24 research outputs found

    Risk assessment of chronic HPV HR infection in babies who contacted the virus in the perinatal period

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    Objectives: Risk assessment of the development of chronic HPV HR infection in babies who had contact with the virus in the perinatal period. Materials and methods: During the pre-and perinatal period, research was carried out among 185 pregnant women and a group of 105 newborns (5 pairs of twins), hospitalized in the Delivery Room of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of the Poznań Medical University, between 2005–2007. Cellular material from the uterine cervical canal using a brush-type Cervex Brush was collected from each woman participating in the study and oral swabs using swab sticks were taken from the newborns. The second phase of testing was conducted following the postpartum, 3 to 6 months after the delivery. Uterine cervix swabs were re-collected from 28 HPV HR positive women and swab from the mouth and nasopharynx were taken from their children (29 samples – 1 pair of twins). The study was conducted with the use of PCR, trade named AMPLICOR® Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Test by Roche. Results: DNA HPV HR was found in 55 cases of the cellular material derived from 185 swabs taken from the cervical canal, representing 29.7% of researched women. The chronic HPV HR viral infection was detected in 25 cases out of the 28 HPV HR positive women, representing 89.2% of the study group. Of the 105 infants from whom oral swabs were taken in the perinatal period, presence of DNA HPV HR was found in 2 infants (2%) after traditional birth. Whereas the repeated test, within 3–6 months after delivery, revealed the presence of DNA HPV HR viruses in swab oral in 1 infant, who had been DNA HPV HR positive. Conclusions: Perinatal transmission of Human Papillomavirus of the high-risk oncogenic type is rare and concerns below 2% of babies of HPV HR positive mothers. Prolonged infection by the Human Papillomavirus is an extremely rare complication of pregnancy and delivery and concerns below 1% of children of HPV HR positive mothers. Perinatal transmission of the oncogenic type infection of the virus in humans is primarily of the ascending type or occurs during the perinatal period if the delivery was a traditional one

    Genotyping of oncogenic human papilloma viruses in women with HG SIL diagnosis

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    Abstract Introduction: Development of primary prevention of cervical cancer, in other words a vaccination against selected, oncogenic HPV types, entails an increasing importance of epidemiological studies and prevalence of various types of human papilloma virus. The incidence of HPV varies depending on the geographic location of the population. The effectiveness of primary prevention against HPV 16, 18, in the context of reducing the incidence of cervical cancer will depend, among others, on the prevalence of these types in the population and virus-like antigens, which are partially cross-resistant. Objective: Identification of the most frequent, oncogenic HPV types in women with HG SIL diagnosis from Central and Western Poland to assess the merits of the development of primary prevention. Material: For the purpose of molecular tests identifying the presence of 13 DNA oncogenic virus types, swabs were taken with the cyto-brush from 76 women diagnosed with CIN 2 or CIN 3 (HG SIL). Patients eligible for the study were diagnosed at the Laboratory of Pathophysiology of Uterine Cervix, Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinical Hospital of Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences. Patients came from Central and Western parts of Poland. Method: Cell material in which the method of Amplicor HPV (Roche Diagnostics) identified the presence of DNA of oncogenic HPV types was in each case subsequently subjected to genotyping using the molecular test – Linear Array HPV Genotyping (Roche Diagnostics). Results: Five most common oncogenic HPV types in order of detection included: 16, 33, 18, 31, 56. Together, these five types of virus comprised 75,86% (88/116) of all detected HPV types. Conclusions: 1. In women from Central and Western Poland, diagnosed with HG SIL, the most common HPV genotypes were HPV 16, HPV 33, HPV 18, HPV 31, HPV 56. 2. Two HPV types 16 and 18, against which vaccinations are directed, belong to the group of three genotypes of HPV most commonly identified in the evolution of CIN 2, CIN 3 diagnosed in women from Central and Western Poland

    Human papilloma virus genotyping in women with CIN 1

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    Abstract Introduction: Cervical cancer remains a considerable diagnostic and therapeutic problem in Poland. Despite progress in creating an active cancer prevention program in our country, Poland occupies one of the last places in the EU in terms of cervical cancer morbidity and mortality. Supplement of secondary prevention of primary prophylaxis – HPV 16, 18 vaccination, offers hope for improvement of the situation. Epidemiology of individual HPV types differs, depending on the geographical location of the study population. So far in Poland, we have had no reliable data on the participation of selected oncogenic HPV types in the development of cervical pathology. Objective: Identification of the most frequent, oncogenic HPV types in women diagnosed with CIN 1, from the Central and Western Poland. Material: In the course of the conducted studies, genotyping of 13 types of human papilloma virus has been done in 126 HPV DNA-positive women diagnosed with CIN 1. Method: Each cell material in which the presence of HPV DNA identified 13 types of oncogenic human papillomavirus was subsequently subjected to genotyping using the molecular test – Linear Array HPV Genotyping (Roche Diagnostics). Results and conclusion: In women from the Central and Western Poland diagnosed with CIN 1, HPV 16 (53,97%) was the most common, followed by HPV 33 (21.3%), HPV 18 (16.67%), HPV 31 (10.32%), HPV 45 (7.94%), HPV 52 (1.59%). Current HPV vaccines are designed to protect against two of the three most common genotypes, in women diagnosed with CIN 1 in Central and Western Poland

    Comparison of sensitivity and specificity of PDD, colposcopy and cytology in the detection of cervical neoplastic lesions

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    Abstract Objectives: Photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) is based on the phenomenon of selective accumulation of a photosensitizer in the tissues where carcinogenesis has started. The change may be identified by fluorescence which takes place when a photosensitizer is activated by the light of an appropriate wave length. The aim of this study was: 1. Evaluation of photodynamic diagnosis in detection and precise location of cervical neoplastic lesions. 2. Comparison of sensitivity and specificity of PDD, colposcopy and cytology in detection of cervical neoplastic lesions. Material: The study was carried out between October 2006 and December 2007 and included 73 women, patients of Gynecologic Oncology Division of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences Hospital. The examined patients were divided into two groups: the first consisted of 43 women with neoplastic lesions and the second, consisting of 30 patients with no oncologic changes of uterine cervix, comprised the control group. Methods: Each patient had PDD, cytological smear and colposcopy performed. For PDD 3% 5-d-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) gel was used as a photosensitizer, applied on cervical surface 4 hours before the examination. To activate fluorescence of the areas with highest accumulation of the photosensitizer, the cervix was exposed to the light of 405 nm wave length. Results and conclusions: 1. Photodynamic diagnosis with 3% 5-ALA enables the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with higher sensitivity than colposcopy and higher specificity than cytological diagnosis 2. Fluorescence allows for precise location of a cervical neoplastic change as well as its extension, borders or multifocal character 3. Location of the change indicated by fluorescence may facilitate the choice of the place for direct biopsy as well as the extension of the therap

    Korelacja pozytywnego wyniku testu na DNA HPV HR oraz genotypowania wirusów brodawczaka ludzkiego z obecnością CIN u kobiet z rozpoznaniem cytologicznym ASC-US i LSIL

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    Abstract Introduction: Diagnostic algorithm for women with ASC-US presumes the possibility of performing molecular test for DNA HPV HR, colposcopy or repeated cytology. The latest suggestions of diagnostic algorithm modification in case of cytologic interpretation of LSIL, are based on trial of performing molecular DNA HPV HR test and/or genotyping human papilloma viruses with the special indication for type 16. These suggestions presume performing colposcopy in women with DNA HPV HR or DNA HPV 16 (+). Material and method: Triage study included 67 women with ASC-US and 48 women with LSIL. All 115 women were examined with the use of molecular test Amplicor HPV Roche Diagnostics, which identifies the presence of any out of 13 oncogenic DNA HPV types. 14 women with LSIL DNA HPV HR (+) interpretation, were additionally tested for identification of HPV genotypes presence. In all women with cytologic evidence of ASC-US and LSIL, a colposcopic examination was further performed. Results: Among 67 examined women with ASC-US interpretation, 31 had a (+) test for the presence of any out of 13 HPV HR, while in 12 patients, the result of pathomorphological examination confirmed at least the presence of CIN 1. In none of 36 patients with ASC-US , DNA HPV HR (-) interpretation, the presence of CIN was confirmed. For 29 women with LSIL, (+) test result for any out of 13 HPV HR was obtained. In 11 patients out of this group, at least the presence of CIN 1 was recognized. Following 19 women with LSIL had a negative test result for DNA HPV HR. In none of the patients with DNA HPV HR (-), the presence of CIN was confirmed. DNA HPV 16 was recognized in 5/9 patients with LSIL, without CIN. In 5 patients with LSIL, who underwent HPV genotyping, and were diagnosed for CIN, 4/5 were DNA HPV 16 (+). The most common HPV types in women with LSIL and the presence of CIN include; HPV 16 and HPV 31. Conclusions: 1. Negative DNA HPV HR result, identifies precisely women with ASC-US and LSIL, without CIN. 2. Genotyping exclusively DNA HPV 16 in women with LSIL, in order to detect CIN is characterized by lower sensitivity and specificity in comparison with universal test for 13 oncogenic HPV types.Streszczenie Wstęp: Algorytm diagnostyczny dla kobiet z rozpoznaniem ASC-US zakłada możliwość wykonania testu molekularnego na DNA HPV HR, kolposkopii lub powtórnego badania cytologicznego. Najnowsze propozycje modyfikacji algorytmu diagnostycznego w sytuacji rozpoznania cytologicznego LSIL polegają na próbie wykonania testu molekularnego na obecność DNA HPV HR i/lub genotypowania wirusów brodawczaka ludzkiego ze szczególnym wskazaniem na typ 16. Propozycje te zakładają wykonanie kolposkopii u kobiet DNA HPV HR lub DNA HPV 16 (+). Materiał i metoda: Do badań zakwalifikowano 67 kobiet z ASC-US i 48 kobiet z LSIL. U wszystkich 115 kobiet wykonano test molekularny Amplicor HPV Roche Diagnostics identyfikujący obecność któregokolwiek z 13 onkogennych typów DNA HPV. U 14 kobiet z rozpoznaniem LSIL, DNA HPV HR (+) wykonano dodatkowo identyfikację obecnych genotypów HPV. U wszystkich kobiet z rozpoznaniem cytologicznym ASC-US i LSIL przeprowadzono badanie kolposkopowe. Wyniki: Wśród badanych 67 kobiet z ASC-US, 31 miało dodatni test na obecność któregokolwiek z 13 HPV HR, z czego, u 12 wynik badania patomorfologicznego potwierdził obecność co najmniej CIN 1. U żadnej z 36 pacjentek z ASC-US, DNA HPV HR (-), nie potwierdzono obecności CIN. Dla 29 kobiet z LSIL uzyskano dodatni wynik testu na obecność któregokolwiek z 13 HPV HR. U 11 pacjentek z tej grupy rozpoznano co najmniej CIN 1. Kolejne 19 kobiet z LSIL miało ujemny wynik testu na DNA HPV HR. U żadnej z pacjentek DNA HPV HR (-) nie potwierdzono obecności CIN. DNA HPV 16 stwierdzono u 5/9 badanych kobiet z LSIL, bez CIN. U 5 pacjentek z LSIL, poddanych genotypowaniu HPV, u których rozpoznano CIN, 4/5 były DNA HPV 16 (+). Do najczęściej występujących typów HPV u kobiet z LSIL oraz obecnością CIN zaliczono; HPV 16, HPV 31. Wnioski: 1. Ujemny wynik testu DNA HPV HR precyzyjnie identyfikuje kobiety z ASC-US i LSIL, bez CIN. 2. Genotypowanie wyłącznie DNA HPV 16 u kobiet z LSIL, w celu wykrycia CIN charakteryzuje niższą czułość i swoistość w porównaniu do uniwersalnego testu na 13 onkogennych typów wirusów HPV

    The assesment of real optoelectronic method in the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

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    Abstract Introduction: Biophysics is becoming an important factor in prevention of cervical cancer. One of the most promising concepts of biophysical program for the prevention of cervical cancer is the optoelectronic method – Truscreen. Objective: The objective of the work was to determine the usefulness of the real optoelectronic device in the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Material and method: From August 2006 till September 2007, 147 patients were examined in the Laboratory of Pathophysiology of Uterine Cervix in Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinical Hospital of Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences. The study reports prospective, blind trial. The following diagnostic examinations were carried out: examination with the use of optoelectronic method, DNA HPV HIGH RISK test, colposcopy examination and histopatologic biopsy. Results: The specificity of the optoelectronic method for positive diagnoses amounted to 84%. The sensitivity for intraephitelial changes (CIN 1, CIN 2) was estimated at 53%, and for severe grades (CIN 3, Carcinoma planoepitheliale) at 80%. Conclusions: Optoelectronic diagnostics is useful in the detection of cervical neoplastic changes. The optoelectronic method may prove to be a significant diagnostic device at the basic and advanced level of cervical screening. The advantage of the optoelectronic method over prevention based on cytodiagnostics and colposcopy, includes the immediate result of the examination and its automation as well as standardization

    Effectiveness of cidofovir intralesional treatment in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis

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    To present the results of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) treatment with surgical excision and adjuvant anti-viral cidofovir intralesional use and to examine the correlation between the cidofovir effectiveness and the patient previous history of multiple larynx procedures, age, extension of lesion and dose. 32 patients with laryngeal papillomas were treated with cidofovir in our Department between I.2009 and I.2011. The number of previous RRP debulking procedures ranged from 1 to 100. The intensity of papillomatosis differed from one anatomic site and moderate growth to four or five localizations with heavy extension. The number of injections per patient varied from 1 to 7, and the total volume of 5 mg/ml solution varied from 2 to 33 ml. The injections were combined with laser debulking of the lesions. In disperse papillomata, the injections were administered in particular anatomical sites in 4–6 weeks intervals, in massive lesions injections were repeated in the same anatomical site in 2–4 weeks. Complete remission was observed in 18 out of 32 patients. 13 patients showed remission in a place of cidofovir injection. One patient did not react to the drug. In four patients, new changes in injection places appeared. In two patients, hepatic toxic side effects were observed. Intralesional cidofovir injection has been shown to be an effective and safe therapy for laryngeal papillomatosis and should be considered in those patients who experienced disease relapse

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    Model of care for woman with vulvar cancer in terminal state

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    WstępAnalizując dane Krajowego Rejestru Nowotworów zauważa się wzrost liczby kobiet po 65 roku życia chorujących na nowotwory złośliwe narządów płciowych. Ciągłe wydłużanie się średniego czasu trwania życia może przyczynić się do wzrostu liczby zachorowań na raka sromu będącego schorzeniem dotyczącym głównie kobiet starszych. Z powodu wstydu i powszechnego stwierdzenia ,,starość musi boleć" pacjentki z tym schorzeniem często diagnozowane są w momencie, gdy można zaproponować im tylko postępowanie paliatywne. Cel pracyCelem pracy było opracowanie modelu opieki nad kobietą z rakiem sromu w stanie terminalnym. Materiały i metodyModel opieki został opracowany na podstawie dostępnej literatury naukowej.WynikiW oparciu o model pielęgnowania Dorothy Orem opracowany został model opieki nad kobietą z rakiem sromu w stanie terminalnym zawierający 19 diagnoz pielęgniarskich oraz interwencje pielęgniarskie, który ułatwi personelowi pielęgniarskiemu postępowanie z pacjentką w takim stanie. WnioskiRak sromu jest rzadkim schorzeniem dotyczącym kobiet po menopauzie. Bywa diagnozowany w zaawansowanym stadium. Nadrzędną rolę w leczeniu raka sromu odgrywa postępowanie chirurgiczne, które może być uzupełnione radioterapią i chemioterapią. Najważniejszym czynnikiem prognostycznym w raku sromu jest ocena stanu regionalnych węzłów chłonnych. Opracowany model opieki może zostać wykorzystany w praktyce w opiece nad pacjentką z rakiem sromu w stanie terminalnym i wpłynąć na podniesienie jakości opieki.IntroductionAnalyzing data from the National Cancer Registry, there has been an increase in the number of women after 65 years with malignancies of the genital organs. The constant increase of the average lifetime may contribute to the higher incidence of vulvar cancer, which mostly affecting the elderly women. Because of the shame and the popular saying that ,,old age must be in pain" this disease is diagnosed at the time when doctors can offer them only palliative care. The purpose of the workThe aim of this work was to develop model of care for the woman with vulvar cancer in the terminal state.Materials and methodsThe model of care was developed based on available scientific literature.ResultsThe developed model of care for the woman with cancer of the vulva based on the Dorothea Orem's Self - Care Theory includes 19 diagnoses and nursing interventions. It can help the nursing staff work with the patient in this condition.ConclusionVulvar cancer is a rare disease affecting women after menopause. It is often diagnosed at advanced stage. The basis of treatment for vulvar cancer is surgery, which may be supplemented by radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The most important prognostic factor in vulvar cancer is the state of regional lymph nodes. The nursing care received by the woman, who is in a terminal state needs to be specifically aimed at improving the quality of the latest period of her life. The developed model of care for the woman with cancer of the vulva can be used in practice and improve the quality of care

    The IGF-1 Signaling Pathway in Viral Infections

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    Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) belong to the insulin-like growth factor family, and IGF-1 activates intracellular signaling pathways by binding specifically to IGF-1R. The interaction between IGF-1 and IGF-1R transmits a signal through a number of intracellular substrates, including the insulin receptor substrate (IRS) and the Src homology collagen (Shc) proteins, which activate two major intracellular signaling pathways: the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, specifically the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathways. The PI3K/AKT kinase pathway regulates a variety of cellular processes, including cell proliferation and apoptosis. IGF1/IGF-1R signaling also promotes cell differentiation and proliferation via the Ras/MAPK pathway. Moreover, upon IGF-1R activation of the IRS and Shc adaptor proteins, Shc stimulates Raf through the GTPase Ras to activate the MAPKs ERK1 and ERK2, phosphorylate and several other proteins, and to stimulate cell proliferation. The IGF-1 signaling pathway is required for certain viral effects in oncogenic progression and may be induced as an effect of viral infection. The mechanisms of IGF signaling in animal viral infections need to be clarified, mainly because they are involved in multifactorial signaling pathways. The aim of this review is to summarize the current data obtained from virological studies and to increase our understanding of the complex role of the IGF-1 signaling axis in animal virus infections