95 research outputs found

    M-band: a safeguard for sarcomere stability?

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    The sarcomere of striated muscle is a very efficient machine transforming chemical energy into movement. However, a wrong distribution of the generated forces may lead to self-destruction of the engine itself. A well-known example for this is eccentric contraction (elongation of the sarcomere in the activated state), which damages sarcomeric structure and leads to a reduced muscle performance. The goal of this review is to discuss the involvement of different cytoskeletal systems, in particular the M-band filaments, in the mechanisms that provide stability during sarcomeric contraction. The M-band is the transverse structure in the center of the sarcomeric A-band, which is responsible both for the regular packing of thick filaments and for the uniform distribution of the tension over the myosin filament lattice in the activated sarcomere. Although some proteins from the Ig-superfamily, like myomesin and M-protein, are the major candidates for the role of M-band bridges, the exact molecular organisation of the M-band is not clear. However, the protein composition of the M-band seems to modulate the mechanical characteristics of the thick filament lattice, in particular its stiffness, adjusting it to the specific demands in different muscle types. The special M-band design in slow fibers might be part of structural adaptations, favouring sarcomere stability for a continuous contractile activity over a broad working range. In conclusion, we discuss why the interference with M-band structure might have fatal consequences for the integrity of the working sarcomer

    Early-Phase Drive to the Precursor Pool: Chloroviruses Dive into the Deep End of Nucleotide Metabolism

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    Viruses face many challenges on their road to successful replication, and they meet those challenges by reprogramming the intracellular environment. Two major issues challenging Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1 (PBCV-1, genus Chlorovirus, family Phycodnaviridae) at the level of DNA replication are (i) the host cell has a DNA G+C content of 66%, while the virus is 40%; and (ii) the initial quantity of DNA in the haploid host cell is approximately 50 fg, yet the virus will make approximately 350 fg of DNA within hours of infection to produce approximately 1000 virions per cell. Thus, the quality and quantity of DNA (and RNA) would seem to restrict replication efficiency, with the looming problem of viral DNA synthesis beginning in only 60–90 min. Our analysis includes (i) genomics and functional annotation to determine gene augmentation and complementation of the nucleotide biosynthesis pathway by the virus, (ii) transcriptional profiling of these genes, and (iii) metabolomics of nucleotide intermediates. The studies indicate that PBCV-1 reprograms the pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway to rebalance the intracellular nucleotide pools both qualitatively and quantitatively, prior to viral DNA amplification, and reflects the genomes of the progeny virus, providing a successful road to virus infection

    The consumption of viruses returns energy to food chains

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    Viruses impact host cells and have indirect effects on ecosystem processes. Plankton such as ciliates can reduce the abundance of virions in water, but whether virus consumption translates into demographic consequences for the grazers is unknown. Here, we show that small protists not only can consume viruses they also can grow and divide given only viruses to eat. Moreover, the ciliate Halteria sp. foraging on chloroviruses displays dynamics and interaction parameters that are similar to other microbial trophic interactions. These results suggest that the effect of viruses on ecosystems extends beyond (and in contrast to) the viral shunt by redirecting energy up food chains. Many known viruses cause diseases, and consequently, virology has long focused on viruses as pathogens. Viruses also affect ecosystem processes, however, by lysing microbes and causing the release of nutrients (i.e., the viral shunt) and through the indirect consequences of host mortality (1, 2). Both of these research domains place viruses as the top “predator” in their food chains, but like most predators, viruses also can serve as food. Many foragers that swallow water, soil particles, or leaves routinely ingest virus particles. Given the small mass of virus particles relative to other foods, the consumption of viruses is thought to be calorically unimportant (3, 4) and not of sufficient magnitude to influence ecosystem processes. Nonetheless, viruses contain amino acids, nucleic acids, and lipids (5), and if consumed in sufficient quantities could influence the population dynamics of the species that consume them. Some ciliates and flagellates may ingest many viruses (3, 4, 6, 7), but the demographic impact of virus consumption (virovory) is unclear. Here, we investigate the potential for virovory to fuel population growth and alter the pathways of energy flow in food webs. We measured the population growth of Halteria sp. and Paramecium bursaria in foraging trials with and without supplemental chloroviruses. We also tracked the reduction in chloroviruses and fit a classic trophic link model to the data to determine whether the Halteria–chlorovirus interaction can be viewed as a trophic interaction. Finally, we used fluorescent microscopy to confirm the ingestion of chloroviruses by ciliates

    Viral DNA Accumulation Regulates Replication Efficiency of \u3ci\u3eChlorovirus\u3c/i\u3e OSy-NE5 in Two Closely Related \u3ci\u3eChlorella variabilis\u3c/i\u3e Strains

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    Many chloroviruses replicate in Chlorella variabilis algal strains that are ex-endosymbionts isolated from the protozoan Paramecium bursaria, including the NC64A and Syngen 2-3 strains. We noticed that indigenous water samples produced a higher number of plaque-forming viruses on C. variabilis Syngen 2-3 lawns than on C. variabilis NC64A lawns. These observed differences led to the discovery of viruses that replicate exclusively in Syngen 2-3 cells, named Only Syngen (OSy) viruses. Here, we demonstrate that OSy viruses initiate infection in the restricted host NC64A by synthesizing some early virus gene products and that approximately 20% of the cells produce a small number of empty virus capsids. However, the infected cells did not produce infectious viruses because the cells were unable to replicate the viral genome. This is interesting because all previous attempts to isolate host cells resistant to chlorovirus infection were due to changes in the host receptor for the virus

    Priority Directions of Development of Innovation Education Cluster in the Regional Agro-industrial Complex

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    Article is devoted to definition of a vector of development of an innovative and educational subsystem of agrarian and industrial complex of the region. Problems of integration interactions in system «Education – Science – Production» are investigated. The purpose of article is justification of recommendations about formation of multiplicative mechanisms of modernization of innovative and educational infrastructure of regional agrarian and industrial complex. The special attention is paid to questions of cluster reformatting of the scientific and educational sphere and innovative sphere on the basis of the numerical analysis of dependence between changes of parameters of development of branches of agrarian and industrial complex and the amounts of investments into the intellectual capital and technological innovations. As a result of the carried-out calculations the economic-mathematical models are received proving priorities of financing of cluster development of regional system of agrarian education. Application of system approach to research allowed to carry out differentiation on process productively sign of tools of development of an innovative and educational cluster of agrarian and industrial complex of the region. This aspect is supplemented also with consideration of possibility of acceleration of modernization processes due to generation of synergetic effects in block model on the basis of use of adaptable multiplicative mechanisms of ensuring system stability of an innovative and educational cluster. One of advantages of the offered model is the network form of representation of the mechanisms capable involved in its realization to transformations for practical use to plans of concrete actions and actions. Keywords: regional agrarian and industrial complex; innovative and educational cluster; multiplicative mechanism; network model. JEL Classifications: A2; I25; Q

    Chloroviruses have a sweet tooth

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    Chloroviruses are large double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses that infect certain isolates of chlorella-like green algae. They contain up to approximately 400 protein-encoding genes and 16 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. This review summarizes the unexpected finding that many of the chlorovirus genes encode proteins involved in manipulating carbohydrates. These include enzymes involved in making extracellular polysaccharides, such as hyaluronan and chitin, enzymes that make nucleotide sugars, such as GDP-L-fucose and GDP-D-rhamnose and enzymes involved in the synthesis of glycans attached to the virus major capsid proteins. This latter process differs from that of all other glycoprotein containing viruses that traditionally use the host endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi machinery to synthesize and transfer the glycans

    Chloroviruses lure hosts through long-distance chemical signaling

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    Chloroviruses exist in aquatic systems around the planet where they infect certain eukaryotic green algae that are mutualistic endosymbionts in a variety of protists and metazoans. Natural chlorovirus populations are seasonally dynamic but the precise temporal changes in these populations and the mechanisms that underlie them have, heretofore, been unclear. We recently reported the novel concept that predator/prey-mediated virus activation regulates chlorovirus population dynamics, and in the current manuscript demonstrate virus packaged chemotactic modulation of prey behavior. Viruses have not previously been reported to act as chemotactic/chemo-attractive agents. Rather, viruses as extracellular entities are generally viewed as non-metabolically active spore-like agents that await further infection events upon collisions with appropriate host cells. That a virus might actively contribute to its fate via chemotaxis and change the behavior of an organism independent of infection is unprecedented

    Cardiomyocyte growth and sarcomerogenesis at the intercalated disc

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    Cardiomyocytes grow during heart maturation or disease-related cardiac remodeling. We present evidence that the intercalated disc (ID) is integral to both longitudinal and lateral growth: increases in width are accommodated by lateral extension of the plicate tread regions and increases in length by sarcomere insertion within the ID. At the margin between myofibril and the folded membrane of the ID lies a transitional junction through which the thin filaments from the last sarcomere run to the ID membrane and it has been suggested that this junction acts as a proto Z-disc for sarcomere addition. In support of this hypothesis, we have investigated the ultrastructure of the ID in mouse hearts from control and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) models, the MLP-null and a cardiac-specific β-catenin mutant, cΔex3, as well as in human left ventricle from normal and DCM samples. We find that the ID amplitude can vary tenfold from 0.2 μm up to a maximum of ~2 μm allowing gradual expansion during heart growth. At the greatest amplitude, equivalent to a sarcomere length, A-bands and thick filaments are found within the ID membrane loops together with a Z-disc, which develops at the transitional junction position. Here, also, the tops of the membrane folds, which are rich in αII spectrin, become enlarged and associated with junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum. Systematically larger ID amplitudes are found in DCM samples. Other morphological differences between mouse DCM and normal hearts suggest that sarcomere inclusion is compromised in the diseased hearts

    3D Co-culture of hiPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes With Cardiac Fibroblasts Improves Tissue-Like Features of Cardiac Spheroids

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    Purpose: Both cardiomyocytes and cardiac fibroblasts (CF) play essential roles in cardiac development, function, and remodeling. Properties of 3D co-cultures are incompletely understood. Hence, 3D co-culture of cardiomyocytes and CF was characterized, and selected features compared with single-type and 2D culture conditions.Methods: Human cardiomyocytes derived from induced-pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs) were obtained from Cellular Dynamics or Ncardia, and primary human cardiac fibroblasts from ScienCell. Cardiac spheroids were investigated using cryosections and whole-mount confocal microscopy, video motion analysis, scanning-, and transmission-electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), action potential recording, and quantitative PCR (qPCR).Results: Spheroids formed in hanging drops or in non-adhesive wells showed spontaneous contractions for at least 1 month with frequent media changes. SEM of mechanically opened spheroids revealed a dense inner structure and no signs of blebbing. TEM of co-culture spheroids at 1 month showed myofibrils, intercalated disc-like structures and mitochondria. Ultrastructural features were comparable to fetal human myocardium. We then assessed immunostained 2D cultures, cryosections of spheroids, and whole-mount preparations by confocal microscopy. CF in co-culture spheroids assumed a small size and shape similar to the situation in ventricular tissue. Spheroids made only of CF and cultured for 3 weeks showed no stress fibers and strongly reduced amounts of alpha smooth muscle actin compared to early spheroids and 2D cultures as shown by confocal microscopy, western blotting, and qPCR. The addition of CF to cardiac spheroids did not lead to arrhythmogenic effects as measured by sharp-electrode electrophysiology. Video motion analysis showed a faster spontaneous contraction rate in co-culture spheroids compared to pure hiPSC-CMs, but similar contraction amplitudes and kinetics. Spontaneous contraction rates were not dependent on spheroid size. Applying increasing pacing frequencies resulted in decreasing contraction amplitudes without positive staircase effect. Gene expression analysis of selected cytoskeleton and myofibrillar proteins showed more tissue-like expression patterns in co-culture spheroids than with cardiomyocytes alone or in 2D culture.Conclusion: We demonstrate that the use of 3D co-culture of hiPSC-CMs and CF is superior over 2D culture conditions for co-culture models and more closely mimicking the native state of the myocardium with relevance to drug development as well as for personalized medicine.Peer reviewe

    EH-myomesin splice isoform is a novel marker for dilated cardiomyopathy

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    The M-band is the prominent cytoskeletal structure that cross-links the myosin and titin filaments in the middle of the sarcomere. To investigate M-band alterations in heart disease, we analyzed the expression of its main components, proteins of the myomesin family, in mouse and human cardiomyopathy. Cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and compared to the expression pattern of myomesins evaluated with RT-PCR, Western blot, and immunofluorescent analysis. Disease progression in transgenic mouse models for dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) was accompanied by specific M-band alterations. The dominant splice isoform in the embryonic heart, EH-myomesin, was strongly up-regulated in the failing heart and correlated with a decrease in cardiac function (R=−0.86). In addition, we have analyzed the expressions of myomesins in human myocardial biopsies (N=40) obtained from DCM patients, DCM patients supported by a left ventricular assist device (LVAD), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) patients and controls. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed that the EH-myomesin isoform was up-regulated 41-fold (P<0.001) in the DCM patients compared to control patients. In DCM hearts supported by a LVAD and HCM hearts, the EH-myomesin expression was comparable to controls. Immunofluorescent analyses indicate that EH-myomesin was enhanced in a cell-specific manner, leading to a higher heterogeneity of the myocytes' cytoskeleton through the myocardial wall. We suggest that the up-regulation of EH-myomesin denotes an adaptive remodeling of the sarcomere cytoskeleton in the dilated heart and might serve as a marker for DCM in mouse and human myocardiu