32 research outputs found

    Being a witness: Using kinesthetic empathy as a reflective tool for clients

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    The body can be described as the container of one’s entire life experience with movement and sensation as its language, known as kinesthetic empathy. Authentic Movement is a practice that makes use of this language to be able to gain a higher awareness of the kinesthetic affective material which may not be accessible otherwise. This paper describes an exploration to investigate if kinesthetic empathy experienced by the therapist in their body may be used as a reflective tool for clients through the process of being a witness to their verbal stories, as practiced in authentic movement

    Low temperature selective oxidation of methane using hydrogen peroxide and oxygen

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    The selective oxidation of methane, which is the primary component of natural gas, isone of the most important challenges in catalysis. While the search for catalysts capable of converting methane to higher value commodity chemicals and liquid fuels such as methanol has been ongoing for over a century, an industrially viable process has not yet been developed. Currently, large scale upgradation of natural gas proceeds indirectly employing high temperature conversion to syngas which is then processed to synthesise fuels and chemicals. Different catalysts are currently being studied for direct low temperature selective oxidation of methane to liquid oxygenates primarily methanol. One of the systems studied is based on gold-palladium supported nanoparticles using hydrogen peroxide. Though the catalyst was shown to be active, high wastage of hydrogen peroxide was observed along with low productivities. The work in this thesis shows the removal of support can be used to increase the activity and efficiency of the reaction. By tuning the amount of hydrogen peroxide, high productivities and selectivities were observed. Further optimisation of catalyst preparation and methane oxidation were also performed. A theoretical study based on density functional theory into interactions between metal particles, such as gold and palladium and substrates such as oxygen, hydrogen and water was also carried out to identify the active sites and reaction mechanism underway with hydrogen peroxide and these metal particles

    In Vitro Study on total Phenols, Flavonoids Content and DPPH Activity of Withania Species

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    The escalating interest in appraisal of antioxidant power of herbal plant as medicine, the current study was carried out to explore the antioxidant potential of aqueous extracts of Withania somnifera root and Withania coagulan fruit in-vitro. Antioxidant activity; total phenol,total flavonoids and DPPH free radical scavenging assay of Withania somnifera root and Withania coagulans fruit aqueous extracts were determined by using reference standards gallic acid, quercetin and ascorbic acid, respectively. The highest total phenols content (mgGAE/g) and total flavonoids content (mgQE/g) was found to be 33.1±0.82 and 1.86±0.01 respectively in aqueous somnifera root extracts as compared to coagulans fruit extract . The DPPH radical scavenging activity of the both extracts was increased with the increasing concentration and was observed high in aqueous extract insomniferaroot (IC50= 54) than coagulans fruit (69μg/ml) aqueous extract.Thus,Withania somnifera root has potent antioxidant activity and may serve as a good pharmacotherapeutic agent which could be explored to provide affordable medicines to masses

    Gold–palladium colloids as catalysts for hydrogen peroxide synthesis, degradation and methane oxidation: effect of the PVP stabiliser

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    The reactivity of AuPd nanoparticle catalysts prepared by sol immobilisation is often explained by a structure activity relationship based solely on particle size or composition. In this contribution, we compare colloidal AuPd nanoparticles stabilised with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) with the same AuPd nanoparticles supported on TiO2 for the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide and methane oxidation to methanol. We show that while the particles have similar rates of H2O2 synthesis, supporting the particles can affect the rates of H2O2 decomposition and hence the effectiveness of the catalyst for reactions which rely on H2O2 as an initiator or oxidant. We demonstrate that the absence of PVP results in high rates of H2O2 decomposition in methane oxidation experiments but this can be minimised by the addition of PVP to the reactor. These results also show that for AuPd alloys, both polymer stabiliser and support effects need to be taken into account when describing the activity of the nanoparticles and the active sites should in fact be thought of as a metal–support–polymer interface with many degrees of freedom

    The direct synthesis of H2O2 and selective oxidation of methane to methanol using HZSM-5 supported AuPd catalysts

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    In this study we show that using gold palladium nanoparticles supported on a commercial aluminosilicate (HZSM-5) prepared using a wet co-impregnation method it is possible to produce hydrogen peroxide from molecular H2 and O2 via the direct synthesis reaction. Furthermore, we investigate the efficacy of these catalysts towards the oxidation of methane to methanol using commercially available H2O2. The effect of SiO2: Al2O3 ratio and calcination temperature is evaluated and a direct correlation between support acidity and the catalytic activity towards H2O2 synthesis and methanol production is observed

    The direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide over Au and Pd nanoparticles:A DFT study

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    Catalysts consisting of Au, Pd and their alloys have been shown to be active oxidation catalysts. These materials can use dioxygen or hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant with CO and activated organic molecules using O2(g) while more challenging cases, such as methane to partial oxygenates, relying on H2O2. Although H2O2 is a green oxidant, the incorporation of dioxygen greatly reduces overall cost and so there is an incentive to find new ways to reduce the reliance on H2O2. In this study we use DFT calculations to discuss the direct synthesis of H2O2 from H2(g) and O2(g) and use this understanding to identify the important surface species derived from dioxygen. We cover the adsorption of oxygen, hydrogen and water to model Au and Pd nanoclusters and the oxidation of the metals, since reduction of any oxides formed will consume H2. We then turn to the production of a surface hydroperoxy species; the first step in the synthesis of H2O2. This can occur via hydrogenation of O2(ads) with H2(ads) or via protonation of O2(ads) by solvent water. Both routes are found to be energetically reasonable, but the latter is likely to be favoured under experimental conditions

    Low temperature selective oxidation of methane using gold-palladium colloids

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    Methane upgrading into energy-dense liquid derivatives (such as methanol or mid-range hydrocarbons) is a highly desirable process to increase its utilisation. The selective oxidation of methane using hydrogen peroxide has been investigated using unsupported gold-palladium nanoparticles prepared using colloidal methods. The effect of the reaction conditions and the catalyst parameters have been systematically investigated. Poly(vinyl)pyrrolidone (PVP) stabilised Au-Pd colloids produce methyl hydroperoxide as the primary reaction product, which is subsequently converted to methanol with high oxygenate selectivity. The stability and re-use characteristics of the colloidal catalyst have also been assessed for methane oxidation with hydrogen peroxide

    Aqueous Au-Pd colloids catalyze selective CH<sub>4</sub> oxidation to CH<sub>3</sub>OH with O<sub>2</sub> under mild conditions

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    The selective oxidation of methane, the primary component of natural gas, remains an important challenge in catalysis. We used colloidal gold-palladium nanoparticles, rather than the same nanoparticles supported on titanium oxide, to oxidize methane to methanol with high selectivity (92%) in aqueous solution at mild temperatures. Then, using isotopically labeled oxygen (O2) as an oxidant in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), we demonstrated that the resulting methanol incorporated a substantial fraction (70%) of gas-phase O2. More oxygenated products were formed than the amount of H2O2 consumed, suggesting that the controlled breakdown of H2O2 activates methane, which subsequently incorporates molecular oxygen through a radical process. If a source of methyl radicals can be established, then the selective oxidation of methane to methanol using molecular oxygen is possible

    To Evaluate Anti-HLA Antibodies Sensitization in Pre- and Post-renal Transplant Patient’s Serum: A Retrospective Case Series

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    Introduction: In India, patients of renal failure are dependent on live related or unrelated donor. Because of poor financial condition patients do not go for DSA (Donor Specific Antibody) detection using Luminex. In absence of screening of de-novo production of DSA and don’t get proper management. As a result of which patient undergo acute rejection. Case Series: Here we are presenting 5 acute rejection cases comparing there DSA in pre-transplant and post-transplant sera using solid-phase assays.5 renal transplanted patients undergone acute and hyperacute rejection (Banff's classification) were considered for presented case series. Collected serum (pre and post-transplant on day of rejection) from each patient was subjected to detection of anti-HLA antibody using Luminex-PRA. Conclusion: Presence of donor-specific anti-HLA antibody with their titer was detected in pre and post-transplant serum. It is found that the strength of DSA is directly proportional to graft life