14,081 research outputs found

    Semantic categories underlying the meaning of ‘place’

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    This paper analyses the semantics of natural language expressions that are associated with the intuitive notion of ‘place’. We note that the nature of such terms is highly contested, and suggest that this arises from two main considerations: 1) there are a number of logically distinct categories of place expression, which are not always clearly distinguished in discourse about ‘place’; 2) the many non-substantive place count nouns (such as ‘place’, ‘region’, ‘area’, etc.) employed in natural language are highly ambiguous. With respect to consideration 1), we propose that place-related expressions should be classified into the following distinct logical types: a) ‘place-like’ count nouns (further subdivided into abstract, spatial and substantive varieties), b) proper names of ‘place-like’ objects, c) locative property phrases, and d) definite descriptions of ‘place-like’ objects. We outline possible formal representations for each of these. To address consideration 2), we examine meanings, connotations and ambiguities of the English vocabulary of abstract and generic place count nouns, and identify underlying elements of meaning, which explain both similarities and differences in the sense and usage of the various terms

    A tight lower bound instance for k-means++ in constant dimension

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    The k-means++ seeding algorithm is one of the most popular algorithms that is used for finding the initial kk centers when using the k-means heuristic. The algorithm is a simple sampling procedure and can be described as follows: Pick the first center randomly from the given points. For i>1i > 1, pick a point to be the ithi^{th} center with probability proportional to the square of the Euclidean distance of this point to the closest previously (i1)(i-1) chosen centers. The k-means++ seeding algorithm is not only simple and fast but also gives an O(logk)O(\log{k}) approximation in expectation as shown by Arthur and Vassilvitskii. There are datasets on which this seeding algorithm gives an approximation factor of Ω(logk)\Omega(\log{k}) in expectation. However, it is not clear from these results if the algorithm achieves good approximation factor with reasonably high probability (say 1/poly(k)1/poly(k)). Brunsch and R\"{o}glin gave a dataset where the k-means++ seeding algorithm achieves an O(logk)O(\log{k}) approximation ratio with probability that is exponentially small in kk. However, this and all other known lower-bound examples are high dimensional. So, an open problem was to understand the behavior of the algorithm on low dimensional datasets. In this work, we give a simple two dimensional dataset on which the seeding algorithm achieves an O(logk)O(\log{k}) approximation ratio with probability exponentially small in kk. This solves open problems posed by Mahajan et al. and by Brunsch and R\"{o}glin.Comment: To appear in TAMC 2014. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1306.420

    Mass-Gaps and Spin Chains for (Super) Membranes

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    We present a method for computing the non-perturbative mass-gap in the theory of Bosonic membranes in flat background spacetimes with or without background fluxes. The computation of mass-gaps is carried out using a matrix regularization of the membrane Hamiltonians. The mass gap is shown to be naturally organized as an expansion in a 'hidden' parameter, which turns out to be 1d\frac{1}{d}: d being the related to the dimensionality of the background space. We then proceed to develop a large NN perturbation theory for the membrane/matrix-model Hamiltonians around the quantum/mass corrected effective potential. The same parameter that controls the perturbation theory for the mass gap is also shown to control the Hamiltonian perturbation theory around the effective potential. The large NN perturbation theory is then translated into the language of quantum spin chains and the one loop spectra of various Bosonic matrix models are computed by applying the Bethe ansatz to the one-loop effective Hamiltonians for membranes in flat space times. Apart from membranes in flat spacetimes, the recently proposed matrix models (hep-th/0607005) for non-critical membranes in plane wave type spacetimes are also analyzed within the paradigm of quantum spin chains and the Bosonic sectors of all the models proposed in (hep-th/0607005) are diagonalized at the one-loop level.Comment: 36 Page

    Inhibition of Decoherence due to Decay in a Continuum

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    We propose a scheme for slowing down decay into a continuum. We make use of a sequence of ultrashort 2π2\pi-pulses applied on an auxiliary transition of the system so that there is a destructive interference between the two transition amplitudes - one before the application of the pulse and the other after the application of the pulse. We give explicit results for a structured continuum. Our scheme can also inhibit unwanted transitions.Comment: 11 pages and 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Enhancement of Cavity Cooling of a Micromechanical Mirror Using Parametric Interactions

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    It is shown that an optical parametric amplifier inside a cavity can considerably improve the cooling of the micromechanical mirror by radiation pressure. The micromechanical mirror can be cooled from room temperature 300 K to sub-Kelvin temperatures, which is much lower than what is achievable in the absence of the parametric amplifier. Further if in case of a precooled mirror one can reach millikelvin temperatures starting with about 1 K. Our work demonstrates the fundamental dependence of radiation pressure effects on photon statistics.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    The Complexity of Separating Points in the Plane

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    We study the following separation problem: given n connected curves and two points s and t in the plane, compute the minimum number of curves one needs to retain so that any path connecting s to t intersects some of the retained curves. We give the first polynomial (O(n3)) time algorithm for the problem, assuming that the curves have reasonable computational properties. The algorithm is based on considering the intersection graph of the curves, defining an appropriate family of closed walks in the intersection graph that satisfies the 3-path-condition, and arguing that a shortest cycle in the family gives an optimal solution. The 3-path-condition has been used mainly in topological graph theory, and thus its use here makes the connection to topology clear. We also show that the generalized version, where several input points are to be separated, is NP-hard for natural families of curves, like segments in two directions or unit circles

    Universality in D-brane Inflation

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    We study the six-field dynamics of D3-brane inflation for a general scalar potential on the conifold, finding simple, universal behavior. We numerically evolve the equations of motion for an ensemble of more than 7 \times 10^7 realizations, drawing the coefficients in the scalar potential from statistical distributions whose detailed properties have demonstrably small effects on our results. When prolonged inflation occurs, it has a characteristic form: the D3-brane initially moves rapidly in the angular directions, spirals down to an inflection point in the potential, and settles into single-field inflation. The probability of N_{e} e-folds of inflation is a power law, P(N_{e}) \propto N_{e}^{-3}, and we derive the same exponent from a simple analytical model. The success of inflation is relatively insensitive to the initial conditions: we find attractor behavior in the angular directions, and the D3-brane can begin far above the inflection point without overshooting. In favorable regions of the parameter space, models yielding 60 e-folds of expansion arise approximately once in 10^3 trials. Realizations that are effectively single-field and give rise to a primordial spectrum of fluctuations consistent with WMAP, for which at least 120 e-folds are required, arise approximately once in 10^5 trials. The emergence of robust predictions from a six-field potential with hundreds of terms invites an analytic approach to multifield inflation.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Generation of long-living entanglement using cold trapped ions with pair cat states

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    With the reliance in the processing of quantum information on a cold trapped ion, we analyze the entanglement entropy in the ion-field interaction with pair cat states. We investigate a long-living entanglement allowing the instantaneous position of the center-of-mass motion of the ion to be explicitly time dependent. An analytic solution for the system operators is obtained. We show that different nonclassical effects arise in the dynamics of the population inversion, depending on the initial states of the vibrational motion. We study in detail the entanglement degree and demonstrate how the input pair cat state is required for initiating the long living entanglement. This long living entanglement is damp out with an increase in the number difference qq. Owing to the properties of entanglement measures, the results are checked using another entanglement measure (high order linear entropy).Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Sub. Appl. Phys. B: Laser and Optic