29 research outputs found

    Communicatıon skill levels of trainers according to the perception of B2-B3 visually impaired athletes

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    Communication is a powerful tool for the trainer. And the trainers' tool is communication. A good trainer must have good communication skills. The trainers having good communication skills are successful. The propose of this research is to evaluate the effects of different variables (factors) on the trainers’ communication skill levels, according to the perceptions of visually impaired athletes. 39 male, 59 female, totally 98 visually impaired athletes from sport clubs in different provinces participated in the study voluntarily. The trainer communication skill scale, developed by Yılmaz in 2008, is a five point Likert type-scale includes 48 items in total and the items of it are expressed as "never, sometimes, very little, quite a lot, always". The total Cronbach-Alpha of the trainer communication skill scale was found to be 0.973. In this study, in which trainer communication skills were analyzed, SPSS 22.00 Program was used, which is used in quantitative research methods. In the study, T test and One Way Variance Analysis (One-Way ANOVA) were used for mean, standard deviation, frequency, independent samples. No significant difference was detected in the communication skills of the trainers according to the variables gender, disability status, sports branch, visual level, year of doing sports, and the year of working with the trainer (p> 0.05). İn conclustion, as a finding of the study, it is observed that the communication skills of the trainers affected all the characteristics of the visually impaired athletes taken place in the training process. Communication is an extremely important and effective tool for visually impaired individuals, as they are visually impaired. Working with a trainer with good communication skills for visually impaired athletes will lead them to success. Communication is their nonexistent eye. They can easily reach the information they need by communicating. Through the communication, their lives get facilitated and they become socialized by entering the society. Since their communication is good, their persuasion power is high. Again, because of their good communication, their education level is high. They can seek their rights and are not dependent on anyone. Thanks to communication, they are free. They have represented our country in the paralympics in various sports branches and have been successful. Because of their good communication, they have made their existence accepted in the society. In the study we conducted, not significant difference was found between the variables because their expectations or emotional thoughts were the sam

    The Effect of the Core Training to Physical Performances in Children

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    The aim of is this study is to analyze the effect of the core training on physical performances in young football players. Experimental group consists registered football players in a professional football club’s football academy (n=20, age=13,17±0,86 year, height= 134,7±10,04 cm, kilo=45,11±7,75 kg) and control group (n=20 age=13,03±0,50 year, height= 136,7±10,04 cm kilo=46,11±6,12 kg), totally (n=40) athletes voluntarily participated. In order to analyze the effect of the applied core training on the children, two groups from similar aged children have been formed in the same group by having permission from the parents. Before the studies, test measurements of the groups (sit-up, push-up, 20mt sprint, plank, vertical jump, throwing medicine ball, standing long jump and balance) have been taken. Core training to the experimental group and normal football training have been applied for 12 weeks. In the end of the 12 weeks, post-test measurements have been taken. By being computerized the gathered data; averages (X), standard deviation (SD) have been taken and the correlation between the pre and post-test measurements viewed with test “t” in significance level of p<0.05. In conclusion, the core trainings in addition to football trainings have provided positive development (p<0.05) in measured physical characteristics of the football players. Keywords: Football player, performance, core training, , motor skills, childre

    The Effect Of Core Training On Some Motoric Features Of University Footballers

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    In this study, the effect of core training on some motor features of universıty footballers has been examined. 36 footballers both studying at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in Muğla, Turkey and playing in amateur leagues participated in the study. 18 university footballers of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Sports Club who play in Muğla Super Amateur League formed the experimental group (EG) (Age X = 21.4 ± 2.12 years, Height X = 174.3 ± 6.84 cm and Weight X = 75.9 ± 8,43 kg ). 18 footballers with amateur licences who play in the Faculty of Economics and Adiministrative Sciences, train regularly and play in the university faculty matches formed the control group (CG) (Age X = 21,6 ± 2.56 years, Height X = 176.7 ± 7.13 cm and Weight X = 76.3 ± 8.43 kg). The required permissions were obtained and the students filled in the “Admission Consent Forms” before the applications. The trainings were done in the football field of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University and the measurements were taken in the Faculty of Sports Sciences Physiology Laboratory. The 10-movements core training programme for eight weeks was applied to the EG footballers in addition to their weekly 2-day football training when the footballers in the CG continued their regular trainings.Before the study, the leg strength, back strength, right-left hand griping strength, flexibility, and vertical jump measurement were taken as pre-test values. After the 8-week training, the final measurements of the EG and the CG were taken. The comparison between the Pretest and Posttest was studied statistically with paired sample t test at 0.05 significance levelConsequently it was determined the that the 8-week Core Training provided the undergradute footballers with an improvement of their the leg strength, back strength, right hand griping strength and vertical jump (p<0.05). No improvement in flexibility features was observed

    Examination of relationship between communication skills, burnout levels and life satisfaction levels of football coaches Futbol antrenörlerinin iletişim becerileri, tükenmişlik düzeyleri ve yaşam tatminleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between burnout levels, communication skills and life satisfaction levels of football coaches. A survey was applied to 120 football coaches who attended to Football Coach Development Seminar that was held in July 2012 in Muğla and 80 surveys were evaluated after removing 40 incorrect surveys. As a result, a negative relationship (r=-.293, p&lt;,05) was determined between communication skills and emotional burnout levels of football coaches. A positive relationship (r=.280, p&lt;,05) was found between coaches' life satisfaction levels and the variable of age and a negative relationship (r=-.275, p&lt;,05) was found between coaches' life satisfaction levels and their education levels. In addition, a negative relationship (r=-.295, p&lt;,05) was observed between football coaches' communication skills and life satisfaction levels. These results show us that the higher communication skills of coaches decrease their occupational burnout levels but increase their life satisfaction levels. Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı, futbol antrenörlerinin tükenmişlik düzeyleri, iletişim becerileri ve yaşam tatminleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Muğla ilinde 2012 Temmuz ayında düzenlenen Futbol Antrenör Gelişim Seminerine katılan 120 antrenöre, anket uygulaması yapılmış, hatalı 40 anket çıkartılarak, 80 anket değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Sonuç olarak; futbol antrenörlerinin iletişim becerileri ile duygusal tükenmişlik düzeyleri arasında negatif (r=-.293, p&lt;,05) bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Antrenörlerin yaşam tatmin düzeyleri ile yaş değişkeni arasında pozitif (r=.280, p&lt;,05), eğitim durumları arasında ise negatif bir ilişki (r=-.275, p&lt;,05) bulunmuştur. Ayrıca futbol antrenörlerinin iletişim becerileri ile yaşam tatmin düzeyleri arasında negatif (r=-.295, p&lt;,05) bir ilişki vardır. Bu sonuçlar bize, antrenörlerin iletişim becerilerinin yükseldikçe mesleki tükenmişiliklerinin azaldığını, yaşam tatmin düzeylerinin ise arttığını göstermektedir.


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    In this study, it was aimed to examine the effect of balance-enhancing training applied to competitor women in different team sports. The sample of the study consisted of a total 36 women competitors studying in the Faculty of Sports Sciences and participating in inter-university competitions. The necessary permissions were obtained for the athletes who voluntarily participated in the study, and the consent form was filled in. Athletes who were injured and had any disability were not included in the study. The average age, height and body weight of the athletes are respectively; for handball player (n=12) (21.5±1.49 years, 170.0±2.26 cm, 64.0±2.68 kg); for basketball players (n=12) (20.6±1.47 yıl, 180.3±3.27 cm, 75.8±3.36 kg) and futsal player (n=12) (24.3±1.25 yıl, 177.8±3.05 cm, 73.8±3.36 kg). In the research, pretest and posttest experimental methods were used. The athletes were examined in 3 groups for 8 weeks, 2 days a week, 8 movements of balance-improving training program, and the change in their balance was examined. In the study, the Y Balance Test (YDT) was used before and after the balance-enhancing training program in women handball, futsal and basketball athletes from the team sports, and the arithmetic averages (X) and standard deviations (SD) were recorded in the computer environment before and after the post-test measurements. Descriptive statistics of the volunteers were taken and subjected to normality test. Peer sample and paired sample t test were used to examine the relationships between sports branches, the level of significance within and between the groups was examined at the level of 0.05. The balance training performed for 8 weeks caused positive changes in handball players (p &lt;0.05) but did not caused any change in the basketball and futsal players. As a result, it was found that basketball and futsal players participating in the research had better balance than women's handball players did. Given the importance of balance in asymmetric sports, coaches may be advised to put studies that develop this feature into training programs.  Article visualizations


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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the Tabata Training Program (TAP), which has been applied for 6 weeks, on some physical and motoric characteristics of female volleyball player The players participated in the study voluntarily in 11 females (age = 15,27 ± 1,10 years, height = 170,27 ± 6,00 cm and body weight = 63,36 ± 6,96 kg) in the high school team. In the study, pretest-posttest experimental method was used. Tabata training is a type of High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) which aims to develop aerobic and anaerobic capacity in sports. The athletes were given 2 minutes of TAP (Tabata et al., 1996) for 2 weeks a week for 6 weeks in addition to their normal training, with a 4-minute exercise consisting of 8 movements followed by 10 sec rest after 20 s maximal load. To determine the effect of TAP; female volleyball's body weight, shuttle, push-up, vertical jump, long jump, 20 mt. speed, shuttle run, balance and flexibility tests were taken as pre-test, post-TAP post-test. The differences between pre-test and post-test (Paired-Samples t-test) were examined. The findings were evaluated at a 95% confidence interval of 5% significance (0.05). . Ön-test ve son-testler arasındaki farklar (Paired-Samples t-test) incelendi. Elde edilen bulgular %95 güven aralığında %5 anlamlılık (0.05) düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir.. Ön-test ve son-testler arasındaki farklar (Paired-Samples t-test) incelendi. Elde edilen bulgular %95 güven aralığında %5 anlamlılık (0.05) düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir. için tanımlar. Ön-test ve son-testler arasındaki farklar (Paired-Samples t-test) incelendi. Elde edilen bulgular %95 güven aralığında %5 anlamlılık (0.05) düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir. için eş anlamlılarTAP before and after the tests conducted was found that there was a significant difference in values of body weight, shuttle, push-up, vertical jump, long jump, 20 m. sprint and 20 m shuttle run. (in order, X-pre-test ± ss, and X-post-test ± ss: 63.36 ± 6.96, 62.45 ± 6.61 kg: 25.73 ± 4.67, 27.91 ± 5.28 repeat: 16, 09 ± 4.50, 19.73 ± 5.85 repetition: 37.36 ± 4.52, 40.27 ± 5.06cm: 158.27 ± 16.11, 166.27 ± 16.14cm: 4, 22 ± 0,22; 4,05 ± 0,16: 584,27 ± 47,90; 635,45 ± 35,95m) p &lt;0.05. Flamingo balance and sit and reach flexibility test did not show significant difference in pre-test and post-test values ((in order, X-pre-test ± ss, and X-post-test ± ss: 9,55 ± 3,72; 9,27 ± 3,61puan: 11,32 ± 7,11; 12,91 ± 5.43 cm), (p &gt;0 0.05). In addition to the volleyball training that has been applied for 6 weeks, TAP has been shown to improve motor skills such as strength, speed and durability of female volleyball players. It will provide significant contributions to the work of the control group in individual and team sports to clarify the effect of these types of training.  Article visualizations

    The effects of 8-week core training on the development of some motoric features among 18 year-old footballers18 yaş grubu futbolcularda 8 haftalik merkez bölge (core) antrenmanlarının bazı motorik özelliklerin gelişimine etkisi

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    The purpose of the present research is investigating the effects of core trainings on some motoric features (strength and speed) among 18 year-old footballers. In the present research, 20 experiment group (age =18 years, body weight =71,66±6,61 kg, height =171,75±5,86 cm) and 20 control group (age =18 years, body weight =70,66±5,74 kg, height =171,75±2,99 cm), the total of 40 certified footballers, who played in 2013-2014 season, participated in the present research.Before the trainings, pre-test scores (sit-up, push-up, plank, vertical jump, medicine ball throwing, 30 m speed) were recorded. 30-35 minute core trainings, 2 days a week, for 8 weeks were conducted on the control group in addition to their regular training. Control group participants followed their regular yearly training program. At the end of the trainings, post-test scores of both groups were recorded by two experts in the field in accordance with the protocol. In order to evaluate the effects of 8-week core trainings of the strength development of footballers, paired t test was utilized for in-group comparisons and independent samples t test was utilized for inter-group comparisons.Consequently, it was observed that 8-week core training in addition to football trainings contributed to the strength and speed development among footballers. Accordingly, core trainings can be advised for football trainers, who work for youth teams of football clubs. ÖzetBu araştırmanın amacı 18 yaş grubu futbolcularda bölgesel (core) antrenmanların bazı motorik özelliklerin (kuvvet ve sürat) gelişimine etkisinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya 2013-2014 sezonunda lisanslı olarak futbol oynayan 20 denek grubundan (yaş =18 yıl, vücut ağırlığı =71,66±6,61 kg, boy =171,75±5,86 cm) ve 20 kontrol grubundan (yaş =18 yıl, vücut ağırlığı =70,66±5,74 kg, boy =171,75±2,99 cm) olmak üzere 40 futbolcu katıldı.Antrenmanlar öncesi grupların ön testleri (mekik, şınav, plank, dikey sıçrama, sağlık topu fırlatma, 30 m. sürat) alındı. Deney grubuna normal antrenmanlarına ek olarak 8 hafta boyunca haftada 2 kez günde 30-35 dk. core antrenmanlar uygulandı. Kontrol grubuna ise yıllık antrenman programında yer alan olağan antrenmanlar uygulandı. Antrenmanlar sonunda grupların son test ölçümleri alanında uzman iki kişi tarafından protokole uygun bir şekilde alındı. 8 hafta boyunca uygulanan merkez bölge (core) antrenmanlarının futbolcuların kuvvet gelişimine etkisinin değerlendirilmesinde grup içi karşılaştırmalarda paired t testinden gruplar arası karşılaştırmalarda independent sample t testinden yararlanılmıştır.Sonuç olarak; futbol antrenmanlarına ek olarak uygulanacak 8 haftalık merkez bölge (core) antrenmanlarının futbolcuların kuvvet ve sürat gelişimine katkı sağladığı görüldü. Bu nedenle bölgesel (core) antrenman alt yapılarda çalışan futbol antrenörlerine önerilebilir


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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Tabata training exercises on the vital capacity of the athletes in 4 weeks. The study consisted of 10 randomly grouped experiments (age = 21.50 ± 1,649 years, height = 174,70 ± 3,772 cm, weight = 76,40 ± 4,647 kg) and 10 controls (age = 21,10 ± 1,449 years, height = 173,00 ± 4,136 cm, weight = 74,50 ± 4,034 kg A total of 20 voluntary university male athletes, including, were performed on two groups. Vital capacity measurements were made by SPIR-O-FLOW (Peak flow pocket monitor) brand spirometer. Initially, vital capacity measurements (pre-test) of the groups were performed and the control group (KG) and experimental group (DG) performed normal swimming training for 4 weeks. In addition to DG 3 days a week, 1 set of 20 seconds of operation, 10 seconds of rest in the form of 4 min. lasting, 2 sets, total 8 min. They applied the Tabata Training Protocol (TAP). The vital capacities of both groups were measured again (post-test). Pre-test and post-test with variations within groups and between groups (paired-samples t-test) were investigated. The obtained findings (0.05) significance level were evaluated. There was no statistically significant difference between the DG (4.99 ± 0.514L.) And KG (4.65 ± 0.389L.) Pre-test vital capacity values (t = 1.332; p&gt; 0.05). There was a statistically significant difference between the pre-test (4.65 ± 0.389L.) And post-test (4.77 ± 0.349L.) Measurements (t = -4.811; p &lt;0.01). A statistically significant difference was found between DG pretest (4.99 ± 0.514L.) And post-test (5.56 ± 0.548L.) Measurements (t = -14,401; p &lt;0.01). A statistically significant difference was found between the average of the higher vital capacity average DG post-test (5,56 ± 0,548L.) And the KG posttest (4,77 ± 0,349L.) Measurements (t = 3,222; p &lt;0, 05). Tabata training, which was applied in addition to swimming training for 4 weeks, improved the vital capacity of the swimmers. Swimming trainers can apply TAP in addition to swimming training to increase the vital capacity of athletes.  Article visualizations

    10-12 yaş grubundaki futbolcu ve badmintoncularda bazı fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması

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    The purpose of this study is aimed to compare some physical characteristics and physiological characteristics of adult footballer and badminton players. The subjects of the study were footballer (18 boys) and were badminton players (12 boys) who were volunteer at primary school in Şanlıurfa. The volunteers', took part in this study, age, height and the body weight average is determined like this respectively:&nbsp; Footballers: 11,77 &plusmn; 0,54 yıl, 151,40 &plusmn; 7,35 cm, 41,83 &plusmn; 10,27 kgBadminton players: ise11,58 &plusmn; 0,66 yıl, 147,37 &plusmn; 8,05 cm, 39,08 &plusmn; 9,56 kg&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, VC, FVC, FEV1 sit-reach 30 meters sprint and left-right hand gripping strength of subjects were measured. The differences between findings which were obtained by measurements from footballers and badminton players were considered with using "t-test" on SPSS Windows 11. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; According to the data, differences between age, height, body weight average, diastolic blood pressure VC, FVC, FEV1, sit-reach 30 meters sprint and left hand gripping strength were obtained pointless, in the mean time relaxing heart rate, and sit-reach test (P&lt;0.01), systolic blood pressure and right hand gripping strength values were obtained purposeful on (P&lt;0.05) level. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In conclusion,&nbsp; physical and physiological characteristics of footballers and badminton players were affected by their sport branch furthermore, relaxing heart rate, systolic blood pressure, sit -reach 30 meters sprint, right hand gripping strength performance of footballers were obtained preferable.Bu &ccedil;alışmada, ad&ouml;lesan futbolcu ve badmintoncularda bazı fiziksel ve fizyolojik &ouml;zelliklerin karşılaştırılması ama&ccedil;landı. Araştırmaya Şanlıurfa Şair Nabi ilk&ouml;ğretim okulu &ouml;ğrencisi 18 erkek futbolcu ve 12 erkek badmintoncu g&ouml;n&uuml;ll&uuml; olarak katıldı.&Ccedil;alışmaya katılan g&ouml;n&uuml;ll&uuml;lerin yaş, boy ve v&uuml;cut ağırlıkları ortalaması sırasıyla; futbolcularda 11,77 &plusmn; 0,54 yıl, 151,40 &plusmn; 7,35cm, 41,83 &plusmn; 10,27 kg ve badmintoncularda ise11,58 &plusmn; 0,66 yıl, 147,37 &plusmn; 8,05 cm, 39,08 &plusmn; 9,56 kg olarak belirlendi. Deneklerin, sistolik ve diastolik kan basıncı, istirahat kalp atım sayısı, VC, FVC, FEV1,&nbsp; otur-uzan, 30 metre sprint koşu ve sağ, sol el kavrama kuvveti &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;ld&uuml;. Futbolcular ve badmintonculardan &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;mler sonucunda elde edilen bulgular arasındaki farklılıklar SPSS for Windows 11 bilgisayar ortamında bağımsız gruplarda "t" testi uygulanarak değerlendirildi. Elde edilen verilere g&ouml;re, futbolcular ve badmintoncular arasında yaş, boy uzunluğu, v&uuml;cut ağırlığı, diastolik kan basıncı, VC, FVC, FEV1 30 metre sprint koşu, ve sol el kavrama kuvveti arasındaki fark anlamsız bulunurken, istirahat kalp atım sayısı ve otur-uzan testi (P&lt;0.01), sistolik kan basıncı ve sağ el kavrama kuvveti değerleri (P&lt;0.05) seviyesinde anlamlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Sonu&ccedil; olarak; elde edilen bu bulgulara bakılarak hem futbolcuların hem de badmintoncuların fiziksel ve fizyolojik &ouml;zelliklerinin yaptıkları spordan etkilenmiş olduğu ve futbolcularda istirahat kalp atım sayısı, sistolik kan basıncı,&nbsp; otur-uzan,&nbsp; sağ el kavrama kuvveti değerleri a&ccedil;ısından performansın daha iyi olduğu belirlenmiştir

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