapse of traditional governance system correlated with fuelwood exploitation (especially for charcoal production) and remained a threat to sustainability of forest and forest products management. Poverty was the main driver to resource destruction, as only 34% were employed.67%, 71% and 59% indicated impact on environment, temperature, and erosion due to charcoal production.Charcoal producers obtained the trees and logs for charcoal production from the natural forest and 88% of them use life trees, cutting above 40cm above the ground level. This method of harvesting from the forest inhibits replenishment commensurate with the rate of extraction. The study showed that poverty, unemployment, ignorance and lack of education have great and direct negative impact on the environment as global warming, ozone layer depletion and climate change are evident

    Antibiogram nekih bakterija porodice Enterobacteriaceae izdvojenih iz pilića u slobodnom sustava držanja u Abeokuti u Nigeriji.

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    Antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae is an important indicator of the emergence of resistant bacterial strains in the community. This study investigated the antimicrobial susceptibility of commensal Enterobacteriaceae from free-range chickens to antimicrobial agents using the broth microdilution. In all, 184 isolates (including 104 Escherichia coli, 44 Klebsiella spp, 20 Salmonella spp. and 16 Enterobacter aerogenes) were resistant to ampicillin (89.7%), chloramphenicol (73.9%), ciprofloxacin (33.2%), enrofloxacin (60.3%), neomycin (70.7%), norfloxacin (45.7%), streptomycin (78.8%) and tetracycline (73.4%). Escherichia coli was resistant to ampicillin (92.3%), chloramphenicol (73.1%), ciprofloxacin (34.6%), enrofloxacin (61.5%), neomycin (76.9%), norfloxacin (46.2%), streptomycin (80.8%) and tetracycline (76.9%). The rate of resistance in Klebsiella spp. was ampicillin (90.9%), chloramphenicol (72.7%), ciprofloxacin (54.5%), enrofloxacin (90.9%), neomycin (63.6%), norfloxacin (63.6%), streptomycin (81.8%) and tetracycline (81.8%). Salmonella spp. showed resistance to ampicillin (80.0%), chloramphenicol (80.0%), enrofloxacin (20.0%), neomycin (80.0%), norfloxacin (20.0%), streptomycin (80.0%) and tetracycline (35.0%) but were completely susceptible to ciprofloxacin. Enterobacter aerogenes was resistant to ampicillin (81.3%), chloramphenicol (75.0%), ciprofloxacin (6.3%), enrofloxacin (18.8%), neomycin (37.5%), norfloxacin (25.0%), streptomycin (56.3%) and tetracycline (75.0%). Overall, 147 (79.9%) out of 184 isolates demonstrated multidrug resistance to at least three unrelated antimicrobial agents. The high rate of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial isolates from free-range birds may have major implications for human and animal health with adverse economic implications.Otpornost bakterija porodice Enterobacteriaceae na antimikrobne lijekove važan je pokazatelj pojave otpornih sojeva u populaciji. U ovom je radu mikrodilucijskim postupkom bila istražena osjetljivost na antimikrobne lijekove bakterija porodice Enterobacteriaceae izdvojenih iz pilića u slobodnom sustavu držanja. Od 184 izolata (104 izolata bakterije Escherichia coli, 44 Klebsiella spp., 20 Salmonella spp. i 16 Enterobacter aerogenes) na ampicilin je bilo otporno 89,7% izolata, na klormafenikol 73,9%, ciprofloksacin 33,2%, enrofloksacin 60,3%, neomicin 70,7%, norfloksacin 45,7%, streptomicin 78,8% i tetraciklin 73,4%. Izolati bakterije Escherichia coli bili su otporni na ampicilin (92,3%), kloramfenikol (73,1%), ciprofloksacin (34,6%), enrofloksacin (61,5%), neomicin (76,9%), norfloksacin (46,2%), streptomicin (80,8%) i tetraciklin (76,9%). Stopa otpornosti bakterija roda Klebsiella bila je za ampicilin 90,9%, kloramfenikol 72,7%, ciprofloksacin 54,5%, enrofloksacin 90,9%, neomicin 63,6%, norfloksacin 63,6%, streptomicin 81,8% i tetraciklin 81,8%. Izolati Salmonella spp. pokazivali su otpornost na ampicilin (80,0%), kloramfenikol (80,0%), enrofloksacin (20,0%), neomicin (80,0%), norfloksacin (20,0%), streptomicin (80,0%) i tetraciklin (35,0%), ali su u potpunosti bili osjetljivi na ciprofl oksacin. Izolati Enterobacter aerogenes su bili otporni na ampicilin (81,3%), kloramfenikol (75,0%), ciprofloksacin (6,3%), enrofloksacin (18,8%), neomicin (37,5%), norfloksacin (25,0%), streptomicin (56,3%) i tetraciklin (75,0%). Sveukupno je 147 (79,9%) od 184 izolata pokazivalo višestruku otpornost na najmanje tri nesrodna antimikrobna lijeka. Veliki postotak bakterijskih izolata iz slobodno držanih pilića na antimikrobne lijekove može biti od znatne važnosti za ljudsko i životinjsko zdravlje s nepovoljnim gospodarskim učinkom