202 research outputs found

    Computing Shortest Paths in the Plane with Removable Obstacles

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    We consider the problem of computing a Euclidean shortest path in the presence of removable obstacles in the plane. In particular, we have a collection of pairwise-disjoint polygonal obstacles, each of which may be removed at some cost c_i > 0. Given a cost budget C > 0, and a pair of points s, t, which obstacles should be removed to minimize the path length from s to t in the remaining workspace? We show that this problem is NP-hard even if the obstacles are vertical line segments. Our main result is a fully-polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for the case of convex polygons. Specifically, we compute an (1 + epsilon)-approximate shortest path in time O({nh}/{epsilon^2} log n log n/epsilon) with removal cost at most (1+epsilon)C, where h is the number of obstacles, n is the total number of obstacle vertices, and epsilon in (0, 1) is a user-specified parameter. Our approximation scheme also solves a shortest path problem for a stochastic model of obstacles, where each obstacle\u27s presence is an independent event with a known probability. Finally, we also present a data structure that can answer s-t path queries in polylogarithmic time, for any pair of points s, t in the plane

    Effect of lisinopril and perindopril on serum lipid profile in Albino rabbits

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    Background: Hypertension with dislipidemia is becoming a common morbidity, since ACE inhibitors are the first line of antihypertensive drugs so present study was undertaken with the aim to evaluate the possible effects of ACE inhibitor on lipid profile in albino rabbits.Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur. Rabbits were divided into 2 groups with 6 in each group. Rabbits of Group I was given Lisinopril in dose of 0.25mg/kg and of group II was given Perindopril in dose of 0.20mg/kg for a period of 6 weeks. Lipid profile estimation (Serum Total cholesterol, serum HDL, serum LDL, serum Triglycerides and serum VLDL) was done at day 0, 7, 21 and 45 respectively.Results: After analysis Rabbits of group-I (Lisinopril) showed 3.1% decrease in serum cholesterol level at 45th day (P0.05). Serum LDL level decreases by 4.4% and 8.6% at day 21 and 45 respectively (P<0.001). There was no significant change in Serum VLDL level. Rabbits of group- II (Perindopril) showed decreased total cholesterol levels by 2.6% (P<0.05). There was an increase in HDL level by 6.8 % at day 45(P<.05). Triglycerides and VLDL levels were not significantly altered while serum LDL level decreases by 6.7% at day 45 (P<0.01).Conclusions: From our study it was concluded that Lisinopril had a favourable effect on serum lipid profile by decreasing total cholesterol, increasing serum HDL level. It may increase triglycerides, decrease LDL. Perindopril increase serum HDL and decreases LDL, there is no significant change in cholesterol, TG and VLDL levels

    Profile of Clients & HIV positive patients attending the ICTC of a tertiary care center of Bihar: A situational analysis

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    Background: The services provided in an ICTC help in awareness about HIV and help the clients to undergo HIV test in a comfortable and confidential environment. Periodical evaluation of counseling, testing, and referral services is mandatory to find out any existing deficits and barriers of all functions of ICTCs. Objectives: To study the socio-demographic profile of ICTC attendees and to find out sero-positivity of these clients. Methods: The present study was carried out among ICTC attendees in the ICTC unit, at All India Institute of Medical Sciences of Patna district. A retrospective collection of data from available records of all clients who attended ICTC of our hospital between January 2019 and December 2019 was carried out after approval from institutional research and ethics committee. Results: A total of 28876 clients were tested during January-December 2019 and among them all (100%) of tests were provider initiated. Out of the total attendees, 223 (0.77%) were found to be positive. It was also observed that the number of clients attending the ICTC has increased every month. Conclusion: It shows a high illiteracy and high spouse positive rate among the reactive cases. The young age group was found to be affected more and it definitely raises a cocern

    Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its relationship with thyroid autoimmunity in Asian Indians: a community-based survey

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    25-Hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) deficiency is linked with predisposition to autoimmune type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Our objective was to assess the relationship between serum 25(OH)D levels and thyroid autoimmunity. Subjects included students, teachers and staff aged 16-60 years (total 642, 244 males, 398 females). Serum free thyroxine, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and thyroid peroxidase autoantibodies (TPOAb), intact parathyroid hormone and 25(OH)D were measured by electrochemiluminescence and RIA, respectively. Thyroid dysfunction was defined if (1) serum TSH ≥ 5 μ U/ml and TPOAb>34 IU/ml or (2) TSH ≥ 10 μ U/ml but normal TPOAb. The mean serum 25(OH)D of the study subjects was 17.5 (SD 10.2) nmol/l with 87 % having values ≤ 25 nmol/l. TPOAb positivity was observed in 21 % of subjects. The relationship between 25(OH)D and TPOAb was assessed with and without controlling for age and showed significant inverse correlation (r - 0.08, P = 0.04) when adjusted for age. The prevalence of TPOAb and thyroid dysfunction were comparable between subjects stratified according to serum 25(OH)D into two groups either at cut-off of ≤ 25 or >25 nmol/l or first and second tertiles. Serum 25(OH)D values show only weak inverse correlation with TPOAb titres. The presence of such weak association and narrow range of serum 25(OH)D did not allow us to interpret the present results in terms of quantitative cut-off values of serum 25(OH)D. Further studies in vitamin D-sufficient populations with wider range of serum 25(OH)D levels are required to substantiate the findings of the current study


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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Medical students repeatedly experience different stresses which render them more vulnerable to psychological problems that may affect their emotional, psychosocial and physical health. Objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of depression and associated factors leading to depression among medical students at People&apos;s University

    A Randomized Controlled Trial to Compare the Safety and Efficacy of Tadalafil and Tamsulosin in Relieving Double J Stent Related Symptoms

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    Objectives. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Tadalafil and Tamsulosin in treating Double J stent related symptoms. Methods. In a prospective study, 161 patients with DJ related symptoms were randomized into 3 groups: Group A patients (54), Group B patients (53), and Group C patients (54). They were given Tadalafil, Tamsulosin, and placebo, respectively, at 1st week till removal of DJ stent at 3rd week. All patients completed Ureteral Stent Symptom Questionnaire (USSQ) at 1st week and at 3rd week. The statistical significant difference among groups was determined by the t-test, Kruskal-Wallis test and multivariate analysis were used to assess association of the variables within the three groups, and the level of significance was set at P<0.05. Results. Tadalafil and Tamsulosin were comparable in relieving urinary symptoms, general health, and work performance (OR = 0.65, 1.8, and 0.92). But Tadalafil was more effective in relieving body pain, sexual problems, and additional problems than Tamsulosin (OR = 5.95, 19.25, and 2.69) and was statistically significant as P<0.05. Conclusion. Tadalafil was as effective as Tamsulosin in relieving urinary symptom but more effective in relieving sexual symptoms and body pain

    Impact of IRS: Four-years of entomological surveillance of the Indian Visceral Leishmaniases elimination programme

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    BACKGROUND In 2005, Bangladesh, India and Nepal agreed to eliminate visceral leishmaniasis (VL) as a public health problem. The approach to this was through improved case detection and treatment, and controlling transmission by the sand fly vector Phlebotomus argentipes, with indoor residual spraying (IRS) of insecticide. Initially, India applied DDT with stirrup pumps for IRS, however, this did not reduce transmission. After 2015 onwards, the pyrethroid alpha-cypermethrin was applied with compression pumps, and entomological surveillance was initiated in 2016. METHODS Eight sentinel sites were established in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. IRS coverage was monitored by household survey, quality of insecticide application was measured by HPLC, presence and abundance of the VL vector was monitored by CDC light traps, insecticide resistance was measured with WHO diagnostic assays and case incidence was determined from the VL case register KAMIS. RESULTS Complete treatment of houses with IRS increased across all sites from 57% in 2016 to 70% of houses in 2019, rising to >80% if partial house IRS coverage is included (except West Bengal). The quality of insecticide application has improved compared to previous studies, average doses of insecticide on filters papers ranged from 1.52 times the target dose of 25mg/m2 alpha-cypermethrin in 2019 to 1.67 times in 2018. Resistance to DDT has continued to increase, but the vector was not resistant to carbamates, organophosphates or pyrethroids. The annual and seasonal abundance of P. argentipes declined between 2016 to 2019 with an overall infection rate of 0.03%. This was associated with a decline in VL incidence for the blocks represented by the sentinel sites from 1.16 per 10,000 population in 2016 to 0.51 per 10,000 in 2019. CONCLUSION Through effective case detection and management reducing the infection reservoirs for P. argentipes in the human population combined with IRS keeping P. argentipes abundance and infectivity low has reduced VL transmission. This combination of effective case management and vector control has now brought India within reach of the VL elimination targets
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