78 research outputs found

    Fast Prototyping for Video Monitoring Systems with the Use of DSP Module

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    This paper presents techniques for fast prototyping of real-time hardware / software video processing systems for urban surveillance monitoring equipment. During the experimental research the evaluation module with the TMS320DM6437 signal processor programmed with the use of the Code Composer Studio and Matlab / Simulink environments has been used. Analyzed algorithms can support the work of monitoring video operators. In particular, we analyzed efficiency of implementation of the algorithms using two examples: detection of painting theft and signaling of crossing a pedestrian pass at the red light

    Diversity of the floral nectaries surface of four Crataegus L. species

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    The performed studies focused on the surface structure of floral nectaries of four species from the following genus: C. coccinea L. , C. crus-galli L., C. curvisepala Lindm and C. prunifolia (Poiret) Pers. The observations of the epidermis area were made in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). A nectary appears to be shaped like a slightly curved disk situated between the pistil style and the basal part of the stamens filaments. The nectary area of the studied species differed substantially as regards the cuticle sculpture and stomata number. The nectary secretion in Crataegus flowers proceeds through the stomata located below a level of the other epidermis cells, in the deep indents of the secretory tissue. The highest stomata number in 1 mm2 nectary epidermis was recorded in C. crus-galli, C. coccinea, C. prunifolia and finally, C. curvisepala. Analyzing the nectary cuticular structure in respect of its increasing complexity (absence or presence of stripes), the investigated taxons can be ordered as following: Crataegus curvisepala, C. coccinea, C. crus-galli and C. prunifolia

    Najnowsze doniesienia z zakresu sztucznych łez z surowicy

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    Krople do oczu z surowicy są z powodzeniem stosowane w leczeniu zespołu suchego oka nacałym świecie. Najczęściej stosowanym preparatem są autologiczne krople do oczu. Jednakw wielu krajach, głównie z powodu pandemii COVID-19, wprowadzono do rutynowego stosowaniaallogeniczne krople do oczu. Do tej pory nie istnieją jednolite zasady przygotowaniasztucznych łez. Każda jednostka, która wykonuje preparat, ma opracowane własne proceduryprzygotowania, pakowania oraz dystrybucji.Z tego względu podejmowane są różne działania mające na celu standaryzację procesui wymianę doświadczeń ekspertów. W 2022 roku wydano piatą edycję publikowanego przezEDQM Guide to the quality and safety of tissues and cells for human application. W ramacheuropejskiego programu EU4Health powstaje również nowa grupa ds. zaleceń i wytycznychdotyczących zarządzania substancjami pochodzenia ludzkiego (SoHO) w jednostkach ochronyzdrowia. Międzynarodowa współpraca doprowadziła także do powstania grup związanychz kroplami do oczu z surowicy (EDHO, Eye Drops of Human Origin) oraz użytkownikówkropli do oczu z surowicy (Serum eye drop manufacturer’s group).Pomimo powszechnego stosowania kropli do oczu z surowicy na całym świecie nie zostałyjeszcze wypracowane wystandaryzowane procedury czy regulacje prawne. Dlatego też niezbędnewydaje się zakwalifikowanie sztucznych łez z surowicy do odpowiedniej grupy produktówkrwiopochodnych oraz określenie konkretnych zasad postępowania z preparatem

    What’s new in the field of serum-based eye drops

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    Worldwide serum-based eye drops are successfully used in the treatment of the Dry Eye Syndrome (DES). Autologous serum eye drops (ASEDs) are most common but allogenic eye drops were introduced in many countries mostly because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not all aspects of the product formula have however been worked out so far. Each medical entity involved in the preparation, packaging and distribution of the product performs according to its own procedures. Various actions have therefore been undertaken to standardize, harmonize and exchange the experience in this field. In 2022 the 5th edition of EDQM’s Guide to the quality and safety of tissues and cells for human application was issued. Within the EU4Health Programme a new group for Recommendations and Guidance Documents for the Management of Substances of Human Origin (SoHO) in Hospitals is being formed. International cooperation of serumbased product users lead to the establishment of working group events — Workshops on the Eye Drops of Human Origin (EDHO) and Serum eye drop manufacturer’s group. Despite the widespread use of serum-based eye drops all over the world, in almost none of the countries, EU included, are there strict legal regulations for handling the product. It is therefore necessary to come up with a universal definition of artificial tears therapy and to determine specific procedures for the product preparation

    30-year experience of the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Warsaw, Poland in dry eye syndrome treatment using autologous serum eye drops

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    Background: In 1991, the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine (IHTM) was the first center in Poland to start the production of serum-based artificial tears, which were applied successfully in the management of multiple etiology dry eye syndrome (DES). DES is a common chronic condition associated with an abnormal tear film secretion, which may cause gritty eyes, eye pain, and often blurred vision. Material and methods: The study analysis relied on the data collected over 30 years (1386 autologous whole blood donations from 662 patients), which included: the annual number of donations, patients’ age, gender, and underlying disease. Results: The patient’s age at the first visit ranged from 7 to 92 years (55 on average). The vast majority were women (77%). DES of various severity and etiology was identified among the adult patients, and the most common disease entities were graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), Sjögren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, cataracts, and corneal damage due to trauma and/or surgery. Conclusions: Many scientific reports confirm the effect of artificial tears in the treatment of DES. In Poland, artificial tears is still an underused therapy due to the high costs generated by expensive disposable materials and equipment and the time-consuming procedure of preparing eye drops for one patient

    National comparison of methods for determination of radon in water

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    The article describes three interlaboratory experiments concerning 222Rn determination in water samples. The fi rst two experiments were carried out with the use of artifi cial radon waters prepared by the Laboratory of Radiometric Expertise (LER), Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków in 2014 and 2018. The third experiment was performed using natural environment waters collected in the vicinity of the former uranium mine in Kowary in 2016. Most of the institutions performing radon in water measurements in Poland were gathered in the Polish Radon Centre Network, and they participated in the experiments. The goal of these exercises was to evaluate different measurement techniques used routinely in Polish laboratories and the laboratories’ profi ciency of radon in water measurements. In the experiment performed in 2018, the reference values of 222Rn concentration in water were calculated based on the method developed at LER. The participants’ results appeared to be worse for low radon concentration than for high radon concentrations. The conclusions drawn on that base indicated the weaknesses of the used methods and probably the sampling. The interlaboratory experiments, in term, can help to improve the participants’ skills and reliability of their results

    Alder pollen season in selected cities of Poland in 2017

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    The study compares the alder pollen seasons in Zielona Gora, Poznan, Wroclaw, Opole, Sosnowiec, Cracow, Piotrkow Trybunalski, and Lublin in 2017. The investigations were conducted using the volumetric method. The alder pollen season began between 22nd and 27th February. Maximum daily pollen concentrations were noted on the same date (4–5th March) in all the cities. The greatest risk of allergies caused by the presence of airborne alder pollen was observed in Zielona Gora, Opole, and Piotrkow Trybunalski

    Analysis of the plantain pollen season in selected Polish cities in 2018

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    The paper presents the course of pollen season of plantain in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Drawsko Pomorskie, Cracow, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora in 2018. Measurements were performed by the volumetric method (Burkard and Lanzoni pollen samplers). Pollen season was defined as the period in which 98% of the annual total catch occurred. The plantain pollen season started in the first decade of May and lasted until the end of September. Despite such a long pollen season in Poland, only in some cities there are days with an average concentration exceeding 10 P/m3. Significant differences were observed in annual sum values. The highest values were recorded in Lublin (400 grains) and Zielona Gora (308 grains), and the lowest in Drawsko Pomorskie (160 grains) and Olsztyn (184 grains). The value of annual average in 2018 was usually lower than in the previous years

    Analysis of mugwort (Artemisia) pollen seasons in selected cities in Poland in 2018

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the mugwort pollen season in 2018 in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Cracow, Drawsko-Pomorskie, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw, and Zielona Gora. Pollen concentration measurements were made by the volumetric method using Burkard or Lanzoni pollen samplers. The pollen season was considered as the period during which 98% of the total annual pollen count occurred. The Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI) was calculated as the sum of the average daily pollen concentrations throughout the season determined for the individual cities. The mugwort pollen season started earliest in Bialystok (June 21st) and Bydgoszcz (June 25th), while in the other cities its onset occurred in the first 10 days of July. Significant differences were found in season duration (68–110 days), SPI, and peak value. The longest season occurred in Zielona Gora and Bydgoszcz, while the shortest one in Wroclaw. The highest SPI and maximum concentration values were observed in Lublin and Zielona Gora. In most of the cities, the peak value was recorded in the first 10 days of August. The highest risk of allergy in people sensitive to the pollen of this taxon was found in Zielona Gora, Lublin, and Warsaw

    The oak pollen concentration in the air of selected cities in Poland in 2018

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    This paper contains an analysis of oak pollen seasons in selected cities of Poland in 2018. Sampling sites were located in the following cities: Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Cracow, Drawsko Pomorskie, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora. The volumetric method was applied using the Burkard or Lanzoni trap. The pollen season was determined by the 98% method. The season started earliest in Sosnowiec (April 14th). The mean duration of the pollen season was 33 days. The highest pollen concentration (713 P/m3) was observed in Wroclaw (April 19th). The peak values were recorded between April 19th and May 1st in the different cities